Cats Kneading
1. Only content hosted with Imgur, Gyfcat, or directly from the official reddit app are allowed.
2. Any content that may have resulted in a cat getting hurt will be removed.
3. The post must contain a kneading done by a cat.
4. NSFW posts are allowed, but MUST be tagged. NSFL material is not allowed.
5. Off topic posts will be removed.
6. Any disrespectful posts and comments will be removed.
7. Reposts are allowed, however, they can only be done after 6 months of the previous post.
To combat spam, /r/ KneadyCats requires posters to have at least 5 karma to be able to contribute. If you have any issues with this, please contact the moderators.
Other Cat Subreddits
/r/motorboat - Videos of purring cats
Look at how closely she pays attention to mom’s biscuit making technique!
I bought a heated, fleece blanket and I guess she likes it.
Cirilla being hard at work