This subreddit is all about Sant Cugat del Vallès, a warm and welcoming mid-sized town nearby Barcelona, just across the Collserola hills
We are looking into getting a place in the Les Planes area and looking for recommendations on reliable internet providers. I’d love to hear about your experiences with providers in this neighborhood—especially regarding speed, customer service, and any unexpected issues. Thanks in advance!
I’m looking for honest and insightful experiences about the following schools for my kids:
Hey everyone!
I just got to Sant Cugat del Vallès, and I’d love some recommendations to really experience the area. Are there any local festivities coming up, or good places to check out for Halloween? I’d like to do some hiking, too, and would be thrilled to know about any scenic trails around here.
Also, any recommendations for the most beautiful spots to visit this time of year? If anyone has suggestions for good spots to eat or hidden cultural gems, I’d appreciate it.
I’d love to make the most of the autumn scenery if possible.
Thanks in advance!
Yo (36M) he visto que hay muchos campos de fútbol en la ciudad y quería saber si hay equipos que jueguen los fines de semana. Estaría interesado en unirme! 😀
Doncs el que diu el títol...porto un parell de setmanes dient: "haig de netejar les ampolles que faig servir a casa per aigua"...(ampolles de vidre que reomplo de l'aixeta). Però no són les ampolles! Està dolenta l'aigua del centre. És només a mí? Deu ser pitjor per la salut? Haver de comprar aigua del super és una putada per pes i es genera al cap del mes una quantitat de plàstic que flipes...
Hola gente,
Solo me pasaba por aquí para preguntaros si podéis recomendarme portales de empleo por favor, para ir buscando algo a tiempo parcial para estudiantes. Algunos que no sean indeed, adecco o infojobs. ¿Qué trabajos se pueden hacer de forma remota viviendo ahí?
Gracias de antemano!
Basically what the title says :)
Its difficult for me to wake up early and go to the gym and it would be much easier to go through that with somebody else :)
Additionally climbing (in FLASH bcn) its fun, but its more fun with more people 😄. I'm a noob but looking forward to get more technique (and stronger/lighter).
DM me or respond here if you would like to meet! 😀
Nais siguem ferms amb aquesta convicció: agafeu les armes i estigueu preparats, hem d'aconseguir dominar la comarca i fer-la pròspera. Els pallussos de Terrassa i Sabadell porten 300 anys demostrant que no saben de gestionar comarques i qui hauria de ser l'única capital del Vallès és la ciutat més pròspera de tota Espanya: Sant Cugat! Endavant les atxes!