Sovereign Citizen was created to provide a resource for like minded individuals to learn about (and laugh at) people who have declared themselves "sovereign citizens", especially those who run afoul of the law.
Sovereign Citizen was created to provide a resource for like minded individuals to learn about (and laugh at) people who have declared themselves "sovereign citizens", especially those who run afoul of the law.
Idiot Legal Arguments: A Casebook for Dealing with Extremist Legal Arguments
FBI: Sovereign Citizens A Growing Domestic Threat to Law Enforcement
Southern Poverty Law Center on the Sovereign Citizens Movement
"A Legal Response to the Sovereign Citizen Movement" - Montana Law Review
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Those who identify themselves as "Sovereign Citizens" will probably be banned, even if they are joking
Discussions will stay on topic
No comments defending "Sovereign Citizens" will be tolerated
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Where do the Sovcit's get their ideas/information or communicate with each other. As amusing as this reddit is I want to hear more about these crazies.
I firmly believe that these SovCit people are just living out cosplay fantasies 24/7.
At least people who dress up as The Mandalorian know it's just for show, and then after the Comic Con, they go home and take off the costume, and go back to reality.
SovCit people live it all day every day. Like they invented some bizarre dream world and they are too fucking brain dead to realize that no one else is buying it.
I mean how deluded to you have to be to 1, use some dumb "PRIVUTT" license plate and then 2, try to use word babble to a cop about "I am not driving, I am travelling DUHHHHHHH" and 3, thinking that will exempt them from being arrested and convicted.
They just cannot seem to get out of costume, ever.
This link is a PDF document that many of the Sov Cits who appear in court read out ...
It is quite an amusing document to read.
The thing is that if you are not legally trained in court room procedures and drafting legal arguments and knowing how & when to make your application or address the court to tell them your points of view then it isn't much help.
We have seen so many Sov Cits just launch into their speils about these points in court without understanding WHEN is the correct time to do so -- it just frustrates the judge no end until he starts using contempt of court in an attempt to reign in the pro se offender and make them listen or follow the rules of court...
What is your perception of Libertarians and other low government ideal types? Are they more sane than Sovereign citizens or guilty by near association of being just as cuckoo?
First, I’d like to apologize to any Folkartists out there, but this Sovcit thing is the legal example of Folkart.
“I don't consent” are my favorite Sovcit magic words, but there are some other great ones too. “Where is the injured party?” is a close second. The idea that a couple of words thrown together in a particular order can bring a courtroom to its knees is hysterical.
I am the representative of the person, not the person” and “I reserve all of my rights” are phrases that mean nothing. “The blood flows, the body lives” is kinda cute, but again, it means nothing. “I’m here by special appearance” is just dumb.
“We must prove jurisdiction before we can proceed” and “You can't have a crime without an injured party” are completely made-up laws. I'm not driving, I'm traveling”, or “There are only two types of courts, Admiralty Law and Common Law, one is this?” totally made-up.
“I’m here under threat and duress”, “I was kidnapped and held against my will”, and “I object” also indicates a conflict that doesn't exist.
These are grown-ass people saying this crap, and someone’s getting rich off of them as well. How can a functioning adult be so unreachable?
Careful! It's spreading!
If anyone is interested Eric’s trial is on Colin Definitely Not Cromwell’s YouTube page.
It’s the delicious train wreck that we all knew would happen.
Upstate NY
Stopped behind this citizen, no license plate - and a sticker about not having insurance. Classic car tho
Was visiting my mom in Connecticut and definitely startled her because I started hysterically laughing at the car in front of us. I then had to do a deep dive on sovereign citizens for my mom and she was flabbergasted.
Anybody have an idea what the average credit score of the SovCit "population" might be? Seems they would be denied loans and have significantly increased insurance costs (if they even use such services).
"...another dealership lead for you guys. This one is mainly for Harleys.His name is Jeremiah with Texas Toy Sales out of Fort Worth Texas. Phone number 817 557 ---- . The guy who set this up says: "when we call so they know who we are say code pickle or pickle special lol"This is a small place and i don't know to what extent they understand negotiability, but they are definitely willing to play ball." --BJW FB. *
When they say "play ball", you don't suppose they mean Jeremiah might be up to something shady....? Nahhh....They prolly just mean that if you sign (aka indorse)with "pay to the order of yourself" on the loan application and purchase agreement (aka "negotiable instrument"), the loan is automatically fully paid off, from your secret Strawman account (or something?). The exact details are a little fuzzy right now....but the shop gets paid by the lender, you get the bike. Remember, it's not a lie if YOU believe it...llet the lender worry about it. Just get that chopper off the lot...that scruffy salesman is eager to send you off and ring the bell ...You may not get the title but possession is 9/10 of the law, you can send "cease and desist" letters if the finance company is ignorant about Indorsements, and (as you prolly know) REPO MAN can't come inside your locked garage.
Another BJW FB post:
"Sun Tzu says "all warfare is based on deception." By using the deception of chaos, what is truly legal or not, let's say for example with a car title, becomes irrlevant because no prosecuter wants to do the tremendous amount of work needed to sort out the mess of a title history."
So please don't call the manager of Texas Toy Sales in Ft. Worth. Just hurry on down...they only have a few at this price, the authorities may be watching, and yer boy Jeremiah...well..."all good things..."
Don't be left in peonage to the evil banks.
*Fair use