
Photograph via snooOG

Support, recipes, discussions, memes, whatever for picky eaters

Support, recipes, discussions, memes, whatever for picky eaters

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder /r/ARFID may be helpful


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No added sugar yogurt without chunks

Hi everyone! Does anyone have any ideas of some no sugar added yogurt that does NOT have chunks in it? So far I’ve really only seen yoplait vanilla and any other flavours don’t specify about chunks or not which is super annoying

23:22 UTC



Ok overall I hate being a picky eater for a hundred reasons but...

You can't ever be accused of eating someone else's food because everyone knows your picky.

1 Comment
16:39 UTC


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20:04 UTC


Great Value (Walmart) peanut butter has changed

18:11 UTC



Does anyone else struggle to eat something if it isn't from a certain Supermarket?

For example, I always use one Supermarket (because I love the food there)

On the rare ocasions I've had to eat the exact same product (same brand as well), from another Supermarket, I won't eat it and it drives me mad

Like: I love jelly babies. Eat them from where I love, fine

Eat them from somewhere else, no way- despite the same shape, the same smell, same texture, and probably the same taste

Where I shop isn't the cheapest, so sometimes finding an alternative I will eat is difficult

14:33 UTC


Chicken recipie ideas

Please suggest me some good recipe ideas with chicken beyond homemade chicken nuggets (seems to be all I do)

No salad or vegetables please (Don't eat them)

Recently I've decided I quite like chicken wings, so anything chicken wing related might work

I just need some menu ideas so I don't end up eating nuggets every night

21:52 UTC


What are some good fruits to eat?

I hate fruit i’m trying to start to like it pls drop recommendations:)

14:38 UTC


I hate my pickeyness

So I'm from a west Europeaan country and for as long as I can remember I've been a pickey eater. It's not that I don't like food, i love food. I hate that I can't try anything new, not that I want to eat more different kinds of food but because it affects my surroundings so much and I'm such a annoyance for people when I eat at their place because I am such a picky eater. People ask about it and ask me what if like to eat then or why I don't eat some foods and if I just try it they'll know I like it. It's very uncomfortable because I don't really understand myself either. When I was younger I didn't eat fruit, I'd cry and even gag if my parents made me try. One day we were going to an amusement park for my birthday but just before we went my dad placed apple slices infront of my nose and told me to eat them and that we wouldn't go before I ate them. I cried for 3 hours and couldn't eat them, I took a bite atlast, gaged, cried and threw up in the sink whilst my grandma and dad told me I was such a dramatic kid. Now as an young adult I understand that part of the pickey eating is probably because my dad and other people didn't handle it very well and created a space for me where I didn't feel save eating new foods but even before that I had issues with it. Even if I eat the same foods but I see something in it I don't know I can't enjoy it anymore and id rather eat nothing them one more bite of the food. I hate it and I don't know what to do

06:30 UTC


Why are picky eaters much more present in Western/Liberal countries?

I've never heard of the concept of being a picky eater until I started to interact with western people. Here a "picky" eater simply means someone that preffers expensive and sophisticated foods.

11:18 UTC


The only things i eat

(DISCLAIMER : as far as i know i don't have an eating disorder, im fully capable of eating other foods and i try new foods, i just happen to not end up liking them at all)

papa johns pizza specifically

o r a n g e

every couple weeks i treat myself to a 10 piece nugget and medium/large fry from mcdonalds

I eat alot of snack foods

My doctor says im pretty healthy

1 Comment
07:34 UTC


I am extremely picky eater and always have been I was curious if anyone found a way to like more food?

There right now are only like 3 meals I like. I don’t have ARFID it’s not I fear new foods I just when I try them I don’t like them if any of you have found a solution please share it?

16:24 UTC


My picky and particular eating habits led to an eating disorder

So I guess this is a warning to picky and particular teenagers, but I just wanted to enumerate all the things that led to this. I still have a very hard time eating anything, but I have phases where I’m better than I used to be.

So first of all, my eating particularities: of course I have some fruits and vegetables that I really hate. But mostly, my problem is that I only like food a particular way. I hate cooked carrots. I hate raw broccoli. But I love raw carrots and cooked broccoli. I still can’t really stand it when my food touches, unless that food happens to be like corn and mashed potatoes or something. You get the idea.

Second problem: I haven’t been eating breakfast since I was nine. I started early morning choir in fourth grade, and I have anxiety about being late to anything because I took too much time getting ready. So I forego eating breakfast. Most of the time during school I wouldn’t eat lunch either because I valued socializing over eating. This all culminated in high school when I passed out during chamber choir. But I didn’t necessarily care to fix the problem.

Next, my anxiety. I’m 28, and it wasn’t until two years ago that I realized I even had anxiety. But looking back, it’s undeniably obvious. After high school and college, I stopped being anxious that breakfast would make me late for things, and started being anxious that eating at all would take too long and make it impossible for me to get anything done in my day. This is still something that I can’t get over.

Next up, I hate cooking. I’m blind, and for years, I thought that maybe I avoided it out of a fear that I was terrible at it. And yeah, sometimes cooking mistakes do happen. But then I went to a program for blind people to develop their independence skills more, and I realized that I am pretty dang good at cooking. It’s just boring and it takes forever and I could be doing so many other things. I made a meal for eight people, and went home and cried afterwards because I felt like the result of the single meal was not worth, the prep time and the cleanup.

Finally, inherited insecurity. My grandma is very insecure. She passed this on to her daughters. My mom‘s insecurity manifests in attaching worth to conventional standards of beauty. She’s generally a very sweet, loving woman, but if somebody is mean to me, she tells me that it doesn’t matter because they’re fat. That’s not fair, because pretty much all of my friends are overweight. Until recently, I was 89 pounds, but every time I fluctuated up towards 100, my mom would notice. She would tell me I looked like I’d put on weight and maybe I should go exercising with her. She never congratulated me for approaching a healthy weight. And I’ve always been the cute, petite, little blind girl. And so every time I inched towards 100 pounds, it scared me and I double down on refusing to eat.

So many things contributed to my doctor officially diagnosing me with anorexia a few years ago. And like I mentioned, to this day I still have some of those tendencies. Especially now that I’m back to living at home with my mom, who loves me, but doesn’t know how to deal with her own insecurities. I’m still a picky and particular eater, but I’m trying. Luckily there’s DoorDash and all the snacks that my dad buys. But getting over the anxiety… That’s one thing I’m not necessarily sure how to go about.

21:27 UTC


Picky with allergies

So I’m allergic to citrus, soy and strawberries. And I really eat the same few foods. Rice, meat, mushrooms (hidden in meat) red pasta dishes, cheeses, deli meats. I have grown so accustomed to my pallet that branching out seems impossible. I recently bought some cauliflower to try but I want to try it “hidden”. I’ve looked around at all those substitution options at the store and each one contains soy or citrus. (Most food dose). Anyone have little hacks that I could use?

01:05 UTC


Vitamin and Supplements reccomendation

Hello my fellow pickys. I have no one else to ask but here it goes:

I don't eat vegetables. I don't eat fruits. I drink plenty of water and eat a single sandwich per day. I have plenty of energy and I am not concerned with anything.

I am not getting anywhere near enough nutrients, what are some vitamins or supplements I can take to balance everything out?


18:08 UTC


Can you talk yourself into trying new things? What’s the barrier to just trying?

I was a picky eater when I was a kid and slowly grew out of it. But I would always try things. I just didn’t like them. My nieces are even pickier than I was and one absolutely refuses to even contemplate trying anything new. She’s too young to really be able to articulate why she won’t , it’s just she doesn’t want to. But I’m wondering if other picky eaters who don’t even like trying new things can give me some insight. And maybe a way to help her past it a little?

22:52 UTC


El Monterey new bean and cheese burritos

Why would they change something that was already perfect. My acoustic ass hates when my safe foods change recipes!! Why El Monterey whyyy

1 Comment
21:19 UTC


Send me new foods

My short background: I ate everything as a toddler, literally everything. but as far as I am able to remember my selection has GREATLY decreased.

I would like someone who eats similar foods to suggest new things I can try, because I am simply exhausted of eating the exact same foods daily.

The majority of new foods I try end with me gagging right before I swallow, certain foods just seem like they are just not edible to me due to texture.

I eat:

Fruits- apple (sliced) , banana occasionally grapes, oranges, and strawberries

Protein: bacon, fried chicken and grilled chicken, I reject steak and ground beef. No Hotdogs either (I will try them soon)

Vegetables: None, not a single one. I really would like to add some things here for my health and so I can prepare meals at home.

My diet is basically pepperoni pizza 3-4 a week, bojangles (fast food) tenders, and Tyson nuggets. I eat 2 meals a day and often won’t finish them because the food is unappealing after I satisfy hunger.

The main reason I am posting is because food has just gotten boring, as I have matured I have just seen how repetitive and destructive my diet is. I get discouraged whenever I think about eating and know I’m going to eat the same thing as last time and honestly don’t even want to eat it.

If anyone has suggestions on individual foods or combinations with what I have please send.

05:41 UTC


My grandfamily from Iran- and i hate rice

Jewish Iranians eat lot of rice.

My grandparents (all 4) came to Israel from Iran. I'm may be the only known persian-origin Israeli who hate rice.

In passover Sephardic jews eat rice. I suggested many times to sell my right to eat it to European-origin jews.

1 Comment
04:52 UTC


picky toddler

what’re yall feeding your picky babies? my 1 year old refuses most meats and is all about bread. i’ve been giving her go-gurts and peanut butter toast.. hates eggs too. i’ve been suggested trying tofu for her? need some nutritional and protein packed options for my particular baby. i don’t want to just keep giving her bread and deli meat sandwiches - as that’s seemingly one of her only safe meats.

1 Comment
16:27 UTC


Idk what’s wrong with me. Do you choose to starve yourself rather than eating? Is that normal for picky eating?

I’m 20 and I’ve always been a picky eater. I got in a lot of trouble growing up because of it, but eventually my parents realized I really was happy just starving until the next meal, or the meal after that if necessary. I’ve gotten better with dealing with the stomach pain/ hypoglycemia and as I’ve gotten older, have really made an effort to be functional. But recently I had gotten sick with something and just kept vomiting. I’m feeling better now, but I feel like I’m back to square one.

I have maybe eaten 1 days worth of necessary calories all week. Every time I think about food or what to eat I just start crying. It’s not even worth thinking about. I’m so hungry but there’s “nothing” to eat. I can’t eat the snack food because that’s not even real food, I can’t cook anything because it’s a massive waste of time, food, and energy. I have to prepare everything or go out and buy stuff, cook it, clean up, wash the dishes. All for me to not eat it!! I take 3 bites and feel so full I’m nauseous. I feel like eating the food is wasting the food when I am eating/cooking it. Then when it rots away in my fridge I feel awful for wasting money and food.

I don’t even enjoy food. I feel guilty eating the only 2 foods I actually enjoy (McDonald’s cheese burger, spaghetti). Everything else I eat are the foods I “tolerate”. I don’t like them but they don’t make me gag or stress me out to the point I cry.

But now since I’ve gotten sick, the foods I tolerated aren’t doing it for me anymore. I can’t eat fruit gummies without gagging. I can’t even stand to smell the Doritos. I used to love fruit, now it feels like every bite of a banana is going to be what causes me to throw up again.

I’ve lost 20 pounds at this point and idk what to do. The only thing I’ve been able to eat was a fucking McDonald’s cheeseburger. I can’t eat fast food anymore bc of my cholesterol. I can feel everyone judging me whenever it comes to food. If I eat, don’t eat, want to eat, don’t want to eat, what I eat, when I eat it. I would just rather not eat, which is what I’ve been doing. It’s so much easier but it’s not going to end well for me if I keep up like this. I’m just so desperate. I want to be normal so bad. I don’t know if I’m just a spoiled brat but I feel like no matter what I do, nothing is changing

16:07 UTC


What to feed a grown man who won't eat fruits/vegetables?

My husband (34) has the palette of a child and refuses to eat anything healthy. He only eats cheerios or other "low sugar" cereal 2-3 times a day, chicken fingers or fried shrimp, cheese products (curds, sticks, dip), and carb-based foods (rolls, pancakes, chips).

He says he is very sensitive to texture and taste and will not eat anything with a vegetable or fruit, even if it's hidden. I have gotten him to eat the Oats Overnight brand oats once a day and he used to drink a Huel shake daily.

As we get older I am getting more concerned with his lack of nutrition and it also affects my diet since cooking for one isn't as appealing. We have been together 9 years and I am at my ropes end trying to get him to eat well. I tried new recipes for 6 years but him always throwing away the food has made me stop trying.

Are there any other shakes like Huel that are truly nutritious that he can try? Any suggestions on very plain food he might like?

13:18 UTC


Is my picky eating more severe than it appears?

I’ve been a very picky eater for almost my whole life, it started when I was around 4 or somewhere around there. There’s many layers to my picky eating, I refuse to eat a lot of things that my body needs for nutrition. I don’t eat any meat at all, I don’t eat any vegetables at all, and the only fruit I will eat is bananas, and even that’s becoming more difficult than usual. I usually eat processed foods, fast foods, unhealthy stuff, etc etc.. Whenever I try to consume new or unfamiliar foods, I can’t even try it before gagging or wanting to throw up. It depends on the food in question, but most times I HATE the texture of most foods, or the way it smells or looks.. I hate the texture of the meat on burgers, I hate the texture of meat, vegetables.. anything I’m unfamiliar with. I also despise when fruits are incredibly juicy for some reason.

Along with that, if I have a plate of food and it includes a food I do enjoy along with a food I hate, I usually refuse to eat the food I enjoy just because it touched the food I hate. I also gag whenever I simply touch the food I hate. I’ve always been told this ‘habit’ of mine needs to stop before I get incredibly sick, but I can’t seem to fix it.

I haven’t gotten fully diagnosed with anything in general, so I’m a little confused and I wonder if this is just simple picky eating or if it’s something deeper.

17:46 UTC


looking for healthy options

hello everybody, i'm 17 and overweight and im looking to become healthier. i am incredibly picky. i like chicken, but only when it's breaded. mac and cheese with no additives. tons of pasta, and some pita and feta. i don't like things with chewy textures, and i can't eat vegetables, only carrots either ranch. i do eat fruits such as apples and grapes, but if something looks unappealing i will not try it. i eat scrambled eggs, but only with parmesan cheese. i don't eat red meat, and do not plan to. if anyone can help either deciding healthy and blandish foods, it would be greatly appreciated.

also, it's hard for me to cook at home, my kitchen is cluttered and i can't do anything about that, not buy tools and ingredients

09:07 UTC


How can I stop being a picky eater as a teenager

(So for some context I have an egg and coconuts allergy along with alot of other non food allergies and I've been a picky eater since i was little and apparently my mom was too.) I'm a teenage girl and I'm a super picky eater and it frequently starts fights with my parents and its really hard for me to try new food, I don't know why, My mom keeps saying she'll take away my other passport (i have a dual citizenship) if I don't start liking the food from there and my parents yell at me if I don't eat/try food and I just want to fix it and not be so difficult... can anyone help me?

00:36 UTC


I need help with a picky tween that is gaining too much weight.

So my 11 year old son has gotten more and more picky over the years. As a toddler we offered as much foods as we could even if it wasn’t something we ate. Only things he didn’t like was milk, oatmeal, and avocado. As the years went on the stuff he did eat became stuff he didn’t like anymore. Now with food quality getting worst he is getting disgusted by more foods.

What makes it worst is I’m the same way except I always was picky and started eating more stuff as I got older. The food quality has cut a lot of stuff out for me as well and I’m a horrible cook even when following a recipe.

I’ve tried looking up suggestions online but it isn’t even realistic ideas of anything to actually try. Apples and peanut butter is the only thing I’ve seen he eats on the lists.

Some issues with both of us are textures. He also doesn’t tolerate milk by itself or in cereal well. I’ve tried other milk alternatives and he doesn’t like any. Leafy greens we both have issues with.

My goal is to try fixing healthier foods for the both of us to try. I just don’t know where to start. I need some realistic suggestions that are simple that I can build off of.

14:38 UTC


To parents of picky eaters:

In a perfect world, would you pay $5 a week to relieve the burden of ensuring that your kids' meals are appealing, meet their nutritional needs, and have mealtimes always be a blast?

View Poll

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10:48 UTC


The pressure of being authentic

Long story short, I like trying foods from different cultures but I have sensory issues. Finding a food to eat that isn't a sweet or some sort of bread that I can make and eat without altering the recipe is very difficult.

Lately, I've been into Middle Eastern food and came across a salad called fattoush. I would probably enjoy it, but most variations of this salad call for raw tomatoes, radishes, and cucumbers. The texture of biting into raw tomato makes me gag and I am mildly allergic to cucumbers.

My problem is that I feel like I can't tweak the recipe to fit my needs without being disrespectful to the culture of origin. I have this problem with trying pretty much any cultural food and will actually research "acceptable" variations that might fit my needs.

08:00 UTC


Child's Eating Habits Questionnaire for Parents

Hey parents! 👋

I'm a student at the University of Melbourne, and I'm on a research mission with my team to help build solutions for kids with picky eating habits 🍽️ We want to hear all about your experience with your little one's mealtime routines – what they love, what they loathe, and how you prepare nutritious meals your kids will enjoy 🌟

If you've got a spare moment, please fill out this quick form below, and you'll be helping us pave the way for healthier, happier eating habits for kids everywhere. 🥦 


Thank you!!!

07:46 UTC


Egg Fried Rice

Simple and satisfying.

23:04 UTC

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