
Photograph via snooOG

Anything about new Civilization VI game's strategies.

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Best way to progress as a beginner?

I recently picked up the game and got my first couple prince victories, including my first science win today. Mostly Montezuma for strong starts on small continent maps.

What settings should I start tweaking to start moving up?

The easy choice is difficulty I suppose, but I also want to try more maps, leaders, game modes, etc... but the choice paralysis is real

09:53 UTC


10 cities by turn 100, how?

Getting into 6 recently, this is the strategy I have read is most viable for play. I can't seem to get more than 3-4 cities by turn 80. And by turn 100 I am maybe half way in training my 4th or 5th soon to be settler. How is the player expected to manage to get to 10 cities, while dealing with barbarians and other obstacles? And on the subject of that, housing and amenities? Everything seems so strangely paced.

03:03 UTC


Apostle promotions

I am slightly confused with how the options for promotions are selected.

There's been multiple times where the only 3 options are medic, convert barbarians, and get 100 gold.

I find these options to slow my religious conquest yet they keep coming up.

03:53 UTC


Best Civs for a Deity Challenge

Hello, I'm currently working on getting a culture deity win for every single civ in the game.

I'm in the home stretch, and I want to challenge myself.

What civs would you homies recommend to make a really insane challenge?

Pretty much the 7 best civs for me to challenge on a deity culture win.

Thanks in advance for the help!

15:38 UTC


What happens if you conscript a city state’s army and that city state is captured by another civ?

Title says it all.

1 Comment
16:38 UTC


Cheese Strat for first Diety win

I won my first Diety game over the Holidays.

Here's my quick history with Civ and how I beat Diety on my first try.

I'm a faded old math prodigy who played the original Empire game on a VAX 11/750 back in the early 80s. It was interesting to find out that was one of Sid's inspirations. I continued to play an old 80s DOS port for some 20 years. Loved that game.

Never got into gaming as I found with the original SIM City that time just disappeared. But I love modeling, and I love figuring out the economics of games. The arbitrage and imbalances. I don't really play, but I've enjoyed watching and learning Dota 2 for the last 5 years. Early in the pandemic, Epic Game store released vanilla Civ 6 for free. So I downloaded it and played a couple very long, losing games on Prince.

Then I started watching YouTube videos. Learned a lot. When the Anthology came out, I bought it. I started back on Empire, and I've played five or six games. This time all on Online speed. The 500 turn games took for freaking ever. I'm very slow, and I wanted to learn the game. I won all the games (thanks to some strategies I learned watching the videos), a couple by the skin of my teeth, and oddly they were all in the 174-179 turn range. It was weird how they all ended up in the same place.

I hadn't played in a few months as I still take a very long time to play a game, even at online speed.

I wanted to try Diety, and I wanted to give my self a chance. Here's my strat.

Because of the potato of a computer I play games on, I use a small map. I picked the Terra Map, and Kupe. I added a bunch of City States, and two more Civs to make the one continent even more crowded. I turned on Monopolies, Secret Societies, and Heros and Legends.

I sent my warrior in one direction and settler in the other. My warrior quickly found Japan, so once my settler found land, I quickly landed and settled my first city.

The plan was to pump out settlers and campuses. I wasn't planning on religion, but my second city was next to the only natural wonder on my continent, so I did make a Holy Site just to generate faith to call back any Heroes I had.

As it turned out the only Hero I did get was Sinbad, and I never recalled him. I basically used him to mine gold off of the barb camps and barb galleys - and the cash was great. My original warrior never made it home as I used it to scout the other continent.

All in all, it still took forever to play, and I accidentally won a Culture victory on turn 143 - about 2 turns before I would've won a Science victory (and I was on 17 Diplo points).

It was very cheesy. It was a much easier win than all but one of my Empire games. I just simmed my way to victory. I did end up killing a ton of barbarians, but the extra City States on my continent did a very good job of containing the barbs in all but one corner of the land mass. The Culture victory came about because at some point I just started cranking out wonders. I had a couple early theater squares, but I was mainly maxing out Science, Commercial Hubs (with a couple of Harbors), and by mid game Industrial Zones.

I guess if anyone is having trouble with Diety, this was a very, very easy way to get a win in. It still counts!

And with this win in, I now feel better about just throwing myself in the Diety fire.

But what I've seen from watching the various Youtube creators, the extra modes definitely tilt the game in the player's favor. The added complexity is often lost on the AI. Additionally, I've seen some go for an astonishing number of Civs. That, too, aids the human player in my mind. I didn't do that as my computer just isn't up to it.

Just thought I'd share a nice SIM City way to win a Diety victory.

19:41 UTC


How to win culture Vic against real people?

Hello! I’ve found playing a culture game against my friends very difficult. I was playing as Kristina, and made two noteable misplays, and am looking for advice on how to beat their strategies. The first misplay was being greedy with diplo favor, as I was one vote from stopping them from making theater square buildings impossible to make (so that’s ~20 turns with no culture gain). The second was not allying with people. My friends got every other Civ to ally with them and declare war against me, ruining all my trade routes. I was actually doing fine without them, but I definitely would have won with them. Those strategies don’t bother me that much because I know the solutions to them, but their 3rd strategy seems impossible to beat. They made archeologists and harvested their relics and sold them to the 2nd place contender for culture for super cheap, greatly lowering my turns to win. Is there anything that can be done about this? Or do you have to win ASAP?

03:39 UTC


Strategies for warfare against jet bombers/fighters (Multiplayer, no DLC)

I've been playing with a group of friends lately, and one of them is a bit of a warmonger. They use jet bombers and fighters almost exclusively, and it's quite annoying since my land and naval units are almost entirely defenceless.

Do any of you have any advice for counters or strategies which might help? Thanks

14:03 UTC


Having a hard time getting constant empower wins aside from Teddy. Any tips?

Having a hard time getting constant Emperor wins aside using Teddy. Any Tips?

1 Comment
02:04 UTC


Good overview of all Frontier Pass content?

Longtime Civ player here. I haven't played in a while, but finally was able to pick up the New Frontier Pass when I saw it on sale recently. Only problem is there's a whole lot of new content in that thing! Can anyone suggest me a good youtube video or webpage that serves as an overview to help expedite how long it'll take me to get caught up on all the new content?

1 Comment
07:47 UTC


How many districts are considered "specialty districts" and what is the population requirement to build all of them in one city?

1 Comment
16:45 UTC


What unit types do you garrison in your cities for defensive purposes?

20:47 UTC


Pls help

I am a new player to civ and I am looking for help

13:32 UTC


Bizarre Start - Are Warrior Monks worth picking up for a Domination Civ?

Having just won my 3rd ever civ campaign (I've now done a Science Victory as Korea, a Culture Victory as Indonesia, and a Religion Victory as Scythia) I decided that it might be time to up the difficulty and try a Domination game. So I started as the Ottomans on Epic speed and it's definitely a weird one, I might provide some other details in another post, but a big thing is that I'd intended to form a religion anyway to supplement my Domination accumen, and had already built a solid Holy Site while running Revelation to try and grab one of the last few great prophets, but noticed at turn 102 that Stonehenge still hadn't been built and decided that it couldn't hurt to try for it.

With a chop for good luck, I somehow managed to build Stonehenge as late as turn 110 and got myself the 3rd religion in the game, but on top of this the AI has somehow not picked up Warrior Monks yet, and I'm curious if they'd be good to pick up for my Domination civ, or just go for something simple like Zen Meditation instead? It's still quite early in the Classical era, so I feel like they could help me stomp in some early wars, but I'm not sure; in my previous campaigns, even as Scythia, I was very hesitant to go to war until quite late so I've very little experience with early- & mid-game warring. My faith economy should be pretty solid also, thanks to Fire Goddess and starting close to a lot of Geothermal Fissures and a couple Volcanos too.

In addition, some advice as to what other beliefs would be good to pick up and in what order would be much appreciated. IDK if it's good to rush the Worship belief (Wats & Meeting Houses are already taken, so IDK if I should go with Stupas, Gurdwaras or Synagogues) or leave that for later and quickly pick up something like Defender of the Faith or Crusade (not sure which) or maybe Stewardship (because I have a lot of potentially great campus locations).

01:58 UTC


AI Jadwaga (Poland) on the verge of winning Diplomatic victory. How do I stop her?

It kind of crept up on me while I was working on other things but just noticed she is only a few diplomatic victory points from winning.

  • I don't have enough diplomatic favor to beat her at world conferences.
  • I'm way behind in diplomatic victory points to catch up now in the modern age.
  • I don't think nuking will help?

I'm playing as Gaul. What options do I have?

1 Comment
09:31 UTC


National Park

Tried to make a national park on the fissures in Iceland on the European True start map. No luck, quite frustrating

Google, YouTubed, Civ wiki'd apparently it's not possible even though I met the minimum requirements

05:14 UTC


Best nation to achieve naval superiority?

Hi! I'm both kind of a new player and a videogame sailor and was wondering which nation is the best to get a clear superiority in the seas. Thanks in advice for any tips or help!

Pd: I'm already into land combat, but I don't know enough about either sea or air combat.

18:29 UTC


Help for a new player?

Hello! I saw the massive sale on Steam and decided I may as well dip my toes into this. I've played a bit of Civ 5 and know more or less what I'm doing with that, but I'm struggling to figure out how some of the systems work with 6. I understand America and England are some of the easier civs for new players, but I feel there's a few things I'm failing to get my head around. Namely: What are the early productions one would generally want to focus on? From the game I've played, I feel a lot more significantly pressured for military. Is building up an early game army important? What early social policies are valuable? Considering workers now expire, is there a rough amount I should make an attempt to maintain?

Thanks for any help!

02:41 UTC


Best leaders?

What are the best leaders in the base game for all the victory types ?

12:26 UTC


Domination/Religion strategy?

Hey guys, I'm trying to play with Philip II (Spain) and I'm strugling a lot in the game (only AIs on deity difficulty)

Do you guys have a good strategy for this leader? Games with a domination and religion synergy is not what I'm used to. I usually get reeeally behind in the early game, how can I recover before the AI wins with a science victory? (even with spies I'm getting them to late).

16:24 UTC


World's Fair Question

In the description of the World's Fair event, it says "Gain points by generating great people points per turn" I would assume this means that patronizing great people with gold or faith would not count, but does using projects?

1 Comment
07:07 UTC


Which is the better placement for com hub?

From the image, circled in RED are 2 possible placement for com hub. I want to ask which is the better location. 1 is next to city centre and harbour, the other is city centre and 4 river.


Ignore the already placed city, I am going to restart the game for a new take. Since I made many mistake such as chopping forest next to my holy site so I cant build the critical wonder for religious vic. Capital will be moved 1 tile to the right in the restart.

15:59 UTC



I would like your help for a question. I recently upgraded my difficulty from king to emperor. (Noob) i played a game as peter on archipelego that went really well. But i struggle with maps like continents. I normally have to deal with early aggresion / closed in by AI. Any tips?

19:31 UTC


New wonder and ridiculously amazing start location on my first game as Simone. I'll have a religion in 3 turns! Ahaha

17:16 UTC


I need help i m playing civ 6 on prince difficulty with the alexender on standard map so can any please tell me how to have a domination victory in civ 6 step by step or any guide which can helpe to achieve this...???

20:08 UTC


Diplo victory cheese (kinda)

Just found this sub, I planned to write this on r/CivVI but hey seems more appropriate here.

So im playing with Mali for a diplomatic victory and world congress is coming and I know im gonna lose 3 victory points, so I voted in favor of me losing the 3 points and surprise surprise, I lost the 3 points, but since I voted for that option, I regained a point! So if you are going for a diplo win, the congress hits less hard and you can win more easily!

Feel free to exploit congress and spread the info (and not the virus, stay at home instead)!

1 Comment
00:30 UTC


I want to dive deeper into Citizen distribution

Hey y'all

I have over 1000 hours into Civ VI. However, I have always played at Prince level, and never paid attention to citizen placement.

Any advice on how to set up a game and civ that will let me practice diving deeper into citizens and specialists?


15:40 UTC


Civ 6 Building Wonder Guide: Pyramids (Ancient Era Wonders)

1 Comment
23:47 UTC


Civ 6 Wonder Tutorial: Oracle

1 Comment
23:34 UTC


Civ 6 Wonder Tutorial: Temple of Artemis

1 Comment
00:57 UTC

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