r/AskaCanadian is the #1 resource for answers to questions about anything to do with Canada, answered by at least one Canadian.
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Our Friends:
As this has already been a popular topic, and we expect it to only become morebpopular, we've created a megathread for all discussion of the incoming tariffs.
Please keep all discussion here. New posts on the subject will be removed.
With all the trade tensions between the US and Canada, I was looking for a list of Canadian-made products and came across this site: https://madeinca.ca/. It’s got a solid directory of Canadian brands across different categories—food, clothing, home goods, and more.
If you're interested in supporting local businesses and buying Canadian, this might be a good resource. do you know of other similar directories?
… to run “Axe The Tax” ads on every platform (YouTube, Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, etc) full time 24/7, outbidding every other major advertiser by enough to appear every 3rd placement PLUS every network (CTV, Global, CBC, etc) 24/7, running multiple times per program PLUS every digital audio service (Stingray, SiriusXM) PLUS every radio station (over 1,500 broadcast frequencies nationwide) multiple times an hour, 24/7 PLUS billboards and transit ads (buses, subways, shelters) …
For more than 18 months straight with no gaps in coverage?
It seems like that’s a pretty deep war chest.
Leaving aside Gretzky's politics, I always kind of liked having those records in Canada.
Hello all. Welcome and open to all suggestions for the below ask. Very much want to understand the best way to spend the time.
My partner and I (28F & 32M) are looking at spending 2 weeks in September in Canada. We would be flying from Scotland and are wanting to take in as much of what Canada can offer.
We are not against flying between places in Canada, or hiring a car to travel around.
In terms of accommodation, would be looking at Airbnb/apartment/motel style accommodation as we will more than likely be using them as a base when we are out most of the days.
The food, hiking, scenery, history, sport are on our list of things I am interested in. Open to more suggestions and hear what people would recommend.
Thanks in advance. I'll hope to report back when I get home 🏴
I was looking for some and couldn't think of any, other than sketch shows like SCTV, You Can't Do That on Television, and Kids in the Hall. I know there are a ton of single-camera shows like Kim's Convenience, but I can't remember any multi-camera ones. Am I wrong?
Hey everyone,
As the title says, I am planning to drive from Ottawa to Whitehorse sometime around end of Feb or beginning of March. I would much rather drive in the summer, but I am relocating for a job that requires me to start before April.
Here is what I'm working with:
I have a 2018 Honda CRV, winter tires, tire chains, and a Garmin GPS (my car has satellite navigation but just in case). I just got my battery changed back in November and I will get an oil change before I start driving.
Basically, my questions are, is it safe to drive this far in the winter? Do you think I have an appropriate vehicle? Is there anything I should be made aware of or are there any items I should bring? Does anyone have experience driving this route and if so how was your experience?
I will be brining an emergency kit, spare tire, air pump, etc in the car with me. I will plan the route more in detail and do my research ahead of time of course. Just figured I would ask. Thanks everyone!
Someone got into my airmiles account and transferred 35,000 airmiles into cash reward miles over the course of about 3 weeks and purchased gift cards. I'm now out 35,000 airmiles. I called the company and they opened an investigation, then closed it day's later saying the gift cards were sent to my email so they tried to tell me someone in my house did this. Which is not the case. So they re opened the case and told me it would be 4-6 weeks. I am trying to call today but on wait line for 1 hour. I reached out to someone else I saw on fb who had this happen and it's been 4 months for her and no word from airmiles. Am I out of luck? Has anyone had this happen and gotten their airmiles returned? Can I take them to small claims court? I'm furious and upset. 35,000 is a lot of airmiles.
I know everything has gone up quite a bit now vs. 5 years ago, but I'm curious... how much do you pay in rent and where do you live, compared to just a few years ago?
For me, I used to live close to dt Toronto and paid $1200/month for a studio apartment, everything included. You could NOT find that anywhere now. Now, I pay close to $1300/month for a small one-bed in dt Montreal, almost everything included. I feel like this is a great price, but it's a horrible building (currently dealing with shitty management and a leak). Feeling like my next place will be even more!
I didn’t think of it until just this morning, but I love bringing it up at random times and seeing people reactions.
To keep it short: Canada has a federal maple syrup reserve. In 2011 there was a heist that happened and about 3,000 tonnes worth of the golden goodness was stolen. Accounting for inflation that’s roughly $24 million (CAD) worth.
If you’re interested in it, Netflix has a documentary called ‘Dirty Money’ that’s about the heist.
Hi all,
In the US, it's not uncommon for 3rd party background check companies to conduct employment background checks through the following 3 places:
Can anyone here share whether the background check in Canada is also being done through the above 3 places?
Hi, I’m a USA citizen born and lived here my whole life. But my dad was born in Canada so I qualify for dual citizenship. I don’t plan to live or work in Canada at the moment but would like the opportunity to move if ever needed job wise or USA political wise. So I figured I would apply for the citizenship now just to have, but I wanted to make sure there wasn’t any drawbacks..
if I just have the Canada citizenship but still live and work in the US is there any Canadian taxes or issues that could come up?
Hi y'all! I'm an American that's looking for a specific poster Parks Canada made in 1983 for the Pukaskwa National Park in Ontario. While I did find some vintage posters PC made back in the day in the Library and Archives Canada website, I was wondering if there are any other places that I could scour for posters whether that be from provincial, federal, or private sources. Thanks in advance for your help!
Have you applied for this? How was your experience? What was the result?
From poutine to winter sports, we love to brag about our Canadian culture. But let’s be real—what’s something we hype up as a nation that deep down, we just tolerate (or even hate)? I’ll start… waiting in a Tim Hortons drive-thru for 20 minutes only to get a watered-down double-double. What else?
Hey everyone, I don't know if this is the appropriate place to ask but there doesn't seem to be any dedicated subreddits to indigo/chapters so I figured I'd come here.
Does anyone know when they will start shipping the throw blankets again? Ever since I got my library card set up with Libby on my Kobo, I haven't felt the need to order books as often but I kept my plum plus subscription since I enjoyed ordering some of the lifestyle products from Indigo. I've been sitting on an indigo gift card waiting to order a couple books and a new blanket. However, it just keeps saying that it's only available for in-store pick up for the time being. Problem is, nearest store to me is a tiny strip mall Coles that only has room for a couple bookshelves, and the furthest after that is just driving to Ottawa 2 hours away. Does anyone know when those will be available for order again? Maybe there's some way to order the throw right from the manufacturer? Or maybe you just have a suggestion on where I can get similar or better blankets?
Anybody discover any new piece of must have equipment this winter for removing snow and ice from the car and around the home.
In Brazil, there is an unwritten tradition that it doesn't matter if you are a particle physicist, a Nobel Prize nominee, a World Cup champion or the mayor of São Paulo: at family reunions, the cousin who will be flattered is, without a doubt, the one who studied or studies Medicine.
Although there are more doctors than in the past and other careers also have great prestige, Medicine continues to be the darling of the traditional Brazilian family: the "doctor" (in Brazil, officially, doutor is used only for people with a doctorate, doctors in Brazil are simply "médicos") automatically gains status as being a more hard-working, intelligent and capable person than their cousins in the arts, finance, engineering, sports, etc.
Is there any job or role that occupies this same space in the imagination of the canadian citizen?
Was walking about and we’re at the melting but not enough to reeaaally melt. Kinda just go slushy.
Got me thinking, there’s that super light fluffy snow that just blows every where and then gets really compact.
Then you’ve got the wet ‘packing snow’ that’s great for building snowman or having snowball fights.
So what do you guys prefer?
(First person who makes a drug joke is clearly a silly goose. 😤)
Hello! We feed our dogs and cats Fromm pet food but would like to switch to a Canadian brand.
One of our dogs is very picky, he was underweight until we finally found Fromm.
Any recommendations for similar foods made in Canada? Thanks!!
Australian here, given the current state of the cluster fuck that is the US and its current trade and foreign policy I would seriously like those talks about an economic alliance trade group. Personally free movement and trade between all groups would be great.
What are the thoughts of our maple loving brethren?
Maybe an odd question, but I don’t want to go overkill and spend too much and make everyone’s gift look… well, idk. But I also don’t want to spend too little either. Gift giving makes me nervous, but I also want to show my friend that I care about her because she is an amazing person. Let me know what you normally pay for gifts? I feel a little embarrassed asking this, but gift giving stresses me out both giving and receiving although I’ve gotten over the receiving part in recent years to an extent I still find it a little awkward
I was visiting Canada recently and I saw a bunch of these A&W restaurants. Do Canadians actually like these? The food is a bit mediocre and bland. It seems quite generic looking too, and that’s saying something for a fast food place
Such as saying “eh” at the end of every sentence, “aboat” or “aboot”, or “sorey”.
It seems every month, more and more money is being invested into AI companies to get closer to Artifical General Intelligence (AGI aka one model to rule them all). And, even if it turns out to be like fusion, always 5 year away, the iterational improvement will exponentially change our lives, including the worst effects of increased jobs displacement, leading to the shrinking of the middle class. Make no mistake, even with open source competing models (deepseek r1), it's fully utilized control will be in the hands of profit driven organizations.
Outside of simply banning it altogether, how do various Canadians believe federally or provincally we should deal with the very near reality ahead, I fear we're not discussing enough?
We know about the monopolies. We know about the conservatism when it comes to investing in new technologies. We know it's hard to navigate all the different things you need to do as a small business owner to sometimes set up your business and keep it going. But at a fundamental level, what are some common barriers that should, in theory, be easy to address? And why is it so challenging to address them?
Which would you say is worth your time?