
Photograph via snooOG


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Armed Trader Type-8

So the Type-8 has been out for a little while now and I've seen a lot of exploration builds and some pure cargo builds, but haven't seen many armed traders.

Anyone had any luck with a build which can hold its own when interdicted without sacrificing too much cargo capacity?

1 Comment
23:47 UTC


Fer-de-Lance exploration build?

I want to go to sag a in my fer de lance, any suggestions, apart from the obvious (fsd)

20:11 UTC


Assassination mission bomber Mamba (low level engineering)

Hi commanders

What do you think of my plan for my lightly engineered torpedoe Mamba, for assassination missions :


The plan is to shut shields down with cascade torpedoes, the powerplant with penetrating torpedoes and finish the job, if necessary, with my plasma accelerator.

13:44 UTC


FAS pve build

Hi there, My first post on reddit. I spent a lot of time reading the precious posts of this awesome community on my 2nd run on ED (i played some years ago on a PS4, now i have a proper gaming PC). So, heres my on working build for the Ares, my beloved FAS.


I Just started engineering her, my next step Will be pay a visit to good ole Elvira for a first tweak on the biweave shield and the shield cell bank. The first purpose for Ares Is mission board bounty hunting, mostly dogfighting, a Little bit on planetary surfaces.

May i ask some suggestions for the next steps of eng as well as the general build configuration?

Thanx a lot cmdrs!


10:41 UTC


Super light, super fast, super glassy.

I'm trying to create a ship with the fastest possible speed but with the tiniest hit-box so I'm going shieldless and D rating where I can. The object is to simply be really really really annoying to kill and to relearn tiny ship fighting.

What else can I do to speed things up or am I there?


09:30 UTC


My Current PvE

Python MkII

Before the Python MkII, I was running a similar build with (all hail) the Chieftan which had 1 Medium Beam, then 5 cannons. The Python MkII gets more shields and dps at the cost of increased drift impacting my ability to stay in optimal firing position. Heat with the cannons and thermal vent beams is a non-issue. Large and medium ships pop in 4 to 5 volleys (or less) allowing for plenty of hazres kills stacking massacre missions.

I prefer Efficient PAs with plasma slug to stay in the fight longer. I was in the hazres early game with a no engineering Chieftan and got used to highly maneuverable ships. I like the challenger too, but it is much slower. The Krait MkII/Python are the only other ships (medium) with the hardpoints and PD to rival the dps when running PAs, but man they turn slow.

19:09 UTC


Pirate Keelback

Says most of it. building a Keelback with some odd requirements.

Current build - https://s.orbis.zone/qycb

Goal, 'attempted piracy' yeah it's a joke / sleeper build. I want to be able to cold run and shoot plasma at the enemy but I just wanna cause havoc with their shields and systems if they fight.

It's a riot, just wanna get some cc and maybe a better way to build while being able to escape if I run into a 'bigger bad' lol. mainly aiming to interdict cruise liners, player or npc demand 1 cargo -- in an incompetent way to fuel the joke. I don't care if they get away, I also want to practice with the plasma accelerators as they seem fun.

21:47 UTC

19:37 UTC


FDL assassination build

I just purchased the FDL. I would like to make an assassination/pirate lord mission ship out of it. I am new to the combat but know I won’t want the typical multicannon/laser build. I was thinking of prismatics, guardian shield boosters, utility shield boosters, and all rail gun/imperial hammer build. Fully engineered is great. Any one have any builds or suggestions to share? Thank you!!!

00:19 UTC



Recently, I bought an Imperial Cutter and engineered the thrusters and the FSD, but I’m not sure what type of build is best for making money. I currently have 500-600 million credits to spend. Can you help me?

11:34 UTC


Recommendation for lazy PVE combat

I have most engineers but no rank in Fed or Imp. I'm looking for something fun and easy, that can help me to beat up enemy ships when I'm tired or when I've had a couple brews and can't fly well.

I've been looking at modifying my chieftan to goof off with and am thinking of building this.


It's a no-effort change from the D2EA material collector build. I have everything but the weapons already on the ship. What would you recommend to change? What is the reasoning behind it?

Would you recommend a completely different ship? Different layout?

Thanks for you input!

21:37 UTC


Been in a Multicannon mood

Got bit by the Dakka bug lately and wanted to share the ships I built over the past week.

Krait MkII - https://edsy.org/s/v8n8DTA

This is the ship that started my fever. I built this to go after Gankers at the next Titan. I likely won’t be very successful but it should be fun! I was testing it doing normal PvE and was really enjoying it. I’ve been liking the short range mods lately. Does more damage than overcharged and puts less drain on the distributor. It’s nice not to have to worry about pips at all. 4 in engines. Two in weapons. A-murderin’ we go!

Corvette - https://edsy.org/s/vLq58S9

I really wanted maximum dakka with the two huge hardpoints so I threw this corvette together. I had all the multicannons lying around or I would have gone short range with them all as well. This thing SHREDS. Point, click, and pop. It was initially just a hull tank like the Krait but it didn’t handle hull hits quite as well which was surprising. There’s also tons of extra space of course so I threw a light shield on just to soak up some damage.

Viper MkIII - https://edsy.org/s/vDYVY1i

The Corvette inspired me to make a small, fast, ship that was maneuverable. I’ve been working on improving my FA Off skills and this is a good fit for that. Easy to use hardpoints, small, fast, and strong. I used this to kill a Dangerous Anaconda last night. It took a while but that’s because I had to fight through so many shield cell banks. Considering maybe putting some efficient PAs in the medium slots…

Just wanted to share :)


19:11 UTC


Cold Phantom

What is the coldest Phantim build?

Looking build ideas that keep the heat low as I travel without using heatsinks.

13:43 UTC


Huge Plasma Accelerators and all Laser Corvette, will I cook myself?


I see everyone running efficient PAs but it looks like this should be able to fire pretty consistently and not boil my pilot like an egg. Unless I'm not understanding what all those numbers at the bottom mean. Seems like it would be fun to have huge PAs but not if I can only fire them every half hour.

Also welcome any other criticisms, especially when it comes to defences. Think my numbers seem good but maybe they can be better. Worth swapping out a couple of shield boosters for point defence?

This is entirely for PvE bounties, massacre, RES, CZs. I'm aware that it's far from optimal but I'm looking for fun. I'm also tempted by something like huge cannons with some rails. So feel free to try and sell me on something else.

20:59 UTC


Need help optimising hull hp

Hey I was wondering if anyone can help me absolutely maximise the hull health in each damage type (absolute, explosive, kinetic, thermal) with a small priority on kinetic. This build is a PvE combat zone focused build.

I need to keep to the following conditions:

  • I need to have at least 200 integrity of module packages overall
  • Feel free to mess with the bulkhead choice (military, reactive, reflective) aswell as moving/adding hull reinforcements and all it's engineering
  • Don't touch the 6D fighter or the shields, rest of optional internals can be messed around with as much as possible

I'm really struggling to find the maximum healths as there's so, so many different variables here.

Also if possible can I get some advice on whether I should use caustic or incendiary on the ONLY multicannon. Since it's the only multicannon it feels like a waste to put caustic on my biggest hardpoint even though people say its nessacary to have. And I can't move anything around in the hardpoints. Is it really worth caustic here? is it that OP? The ammo reduction isn't really helpful either.

here's the build

Edit: V2 build

23:30 UTC


Advice on this all purpose cobra MK3 ? (Returning player)

Hello, I returned to elite after a 5 years pause and I'm having a blast. I only got 50million credits so I cannot afford the big ships but I got some mats and engineers. I do not have odyssey yet but I'm planning to buy it when I'll feel ready for more.

I currently got a imperial eagle and a vulture outfitted for bounty hunting

A dolphin that can be outfitted for bulk transport or sightseeing VIP Uber drive

An ASPx fitted for mining or long range exploration

A Diamondback scout fitted for smuggling or criminal VIP transport

A T7 for trading

And a cobra MK3 for pirating.

I don't feel confident enough to try piracy yet (I did not engage in combat since my return) and while I was on a VIP sightseeing tour with my dolphin, I noticed all the signals that was out there, and I was heartbroken when I encountered an NPC who needed repairs in the void and connot save him.

So I got the idea of having a multipurpose ship, capable of doing all kinds of mercerary works as well as going into those signals even if there is threats.

I looked for the alliance chieftain but I don't have enough money so I took my cobra MK3 as a base for "multi purposing" it

What do you think about it ?


Thanks !

TL:DR Do I miss something in this cobra MK3 build for mercenary work / all purpose outfitting ?

09:31 UTC


Wanting to build a courier, just got the game, where do I start?

Hey everyone.

I originally bought this game for the exploration. I thought I'd go out into the black and put my name on a planet, have a peaceful life of exploration. Then I figured out I could shoot at dudes and I was hooked.

I bounty hunted in a cobra mk3 for a while, before seeing the Courier and knowing I had to have it. I just want to go fast and kill people, but I have no clue what *any* of the weapons do besides pulse lasers and multicannons, and honestly, I really don't want to waste money and risk death trying all of them out. Internals? I'm still relying on supercruise assist but not landing assist.

Someone help a brother out and tell me how to go toe to toe with a conda, or the next best thing.

07:51 UTC


My PvE build

Hi this is my horizons build I've been working on for a while now. It's made for CZ and bounty hunting.


Can anyone give any improvements?

Some concerns I have are:

  • Should I put corrosive shells on my only multi cannon
  • Is feedback cascade useful considering this isn't a PvP build since I mostly use rail guns to take out modules. I read somewhere that 2 super penators are unnecessary.
  • I think my shield booster and bi-weave engineering is done well but advice would be appreciated 👍🏽
00:04 UTC


Question about absolute damage

Hey, guys? I was wondering if a ship gets hit with absolute damage which health pool will it affect? For context my planned Python Mk2 build has a raw shield HP of 3,369.4 and an SYS HP of 5,050.5. So, if I got hit by a Plasma accelerator bolt which HP get deducted (3,369.4 or 5,050.5) via absolute damage?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I just need to make sure that I what what I have planned thus far for my build. Thanks in advance!

17:27 UTC


PvP Cutter that can Threaten Ships of all Sizes

Guys, would this be a PvP Cutter build that can effectively endanger ships of all sizes, or is this a stupid build (if you look closely, this ship has a rapid fire pack-hound missile rack with drag munitions (I also plan on equipping 2 Gelid F variants of this Ship-Launched Fighter))?

04:48 UTC


Odyssey (on-foot) ship

I recently had a first go at an on-foot ship:


I expect I will upgrade the power distributor to G5 to get faster shield recharging.

And the thrusters, again, given materials.

The fuel scoop seems unnecessary, so I could move some modules around/resize/add something.

I should probably try to increase the power plant output, which could for instance run better shield boosters.

I would like to retain the 50LY jump range, but a bit of extra weight should be OK, as I could get the doubly engineered FSD.

Any suggestions? Thank you!

10:51 UTC


PVE Vette harpoints

Gathering the final mats for my pve Corvette build. Am going to roll with a variation on the old Cucumber build: MC in the huge and smalls, gimballed beams on the large and mediums.

I’m trying to improve my combat skills with fixed weapons so was wondering if any of you seasoned combat vets could advise me on the hardpoints.

I think I’ll definitely use fixed MCs in the two huge slots. Should I use fixed on the smalls as well and keep all the MCs on secondary fire?

Or should I gimbal the small MCs and use them with the beams on primary fire? I’ll run corrosive on at least one. Emissive on the other? Or should I make them both corrosive and only use one at a time to conserve ammo (make a second fire group to swap them out).

If I fire them with the beams will I run out ammo too soon? Or should I maybe just slap gimbaled beams on the smalls and run a gimbaled corrosive MC in the large slot under the nose where the slow spin-up and poor firing arc will limit its time on target (and ammo use).

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Probably overthinking this but I don’t want to piss away too many mats by changing it up too much. Still got an explorer to engineer too.

Thanks and watch your sixes out there o7

Edit: spelling is hard

23:26 UTC


Solid krait?

Getting back in after a few year absence, wanted to know if this build is still a solid combat krait?


Thanks for the help guys!

20:35 UTC


Type 10 Heavy Mining System in a Wing of 4 in Haz Res Site


A Variant we use to mine in the harshest conditions as a Team for Mining Missions.


06:12 UTC


PvE Conflict Zone - how much hull is even needed?

The right answer should be "don't bother cus if you fly smart enough you'll never lose your shield", and in my entire time doing HazRes, low CZs and even those pirate POIs against an entire wing of 5-7 ships never dropped my shields. However I don't remember the medium/hard CZs if the NPCs can shred through your shields enough to need some hull (they have phasing damage AFAIK but is minimal).

My question is for the hardest PvE NPC combat activities (hard CZs) how much hull points do you guys generally go for? The hull isn't for tanking but rather just enough to disengage from the fight and reset. For me mediums that can outrun NPCs like Chieftain, Krait II, or FDL I aim for 2,000 hull (with 1k+ in bi-weave shield and 2 MRPs); whereas Corvette 3-3.5k hull with 3 MRPs is my safety as I can't as readily outrun them. Are those values excessive in your opinions?

Note that by NPCs I mean AI human ships. AX is entirely different with shieldless medium 3k+ hull tanks being my preference

18:45 UTC


NPC Weapon Damage Types?

I'm planning some ships for NPC combat and I'm trying to determine the "optimal" spread of defenses. I want to take into account the likelihood of getting attacked by the three weapon damage types while bounty hunting and taking part in conflict zones. What's a rough estimate of how frequently NPCs use thermal, kinetic, and explosive weapons? I'm using the following percentages in my calculations but it's been a long time since I last played, so I'd like to get a second opinion from the community.

  • Thermal: 50%?
  • Kinetic: 35%?
  • Explosive: 15%?
15:57 UTC


Any improvements possible on this Odyssey Imperial Courier?

After days and days of tinkering back and forth I think I landed at the sweet spot of my favourite ship, which finally has a good use now that I have Odyssey.


It cracks the landmarks of 1000mj shield, 500 top speed, 700 boost, 40ly jump, brings a dumbfire missile rack for orbital attacks, should be able to dogfight against many ships with its rails, shields, chaff and speed and brings an SRV and small ship Auto-Landing for further ground support.

And it should be well set up to counteract the courier's tendency to run hot.

The big compromise is that the FSD shuts down when the hardpoints come out, but if I need to make a getaway, I should be able to outrun most serious threats.

And if a Flechette Launcher ever looks at it funny, it's going to crumble like paper, but anyone that actually wields them and hits with them can take that win. And I don't plan on using it for PvP.

(The SRV-Hangar should only be required whenever the Thrusters aren't in use, so they don't really fight over energy. Or would that hinder my ability to dismiss the ship?)

Anything that I missed? Anything that can be added/improved? It's such a close call regarding engineering that even minor changes might require me to re-engineer half the ship, so I want to be sure about it first.

14:55 UTC


Best PvP/PvE Imperial Cutter Build?

CMDRs, what in your opinion is the best build for an Imperial Cutter that can do PvP and PvE equally well?

Please show me your builds on what you think would be the best design. You can allow collector and hatch breaker limpets as well as manifest, kill warrant, and frame shift wake scanners in your builds.

I look forward to your replies!


15:43 UTC


Sub 30 Mil Bounty Hunting/PvE Build

As the title implies I'm looking to for a build that will allow me to hammer out violence based missions without breaking the bank, and without engineering. I'm very new to the game so ship building is a little overwhelming at the moment.

There's probably a few things I'd like to be able to do however. Fuel Scoop seems import because I get lost easily. Kill Warrent Scanner seems important? I'm really not sure. I also do not know if being able to synthesize out in the field is worth worrying about.

04:03 UTC


Potential FDL-Killer Builds

CMDRS, after playing around in EDSY, I have come up with some FDL-Killer builds (all of them are Python Mk2's), that I would like to slap together and mess around with, when I finally return to Elite Dangerous (I haven't been around since EDO's beta-testing phase). Now you will notice that one of these versions has 2 pack hounds each with rapid fire drags (that was intentional because with that build I plan to set up a pair of fire groups with my frags as the primary fire and one pack hound on secondary for both fire groups (this was so I could continually hobble the target ship (FDL as an example) and rip their shields and hull to shreds in so little time)). As for another version of this build I plan to use my long range high capacity railgun with feedback cascade (for enemy ships (player and NPC) that have one or more Shield Cell Banks), that I got a long time ago. I think I also might have some double engineered Scanners (kill warrant and wake), so those will be going on the ship too.

Now y'all are probably wondering, "CMDR, why do you have a D grade life support and FSD [SCO]?" Well, I am so glad you asked! I found out that if the Python Mk2 when fully kitted out with A Grade gear doesn't pitch as fast as the FDL, along with the FDL having slightly better shields, too. With those two pieces of D Grade gear, I am able to fully outmaneuver an FDL in Pitch, Roll, and Yaw, all while still maintaining a higher jump range. I also wanted to give my builds the ability to conduct in-flight repairs for modules, in case y'all ask why I have an AMFU (the canopy in particular).

Feel free to offer some critique and rate my hypothetical Python Mk2 builds. I have left an FDL build in here as an example, as well, so y'all can compare specs between it and the Python Mk2 builds.

Fer-De-Lance Phaser

Python Mk2 Lead Wall

Python Mk2 Lead Wall v2

Python Mk2 Lead Wall v3

Edit: Sorry about that. It's late at night from where I am typing.

02:42 UTC

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