
Photograph via snooOG

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole.

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Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole!

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in a real-world argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole.

This is the sub to lay out your actions and conflicts and get impartial judgment rendered against you. Were you the asshole in that situation or not? Post should reflect real situations, and abide by the rules below.

After 18 hours, your post will be given a flair representing the final judgment on your matter. This flair is determined by the subscribers who have both rendered judgment and voted on which judgment is best. The power of the crowd will judge you. If your top level comment has the highest number of upvotes in a thread, you will get a flair point. More details are listed in our FAQ.

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In your top level comment be sure to include one abbreviation for your judgment, i.e.

YTA = You're the Asshole;

YWBTA = You Would Be the Asshole;

NTA = Not the A-hole (and the other person is);

YWNBTA = You Would Not be the Asshole (and the other person would);

ESH = Everyone Sucks here;

NAH = No A-holes here;

INFO = Not Enough Info


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AITA Neighbor If I Say Something?

AITA If I say something? I 21F just moved into a duplex this past December. Over the past few months a few things have happened here and there. My neighbors often use my trashcan and driveway. The last time they used my can they filled it with dog feces. This past week has been very frustrating above all else. I work third shift so I am home all day long, their GSD is kenneled anywhere from 10-12 hours a day. He gets let out around 7-8am for a few minutes and put back in his kennel until around 6pm. They also kennel him at night. Two days ago the boyfriend was screaming, "Im going to beat his ass" I assume at the GSD. Today when I got home, again lots of screaming, clamoring, but then dogs cries. I am afraid he is abusing the dog. What are my options. My lease has a line that says, "35. Quiet Enjoyment. If Tenant pays the rent and performs all other obligations under this Agreement, Tenant may peaceably and quietly hold and enjoy the Premises during the Term." Obviously this pertains to me so I would have to say something to my landlord, but what? Also afraid of retaliation...

13:49 UTC


AITA for telling my husband he's selfish?

I (40F) and my husband (40M) have been married 10 years. We've got 4 young kids together (8M, 6F, 4M, and 2M).

My husband got laid off in December and though we both work full time, I only make 40k a year and he makes 70K. He got a new job in March that paid the same as his last. When he took the job, he was told that the company does 4 retreats a year and that he would be "expected" to attend at least 2 of these. (He works remote.) We live 3000 miles from the location. I was hesitant for 2 reasons when he told me this:

  1. He has a history of cheating. In our relationship, all of his affairs were online and emotional. We've been to therapy and we're healing as a couple. But in his first marriage he had multiple (5 different women) physical affairs.
  2. We have 4 small kids.

Ultimately he took the job with the idea that he could always keep looking and find another but be making money while he did so.
The first retreat was this week, less than 6 weeks after he started. He left on Monday and it's been very hard on all of us. The kids have cried every night, two of them didn't sleep the first night, two got in trouble at school and daycare. It's just been emotionally draining. Last night (Wednesday) after the kids went to bed I video called my husband to talk. We had done that the night before and it made us both feel better to unwind together. During our call he kept asking me if I was tired and suggesting I get some sleep. 3 times he did this and then he told me HE was tired and going to get some rest. One problem with this: it was only 7:30 where he was and he was still fully dressed and we'd only been on the phone for 8 minutes.
So the night before he'd said he'd gone to bed at 8 after we hung up (11pm my time). He was in his jammies while we were talking and I believed him. This is our usual bedtime at home and he had to be up by 8am the next day. But by Wednesday night, jetlag should no longer be a problem and the days activities at the work retreat were a team building group exercise, lunch, and a group photo. Not exactly physically taxing activities. And the scheduled Thursday activities didn't start until 10am and it was just a team breakfast. I was annoyed with him and texted him after he ended the call, expressing just that. He said not to do that to him, he already felt bad enough being away from his family and me being upset with him wasn't fair and was only making his trip worse. I told him he was being selfish and only thinking of himself.

I might be in the wrong. But he's acting like he's sacrificing something for us by being on a fully paid company retreat. Also, this trip was basically optional. He only has to attend two. He chose to go. I mean I feel like an asshole because he can go to bed whenever he wants but I didn't like how he responded when I was upset like I had no right to be when I'm the one at home, comforting the kids and holding down the fort AND working.

13:48 UTC


AITA for out dressing my Aunt at her wedding?

So a bit of backstory here. My uncle (46M) and my aunt (43F) are getting married. Me and my sister are our uncles only blood related nieces, which is why he wanted us to be bridesmaids. On march 8th, we unfortunately lost our grandad to stage 4 lung cancer which has had a major effect on this story.

The funeral was as any normal funeral would be, it was my first one and considering it was my grandad (who I was very close with) I was extremely emotional. I had written a poem and decided I would not be saying it in-front of the guests, and my cousin offered to do it instead. I accepted. During the wake my aunt goes outside to have a smoke, and calls my mum to go with her. After the wake it is revealed that my aunt told my mum that because I didn’t cope in the funeral, how was she expecting me to cope in the wedding. She then removes me as a bridesmaid (without my uncles knowledge, I told him later on) Now, my mum (42F) and me (22F) have decided that me and my sister (21F) will be dressed up and overdress at the wedding. Obviously we won’t steal the colour white, but we’ve all decided we will be spending big bucks on our dresses, shoes, makeup, hair etc. AITA? The wedding is in a week.

I also feel like it’s important to mention - my aunt is Dutch, and my uncles side of the family is all English. They take weddings casual as we dress up formally for them.

13:48 UTC


AITA for calling my cousin an idiot?

I (30F) am taking care of a family dog alongside my cousin (24m). We divided the dates and I felt like everything was planned accordingly. I went Sunday and Monday, he was supposed to go Tuesday and Wednesday. I find out today that he forgot. The dog hasn't eaten, hasnt drank water. Long story short, I insulted him for this. My entire family is pissed at me? Like I should have been nicer to him about the situation.
I feel strongly about being in the right here but because I called him names am I the asshole?

13:46 UTC


AITA: Wife skipping my familys trip home to go to a wedding for a friend she hasn't seen in years.

I'm a 26 year old (Male) and my wife, 28 have been married a year and it was a rough year. On top of an unexpected miscarriage, my grandma passed from a stroke and then my died lost his two year battle to cancer right after Christmas. My wife's family lives out west in Colorado, and my family lives up north in rural Pennsylvania but my wife and I currently live in Florida. Needless to say we had to make a few trips home to my family for funerals and to support my mom and dad before he passed. It's been a few months now and we're trying to get back into normalcy or what's left of it so we decide to plan our trips for the summer.

My wife wanted a week together in Colorado in July for her family which I agreed to and then I asked if I could have 4 days for a trip to Pennsylvania in June for my family. She agreed on the dates so I bought the flights and let my family know. My family is very excited as they have been having a hard time with the loss and I have been dying to get home.

Last night my wife asks what we are doing on the 19th of June. I explain that that's when we're flying home to see my family and celebrate my birthday. She says, oh can you cancel my flight, I just got invited to a wedding for a friend in Colorado I haven't seen in years but we were close as kids but drifted apart in high school. I get frustrated because the tickets are non-refundable and try to explain that we've had this planned for over a month and my family was really looking forward to seeing her. She gets mad and says "just go without me to Pennsylvania, I'm not asking you to go with me to the wedding." We had already been fighting weeks prior to this and I hit a nerve so I said "just go stay at your dads house, it's clear I'm not a priority and you don't care for my family that much. There goes all that money and plans down the drain." She thinks I'm being totally unreasonable and selfish but I disagree."

I let my mom know of the situation and she is very sad and hurt my wife doesn't want to come and my siblings are too. We had plans to see Niagara Falls and have the first fun trip to Pennsylania after my dad passed. I feel my wife is being incredibly selfish and unfair to my family. AITA?

13:34 UTC


AITA For telling my friend his wife deserves better?

One of my friend's (M) has been married for a few years now and I always thought he had a beautiful marriage. He recently told me how he was talking to someone simply for an ego boost. He approached this girl at the club, got her number and exchanged calls and messages for some weeks.

I was shocked and told him he's cheating and needs to stop what he was doing. He acknowledged it was wrong but didn't consider this cheating because he was just simply exchanging texts and was never going to see the girl again. It was all just a temporary thing

I asked him how would YOU feel if your wife did this behind your back. I was shocked that he didn't understand how serious this was. Frustrated but genuine, I told him his wife deserves better and he needs to tell her, he was offended. We haven't talked since

13:26 UTC


AITA for ignoring my father?

so i (16F) have been purposely ignoring my fathers text messages. He had gone almost 13 years no contact and i genuinely forgot about him until around a year ago when he got into contact with me, we would message back and forth some times but lately i’ve been ignoring him, is it wrong that i feel so angry at myself for this? sometimes i cry just thinking about the fact some days he looks forward to my messages but i don’t message him back. he recently messaged me about the fact it was ANZAC day here in australia and i didn’t know how to answer him as he told me about the fact his father was in the war and i just ignored him, am i bad person for that? please help

13:22 UTC


AITA for what caused my ex bsf and i to stop being friends?

I was friends with this girl for around 6 years. i considered her my best friend. pretty recently i had gotten out of really toxic relationship. i had asked all of the people inside of my inner circle to stop talking to him and most of them were happy to do so.
however, two days ago. i found out that the woman i considered to be my best friend had been texting him behind my back, talking and saying horrible things about me behind my back and making fun of the me for the things he did to me. i was heartbroken knowing that someone i held with so much respect didn’t show me the same amount of respect i showed her. i was a crying mess to a few close friends and she didn’t care. she had texted me about something i had said to a mutual friend and told me that i was blowing it out of proportion.

we had gone back and forth for a while as i begged her to not throw away a 6 year long friendship for someone that caused me unimaginable pain. she was upset that she couldn’t be friends with him and i at the same time. i tried explaining to her how that wouldn’t work and she had to choose. i’m not one to make people choose however it was important to me.

i had later found out after he reached out to me about the whole situation that she had asked him out, made him uncomfortable by making unsolicited sexual comments and gestures to him, talking about me behind my back, and overall trying to make him feel a specific way about her. i do believe it’s important to clarify that the relationship was toxic due to both of our unsolved issues and the need for me to be independent while he is dependent. a few other things happened between us that also caused me to spiral.

she continued to argue with me until she told me that we should not associate with each other anymore. at that point in time, i was okay with it. i realized how little she respected me and tried to completely flip the whole situation on me. however now that i look back on it, should i have let them be friends and sucked it up? AITA?

13:18 UTC


AITA for calling the cops to see if they had my boyfriend?

First off, we are long distance and have been for 2.5 years; 9.5 hours apart. We have an agreement that since he's had run ins with the cops before, he will always let me know when he gets back to his house at night and is safe (safe, as in, NOT IN JAIL!). Anyway, last night he called and said he was going to QUICKLY ride dirt bikes with a friend. This friend is a terrible influence, commonly offering lots of alcohol to my boyfriend, who has a hard time saying no.

Anyway, he ALWAYS calls me when he leaves his friend's house. Last night I got tired of waiting, so I went to bed. I woke up at 1:30am and was shocked that I had not received a text or missed call from him. He has to get up early everyday for work (like 4am!) so he should have been home.

I began to worry, to the point where I could not fall back asleep. I tried calling him and did not get a response. I started to worry that maybe my boyfriend got pulled over on the way home for drunk driving. Before anyone comments, PLEASE READ THIS NEXT PART!

This has happened before! It was probably a year or more ago, I could not get ahold of him and something kept saying, 'call the cops' - so I did, to learn that he had been picked up for a DUI. So now whenever he doesn't communicate with me and I know he's been at his friends, I begin to worry that it's happening all over again. Most people would learn from a DUI, but since the charge was reduced to "reckless driving", my boyfriend did not learn...

Anyway, last night I called the cops and they said they did not have him. I started to worry that maybe he was in a dirt bike accident. It was awful and I was honestly just worried!

Finally this morning at 6am, he answered (he had to go into work later today instead of his usual time). I asked why he didn't call me on his way home. He claimed he "forgot", which has never happened before. I asked what time he left his friends and he immediately got defensive: "I don't know! Why does it matter?! You knew I was home!" I went on to tell him that I called the cops because I was so worried and he FLIPPED OUT. "You are going to quit calling the cops on me!" is what he kept repeating over and over. He would not let me get a word in, just kept repeating the same thing. I said, "Okay, then YOU are going to let me know when you leave your friend's house at night." Well, that did not go over well. He said, "I had enough alcohol to show up on a breathalyzer! Don't call the cops anymore!"

So he admitted to drinking too much and proceeding to operate a vehicle on a road where he is not the only driver and not calling me because he knows I can tell when he's drunk...

He's threatening to leave ME over the situation. AITA for calling the cops to see if they had picked him up?

13:17 UTC


AITA for asking my friend for more space so people don't think we're a couple?

Me and her were a couple without the benefits. We held hands, hugged each other many times a day, among other things that if any of you saw, you would definitely suspect that I was secretly with her, who I'm going to call Debbie just for this post. The truth is, no, we were never a couple despite all these actions. There was a point in my life when I wanted to, but I didn't succeed.

Things changed when I was rejected by Debbie (I tried to become her boyfriend before). Doing all that and just being a friend became uncomfortable. I wanted to move on, fall in love, and this beautiful girl appeared. Not only beautiful, she was kind, funny and much smarter than me. Perfect. The only obstacle? Debbie.

I never planned to unfriend her, just stop everything I said before. At most, hugs would be okay. No problem hugging your friends, but holding hands and the rest is very different to see in friendship. The girl I was liking was also suspicious, so I had to solve it somehow. I stopped doing these things with her, but she persisted in trying them with me. It reached such a level of embarrassment between us that she took the first step and stopped talking to me.

I spoke to her, tried to explain myself, to make her understand that I didn't want to hurt her. It was just uncomfortable to me. It didn't help. According to her, she was tired of running after people, refusing to solve the problem. I tried one last time and that was it. Now we're not talking, but because she doesn't want to.

13:13 UTC


AITA for arguing with my father and basically blaming all my problems on him

I (M 17) just snapped with my dad (M 54) . For context, my mother (F 49) if finnish and my father is moraccan. We currently live in Finland, and my parents are distant at best from each other, even though they are still together and we all live under the same roof. My father is unemployed, and stays home all day, laying in bed and staring at his computer, and eating. He will get mad at the slightest thing, and will always threaten me when he does. Anyways, so today we agreed that I would move a box to the upstairs storage (we live in an apartment), while he goes to buy onions. While I was in the middle of looking for the storage key, he told me to go to the shop to get onions, and I simply said 'fine, I guess I'll do both', in admittedly a very teenager type of tone. He yelled at me for this, and I snapped, for the damn near first time actually yelling beck, about how he gets mad about the slightest thing, and makes messes that I always have to clean, and how he leeches of my mother. He went silent, and just left. Am I the asshole here?

13:09 UTC


AITA “Dark humour joke overheard by someone at uni“

Am I the arsehole? I (22, male, autistic) was chilling with a couple of mates at university, A (21, male, who is gay), B (20, female), and C (19, female, who is also gay and I live with her). We all have a very dark sense of humour and the same personality. We use words that would be deemed offensive. Like, I will regularly call C the "R" word if she's done something really stupid, like when she almost burned the house down by putting a pizza in from 4am to 7am until I woke up and threw it out. We all believe that because it's not coming from a place of hate, it's fine. We don’t say anything racist like the "N" word or the "P" word.

Anyway, we were joking around and I made a joke to A, who found it very funny, about how his dad walked out on his family when he came out as gay. I know this can be very offensive to a passersby, but we were pretty much by ourselves with nobody around us. However, I didn’t realize someone from our class was nearby, and she took offence to the joke. She called me a vile and despicable person, spat at me, and tried to tell A that I was a sexist, misogynistic, homophobic person and that he needs to stop hanging out with me. Immediately, C hit her, which I believe was too far (funny as hell though, as C is like 4’ 7” and weighs about 60 kg), and A said, "Who are you to tell me what I should do and what I should be offended by?" She said A was setting gay people back by hanging out with me.

This entire thing caused a massive commotion, and people started to gather around us. She started shouting that I was homophobic, misogynistic, and racist, which is BS. People were quick to take her side until two more of my housemates, D (22, female) and E (23, female), who are both black, ripped her apart verbally, saying, "How could you be so stupid? He lives with two black people and a gay woman, so how is he homophobic or racist?" The classmate has left but has been telling people on my course what happened and vilified me. Some people have stopped speaking with me, but that doesn’t mean a lot if they are just going to take her opinion and not come and speak to me. I don’t value their friendship.

I just want to get other people's opinion: Am I the arsehole, or are my friends right?

I did check with A after to see if he was okay, and he was. He makes jokes like this all the time and said it was a massive overreaction, and she was more of the arsehole than me.

I don’t care about anyone’s race, religion, sexual orientation, or anything like that. At the end of the day, we are all floating on a piece of rock in space, and we live for a short period of time. You should live your life how you want, as long as it doesn’t affect other people negatively. Why should they care?

13:06 UTC


AITA for refusing to wear earrings while my mom insisently tries to put them on?

I (21F) HATE earrings, i think they are a unnecessary part of fashion. im fine if others wear it, but for me it gets really uncomftable after a while and plus, after i take them off, they are some little bits of gold or silver left over that i clean off.

Today my mom (68F) really wanted to put these cat like earrings (they were the shape of a sitting cat and were silver in color, with some extra details) for the past few days after i almost lost my other set of earrings i didnt want to wear at all (forced) but after i found the lost earring i took off the other and im trying to keep my ears "earring free" from that moment on

Today she decided i was gonna wear them, i didnt want to wear them as, like i said, i like my ears clean, but she insisted i wear them. I told her id put them on later, she said ok (i didnt want them to put them on anyway). After a while she tried again and i said fine, and put one on, but then my mom lost the pin

While she was looking for the pin i took it off, i was just that uncomftable with it. She got up, saw that i took it off and was upset that i took it off, but i just told her i dont like earrings and i dont want to wear them. She still wants to put them on while im writing this

so AITA for refusing to wear earrings?

13:01 UTC


AITA for taking legal action against my stepmom after she tried to screw me out of my dad's money?

Let me take you back to when my dad remarried after my mom passed away when I was a teenager. I hoped my new stepmom would bring some happiness into our lives, but boy, was I wrong.

From the beginning, she showed clear favoritism towards her own kids and treated me and my siblings like crap. It was frustrating and hurtful, especially as I was still grieving the loss of my mom. Instead of blending our families, she created divides and made us feel unwelcome in our own damn home.

As the years went by, our relationship only got worse. She would constantly criticize me, belittle my choices, and undermine my confidence. I felt like I was always walking on eggshells around her, trying to earn any semblance of respect or acknowledgment.

When my dad suddenly passed away, it was a devastating blow. Dealing with his death was tough enough, but then the real drama started during the estate settlement.

My stepmom wasted no time in presenting us with a revised will that left me and my siblings with next to nothing, while she and her children stood to inherit everything. Something didn't sit right with me, so I sought legal advice.

The lawyer discovered that the will had been tampered with. My stepmom had manipulated it to exclude us unfairly and secure the lion's share of the inheritance for herself and her kids. Confronting her about it was like talking to a brick wall. She didn't give a damn about my dad's wishes; all she cared about was her own gain.

Fueled by a mix of anger, betrayal, and a deep desire to honor my dad's memory, I decided to take her to court. The legal battle was brutal, dragging on for months and costing a small fortune. My stepmom fought tooth and nail, trying to discredit me and paint me as the villain.

The strain on family relationships was immense. Some relatives accused me of stirring up drama and suggested I should've let it go to avoid further conflict. But to me, it was about justice and standing up for what was rightfully ours.

Finally, after a grueling legal process, the court ruled in our favor. The judge declared the manipulated will invalid and ordered my stepmom to return what she had wrongfully taken. It was a hard-fought victory, but the aftermath was far from easy.

The fallout from the legal battle took a toll on everyone involved. It strained relationships, caused emotional distress, and left me financially drained. Despite the challenges, I don't regret my decision to fight for what was rightfully mine and my siblings'.

Looking back, I often wonder if there could have been a better way to handle the situation. Should I have tried to reason with my stepmom first instead of jumping straight into a legal battle? Was there a way to preserve family harmony while seeking justice?

So, Reddit, am I the jerk for taking legal action against my stepmom to reclaim what was rightfully mine and protect my dad's legacy, even if it caused significant turmoil within the family?

12:52 UTC


AITA for thinking my bestfriend secretly dislikes me?

So I (21F) have been very good friends with Sara (21F). We met in start of college and it's sophomore year and we're very close and she has been there for me (well most of the time) and I have always tried my best too.

What bothers me is the fact that lately I've been feeling like she hates me or doesn't like me at all. So I was the class rep of my class for over two years.. Her and I always have almost similar GPA. Either she's top of the class or both of us. i have been so positive about it because genuinely I want her to acheive great things in life and grades don't really matter to me that much. Last semester I scored a higher GPA than her. She was very vocal about how she feels like a failure & she deserved better grades cus she tried so hard.I didn't take it personal at all, but it couldn't be happy about my result altho she always scores higher than me but i never felt that way.

she always says mean things to me 'as a joke' but it's been three years. Like "go away, you're a loser" (she even said that today) or "don't talk to me, you're terrible" and then idk what to say & she'll talk abt sthn else. She knows that I have trauma associated with that; months back there was a fight bw our classmates & cornered me yelled at me and she told them to calm down and they started yelling at her too. So i cursed at them & said I will never forgive them for what they did to her. My HOD saw that last bit only & wanted to expell me.

They didn't say much to sara, but said terrible things to me + physically attacked me & she was the only witness but throughout the whole thing, she didn't come up to defend me. She saw I had a panic attack on campus & how bad everything affected me but kept joking abt it and repeating their mean words (they said things like the reason I had a panic attack is probably because I'm a terrible person and it's god's punishment for me). She still jokes about it.

On the outside she is the sweetest person ever and ik she is on the inside too, but I recently realized that she has always been way too sweet with everyone, that no one would even believe if they found out the horrible things she says about them, and judging them for not being better. Like if someone's enjoying something she'll just make fun of them (to me, not to them) and say how cringe it is.

I ask her if she wants to go somewhere with me & she always refuses. But she goes there alone and doesn't tell me until it comes up in a convo. She shames me for my interests but says that hers are better. Says I'm lazy, althou I do all my chores myself & she has nothing to do the entire day & all her needs are taken care of at her parents house & she keeps bullying me for my likes. ButI recently almost got engaged but it didn't work out and I was really heartbroken and she spent the day with me and tried to cheer me up. So maybe I'm wrong. Idk what to say, I feel like maybe I'm being unfair to her, aita for having these thoughts?

12:47 UTC


AITA for walking out when my sister was crying?

So I (21F) woke up early this morning with a bad headache. I had a bit too much to drink last night while crying to a friend on the phone. Story for another time. Anyway. My headache wasn't major but was painful enough for me to ask my mom (73F) to turn her phone down while getting ready for work.

When my sister woke up, she almost immediately put YouTube on the TV. I was going to ask if she could turn it down but she did so before I got the chance. So I decided to try and focus on my own thing while ignoring my headache. However, even with the TV turned down, the specific video she was watching had a lot of yelling in high pitched voices which made my head throb. So I tried my best to politely ask, "Does it have to be this video that you watch right now?" Thats where it started.

I was going to explain why I asked before she just groaned in frustration. I was confused then she started complaining about everyone hating the fact that she watched what she did and claimed that no one wanted her to just enjoy her free time. I tried to explain to her that that wasn't the case at all. She assumed my reasoning for mentioning anything about it was because I clearly had an issue with it. And she wasn't wrong. But it wasn't in the way she was taking it. But she wouldn't let me get a word in to let me explain myself.

Soon enough our mother intervened and said it was too early to be arguing right now. And she wasn't wrong. It was around 7:36 in the morning. Which is half the reason I did my best to keep my voice calm and collected while talking to my sister, the other half being my head.

While yelling at me, she managed to wake up her boyfriend (22M), who immediately expressed how annoyed he was at being woken up so early. After a bit more yelling from my sister, her boyfriend passive aggressively told her not to care about anyone else not wanting her to do what she wanted. And that it didn't matter how anyone else felt about it. But she just got more angry and was about to walk out.

He managed to keep her in the room but she just sat down at the desk and began crying. Both her boyfriend and my mom went over to console her. And my mother attempted to get me to come over and do the same. She asked me to speak to my sister. My sister very loudly and pointedly said she did not want to speak to me. But my mom insisted. Now here's where I may be the asshole.

After trying to persuade me a third time, I calmly looked at her and said "What am I supposed to say if she herself said she doesn't wanna talk to me? I can't help if she won't let me. So you two can deal with it." After saying that I stepped out to smoke down my frustration but I couldn't help but feel bad about not staying when I'd clearly upset her. Now its just us three since my mom has gone to work. She's doing better from what I can see but the air still feels too tense for me to even think of anything to say. And I'm not sure she even wants to talk to me right now.

12:47 UTC


AITA for trying to save my friend by singling out my other friend? TW: depression

I (16,M) have two friends. They’re dating M(16, F) and B(16, M). M has BPD which if you don’t know what that is you can look into it but essentially i think it means that emotions are amplified and that the slightest thing can send you into an episode. You’re either really happy, really sad or really angry. B and M seemed to be doing alright when I befriended them. But every time I went out with them something seemed off. M would have an episode triggered by things like needing to be patted down by a security guard or B waving at someone on the train and subsequently asking him if he was cheating on her. One time M called me desperately asking if B was ok when he was simply getting an eye exam. I was very confused at the time and unfortunately shrugged her off a bit.

But over time, things got worse. To the point B admitted to me he was extremely depressed with how often arguments were breaking out and how much drama was happening in his life. M frequently has depressing though however B already took these as normal when I met him which upset me greatly. If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn’t imagine her doing things like that to herself.

But at one point I decided it was enough. B needed one day without M and he agreed with me on this sometimes. He told me he would be so much happier if he took a break from her so I took it upon myself to organise that. I asked for him to come over to my other friends house one weekend just to chill out. But he wanted to invite her and I told him no. Then the argued and I said fine you can invite her if you think YOU will be ok. He acted like I was being an asshole and I will admit that this is singling M out. There is no other explanation.

But B was getting more miserable by the day. We hung out and it went ok. But today, M told me she was no longer interested in being friends with me because she found the messages on B’s phone. Am I allowed to be annoyed that our private messages aren’t so private anymore? They have obviously had an argument and frankly I just want to leave it to them. I don’t want to be involved anymore. I’ve been their relationship counsellor enough, for half a year. Am I the asshole?

12:47 UTC


AITA - airport edition

AITA? Was walking along in the airport on the right side somewhat hugging the wall. Large amount of people going in both directions. Middle aged woman was walking straight toward me, I figured she would drift to her right. She didn’t. She played chicken with me. I’m not small, she all but fell over. She looked at me in complete horror as if I intentionally walked into her ignoring the fact she had to walk into me too. Am I the asshole?

12:39 UTC


AITA for not tipping my niece at the restaurant she works at since I thought she did a shit job

My niece is 17 and got a job at the local chain restaurant. She is a server and overall the family will stop by and ask for her section. They do this so she can get a good tip and just help her out.

I decided to do that yesterday and I took my son with me. Overall everyone has a decent relationship and I thought it would be fun. It was a horrible experience, I don’t know why but she didn’t keep any professionalism the whole time.

We get there and we started to talk and order our drinks. She kept telling us to hurry up, we were only there for like a minute already. She never stopped by the table and our drinks after finishing stayed empty. I ordered the pulled pork tacos and asked for the no sauce. She argued with me that meal didn’t have a sauce, I point out it is included on the menu. Argue a bit and I tell her fine My food comes out covered in the sauce. I ask her to take it back since it did have sauce .

She then argues with me about how the kitchen won’t be happy, I informed her that’s why I asked for no sauce in the first place. She eventually takes it back, the rest of the meal she is just rude.

When the check comes out I decided not to tip her, and leave a note saying the service was horrible. We then leave.

I get a call form my sister pissed and calling me a jerk for leaving no tip. My niece is also pissed at me. My wife is also on the fence so I came her for different opinions

12:39 UTC


AITA for parking in handicapped spot in this specific situation?

This happened few days ago and I still don’t know how to feel about it. I picked up some food and decided to eat at my car because well I was alone and I don’t like eating in public when alone. So I parked my car but the sun glare was so bad it was shining directly to my eyes and I have sensitive eyes. I saw the handicap parking spot was empty as it’s almost always is, and I know that spot is shaded, so I parked there and started eating.

I was halfway through my meal and some random lady came up to my window saying she can’t see a tag on my car. I explained my situation. She was together with a wheelchair user person and he seem understanding but she immediately started acting offended. She give me a rant on why I shouldn’t have park here, in the end she said because people like my they have hard time finding spots. I said there is an another empty handicap spot here plus I’d gladly move my car if she kindly asked me to. She then demanded I empty the spot now. I said I will and started moving my car. I didn’t apologize because of her attitude .

She shouted “wow not even an apology” as I was leaving. I then stopped and said “I’m sorry you seem really frustrated but you can’t take all your anger on me. She cut me of saying “I’m taking my anger on you?” I said “yes because I explained you why i parked here in the first place and now I’m moving my car as you wanted me to. I feel for both of you , being caretaker must be hard as well but you don’t have to be so hard on me” she cut me off again saying they are a couple, I’m such an asshole asshole, it’s not that hard to give a proper apology, she can’t believe how entitled I am etc she kept complaining. At this point I knew there was no point replying to her because she was clearly looking for a fight, so I quietly left. AITA?

12:34 UTC


WIBTA for wanting to give an ultimatum relating to covering hotel costs for a financially unstable/irresponsible friend for an upcoming holiday?

Towards the end of last year, my good friend and I of several years went on about a 1.5 week trip to an international destination and we ended up having a great time.

I was initially planning on it being a solo trip as whilst I had been there twice before, I’d never explored the country on my own.

Fast forward about a month and my friend messages me asking when I was going to said country and saying that they were thinking of coming too (inviting themselves). Several weeks after that message the same airline ended up having another sale and they managed to snag themselves some tickets.

I did not have an issue with them coming along, however, a condition of them “inviting themselves” to the trip was that they were to book and pay for their own accommodation, as I had already booked my own. This was fine with them.

They managed to only save enough for in country transport and daily spending money. Feeling kinda bad for them, I ended up changing my hotel rooms to twin rooms and told them that I would cover the hotel costs so long as they paid their way for everything else, which they did.

Now to the main moral conundrum.

Between the end of last trip and March they managed to get gifted quite the sum of money. Not a massive amount, but not a small amount either.

Knowing this, when another sale came up in March to the same destination, we booked a 2 week trip in October. This time with agreement that we’d split the costs of hotels.

Up to now I’ve been witnessing them splashing their money on frivolous purchases like very expensive tech products, car mods, etc. To the point where they have next to nothing leftover for the trip itself. One would think that one would hold onto as much of that money as possible between now and the trip as they certainly would need to if their current financial situation doesn’t change.

They aren’t in the most financially stable position as they only have a casual job that before the previous trip they were working quite a few shifts for, now they don't and they don’t seem interested in picking back up shifts there.

I’ve booked twin rooms for a couple of the places we are planning on staying. I have told them that if needed I am happy to cover hotel costs again, so long as they are able to save up enough for other expenses. However, I am having my doubts that they will be able to save the money required in the time left.

I'm thinking of cancelling the hotels booked so far and rebooking for myself, giving the ultimatum that if they are able to prove that they are saving enough money, then I’ll happily rebook back to twin rooms (since I will be the one covering those costs). If they are not able to save in time and ultimately not have enough money to come, my accommodation will be at cheaper rates (since it’s booked further in advance) and I’d embark on that solo trip instead.

WIBTA for giving them this ultimatum considering they wasted their money that could have been used for the trip considering their current financial situation?

12:33 UTC


AITA for not doing more to help my kids with my ex wife?

I met my ex-wife when I was 23 and she was 31. She had a young daughter at the time, and after a month or so of us knowing each other, she told me she was pregnant.

At first, she showed me all the love I never received growing up. And really healed me. Or so I thought. There were a few red flags I guess I ignored at first. Like her bringing her daughter to NYC (where I lived at the time) to spend the night with us at my apartment which was 1.5 hours from where they live.

I did the right thing, and proposed to her. And soon after, we were married. As soon as we all moved in, her screaming and yelling at me started. Nothing I ever did was right.

I noticed how controlling she was after my son was born. Her daughter slept and ate on the floor. She didn’t let her shower whenever. Her daughter had to ask every time. She was controlling with food. Didn’t keep much in the house, and If she did, and her daughter “stole it” she would scream and yell all the time. She told her daughter to go into my car to steal my money since “it was legally hers because we are married” so 100s of dollars would be missing and the girl would run away and my ex wife acted like I was going crazy.

And then she started being abusive to me. She would lock me outside of the house (she owned it and was gifted through a family estate) she never gave me a key. I would ring on the doorbell for hours until the neighbors came out and she would stand behind the door until I begged her to be let in. She wouldn’t let me shower or do laundry so I had to go to the gym and do it. She would lock her bedroom door with the kids in there at night and made me sleep on the basement couch and unscrewed the light bulbs. If I wanted AC, I slept on her bedroom floor as it was the only room with it.

She would make fun of my eating disorder, my assault, and shame and degrade me. Poking fun of my body, my masculinity, and she was just so nasty. She would get me to the point of insanity and record me. Like me jumping out of her car at a red light because she wouldn’t stop screaming. Or banging my head on the floor because she wouldn’t stop the constant screaming and shaming with every part of my body.

I couldn’t take it. So I would leave for a while and come back. I would travel or go back to my family’s home in Florida. I guess her daughter ended up taking care of my child when I wasn’t there. And took out her anger of me leaving on her. But she also kicked me out many times because of something I did that angered her.

Years later, the kids are grown up, and I’ve been divorced for years. But the guilt eats at me that I didn’t do anything when I saw her treat her daughter the same way she treated me. She said horrible things to her about her body. Her dad leaving. Everything. She slept on her bedroom floor with just a blanket and pillow. I regret not doing more. But it was too hard for me to handle.

12:31 UTC


WIBTA if I withdrew from a planned trip due to not being able to come to an agreement

Let me preface by saying my girlfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, it’s like a 2 hour flight from each other.

She has a group of friends that she met online a long time ago, and I’m familiar with them as well. We are all planning a trip early next year, and we were looking for a place to stay. I was talking to my girlfriend and we came to the consensus that we would share a bed, so that a) we could be together on the trip, and b) we could potentially find a smaller airbnb with less beds to save money. I messaged the group chat informing them of that, and I was met with a weird sexual response of “just don’t fuck too loud” and “if x hears anything strange they might swing on you” as if we aren’t consenting adults capable of making our own decisions, but regardless we don’t plan on doing anything sexual on this trip anyways. Another person commented in the chat saying “men and women, segregated beds” and I wasn’t sure if he was being serious. I’m considering withdrawing from the trip because I don’t have many vacation days to begin with, and I like to use them to spend time with my gf.

I don’t want to go in this trip having to worry about getting clocked in the back of the head if I try to hold her hand or something while we’re walking. Secondly it’s being set for a week that’s already not ideal for me as I’d have to use an additional vacation day that week, so it would screw with me even more. I’m also the driver of the group driving everybody 6 hrs to and from the airport on pickup and drop off day.

The whole thing has started stressing me out and I just want to know what to do. WIBTA if I told my gf/that group that I won’t be going anymore?

12:28 UTC


WIBTA for leaving a group holiday I arranged

So I am currently sharing a villa with my immediate family for my daughters christening. A christening my partner and I didn’t even want but both our parents are insistent we do. We decided to do it at the chapel my husband and I got married in as at least some sentimental value for us to enjoy. It is a bit of a drive for us all (about three hours) so my partner and I said we would make a holiday out of it over a long weekend. The families got wind of it and decided they would as well. A few weeks ago when planning things we were asked about our plans for accommodation and we were just going to get an apartment or something.

My farther insisted he help find us a place as we were both under a lot of stress at the time and didn’t have time to do much research. We told him what we were looking for and what we would need to help with the baby I.e bath, easy in and out with pram, air con, etc. my dad said he found us an apartment and it’s all in one big complex that Him my mum and my siblings will be staying in as well. I thought ok makes things a bit easier and he said it was 1k which I thought a bit steep but if it ticks the boxes I was grateful for him sorting it for us.

Anyway we have rocked up and it is awful, we are sharing a house, with everyone! not seperate apartments just rooms. It ticks non of the boxes we have asked for and our daughter is suffering because of it. My husband and I don’t want to make a fuss but we have been looking forward to this break and right now we can’t at all. We are sharing a room with our baby which isn’t normally an issue but lately any sort of noise or sound wakes her up which is why she normally sleeps in her own room but there is no option for that here it’s just so cramped and hot (no aircon - we are in the tropics so you do need it). So we are now having to deal with either going to bed at 6pm or trying to make no noise when we go to bed which isn’t easy… so we are wondering WIBTA if we moved out and got our own apartment in the morning and just let them know it’s not working with the baby. They can keep our share of the money and we will just do our own thing…

12:25 UTC


AITA for wanting my gf to move in with me at my place (500km away from her family) which I own rather than rent an apartment in a city she lives in with her family

After 1,5 years of relationship I (m28) decided to start talking with my gf (f22) about moving in with me. It is a long distance relationship as we live on two opposite sided of a country (about 500km's away) and until now we used to see each other every 3 weeks.

I have my own house in which I rent two rooms to my friends and I'm taking care of a small family business which is renting 4 more appartments fully idependent of my apartment in the same building to some other people, I still have about 30k EUR mortage to pay for renovating them.

As I mentioned in the first paragraphs I started talking with my gf about moving in together at my place as we wouldn't have to pay additional rent because I own the place which would be a huge relief on our bank accounts due to horrible situation on a housing market right now where rent is 1/2 or 1/3 of your earnings. And if we were to live together at my place we could actually save up some money and eventually get our "own OWN" place together in the future which will be impossible if I were to move to her city and rent an apartment with her.

She said she would think about it but she would rather have me move to the city where her family is (they don't own anything there, they rent a place). Recently we had a fight about it and she said that she already knows that she will never be ready to move that far away from her family and If she knows that she won't be ready and that I'm not ready to move to her city then we should split. We both cried during that conversation as we both love each other but we're at an impasse. Am I the asshole here for being so stubborn and not wanting to rent a place with her closer to her family instead of living with me rent free so we could save up for something that would be "ours"?

She kept saying that I look at things way too much from a economical perspective rather than "emotional perspective" but all I wanted for us was to have a stable future.

Even though we split we both said that we will try to think of some other solution and if we won't come up with something we will simply not get back together even though we love each other.


There's also another thing. Her mom is Ill, she has a lung disease which is not terminal but sometimes it's giving them a proper scare and her main argument about not moving to my place would be "I don't want my worst nightmare to come true if something were to happen to my mom while I'd be 500km away from her". Apologies for not including it earlier, right now I'm bit of a mess and trying to make this post coherent. I absolutely adore her mom as she's a great person and I'm also worried about her health but she's been to numerous doctor appointements, had a lot of test, some gave good results, some gave bad results but none of the doctors said that she might "pass away".
Unfortunately my both parrents passed away and I'm afraid that I might be an asshole because my view here is biased as I don't have parents so "nothing is keeping me anywhere" while she does have mom and their bond is very strong.

12:14 UTC


WIBTA if I evicted my tenant?

So I need some opinions on whether I'm being too overbearing or not. I'm a first time homeowner and I live in a beautiful 4 bedroom family home that I was able to purchase at only 28 years old. I've worked very hard to get to this point and had my father and sister move in with me since it was hard for them to live on their own in Southern California and it would be easier on us all to live together. I'm a single guy and have the master bedroom in the house. Since there are 4 rooms we rent one for a reasonable price in the area.

For the first time we got someone moved into this spare bedroom we will call her Jess (26). She is a friend of my sister, so we wanted to trust her and let her move in. She has had a rough life and moving in with us helped her greatly to get out of bad situations with her previous housing and such.

I was very specific in the rental agreement that was drawn up as to curfews, guest protocols, safety concerns, ect. I made sure to have it in the contract that she cannot bring guests over without letting me know at least 12 hours in advance of their arrival. I even hold myself to that standard, letting her know days before even my family would come over. I also made sure there was a 10pm curfew in the contract, this way myself and my father can get good sleep, we both work 9-12 hour days waking up at 3-4am and working until late afternoon to evening so we really need the sleep.

Recently she went behind everyone's backs while we slept and brought in some guy friend of hers at 1am. I was clearly upset with this as I was not told this person even existed and didn't know he was in my home until hours after I woke up the next morning. So I wrote up Jess for contract violation and told her if she breaks these rules again she will be evicted. She tells me this is unfair because she was just helping a friend who was drunk at a party down the street to not drunk drive home.

WIBTA for evicting her for these reasons?

12:10 UTC


AITA for telling my brother that I won't protect him agaisnt bullies?

First of all, english isn´t my first language. I (17M) have a brother Pedro (16M). He had a hard time at school and then after some time, everything was fine. People started accepting him and he found his own friends. I tried to be there for him, but I am a teenager and I have my own life.

Last year, he came out as gay/NB to our family and it was okay, I have my personal opinions about that, but it's his life and he can do whatever he wants with it. We are from a village on the countryside, people don't like anything different here, everybody knows that.

Two weeks ago, Pedro decided to come out on social media, I told him that it was going to create a situation of him being bullied again, and that he should take off the videos about it. We had a little bit of argument and told him that I wasn't going to protect him anymore if somebody wants to beat him. He ended up taking the videos from social media.

It was too late, the same day, my friends, on a group chat, were talking about it and how happy my parents were because they had "a boy and a half girl". I laughed and pretended that it wasn't a big deal, but it was for me.

Pedro told my mom and she flipped out on me saying that I am worst than the bullies because I am family. I said that I was just being practical, if he doesn't want to get bullied, don't give a reason to people to bully him.

I ended up grounded for 4 weeks, I had a curfew of 8pm, which is very stupid, I can't barely see my girlfriend because I have soccer practice until 7 during the week. After two weeks of this stupidity, and knowing that I am right, I decided to ask my father to talk with my mom about changing the curfew time for later or ending the ground.

For my surprise, yesterday my dad called me saying that it as extented for 4 more weeks, in total I'll be 8 weeks grounded, and the curfew is 8pm on weekdays and 5pm in the weekend. I am so angry right now that I don't want to even see my brohter. My dad said "if 2 weeks have passed and you don't know why you're wrong, then we need to take stronger mesures to make sure you'll get it". I CALLED IT BULLSHIT. What that even means? All my friends agree with me, I told that to her and she said that maybe I should change my friends then. I asked my brother to ask my mother to change her mind and he said that he can't do it.

I don't think I am not even 2% wrong here, can you please give me your opinion, am I the asshole for saying that I won't protect my brother at school?

12:06 UTC


AITA if I just up and leave and never come back?

I, 22F, still live in an apartment with my mom and sister. I’m not classified as an adult in this house. I’m not allowed to go get tattoos, go out and get drunk, just so much shit that I should be able to do. My mom has had us under her thumb since birth and even now I still think about here before myself with so many different situations.

She’s super clingy and gets attitudes because I don’t want to kiss/hug her and don’t want to do things with her and it’s like how can I when I can’t live the life I want to live.

I want to just run away and never come back but she would show up at my job and who knows what else

I’d move out but rent is so ridiculous and honestly the last time I moved out wasn’t great I didn’t even stay for a day and I was already back home. I hate my mom but it’s too the point where I don’t know how to be by myself and be okay

12:00 UTC


AITA for asking my fiancé to shave his head once a week?

I (27f) love my fiancé (30m) very much and am attracted to him no matter what. He doesn’t have much hair left, and I personally feel he is most physically attractive when he just shaves it all off. It makes him look younger, cleaner, and more well-groomed. I’ve expressed this to him more than once, and while he does do it, he often lets it grow out a little in between. Often when it starts to grow out I will remind him or ask him to go shave it.

He gets offended by this and says that I am being shallow and controlling. My response is that it makes me feel like he doesn’t care that much about his appearance when he can’t do this one thing once a week. It literally takes five minutes.

I put a lot of effort into my appearance including makeup, hair removal, nails, etc. I do this mostly for myself but also because I enjoy looking my best for my partner. It makes me feel bad that he can’t shave his head once a week without me reminding or nagging him about it.

From my experience it’s not all that uncommon for a woman to give her male partner some grooming tips. I truly don’t understand why he gets so offended by it. I get that relationships are about more than physical appearance, obviously. It just makes me feel happy and loved when he puts in that extra effort into looking sharp for me.

So, I am reasonable in my request that my balding fiancé shave his head weekly, or am I being a shallow, controlling asshole?

11:59 UTC


AITA for being pissed because my mom makes me feel like I can't be a kid?

I (16F) have been very upset with my mother (34F) as of late. I have 3 younger siblings (15F, 10F, and 8M) and one on the way. For context I've been working since I was 14. I tutor four times a week and I reply to inquiries regarding houses (I answer simple questions like how much, location, stuff like that) and I earn 120-200 dollars a month (that's a lot from where I'm from) so that I can pay for the things I need and school, my transpo, my food, and I help my mom out whenever she asks for some. My mom is 7 months pregnant, she works while my dad stays at home (he quit his job months ago) my mom has been struggling with money lately, and she's been asking me to help her out at her job, I would but I'm still in school and my schedule is already busy enough as it is. But she makes me feel so guilty, idk... She always says "you're the only one I can rely on here" And so I'm trying to find more tutoring gigs during weekends. But I am exhausted, I'm an honor student and I try to maintain that while doing everything else. My sister (15F) isn't any help either, and I'm not mad at her or anything because I know we're just kids but I feel like it's so unfair that I'm the only one helping out so much. And my dad is utterly fucking useless. I'm annoyed and pissed off because earlier my mom was crying and she told me to stop being a kid and just enjoy my life later. This family is unbelievable. I feel physically, mentally, and emotionally so tired.

11:52 UTC

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