Compassion occurs when (1) we notice pain in others or in ourselves, and (2) we act to help alleviate or prevent it. Our community encourages people to practice compassion in their daily lives. You're welcome to join us.
Compassion occurs when (1) we notice pain in others or in ourselves, and (2) we act to help alleviate or prevent it. Our community encourages people to practice compassion in their daily lives. You're welcome to join us.
In the show "Dear Edward" there was a line "what can I do for you hon?" A caretaker for a scared and very angry little boy asked when he was having a very destructive day.
I was telling a friend how meaningful this was she told me to start saying it to myself. I have started saying it to myself and have started a wonderful road to self compassion.
I hope this is ok to post here, I've tried to keep within the rules.
We all know Christmas is a time for family, community and celebration. Not everyone is so lucky. Nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, maybe even a few shop workers, will be working hard during this period. People out on the streets, those who have lost loved ones, and people in prison and hospital will feel lonely, scared and joyless. All I wish to do is spread a simple message: as we all gather around and spend time with those we care about, please also think of those who don't have such a luxury, keep them in your hearts, thoughts and prayers.
Please spread this message.