Una comunitat per a persones que viuen a Barcelona.
A community for people living in Barcelona.
Una comunidad para personas que residen en Barcelona.
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Im on vacation in Barcelona anyone need have fun and out to drink im here welcome đđđđ
Visita al Taller Masriera
Fa uns dies vaig visitar el Taller Masriera a Barcelona, un edifici amb una història rica. ConstruĂŻt el 1884 com a taller de pintura i escultura, mĂŠs tard es va convertir en teatre, i a mitjans del segle passat va ser adquirit per una societat religiosa, per finalment funcionar com a asil dâancians. Avui, lâedifici pertany a lâAjuntament de Barcelona, que planeja transformar-lo en biblioteca.
Aquesta visita va ser especialment emocionant per a mi, ja que de petita passava cada dia davant dâaquest edifici camĂ a lâescola, imaginant tota mena dâhistòries macabres sobre el seu aspecte ombrĂvol.
Visit to Taller Masriera
A few days ago, I visited Taller Masriera in Barcelona, a building with a rich history. Built in 1884 as a painting and sculpture workshop, it later became a theatre, and in the mid-20th century, it was acquired by a religious society, eventually functioning as a nursing home. Today, the building belongs to the Barcelona City Council, which plans to transform it into a library.
This visit was especially exciting for me, as I used to pass by this building every day on my way to school as a child, imagining all sorts of macabre stories about its gloomy appearance.
He decidit agafar el tramvia des de Pere IV fins a Verdaguer i, com ja vaig veure en les proves pilot des del punt de vista d'un vianant, el tema de la prioritat semafòrica encara li han de donar moltes voltes... No pot ser que t'hagis de parar a 4 semà fors diferents durant mÊs de 30 segons tenint el tramvia prioritat. I a un d'ells (entrada a Glòries des de la Diagonal) s'hi ha estat fins a 3 cicles semafòrics sencers, el que equivaldrien a mÊs de 3 minuts!
Un altre punt clau ĂŠs el fet de que no s'hagi licitat la reforma de la Diagonal per part de BIMSA fins el carrer Girona, d'aquesta manera nomĂŠs tens una andana a Verdaguer i pots tenir una freqßència de 8 minuts com a mĂnim. Amb les dues andanes es podria arribar a 4 minuts de freqßència sense gaires problemes. No em puc imaginar els dies feiners en hora punta com estarĂ això de gent si passa cada 8 minuts.
Tot i això, hem d'estar contents perquè hem millorat la connexió Eixample-Poblenou, però ens l'han venut molt millor del que actualment Ês. Esperem que es puguin solucionar els problemes de la prioritat semafòrica i minimitzar el temps de trajecte el mà xim possible.
Una amiga meva estĂ visitant la ciutat i ahir algĂş va posar aquesta nota per sota la porta de l'Airbnb on s'estĂ quedant.
He pensat de posar-ho a r/askbarcelona, pero publicar-ho aquà m'ha semblat mÊs adient. Considero que Ês un tema de ciutat (jo com a ciutadà desconeixia el SIPHO) però m'extranya molt que això passi en un Airbnb.
Hi guys! I just moved out of Barcelona because of the impossibility to get and apartment after 3 years there. While I was living there I curated a very good google list with the newest and best restaurants and bars that we could classify as âmodernosâ. I am a bit sad about not using it anymore so i wanted to share it with you if someone is interested. I keep adding new places in hope to comeback next year.
Barcelona Foodie ¡ Vanesa https://maps.app.goo.gl/GHmAX9HzBHyfMiN17?g_st=i
Hope this would help some of you to discover more places in the city and feel more in the new vibe restaurants and bars.
Me resulta muy chocante que el Ayuntamiento no haya consultado quĂŠ hacer con la lĂnea T4 que hasta ahora comunicaba el distrito de Sant MartĂ mĂĄs o menos de punta a punta. Para los niĂąos en edad escolar era un transporte muy cĂłmodo, en el que ademĂĄs pueden subir la bici en caso de lluvia.
Pues ahora resulta que el T4 se va desde glorias hasta Verdaguer en el eterno deseo de unir la diagonal por tram. Un deseo que veo bien, pero ÂżcuĂĄl es la razĂłn de fastidiar una lĂnea que funcionaba bien?
ÂżHan hecho alguna encuesta? Porque me da la sensaciĂłn que hay mĂĄs gente perjudicada que la beneficiada, justo por lo que digo, por las escuelas/institutos que conectaba con los hogares.
SĂ, siempre pueden hacer un transbordo, pero hablamos de niĂąos quizĂĄ en edad de instituto en Glòries a las 7 de la maĂąana solos esperando otro tram que quizĂĄ tarda 15 minutos.
Hi there,
Just to fill everyone in: last week we tried to mass contact Bicing, to inform the tires they chose for the bikes are extremely dangerous, especially in wet weather.
Did anyone else receive a generic, robotic message and feels convinced nothing is going to change? Here's the full reply:
Responem la comunicació rebuda el 30 d'octubre de 2024, registrada amb el codi ------, sobre el manteniment de les bicicletes Bicing.
Respecte a les rodes posteriors del Bicing, són massisses i antipunxades i, en ser un material homogeni, a diferència dels pneumà tics tradicionals, no hi ha diferències en les qualitats del material entre el primer dia i l'últim, independentment de l'aspecte del dibuix, de forma que mantÊ les propietats de seguretat.
Us agraim el vostre interĂŠs pel servei Bicing.
Lives will continue to be at risk, people will keep suffering accidents every day around the city due to an entirely avoidable decision. It really is a shame. If anyone has other ideas on how we can convince them of this serious mistake, please share!
In the meantime, please be very careful while cycling, especially if you're using Bicing!
I just had a mini heart attack when my phone started buzzing like it never had before.. At this point, one can only hope for the best.. Stay safe out there!
Thus making a profit as middlemen. And all these times I saw people commenting on FB groups offering rooms in advertisements make sense now.
Buenas tardes,
Saldremos maĂąana por la maĂąana desde Barcelona a Valencia. Vamos a ir a la zona del barrio de Orba de Alfafar a ayudar. Es una zona muy afectada donde tenemos familia y amigos. EstĂĄn fatal, no tienen nada y la ayuda no llega.
Llevaremos un coche grande cargado con todo lo que humildemente podamos aportar.
Adjunto foto con una lista de lo que mĂĄs se necesita.
Si alguien quiere y cree que puede ayudar se agradecerĂĄ muchĂsimo.
Muchas gracias
Com va tots?
Presentando nuestro concierto, sĂĄbado 9 de noviembre en la sala mĂtica Parallel 62 - una noche de rock-alternativo, shoegaze y post-indie.
Somos sof_signal (alt/shoegaze - UK:Barcelona) y vamos a tocar con nuestros amigos The Vil Veins (rock & roll - Brazil:Barcelona) y Velta (indie-rock - Zaragoza) en Paral-lel 62, sĂĄbado 9 de noviembre, 20.30-00.00.
SerĂĄ una noche de fiesta, 3 grupos en directo y muy buena onda.
sof_signal - Waves (apart): https://youtu.be/FtxhdCMBLiY?si=tH2et4he3cb9Ofzq
The Vil Veins - Paradise: https://youtu.be/Y2gF0tZbPEM?si=2y5DIel5LoRDKF4r
Velta - Jacob: https://youtu.be/n-utpQkJQvc?si=LeRUa-JvSP2pYO8o
Ens veurem a tots allĂ !
About a year ago, bicing/smou started replacing pneumatic tires with solid rubber ones. This is great in some ways. You see a lot less bikes with flat tires, and it cuts down on maintenance costs.
However, when it rains, or the road is wet after being cleaned, there are so many people falling off their bikes. These tires offer zero grip in wet conditions. It's exaggerated by the fact that these tires don't need to be replaced often, so their tread wears out completely.
We'll see the consequences of this even more during the upcoming rainy months. There will be a tremendous amount of suffering, broken bones, hospital visits, and missed productivity. Honestly, it'll probably result in a fatal accident at some point. And this is preventable.
I'm an experienced cyclist, and so are my friends. All of us fell off bicings on wet roads, even when we are all fully aware of the situation with the wheels. It's like riding on ice: you know it's slippery, but you're still likely to lose grip and fall. I have seen so many people fall off their bicings during the rain. These tires have probably caused hundreds of hospital visits already.
It might be OK to use solid tires on the rear wheel, but using them on the front wheel is criminal. When you lose your front wheel, there's no way to recover. The rear wheel also wears out faster, so it might be cost-effective to use them on the rear wheel, and losing grip on the rear isn't that catastrophic.
If Barcelona had been in the USA, then Bicing would be forced to change course, because of the multitude of personal injury lawsuits. There must be a European way to solve this.
Can we all open our bicing app, and file a complaint? Maybe that will wake them up.