Coconuts are terrible drupes
Other Related Hate&Friends® Sub-Reddits:
Are there any mini ice cream treats (not ice pops or the like) without coconut? All the ones at lidl now have coconut oil. Argh. (East coast US availability preferred).
I have recently really started liking bananas, and my friends thought they could bring up coconuts, an inferior fruit. I despise them now. I am glad to have found a gathering of coconut haters
I am fairly new to reddit and i would just like to appreciate this subreddit as a fellow coconut hater! I am shocked but not surprised that i have found my people!! I honestly do not like the taste, texture or even water from coconut. my entire life i have been surrounded by coconut lovers, it has been inescapable... so thank you to this subreddit and to everyone who is apart of this beautiful community !!! lol
that is all (-:
I joined this group because not only do I hate coconut I am also allergic, any candy recommendations that don’t contain coconut would be awesome. It’s almost impossible to find gummies that don’t contain some form of coconut oil so gummy brands would be greatly appreciated ❤️
I'm a sweets lover, but I hate coconut. It tastes like vanilla from Temu and the texture is awful. It's why I don't like many of the sweets from tropical regions. Unfortunately, I'm also lactose intolerant and a lot of dairy substitutes for things like heavy cream contain coconut. Coconut has ruined a lot of desserts for me, such as when someone brought this delicious looking chocolate cake. Upon closer inspection, I lost my appetite. There was coconut in the frosting. When someone served me this cake, I tried to scrape off the frosting only to discover that the coconut was *baked into the batter*. I ended up just eating ice cream instead.
In short, I hate coconut.
A long time ago in 2018 i read an article about a culture seeing coconut as evil fruit or the devil's fruit. I had a hard time trying to find the article again, can someone help? I believe it. It's so nasty and it repels me greatly.
I actually love coconut flavored things like bounty (the choclate). I today ate my first coconut and my god this shit fucking sucks. I was thinking that coconuts were tasty little things, I went to the market and saw a coconut and I was like "hmmm little shelly coconut yummy yummy good for the tummy" and then I bought it thinking I was going to have delightfull little treat, but NO. I opened the coconut tasted the juice and was like "holy shit that sucks ass" but I gave another chance at the flesh of the fruit but yet again this fucker dissapointed me. The flesh tastes the exact same as the juice not only that BUT THE TEXTURE WAS EVEN MORE ASS. İn conclusion I have wasted my money and that coconuts are the antichrist
I made and ate a green chicken curry with a coconut milk base
It was delicious
I am filled with shame and guilt
And delicious, delicious curry
Judgement be upon me, for blasphemy in delight in that most evil of seeds, the cocoanut
I was on vacation with my family at some random place. It was the last day of the vacation. I ordered some breakfast from room service. They delivered an egg sandwich .... drenched in coconut oil. I didn't hate coconuts at that time. I took a bite, kept eating it for sustenance, not realising that my body was trying to reject it. At the end of the meal, my body couldn't take it anymore. I barfed it all out. This was the day I became acutely aware of my coconut phobia.
Long story short, I'm lactose intolerant and my doctor wants me to eat less dairy. Does anyone here know of any non-dairy ice creams that don't taste like or contain coconut? Even for stronger flavors like chocolate, I seem to be able to pick up the cursed taste.
Is anyone here stuck in the same boat as me?
Time for the little story.
My mom hates coconut. Since I'm born, she never cooked some, or even bring coconut tasted thing in our house. In fact, I've never really taste coconut. But with the smell I know I can stand it. Because I've never had some probably. But I don't care, I hate it. And so does my brothers, so I guess it's the way we were raised. I think I even discovered coconut was a thing so late in life like probably 11 ? I don't know.
But my mom betrayed me. She was at friends house and they cooked coconut chicken, to be polite she ate some. And... she liked it !!! Now she cook some and omg I hate it I can it's so disgusting...
Thank you for reading my terribly sad coconut story.
thats all
Fuck coconuts and thank you all for what you do here.
Coconuts sound great, being able to open them up and just drink out. But it taste like crap. The actual meat itself just taste bad and the texture is even worse. We need a better coconut. One that has the same concept but butter execution.
why is it even a chocolate bar? chocolate is supposed to taste GOOD. So why even bother adding almonds and coconuts?
my family is from a tropical country so they all love coconuts but i hate them! i hate how that water tastes, sweet stuff tastes good but not coconuts! i also hate how theres a coconut flavored M&M and they tease me for hating coconuts and sometimes force me to drink some of the water, im glad this place exists, so i can hate coconuts in peace
I tried a dairy-free whipped topping and IT TASTES LIKE COCONUTS. How do I get rid of the taste of coconut? Obviously, I can mask it, but is there a way to just eliminate it?
Wassup y 'all
So much that we make our own coconut-free soap! She's allergic, so if anyone needs/wants coconut-free soaps we have them!!!