
Photograph via //r/britishmilitary

A subreddit for all of those in, interested in or have served in the British Armed Forces of any branch.

This subreddit is for questions about the British Armed Forces, experiences (plenty of sandbags to sit on for war stories), and anything else. Post pictures, links, news, and anything else you fancy.

Welcome to r/BritishMilitary, the home of the British Armed Forces on Reddit!

This community is fairly relaxed, and aims to provide a single forum for the whole British Military community, as well as a place for members of the public to interact with them.

We are not officially affiliated with the British Armed Forces, and we will not ban anyone for their opinions on it. The only restrictions are those laid out in our rules, which are there to prevent the community getting into trouble and keep this subreddit a friendly place. Please give them a read when you can.

Our wiki is currently under construction, which will contain answers to common questions, information about our community and the military sphere, and anything else the community feels it needs. If you have any suggestions for content, feel free to suggest it to the mods. We have recently added a 'Job Fair' which gives first hand insights into a range of careers in HM Armed Forces, from current and former service personnel.


You can participate in the community by sharing any relevant news stories you find and discussing those that are posted by others, or answering the questions that crop up about life in the services and recruitment. However, please bear in mind that we are no substitute for a careers office, and more often than not will direct you to your local AFCO when faced with all but the simplest of questions.

On a similar note, this community has little time for people who ask questions about eligibility without checking to see if it has been asked before, or even just Googling it.


Posts should be flaired according to the type of content you are posting - if your post is about recruitment, even if it is a question, make sure to flair it as Recruitment to distinguish it from other, more general questions.

You are able to set your own user flair, but don't go mad - stick to service, branch and regiment, and whether you are currently serving. A small selection of badges are also available.

Dealing with PTSD

If you are suffering from post-traumatic stress, we strongly encourage you to contact an organisation like the ones below:

Talking2Minds UK was established with the sole purpose of helping those suffering from PTSD or other severe stress related conditions. They offer free Paradigm therapeutic programs to those most in need within the UK. Call 07917 126 708

CombatStress.org are a veterans' mental health charity, who offer treatment and support services free of charge for veterans. They also operate a free 24/7 helpline, on 0800 138 1619

PTSD Resolution UK have a national counselling programme which helps Veterans, Reservists and dependants resolve the symptoms of military trauma and reintegrate into normal work & family life. Call 0845 021 7873

OP Courage is the NHS service specifically tailored to veterans to help with PTSD. You can find more information here -> https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/armed-forces-community/mental-health/veterans-reservists/

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19,263 Subscribers


Thumb bone injury. Can I still join the military?

Couple of months ago I badly injured my bone in my thumb due to a boxing accident. Im a 16 year old ammature boxer. Boxing for fun and for sport. Had to wear a cast for 6 weeks. And then a thumb spica for some time. It doesn't restict me from doing daily tasks. I have been at the gym again recently. Benching, deadlifting. The thumb is not giving me any sort of pain or otherwise restricting me from using it. I can clunch my first properly and I was advised to do thumb exercises. About to have my next hospital appointment in a couple of weeks time from now. I'm curious to what they have to say. They advised me to give up boxing to prevent further injuries which I took into account. But surely this can not limit my high spirits from serving in the Army right?

Curious if anyone else had simular problems to mine and what they did.

11:50 UTC


Best exercises for PARAs?

I'm currently working out in order to be fit enough for the paras (I have a few years until im going to be able to join), what types of exercises should I do and what do PARAs do normally in training and in the unit?

11:34 UTC


Might be dealing with bladder issues will I be able to join if I get it fixed?

Pretty sure I might have a urinary incontinence and genital infections(maybe). I’ve been dealing with symptoms for like 2+ years but haven’t really been to the doctor. I know my blood work is all good and urine samples are fine too. (No sexual disease too been tested.)

I really wanna get this issues fixed but now i don’t know if i want to go to the gp and risk not being able to join.

10:13 UTC


Random basic training questions

Hi everyone, I start basic training in about a month and have some random questions I was hoping to get some insight into.

  1. When will I receive a schedule for what will happen? I'm more interested in important dates such as the long weekend and passing out parade. I've heard the long weekend is at the end of the 7th week and passing out is on the last Friday, but it would be nice to know official dates.

  2. I am an avid runner and have a Garmin watch. During the assessment centre we weren't allowed to wear fitness watches for any of the physical activities and I was just wondering if it is even worth bringing it?

  3. I have heard that during phase 2 training you have PT once a day. Is it practical to go on my own runs during that time?

  4. How much do I have to worry about stealing? In my kit list I am asked to bring 4 padlocks and some family in the army said that it is a bit of an issue. Do I have to be conscious that everything of mine is safe all the time?


05:07 UTC


Can British army dog handlers Do the AACC and join one of the Army commando regiments?

02:39 UTC


When do you get to choose your Regiment?

22:21 UTC


Cleaning / Caretaker Reg?

Is there a regiment of cleaners and caretakers that look after MOD property?

I've always wanted to join the SAS and I just got finished watching Good Will Hunting. It got me thinking that maybe I can join said regiment, and get a posting to Stirling Lines to clean the gaff..

After a while they'll come to notice that I'm fuckin nails and wicked accurate (can currently spray my skids off the bog with a flash bottle from about 5 metres out), and maybe they'll let me skip selection and badge me on the spot..

Appreciate any advice from people who may have followed a similar career path.

22:21 UTC


How do you salute in the Royal Navy?

I came across this picture and I noticed all three men have their salutes angled differently, which got me wondering I always see salutes in the military are all angled the same and overall must be a certain criteria is it not the same with the navy?

20:00 UTC


Are eyepatches allowed in training

Are eye patches allowed in training if you want close an eye for shooting?

18:41 UTC


How often are the Guards on Public Duties?

How often do the different guard regiments swap in their role as the public Duties regiment? I believe at the moment it is the Grenadier Guards? When will they move out of that role, and presuming it is timetabled, return to said role.

1 Comment
18:07 UTC


What Branch And What Role In The Branch Should I Do That Has Training Similar To S.A.S Or S.B.S Training?

I obviously know that the special forces training is probably the most difficult in the world. However, what role should i do in the military that can give me the best possible chances of doing better or even passing special forces training. I have heard that the Royal Marines and the Paratroopers are probably the most similar in terms of training, but i would like to hear the answer from people who have served or are serving or know the answer.

17:55 UTC


When can you apply for a Bluelight card/Defence discount

Still awaiting my medical records to be reviewed but my fitness level is pretty shocking in both cardio and fitness but enough to pass AC, so signing up to a local gym and following a training plan is my priority however I have no idea when I can get a blue light card and start claiming around a 30 percent discount

Any lads here just sign up recently and can let me know where in the process you did? I have pinged a email to my unit Cpl but thought it was worth checking here as he may not know himself (applying for reserves if that matters)

15:51 UTC


Are we allowed to used a calculator for AOSB exams

For the briefing stage for the tests are we allowed to have a calculator or are all exams none calculator?

Also in the briefing stage how many exams do we do?

Finally how good does your eyesight have to be. My eyesight is good but I wear glasses when I drive

12:59 UTC


Is it possible to join C-CBRN as a reserve?

And if not, what role/Regiment would you get the most experience doing CBRN (again, in the reserve)? Asking as a civy who works in nuclear.

10:02 UTC


Did anyone here fight in the Dhofar War?

I have recently been reading about a war in Oman and I wondered if anyone had stories concerning it.

06:50 UTC


Starting basic training soon but…

Starting training in less that 4 weeks but I’ve still not get my final offer, I’m worried.

20:24 UTC


Royal Signals background check

Been in the infantry for a few years, looking to transfer to RSigs to help for when I get on civvy street. Only issue is I've seen a few escorts in my time (on 3 occasions).

Will this cause my background check to fail?

20:16 UTC


Is It Realistic to Run 10 Miles Daily Alongside Regular Military Commitments?

Hey folks,

I'm gearing up for the prospect of joining the British Army, and I've got a slightly peculiar query buzzing in my head. Would it be remotely realistic to consider incorporating a daily 10-mile run into my routine alongside the demands of military training and responsibilities?

I'm fully aware that military life is no walk in the park (pun intended), but I'm keen on maintaining peak fitness levels and mental sharpness. I'd love to hear from anyone who's navigated a similar path or has insights into whether this idea is plausible without sacrificing other crucial aspects of training. Any advice or experiences shared would be immensely valuable! Thanks a bunch.

20:14 UTC


If the Iranian Embassy Siege Happened Today

If a situation like the Iranian Embassy siege in the 1980s happened again today would the SAS be called in to deal with it or are the Armed Police well trained enough now that they could handle it themselves should they have to deal with a hostage situation?

20:14 UTC


Do i need a visa for application?

i’ve just moved from australia to uk and the RN is asking me for a character reference for my visa. Do i need a visa since i have a british and australian passport. I was born here and got my uk passport this year then i moved over here. Do i still need visa? or has something gone wrong? i started my application in australia if that means anything. Maybe they think i don’t have permenant residency?

15:55 UTC


Research Study Survey - Moral Injury in UK Veterans


I am completing research exploring moral injury (a type of trauma) in UK Veterans and if this is related to self-criticism and self-compassion. Currently our understanding of moral injury is very limited, and it is hoped that the findings will help inform future research looking to identify potential treatment targets to support individuals experiencing moral injury.

If you are a UK Veteran, I would really appreciate it if you could complete the online survey in the link below. This involves multiple choice questions about potentially distressing events that may have been encountered during your military service and traits that existing research suggests are associated with moral injury.


The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Any UK Veteran that can provide informed consent to take part is eligible. Following providing consent, all survey responses will be completely anonymous.

Thank you!

14:32 UTC


Phase 1 Training Weekend Leave

Hi all,

Quick question, are you allowed to go home on weekends during phase 1 training? I’ve been told conflicting things by my recruiters.


13:28 UTC


Apprentice Chef role, and deployments

I've been seeing recently that chefs gets deployed the most is this true, my fiance is going to AC on the 15th may and he's dreamed of being a chef, he also had chef jobs before applying for the army what is a normal routine for a chef in the army, and what countries have chefs been sent on for deployment ? I know it'll be where and when they are needed but it makes him even more excited to know he could get to work abroad😁

12:18 UTC


What does it mean by NHS card

Basically what the title reads i have never recieved nor can figure out how i would go about applying for one i know my NHS number but don't want to show up with the wrong paperwork and have them thinking i'm a supreme idiot.

(I may have more following questions as i'm going for scots guards but i've been put on a soldier development course for my confidence so this is more pressing to me at the minute)

12:08 UTC


How long do I have to wait for medical records to be reviewed

I've been waiting for my medical records to be reviewed and it's been a week so far so I'm wondering how long it usually takes for other people and how long I should be ready to wait

12:04 UTC


Instead of appealing my Medical with the army should i just apply for the marines instead?

11:58 UTC


Shoes Rules - Barefoot Enjoyer

What are the uniform rules for shoes in the military? Right now I only wear barefoot, foot-shaped shoes: my feet resemble hands and they don't fit in normal shoes. Is there (could there be) a way of getting non-standard boots approved? I'm prepared to jump through hoops to fix this single factor, since it's important for my physical performance

11:50 UTC


How long does the application process usually take applying for army?

Me and my good friend have both applied for the british armed forces and my application has been in review for just over a week now with nothing new to do on my candidate portal. How long does the whole process usually take?

08:31 UTC


Any tips on longer distance running?

What’s the best way to build up endurance and stamina for longer runs? Feel like I’m physically where I need to be but way behind where I need to be stamina wise.

06:13 UTC

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