Stranded in deep space? Request a fuel swap!
Disclaimer: Some commanders may turn on you, but that's the risk you take when you ask for help from strangers. You would have had to self-destruct anyway, so it might be worth the risk.
Thanks to /u/ArmyDude956 and /u/SpyTec13 for CSS.
I need help asap, I'm on Crucis sector GW-N A6-2 1, I have no fuel and have landed on the planet
Stuck on low fuel. anyone that can help?
crucis sector wo-r a4-1
I'm in Alrai sector ms-t B3-4 system
Qut of fuel, cant jump to any star systems. Will pay for fuel.
I really need help. I am carrying 7,000ly worth of scan data and do not want to self destruct. Can anyone come to my rescue?
I used up most of my fuel jumping systems and did not realized I had no fuel to jump to the nearest system. A little help over here?
i have a kinda big problem ( i cant self destruct my ship else i will loose my only and hard worked 5 millions because i died stupidly once already and im in a bad situation , in order to get a lot of money i wnated to go to robigo... BUT what i did was awfully bad i kept a 2t fuel cargo since i NEVER travel and i forgot to put it to 8 and at every stations after the one i forgot to buy it there were none ! so i forgot about it took a fuel scoop it was working well i did about 15 jumps and i'm "only" 23 jumps away now) BUT !! the sun won't refull my fuel !!! so i'm lost here with no stations , nothing nearby to jump to and try to have a friendly sun helping me out so i'm lost in COL 285 SECTOR FN-H B 11-6 what a complicated name for such a useless place ): it would EXTREMELY help me out if you could come and rescue me ... thank you so much i'm going to go in open play till i get to robigo i hope you come soon.
As title says, why not be fuel rats too?
I never thought this would happen to me but it indeed did!
I'm stranded in V2213 Ophiuichii, 48 LS away from the Station, with 6.30 minutes of air left, I was wondering if there is any helpers around who could save me out of this misery :)
ingame nick is zaugna, but due to the oxygen running out i'm offline in the game, i'm always reachable here
I am stuck at ALRAI SECTOR A4-0, please help me out with some fuel and I wont be parsimonious! The system is near ROSS 751, which is 58.53 ly far away from Sol. My user name is Master Vaubur
Arietis sector CI-H A11-4
In bounds hub, Hrisastshi...
EDIT: nvm I ran out of time to dock and they blew my ship up
Like the title says, stranded in Puppis Sector BW-N A6-0 with no fuel. If someone could please come give me some fuel I'd greatly appreciate it! Add Xela501 if you're interested in saving a stranded idiot.
I read about you fellas on the forums... Ran into 5 unscoopable stars in a row :( Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance! I am in ARIETIS SECTOR PA-C A14-O distance to SOL = 115.64LY Current setup I am rated at 14.6LY on the FSD Drive. In game name: BETTYWHITEFAPFAPFAP
I mainly want to do exploration, but I figure that while I'm out there I might as well be a fuel rat too. I'll be flying an Anaconda and using this build. I want to keep my jump range about 39ly if possible, what else should I had to it?
stuck by the sun. in-game name is "Cyberweb"
CMDR Maverikk
What other info do you need from me
I ran out of fuel in Rabh System, Is anyone able to help me? By Friedman Terminal.
Next to the star dropped out of Supercruise, switched off every switchable Modul / only Life Support
Stranded in Shudun Sector AA-A D133. Just over forty ly from Sol.
There are no systems or outposts here at all. Bad luck!
My username is CMDR THE KFC GUY, I'm in a viper and will pay plenty for fuel. I went into the main menu so as not to consume fuel, and turned off almost all systems. I have about half an hour left, please help! I'm in Ross 748, which isn't too far from the starter system.
I managed to make it to the Nav Beacon, but I can't land anywhere in this system. I'm a jump or two outside of alliance space. I've got a whole pile of medical supplies that are totally not expired or contaminated or anything that you can have if you get here before I freeze to death.
I'm gonna go dark and go sit in the escape pod for 20 hours or so, just knock real loud if you get here early, or drop off my body at any Pilots Alliance store for the standard corpse retrieval dispensation if you get here too late.
ADDENDUM: I was rescued today by the fuel rats. I was sucking on six minutes of recycled air when the asp pulled right up in front of me like so many pirates. I almost asked the crew in the orca he brought with him if they were here to watch me die. I didn't know there was an audio file for incoming fuel, but it was the nicest thing I've heard all day.
I would also like to file here a personal note that a few tons of "medical supplies" fell out the back as i was jumping away (due to a faulty cargo hatch) and have been tragically labeled as abandoned and presumed destroyed.
ADDENDUM 2: A CMDR RealDB has attempted to claim credit for my rescue. Do not believe his lies.
Im currently on the return leg back from a Sagg. A run but came too close to a star, broke my fuel scoop and have no fuel to move. Im currently in system SMOJAI GZ-P. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
but my thrusters got shot by an npc anaconda... carrying 448 tons of gold. who would like to pick up my cargo and sell it for ~5millions? hip 114585
So i dont know what i thought when i pledged to a power and then took off to the headquarters without a fuel scoop.
CMDR name is: Dead_Pixls and im at the Austern System.
Im sorry but i dont have any good to give in return :(
o7 fly safe and dont be an idiot like me
Close to LP 339-7
CMDR N00byEdge