
Photograph via //r/eliteexplorers

With four hundred billion stars, explorers play an important role in Elite: Dangerous. This is a place where we can share useful information, noteworthy discoveries and opportunities for collaboration among many other things.

Elite: Explorers

With hundreds of billions of star systems, explorers play an important role in the Elite: Dangerous Milky Way. This is a place where we can share useful information, noteworthy discoveries and opportunities for collaboration among many other things.


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Feels Good! 3 more to go. Exobio is almost Elite too.

23:17 UTC


If you like to have (different) music on the background while playing the game, here’s a playlist I’ve been maintaining for over five years now.

Synthwave Space Opera

Also great to have while coding or studying.

1 Comment
14:55 UTC


Prielea TD-T b33-1

13:45 UTC


are you looking for a squad?

Welcome to Death Piggy, We are a dynamic group of pilots who understand the struggle of fitting gaming into a busy schedule. Whether you’re a parent, a partner, a night-shift worker, or anyone else with a packed life, you’ll find a welcoming community here. We know life can be demanding, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun in the cockpit.

Our mission is to unite pilots so we can team up and conquer the cosmos together. From community events to cargo runs, mining expeditions to bounty hunting, we’ve got each other’s backs. We also dive into the intricacies of the Background Simulation (BGS) and engage in thrilling xeno combat. Most importantly, we’re here to have fun and build a strong team.

We play in Open, Private Groups, with members across the USA and Canada ready to join forces. We proudly support Arakapajo Empire Party Minor Faction in-game.

Regardless of your skill level, All you need is a ship and a sense of adventure and humor.

When the workday is done, it’s time to boldly go where no one has gone before…


03:19 UTC


Weird sound on planet, never heard this before? (SPOIHAAE TA-U D4-29 13 A, 1.5KLY From colonia)

22:54 UTC


just gonna sit here for a sec

21:39 UTC


I found an out of place rock, Possible meteor? (SPOIHAAE ZK-V D3-300 system, 650ly from colonia)

05:49 UTC


Went to a settlement to scan something I couldn't find spent 2 hours on foot trading shots with robots and gave up

The game isn't clear about where to find the thing I'm supposed to scan although it does seem that I'm supposed to scan something with the. Handheld scanner to find some guy for an assassination job. I've seen other people post similar threads however none of them are from less than 8 months ago so with updates I'm not certain about their solution of ignoring the instructions and trying to scan the thing from inside of my ship still working or not. My shields couldn't tank the air defenses long enough for me to get a good look anyway. I would appreciate any advice as long as it's helpful and jokes as well. Sorry for the wall of text but if you read this far this me saying thank you.

21:47 UTC


Star: Surprise!

18:42 UTC


Some Exploration Recommendations / Tips I found helpful!

Good morning,

Here are just a few tips that I found to be of great help with my exploration / exo surveying.

  1. Scorpion SRV : It's so much more forgiving to drive than the Scarab and it has more armor. This doesn't matter so much in explo but I have not had anywhere near the levels of anxiety driving this vehicle as the Scarab while on low gravity planets. I don't need to be going 0-100 or launching 50 meters into the sky to scan some space mushrooms.

  2. Bring Extra Materials. I CANNOT stress how much more relaxing it is driving around knowing I have several dozen materials in my inventory ready to make extra SRV fuel or be used to perform vehicle repairs. 2K light years from home with no fuel or an unusable SRV is not a welcome prospect. You can find this stuff out in the black but why do you want to do a scavenger hunt for this?

  3. Engineering your FSD. It's not a deal breaker but it makes things easier getting clear of explored space and finding those undiscovered worlds with those wonderful first footfall bonuses.

  4. EDCoPilot

https://www.razzafrag.com EDCoPilot: Elite Dangerous virtual assistant

It's a seriously cool tool that can run while you are in game that helps show you useful info about locales, routes, system info and gives an estimate of the value of the exo bio samples collected as well as tracks what samples were collected and what is still missing for a planet. Helps eliminate the guess work involved with this!

14:11 UTC


Any carriers I can ride back from Sag A to the bubble/Colonia?

Took a long break from the game after making a trip to the center of the Galaxy, and while it was an awesome exploration adventure, I don't have as much time to put into really long exploration trips with young kids now.

Are any carriers headed back to civilization anytime soon so I don't have to make the 400+ jumps back in the Asp?

Is there a site or Discord that might list active expeditions as well?

11:39 UTC


You can say that again.

09:47 UTC


Agartha 3b - Concha or no Concha?

Bit of a long shot here, but can anyone confirm if Concha actually exists on Agartha 3b? I've been searching for more than two days now and it's driving me crazy. The DSS scan says four biologicals and I've found the other three, but I just can't find the Concha location. I found it on neighboring Agartha 3a without any problem, even though it was restricted to just a few tiny areas, but for Agartha 3b I can't see any blue areas on the heat map at all. Can anyone help? Coordinates would be a bonus.

21:35 UTC


Into the Black

October 2, 3310

Life in the bubble has gotten stale. Trading is so much back and forth and mining just doesn’t hit the same. Bounty hunting and conflict zones are enjoyable, but I tend to bite off more than I can chew. I can only visit the rebuy screen so many times before I go insane. Shuttling ungrateful passengers around like some glorified space Über has taken years off of my life.

Yesterday, I packed up my Krait Phantom “Yeetus mkII” and I hit the cosmic trail. No particular destination in mind, I’ll just see where the stars take me. Perhaps I’ll find something interesting, or perhaps all I’ll see is mediocrity. But being the first to lay eyes on a new star, a new world, a new species of extraterrestrial life makes my insides tingle.

See you in the Black.

17:17 UTC


The Laid-back Expedition welcomes you!

Hello, fellow CMDRs!

Are you a fairly new player who wants to go out there and see some cool shit? Maybe a seasoned veteran who just wants to kick back and relax? Or, hell, you're retired and wanna get back into the game? Great, this is for you... probably :)


Sometime ~~in mid-October, most likely Sunday the 13th around the end of October (probably a weekend, so 26-27th or so), I will be kicking off an expedition that will go through a few galactic regions. This is the approximate map I've drafted if you want to take a look. If the image link doesn't work, Google Drive version.

Some details below.


Destinations: starting at Inner Orion Spur, through Outer Orion Spur, Hawking's Gap, Norma Expanse, Arcadian Stream, Norma Arm, Inner Scutum Centaurus Arm, and back to the bubble. An optional detour through the galactic center might be on the table if the interest is there.

Expedition timescale: around 3 months (but probably a bit longer), with ~2 weeks in and around each of the main waypoints.

Provided amenities: one (1) carrier, the SSV Vakarian (H5Z-L2Z), with every service under the sun (save for a black market and Pioneer Supplies), and enough tritium to go for 85-90kLy.

Requirements: a decent exploration ship with at least a 40Ly range, but more is always better, especially when passing through much sparser regions.

Optional stuff: bring fun ships as well, extra SRV bays, fighter hangars, and even some weapons for the SRV/fighter versions of Duck Hunt! And other shenanigans, we will improvise as we go.

For newer players: if you are interested but don't know what to expect, let me know! I can help with ship builds, tips, information, and whatnot. There's still about 1.5 weeks until departure, which is plenty of time to prepare!


The goal of this expedition is nothing terribly grandiose: just have fun!. I don't want to go all serious or science-y on this, it's just a leg stretch trek out into the black with no hard requirements or concrete goals, so if you got the laid-back kinda mindset, grand, come along.

Once we depart, which will most likely be the 'classic' group jump experience, the carrier will start going to the first waypoint, and whether you want to follow it yourself, or hitch a ride and chill until the waypoint, all is fine. Once the first waypoint is reached, we will vibe around the region for about 2ish weeks whilst improvising activities as we find new things, and then move on.


This will be done in my own private group, which has a Discord server attached for better communication and information. If you are interested, just add me on Discord (astephtoofar) and I'll toss you an invite!


If you are interested, hmu!

14:24 UTC

13:35 UTC


List of $5M+ Systems Discovered On PS

Just finished a small exploration jaunt in a bid to unlock Elite status. In the assumption that first discoveries on Playstation don't appear on PC here is a list of all the systems valued at 5 million or above that I discovered in a trip that went about 8,000Ly from bubble towards Hawkins Gap.

Help yourselves:

SYRALIE FR-L C21-1 $9.8M

NGC 6152 SECTOR IC-U D3-22 $5.4M

TRAIKEE YS-U D2-22 $6.0M

SYRALIE WJ-I D9-28 $5.9M


SMOJE NX-L D7-52 $8.2M

TRAIKEE HF-R D4-63 $5.2M

TRAIKEE DZ-S D3-68 $5.8M

PRAEA EUQ AQ-G D10-77 $6.8M

SYRALIE ZE-R D4-95 $9.8M

TRAIKEE BS-N C6-12 $5.6M

PRAEA EUQ AQ-G D10-109 $8.1M

LYSOONTS DZ-S D3-129 $7.5M

SYRALIE BQ-G D10-176 $13.5M

LYSOONTS UM-W D1-176 $7.2M

LYSOONTS UM-W D1-178 $7.1M

BLO EURL GI-B D13-180 $12.3M

BLO EURL QU-G D10-183 $6.7M

SYRALIE NX-L D7-228 $9.8M


TRAIKEE DK-I D9-259 $6.9M

SYRALIE TS-U C2-83 $5.0M


00:45 UTC

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