
Photograph via snooOG

Subreddit for everything that has to do with Castle Rock, Colorado. Not a subreddit for the TV show or sourdough posts.

Welcome to the Town of Castle Rock's subreddit. Castle Rock is a town of ~65,000 residents located at 6200' above elevation and is nestled in the hills between Denver and Colorado Springs.

This is a place to discuss local news, town changes and to share pictures of our beautiful area and events. Any sourdough posts will result in a ban.

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How much does perceived threats or anticipated harassment prevent you from displaying political signs in your yard?

04:01 UTC


Looking for Something to Do Saturday Morning? Consider Canvassing for our Democratic Candidates!

Blue Wave Bash For Angela Thomas for County Commissioner and Chad Cox for HD45 (Eric Brody for HD39) I know he’s not from our district but we are still rooting for him! Saturday Oct. 5 Whispering Pines Park 7575 E Park Dr, Franktown 10 am-12:30 pm

21:46 UTC


Trisha Calvarese for CO-4

I just donated $11.11 in the hopes of sending someone competent to Congress to represent our district.


02:41 UTC


88 FREE black suburban

I saw a black suburban driving thru downtown Castle Rock about noon today with a license plate "88 FREE". Does anyone know what this means?

23:05 UTC


Tonight's Sunset

02:17 UTC


FOUND KEYS. Anyone lose a set of keys in CR?

My neighbors found a set of keys at a trail in CR. If you've recently lost your keys, DM me with some details about some or all of the keys and at what trail you may have lost them at. Hoping these keys and their owner get reunited very soon!

18:32 UTC


31M and 31F couple looking for friends!

Hello! Couple years in castle rock, and we are looking for some friends! We moved here in 2021 from Chicago and are looking for friends in the area!

01:12 UTC


Soccer groups?

Hey gang -

I’ve lived in Castle Rock for a few years now, and I know there is a pretty active Facebook group for playing soccer. I am too old and fat to really play anymore, but would love to find a group that watches matches together from time to time.

I see my neighbors having American football get-togethers with snacks and stuff and I’m jealous!

Anyone know of any groups like that? Anyone up for forming a group if one does not already exist?

23:07 UTC


Oltmann, crazy conspiracy theorist who called for hangings of his enemies, is asking for money. FAFO.

20:47 UTC


People really need to slow down and pay attention

Last week I almost got my life taken from me by someone in a rush behind king Soopers going down 85 towards Sedalia. As I’m coming through then intersection going probably 55 mph, a Tahoe waits until I hit the intersection line, to floor it infront of me (they were turning left going towards king Soopers parking lot) I had to come to a complete stop, everyone in the intersection stopped. I had to pull over for about 5 minutes to breathe and calm down and realize would I have stopped any slower I probably wouldn’t have gone home to see my 5 year old son that day or any of my family waiting for me at home. Fast forward today, it seemed (I cannot confirm) there was a Harley motorcycle fatality in the same intersection. It looked as if almost the same thing happened. It was absolutely soul crushing to see someone decided the person on the Harley today wasn’t going to be able to go home to their family due to being in a rush and poor judgement. I can’t help but wonder where that individual was going? The bike was in pieces and there was blood all over the ground. Absolutely gut wrenching. There is no where that’s that important to take your own life or someone else’s. Please slow down, use good judgement, if you think you can’t make it infront of that car just wait!!!!!! Condolences to the family of the life(s)? lost today.

20:49 UTC


Homeless woman north side of town

Throwaway account because I don't want to get involved in this. Theres a woman in town, I think she was trying to sleep on the smoking bench at Best Western on Sunday Morning, yesterday I think she was over by Wells Fargo, but I have learned that she is sleeping behind IHOP now. From what I understand, she's a really nice lady but she's really down on her luck and hasn't had much help, so this is for all you new megachurch gatherers we have in town, if one of these churches or local organizations wants to go help this woman, I'd find her before local law enforcement just scoops her up and dumps her in Denver or Colorado Springs like the rest of the unwanted vagrants that find their way down here... I don't think the hotels back there will tolerate her for very long before they harass the police to get rid of her, if IHOP doesn't trespass her first...

09:30 UTC


County Commissioners - Thomas

Do you get Lora Thomas's email? She's the outgoing commissioner (term limited). Her most recent (Sept 15) newsletter says she's voting for the Democrat (Angela Thomas (no relation)!

The other Democrat running is Josh Smith.

01:32 UTC


Mexican food

Best Mexican food in town?? Something that’s not LaLoma or LosDos- both are highly overrated in my opinion. We used to love Brewery Bar so even better if it’s similar style to that

20:34 UTC


D&D group

I'm looking for a Ttrpg group, hopefully D&D. My son is interested in learning and I am eager to get back into it. We are very open to schedule and are looking for a group that is good for a 14 year old to start gaming.

20:53 UTC


Isn't Town Council supposed to be nonpartisan?

17:08 UTC


For those opposed to the Pine Canyon project

Just a reminder that the board of the Douglas County Commissioners meet this afternoon to vote on this massive project that will have huge impacts upon traffic, ozone and particulates emissions, schools, emergency services, other county services, and, even more critically, our limited water supply. A few privileged people stand to make a bundle off of this project while the majority of us get saddled with the negatives.

If you can attend in person or online, their business meeting is at 1:30, and the Land Use meeting at 2:30. The commissioners need to be swamped by those of us opposed to this.

PLEASE register your opposition via email ahead of this meeting -- just a brief, clear statement of your opposition will suffice if you don't have time for anything further. Remind them, too, that you'll remember how they voted when election time comes around.

For a link to the board's email and information about the Pine Valley project, see this webpage: https://www.crgov.com/pinecanyon

Thank you.

15:04 UTC


DougCo Dem BBQ

22:30 UTC


New to Montaine with our 6th grader

Hey all! We moved to the Montaine neighborhood a couple months ago and our 11 year old daughter is a 6th grader at Mesa. She has friends in town, but working to meet new kids in Montaine.

Anyone in our area with kids her age?

00:52 UTC


The Links at Plum Creek wrongfully reporting past tenants for unpaid rent to debt collection agencies after they changed ownership in 2022

TL;DR: The Links at Plum Creek changed ownership, messed up tenant records, and wrongfully reported previous tenants for unpaid rent to debt collection agencies.

This post is to inform and warn past tenants of a potentially financially damaging issue involving this apartment complex after they changed ownership sometimes between August and November of 2022. I am not posting this to bad mouth anyone or the complex since I did enjoy my time there. But people have a right to know what’s going on, especially if you are receiving calls that you owe for unpaid rent and you have proof that you were all paid up before vacating.

I lived at The Links at Plum Creek (LaPC) apartments from September 2021 - October 2022, going month-to-month for October to have more time to move out and find another place in Colorado Springs. My last payment for the prorated amount for October was paid through the tenant portal, which I have an email confirmation number for, as well as a corresponding bank statement for the same date and amount debited for the last rent payment.

In late July I received a phone call from a debt collection agency called Sentry Credit Inc. (SCI) asking me to pay a past due amount owed to the Links at Plum Creek for uncollected rent. I have never received a single piece of mail, email, phone call, or text message from LaPC or SCI regarding any unpaid rent since moving out. The only notification of unpaid rent or attempt to collect was when I received that phone call from SCI saying that the debt was transferred to the collection agency. In short, I told the debt collection representative that I do not owe anything to the complex and she urged me to contact the complex and/or company that took them over. I called LaPC to try and speak with someone, but the person I spoke with was unsure what to do and took down my information so that a manager could call me back. They never followed up, life happened and I got busy.

Yesterday, Friday, September 7th, I received another phone call from SCI, but could not answer it because I was working. They left a voicemail only saying to call back. Once I had free time, I called LaPC and was finally able to get in touch with a manager. I told them about the debt collection agency calling me and asked how I owed a supposed past due amount when I already paid for the last month I occupied the unit. The manager on the phone could not locate any documents apart from my initial lease paperwork, initial application, and final ledger only from the months of August 2022 - November 2022 and stated that someone at the office incorrectly set my move out date to November 6th. Manager confirmed that the apartment complex switched to new ownership sometime within those months and I wasn’t the only person to call them about this debt collector trying to collect allegedly unpaid rent. I asked if they could email me a copy of the invoice they had and we got off the phone.

I was sent the final ledger which states I owe over $2.5k in unpaid rent and fees. I emailed back and we started a conversation thread through email. They couldn’t locate any additional documents supporting my claims and I didn’t have any email traffic because everything was done in person at the leasing office with the manager that must no longer work there or something. They said I must have failed to notify them that I was vacating and must have been rent responsible, which was absolutely not the case because our initial lease ended in September and we went month to month only for a portion of October and that last month was paid for in full via the tenant portal. At the end of one of my emails I mentioned that this sounds like a case of gross mishandling of tenant documents and failure to maintain records when ownership changed and that I was considering involving a lawyer to sort out the matter and asked for any and all documents they had regarding my tenancy as well as points of contact for all entities involved in the ownership switch. The tone of the emails immediately changed and they said they would be contacting the debt collector to cancel the debt because they could not find all of my documents. I believe in the state of Colorado, a landlord must maintain tenant records for at least seven years to protect themselves from litigation.

Since they stated that I was not the only person who called, if you lived at the Links at Plum Creek at the end of 2022, beginning of 2023 and you have received phone calls from a debt collection agency, you need to reach out to Links and try to get this sorted out before your credit score is affected. Let me know if you need any help. Again, this post is not meant to be malicious towards the apartment complex or anyone who currently works there, but to inform previous tenants of a possible wrongfully reported unpaid rent and fees to debt collection agencies. If you don’t want your credit adversely affected and future rental applications possibly rejected because of that, you absolutely need to get in touch with someone to get this taken care of ASAP. Watch out for yourselves out there.

21:51 UTC


Is everyone else having a power outage

20:00 UTC


Best spots near castle rock for star viewing


I just moved to the Castle Rock area and was curious about the best spots to view stars. I have a telescope and was hoping for some advice. Thank you!

19:21 UTC


Restaurant Reservations or party room?

Looking for any recommendations on a restaurant that would take a reservation for 15-ish people and/or has a separate party area. It's for a post-baptism lunch on a Sunday. TIA!

16:45 UTC


Date Night Ideas?

Well it’s our first date night in months, we had a baby and we’re just now coming up for air. We have a few hours to kill. Assuming we go to dinner, what is there to do in CR after? 😅

21:33 UTC


Castle Rock spot to watch U.S. open tennis finals this weekend?

Hi. I'm trying to penny pinch. Where's the best Castle Rock bar/restaurant to watch U.S. Open tennis finals this Saturday and Sunday?

03:26 UTC

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