Cats Kneading
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2. Any content that may have resulted in a cat getting hurt will be removed.
3. The post must contain a kneading done by a cat.
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7. Reposts are allowed, however, they can only be done after 6 months of the previous post.
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Other Cat Subreddits
/r/motorboat - Videos of purring cats
He gets annoyed when the kitten is nearby while he’s trying to knead
My little cloud Daphne is only 7 months old and shes never heard fireworks before. Its guy fawkes night on 5th November here in the UK and there's loads going off around my apartment tonight. She is laying next to me and every time she hears one she wakes up, looks up, then starts purring really loud and making biscuits!! Bless her she's a little bit scared but it seems to be comforting her! Aww, I love her! 🎆
Every night she comes to bake my neck🥲
My 2 year old Mochi was weened too early from her mother when we adopted her at about 6 weeks old. She still makes biscuits esp when im on my back ☺️
(Please ignore the sound; I was up early to pump!)
He only gets like this with things that are ridiculously soft and fluffy; anything less than optimally plush, literally, gets slept on. We love a diva 😍✨️
They did this for 15 mins straight, just spinning in kneady circles. Tuxie Hammy is sin biscuiting 🫣
This lady’s name is Winkerbell and she’s 10 years old.