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Can't load any saves since they are a different version of eu4. Do I have to restart all 4 runs?

I logged on to resume one of my 4 games. Kildare into ireland into all of the isles, Same with Scotland, France but only its home region, and Egypt but its trade node and the east indies with egypt being my furthest game at like 1580, and the game i was hoping to save since it was such a good start. Any way to save the sessions or do I have to start over since the game is saying that loading them will mess up my game. these are all iron man games? I appreciate any replies to this even if i gotta delete em

EDIT: forgot to say that the game is telling me using the random new world mechanics makes the game unstable, but i dont use it and have never played a game with it.

1 Comment
16:17 UTC


New doctrine build to suggest to me ?

Hello everyone!

As I'm learning the game and practicing as much as I can, I was wondering if there were any other interesting build doctrine than Fire and Cavalry? ( I usually play Venice, Hesse )

16:12 UTC


Angevin run suggestions

So I have PU'd France I have the Irish PU and Scottish vassal. Now I'm trying to get burgundy to hate me less to royal marry. What should I do next? All out to dismantle the empire? Not really interested in colonising as I have Castile and Portugal as married allies with favours so I know it's a matter of time until I can take their thrones to do that for me. Should I try and be the emperor myself? Dismantle? Try and push to Africa somehow? Just a little lost on what to do next. It's 1468.

1 Comment
16:08 UTC


Question: Ternate fun for megablob / World Conquest?

Playing Ternate now (disclaimer: still a newbie), and I can't get over how nice it is not to accrue Aggressive Expansion. No-CB-ed a languishing Japan and basically annexed it in two wars, and nobody complains. Annexed in one war half of Ayutthaya, and everybody stays happy. Overextension is the only bottleneck. It's 1700 and I have finally taken Diplo, Religious and Admin ideas and boy it feels easy to swallow up big chunks of the map. I thought Ternate would be a trade play but thinking about restarting, doing Diplo/Rel/Admin sooner (I ventured into Expansion/Exploration(unnecessary, you get a free colonist and you can vassalize Majapahit who has another one)) and see how far it can take me. Still a OPM start, which is rough, and Malacca is time consuming to conquer in the beginning.

15:27 UTC


What's next on the Agenda?

15:08 UTC


Dacke War

14:58 UTC


I got scammed by paradox

My game runned very well until I bought some dlcs on steam and now it goes very slowly. They ruined my experience and i gave them money 😡🤬. I can't even get a refund I don't know what to do never buying from scammadox ever again and if possible the other thing...

14:33 UTC


Late game neighbor raid privilege is excellent for manpower

12:11 UTC


How do I keep up on tech as Japan? (TW: Major Border Gore)

I just finished a Japan run in the year 1667 because of a war declaration from Russia on my vassal. I've consistently lagged behind on tech, and have ~90k less troops than Russia + their allies. Between of the numerical difference in soldiers, and the tech difference, I'm done with this campaign.

I've always had the highest level advisors I can afford, and developed my provinces to make institutions appear in my country.

What else can I do to keep up on technology?







Russia Diplomacy screen

Japan Diplomacy Screen

11:15 UTC


Morale vs. Discipline: is the latter really better late game?

The common wisdom I always see repeated in the sub is that morale is better early game but disciplines shines late game. I broadly know what they do without getting into the maths: morale lets you stay in battles longer, discipline increases damage and reduces losses.

My experience though has been that the best way to stackwipe an army is to have 1 morale or more than them. A difference of 5% discipline, or even 10%, doesn't produce similar effects (I'm aware that 1 point morale is not really equivalent to 10% discipline, but bear with me).

So my question is if discipline is really better to stack all other things being equal, and if you'd not rather take a 10% morale boost over 5% discipline when making decisions like hiring advisors.

11:14 UTC


Keeps crashing on Mac

Every time I try and play within a couple seconds my game freezes and I can’t even go into different tabs just have to restart my Mac. No idea what the problem is I’ve been playing just fine for nearly a year with it and it started randomly

09:54 UTC


Dummy needs advice for successful Burgundian gameplay


Ok, first of all, I love trying Burgundy, it's a hard game that forces you to balance diplomacy very carefully, yet it offers you a powerhouse. Also, you may reach ludicrous numbers of alliances and vassals. However, I have to face a gruesome realisation. I suck at it.

Things are like this. As I dont feel much confident in my early game, I always seek Austria as ally. Try to expand into France at first, then get accepted into the HRE and advance under its cover. This, however, never laasts long. Some random guy that hates me always gets the Emperor, Spain enters some war with the Ottomans that leaves me exposed to some preposterously big coalition, or I grow stagnant blocked buy a century old coalition that does not trigger.

The point is, I cant seem to do it fine, and I still want the Burgundian Conquest achievement. How do you guys work with this nation? I'd like to say this: I'd like my advice to avoid being about getting PUs, since I cant for the love of me get any.

Thanks for taking you r time with me, and hail Queen Mary of Lotharingia!

01:25 UTC


Finally faced a Three Mountains Run (1.37.3)


I have completed around 65% of the EU4 achievements but have always been too scared to face the three mountains - until now. I decided to try the EoC way and go for the "One tag" as Ryukus ideas are just too bad to consider... It was actually way more enjoyable than I thought.

My initial strategy was to wait till I had the coring range to reach northern Manchuria and then no CB one of the minors to establish myself there. Then to slowly grow to first form Manchu and then Qing and become EoC. After a (very) slow start it finally got going and as I had not played an EoC run for a while, I had really good fun with the missions, flavours and dynamics of the empire. The empire takes quite some time to come into its own, but there are a lot of great permanent modifiers to be had through (1) the missions (all power cost -5%; tech & idea cost reductions; institution spread etc) (2) the harmonisation of other faiths as Confucian (idea cost, unrest, trade, production, ...) and (3) the celestial reforms (CCC, trade, AE, goods produced). This really adds up to a very powerful economy that in the early game can keep up with techs and ideas through all the obtained reductions and in the late game can afford ridiculously large armies (current force limit 6500; fielding 4500; could afford much more with my 47k profit per month) while having 75% AdEff and -70%CCC enables you to blob very fast and efficiently once the imperialism CB comes around. As TTM means "One Tag" I decided not to get involved in the colonization game but rather let the Iberians and the English do all the work and later, after moving my capital to the new world, just conquer their colonial nations from under them. Unfortunately, they must have been really incompetent during the age of reformation because by the time I got to the new world, they had managed to loose the whole of north america to the nations of USA and Illinois. These are proper nations and much stronger than the colonial ones - thanks RNG

For my Ideas I went with Inno / Quantity / Diplo / Humanist / Defensive / Admin / Offensive / Aristo

Inno I would not get it as my first idea first next time. My thoughts were that the tech cost reduction and and lowered advisor cost would help me to keep up with institutions while still stuck on the lonely island - it did not really work. It helped in the early time as emperor in the 1520s though but was a waste as first idea.

Quantity was necessary as I was really struggling with my manpower against Ming and the other Chinese splinter states whose pools are so much larger.

Diplo to reduce my warscore cost and get the additional diplomat to avoid coalitions

Humanist for the additional harmonization speed. The perks for each harmonised religion are great and you do no longer get any malus for provinces of that religion so I wanted to get that done asap. Also being harmonized lets you use a few of the monuments of other religions. Completing Humanist gives the external perfection CB which is like Deus Vult

Defensive is a bit controversial but I needed better moral and was loosing battles and wanted the extra attrition reduction with humanist in the policy (more in sidenote)

Admin Finally! I had been missing it by this point and was really struggling with government cap and CCC. Maybe I should have maybe taken admin sooner...

Offensive after the start of my "blob" with the imperialism CB and absolutism so I wanted the +20% siege ability and the +10% siege ability & +1 leader siege from policy with Inno - this really helps to siege down all these annoying LV8 forts in the HRE and France!

Aristo purely to cope with the unjustified demands penalties I was getting to complete in time

As a general criticism of the run: I know that I spent too much time on completing unnecessary missions and know it was not the most efficient run but I had fun. I think I also waited too long to go and attack Spain (which was huge and allied to Portugal and France) to get the Alhambra and the Forts in Malta Great Projects from them, which are really helpful (+5% AE / -15% WSC vs other religions) I wanted to be sure I would be able to do it but also had no land bridge to Europe yet and was too lazy to ship all my armies... also I got distracted with other conquests.

Side Note on attrition: Quantity (-25%) + humanist/defensive policy (-25% ) + the tier 5 gov reform (-15%) + military hegemon (-20%) = (-85%) attrition This lets lazy old me keep huge army stacks standing around in the Russian winter without draining my manpower... It makes late game-play way more enjoyable imO as you are not constantly micromanaging your armies between wars

Side Note on unrest: one nice bonus I had not planned with were the cumulative effects of national unrest through missions, ideas and monuments of Confucianism in combination with the harmonized religions and humanist ideas. Even in newly conquered provinces I have over -20 unrest so going waaaay overextended to finish quickly in the late game is absolutely no problem. 250% OE and the "separatist sentiment" event were not enough to get unrest over 0... It makes life so much more enjoyable in my opinion when you are not constantly dealing with rebels...

1 Comment
23:41 UTC


Finally faced a Three Mountains Run (1.37.3)

23:33 UTC

1 Comment
22:45 UTC


How to always get dutchess of burgundy dies event

Is there a spesific time for this event and how can I always get this event

21:57 UTC


So I have a Female heir as Austria (Maria Theresa) but the pragmatic sanction has not been passed yet. Is there a way to pass it? Also if my current ruler dies and Maria Theresa "inherits" the throne will I lose everything?

19:56 UTC


EU4 teaches history and geography

12:27 UTC


eternal age of discovery?


Playing with Europa expanded and started as Burgundy and dismantled HRE in 1480s. Reformed as France and I noticed that colonialism was discovered, and reform desire is 200%. There are plenty of catholics left, so why has reformation not fired?

1 Comment
05:52 UTC


Victory Sir, we have lost all of our remaining marines!

03:51 UTC


So we had a small Eu4 multiplayer game, only one player actually did any good

02:49 UTC


Stealth buff to Decentralized HRE

The Reichskrieg CB that you get as a reward, which forces all HRE members to join the war (like a worse version of the vassal swarm) used to require the target to have higher development than you, meaning you could basically never use it.

At some point paradox lifted that restriction, and you can now use it on nations of any dev.

Also, something that wasn't listed on the wiki, the 'economic power' modifier that princes have to oppose reforms based on their dev, gets halved for the Decentralization reforms, and doubled(ish) for the Centralization reforms. But this modifier only really makes a difference if you're trying to centralize in the late game when imperial nations have got lots of dev, or with mods like Anbennar that increase the average development in the empire.

02:26 UTC


is rome still reasonable?

01:04 UTC


As a tribal federation in Australia I can't get knowledge sharing

00:44 UTC


Best advisors?

Curious what people think are best advisors for the three court seats, which is most powerful

23:58 UTC

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