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This subreddit was created in response to users of r/astrology looking for more in-depth conversations about astrology.


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Tell me your experiences living on/visiting your Pluto DC line

Astrocartography question

I've lived near my Pluto DC line since I was 5 years old, so it's hard for me to tell if I'd be better off elsewhere. Please share with me your experiences with living on/visiting near your Pluto lines!

23:25 UTC


What Nakshatra should I do next? (Vedic)

Now that I’ve completed my exploration on Ashwini nakshatra, what would you like to see next. I’m not sure I’ll have the time to do all of them (it took me over 8 hours of work to finish Ashwini), but I can prioritize them based on what people would like to see.

22:00 UTC


Question for people with Pluto in the 7th

Do you find that you pick up on the darker sides of people more than others?

And that to be the one who sees others for who they really are puts you in danger of becoming the scapegoat? If so, how do you navigate this?

Also curious if you feel that you are projected on quite often, or if that’s more of a Neptunian thing?

13:48 UTC


Are intense connections new

I'm pretty new to astrology and noticing large amounts of people posting their synastry charts with the same lines "most intense connection" "soulmates".

I don't recall hearing this from people in general over the years. But I see these very intense relationships in Astrology groups everywhere now (myself being included in this)

What I'm wondering is, for those that have been in the astrology world for awhile, is this something new? People coming together in very intense relationships?

It seems like everyone is having the most intense connections.

13:20 UTC


Why do so many astrologers struggle with understanding Uranus, Neptune and Pluto?

These planets are very powerful in my chart. The things they hold and what they rule is like an easy second language to me.

I’m not saying that other astrologers provide inadequate information with the outer celestials, I’m saying they only bring up surface level topics when it comes the realms/dimensions these celestials control…

From Sun to Saturn everyone is an expert! Yet, when it comes to these planets it’s like there’s some internal struggle to interpret the full of effect of these planets.

Then you have the quirky astrologers that either speak in linear fashion with 4 hour videos that are a nails on a chalkboard pain if you don’t speed up the video, or the ones that only speak in poetry, word salads, or that one lady that talks like she’s speaking to 12 year old children… Can it not just be stated plainly?

Could I just be in my head, or is anyone understanding where I’m coming from? One thing that’s easy for me to separate these planets from the signs the rule and look at them like infinity stones from Marvel. I don’t need Pisces, Aquarius or Scorpio to digest the concepts or archetypes.


Edit: Here’s a sliver of something I just wrote up today on my understanding of these planets… I tend to look at them as if they’re my neighbors right next to me.

Neptune, Uranus and Pluto…

Rule #1 these planets were not discovered as late as history teachers tells us. They’ve been discovered and around far more earlier than people know. Because of such all one has to do is look at the transits of each of these planets and see the effect they’ve had on the collective from the earliest of times until now… You can find this information in books regarding UFOs and Books on Hypnotic regressions interviews. It also exists in pictures and text of other mythologies. I will not tell you where exactly to find these bits and pieces of information. I want you to get off your ass and find them yourselves so that the journey you take will lead you in all types of directions of original learning.

Rule #2 This is coming from a creative mind that remains original, non conforming, doesn’t appeal to authority, and has a growth mindset. This is a mind that takes everything, from scientific to pseudoscientific, concrete to abstract, reality to insane into account as a means to create a catalyst for the improvement of occult practices…

Moving forward!

Starting off with Neptune! The reason people say Neptune is so difficult to understand is due to the fact that how it operates as a celestial body doesn’t make sense using mainstream logic and rationality to explain it. It’s a higher octave planet that rules the dimensions of higher spirituality and other things that astrologers pointed out. It operates as an ability to go beyond this realm and to tap into other higher realms. This is how Neptune dominant people get their imaginations and creative craft, from a world that’s not immediately around us, sometimes it could be channeling as well. It oozes into their body language, personality and soul as they walk towards though life. A huge reason why so many people struggle with Neptune and its boundless state is because that’s how it has to operate in order to function… It does create fog and illusion because it can have a great ideal in just about anything. It sees the light and hope even in its own death if not used correctly or in a healthy manner, it’s that boundless without conditions, it’s how it naturally behaves. That’s the power of having unconditional love and a higher ideal, both of which is ruled by Neptune. It also rules a certain level of genius like the other celestials, because like I said earlier it pulls information from a world away from here. Having true innate compassion and empathy along with multiple forms of senses outside what is scientifically proven or normal is also ruled by Neptune. This is not a planet that needs humanity to believe in its powers in order to function, it will function regardless just like all other planets, points and asteroids in astrology… Furthermore, think about it… in order to have faith or to have imagination you have to believe or communicate with something that’s not immediately in front of you, Neptune and Jupiter helps you achieve that goal.

Now Uranus, higher octave of Mercury. I’m not sure why this one is very hard to understand given the fact that it has everything to do with the Profoundly Gifted community of geniuses today that you can study. Uranus is very similar to mars but in an intellectual swagger and rebellious way. Instead of using guns and swords or extreme forms of violence it will use electricity and shock factors to get it point across. The outcome can be pleasant or disastrous, just like the path and the target of a lightning bolt which is unexpectedly quick. It helps with bringing out true originality of the mind as it pulls information about subjects from a world of originality, a world where if something already exists or has been done then it’s not from the world of originality. This dimension of creative ideas is like a place where Uranus can pull and use by bringing back to the 3-D world and making something of it happen in the future like pulling a fish out of water to make things simple. Uranus also doesn’t like bullshit that authority figures use to build or destroy humanity so it comes up with rebellious and genius ways of overthrowing that. Some times it’s not always beneficial what Uranus pulls out of the hat, but it was always be original. Uranus doesn’t have feelings towards being a conformist or being liked. Uranus likes itself so much that it truly could not give any damn about the validation of other planets. I’d like to say Uranus is the Robot or Mystical sage planet because it doesn’t have feelings like humans or animals do, yet contradicting behavior like being a humanitarian exists with this planet. What’s more is this is the planet that’s the wild card of all planets, it’s unpredictable nature will always have you on the edge of your seat or on guard because you can not study or train for whatever Uranus spews out, you can only deal with the aftermath. Uranus truly is the outsider and cares not much of being neurodivergent but the state of existence and what I can do to improve it. We are talking Mad scientist vibes here!

Pluto- God of the underworld. Plain and simple, pretty much everything under the surface, but Pluto has more. Just like Neptune it gives you emotions most don’t feel when it comes to an event, task or person that drives you to overcome the pain and transform or if you don’t move your emotions will rot your health and you’ll start to die early. It compels you to eradicate what’s detrimental with sheer force of drive or emotional distress which leads to murderous obsession… It’s biggest priority is power in all shapes and forms, given its drive and x-ray like vision it will look for power dynamics in all situations from beauty to hierarchies, from family to government, from speech to stature… Power is used in a variety of ways and when you have a prominent Pluto or Pluto placements then you’ll see them as if they are standing in front of you. Criminal activity and cruelty are things ruled by Pluto because it’s the ultimate planet of extremes, the planet of “by any means necessary”… Power is a very taboo subject in society because it’s something not everyone can have in its entirety, but can be used in minuscule efforts by everyone. Another reason Power is taboo is because power I what you can take, not what you can build or what’s given to you by someone else. Power exist for only the most determined souls to take. Power is not held or controlled by any mere human. Moving forward, Pluto also rules taboo subjects and interpersonal topics involving people’s demons in their closets or their shadows. It has much influence on people’s dark side that everyone has… Pluto is very, very similar to Saturn. You get what you put in… I have another post about this subject on my profile talking about how certain planets doesn’t give you flowers unless you’ve planted and catered to them for years on end, that’s how Pluto works. If you don’t do shit, you decay. Do more that’s expect, get rewards bigger than your expectations. Pluto has no time for laziness, bullshit, or manipulation as it can see everything that’s going on and has no mercy disciplining his own children (Scorpio-Sun,Moon,Rising, aspects to personal planets, or Pluto in 1st or 10th house) even if it means they have to lose everything including their own lives. Saturn is brutal in this regard too but he keeps you alive while you have nothing but resentment, low self esteem and bitter depression.

06:47 UTC


Exploration of Ashwini Nakshatra Part 2

Preface: This is relying on Vedic sidereal astrology and implicitly aligns with the whole sign houses

This is the second part that I think more people will enjoy. Keep in mind however that no one is being influenced by a singular nakshatra. Other influences in the chart can interfere with the signficiations given for this. But generally, it should be accurate to those who are predominantly influenced by this Nakshatra. I for one cannot really relate to it much at all, so that should just go to show you that it is not meant to be applied to everyone. There may be some overlap between this Nakshatra and the trinal nakshatras to it as well: Magha and Mula, but they will of course have distinct significations. Anyway, without further delay, here is the exploration.


In terms of how this Nakshatra relates to humans, you can choose to think of Ashwini much like you would Aries along with the corresponding sequence of the houses. Aries shows us the stage in life in which we are newly born. It is a time where everything is new, exciting, overwhelming, and perhaps frightening. We must learn to explore the world through our baser instincts during this stage of our existence. The ascendant represents the precise moment in time which our souls descended into physical form. It is a time where we are made individually conscious and given a body with which to navigate the realm of personal experience. Together, all of Aries, Ashwini, and the first house come to represent the time of development where we are in our infancy. While we are poised for it, we lack experience for proper judgment at this stage. We are, in a sense, similar to baby rattlesnakes who have yet to learn control over the amount of venom they inject. The primary nature of Ashwini nakshatra is that of spontaneity and childish naivete. It is considered to be the quickest nakshatra and does not believe in beating around the bush or engaging in false pretenses. Ashwini natives are straightforward, perhaps maybe even too straightforward, and they appreciate the same quality in others. Under Ashwini, impulses are quickly transformed into thoughts and further into actions; this has the lingering potential to get them into less than favorable situations, especially when it comes to being in conflict with others. While their quick decision-making can be an asset, it also carries the risk of hastiness, serving as a detriment to this asterism. However, although it can get them into tricky predicaments, this quality of Ashwini makes its expression that of sincere honesty. Honesty is among one of the highest virtues a person can embody, and in Ashwini, this virtue is bound to be very strong. It may eat at them when they do not tell the truth, eventually leading them to betray their intentions. These qualities make Ashwini trustworthy and able to bring out the more refined qualities of others.

Ashwini natives are typically brimming with the life-force energy depicted by this asterism. They are often athletic and intelligent, capable of both acting quickly and comprehending new information quickly. They are typically characterized by a more positive attitude, though they can sometimes fall into darker thought patterns. Their appearance is youthful, and they appear to age less quickly compared to the influence of other Nakshatras. Given Ashwini's close connection with horses, it should be unsurprising that many of a horse's attributes will be expressed through Ashwini as well. Horses are strong, often naturally muscular when well fed, loyal, stubborn, nervous, and capable of exerting immense power in the blink of an eye. At the time Vedic astrology was formed, horses were used for travel and transportation, once again emphasizing a need for movement and swiftness. Additionally, they possess a sense of style that places emphasis on the extravagance of their wardrobe. It is kind of paradoxical that they deal with such materialistic superficialities. It is not so much that they really care about these things as much as it could appear to the outside observer; rather, it is that they wish to feel powerful, and in the materially-ridden world we currently live in, wearing things like luxury clothing is seen as a way to communicate status and power. These natives tend to get singled out for their baby-like appearance often. They can be charming in an innocent way, but nonetheless remain potently virile. They are fascinated by healing and self-improvement of all kinds as well, including rejuvenation. They eat moderately and have this thing about being completely self-sufficient. What they lack in experience they make up for in eagerness. Ashwini natives have a strong spirit of adventure and love to try new things. However, their constant need for movement makes these natives inept when it comes to dealing with activities that require stagnancy and patience. This is why they can tend to be sort of "hit it and quit it" in their behavior, struggling to finish what they begin. They are the best when it comes to starting new activities, but they just seem to lose interest as the sense of urgency or excitement fades. The urge to act quickly and move onto the next thing makes them lose out on attaining enduring knowledge. Such natives can easily scatter their lives by moving quickly from one trivial matter to the next to the next.

They are courageous and often fearless. Sometimes this fearlessness is arising out of ignorance, picking up the snake because one lacks the knowledge or experience of the creature's danger. However, other times their fearlessness stems from a place of knowledge and bravery of service. In these instances, Ashwini knows the risk of being bitten but also knows how to best avoid it. Ashwini derives satisfaction from feats of heroism. Even if they won't admit it to themselves, they love the thrill of risk. Negatively, this can manifest as foolhardiness, with a tendency to suffer from one's own actions as a result. Despite their formidable intellect, they can struggle to learn from their mistakes, often repeating the same cycle of self-destruction over and over. For this reason, Ashwini nakshatra tends to be associated with a lack of reflection, which is ironic because they are almost always in their own heads. Ashwini natives are independent and confident and hate being told what they should do. They can get very competitive and short-tempered. Like a wild stallion roaming untethered, they do not wish to be tamed. They can lack diplomatic aptitude because they care too much about what they want without considering others into their decision-making, even when they, in earnest, have no clue what they are doing. Stubborn and uncompromising are words that can be used to describe this characteristic of Ashwini. These natives, along with those of the other Ketu-associated Nakshatras tend to feel unique compared to others. Even though a lot of them want to appear normal, they like to think they have been given a special gift no one else has. Their leading attitude often helps to reinforce this as others start to look up to them. Nonetheless, they are not show-offs. They like to subconsciously communicate power, but they will not openly gloat over their accomplishments. They are very resourceful, and like the other Ketu-associated Nakshatras dealing with the beginnings of each cosmic stage, tend to gain through what seems like luck but is really the result of past karmas. The main goal for Ashwini natives should be to cultivate endurance, discipline, and patience, utilizing the other elements of their charts to balance out this energy. Only through the qualities of Saturn can one attain perfection.


(these mostly apply to the Moon's placement in this nakshatra)

1st 0 to 3°20’– According to predictive Vedic astrology, any chart element occupying the first quarter of Ashwini overlapping Aries is said to be highly auspicious (except for maybe Saturn, but I won't get into that), as it pertains to its Vargottama position. Vargottama is essentially when a planet is placed such that it remains in relatively the same position in a corresponding divisional chart. Most of the time you will hear it in reference to the D9 because that is considered to be the most important. When placed on the longitude of 0 to 3º20' Aries, any planet (or ascendant) will remain in Aries (possibly even the same nakshatra, but that depends on the seconds) in the navamsa chart (D9). This will create a more powerful karmic effect where the full potential of the placement is seen due to its stable nature. As a whole, this produces more extreme, multiplied results, and a lot of the time, it is good. Overlapping with Aries navamsa ruled by Mars, the creative impulse of Ashwini emphasizes power, courage, and perseverance in this pada. The first pada of Ashwini is the most initiatory, pioneering, and active on the physical plane. It represents the beginning of the beginning— the time before time— when there was initially nothing but the void. In this position, any placement will bestow abundant energy, drive, and passion. That said, the essential nature of Mars is still Malefic, so there can potentially be downsides as well, including having many unnecessary conflicts with others, an unsteady or detached mind, sinful attachments, and tending to criticize others.

2nd 3°20’ to 6°40’ – The second quarter of Ashwini is in Taurus navamsa and is ruled by Venus. It arouses sensation most heavily. Even the Vedas spoke of desire arising in the beginning. This pada is the stage of creation where the thirst for sensate experience is initially born. It provides the capacity to feel, allowing for the splendorous indulgence and extravagance depicted in stories of the Ashwini Kumars. This pada is all about recognizing the material manifestation of subconscious impulses, thoughts, and ideas. This pada is graceful, passionate, and magnetic. The natives of this pada are often seen to be attractive, resource driven, practical, knowledgeable in scripture, and directed creatively. But like the 1st pada, there can also be downsides, such as over-indulgence, having sinful attachments, and being too materially impulsive.

3rd 6°40’ to 10° – The third quarter of Ashwini lies in Gemini navamsa and is ruled by Mercury, activating the initial mind-principle. It leads to the recognition of pleasant and unpleasant experiences, the dichotomies of manifest existence first realized. This pada relates to the humorous and light-hearted nature of Ashwini. It is about communication and developing higher intellectual principles likened to the air element of Gemini Rashi. There is a great amount of burgeoning adaptibility here, and it gives natives under its rule a quick and discriminating intellect, galvanizing any and all mental activity. They are seen to be a jack of all trades, possessing many talents and acting as good teachers/advisers. The youthfulness of Ashwini is also further emphasized under this pada. Yet again, there are pitfalls to this. They can, at times, be villainous out of their playful yet somewhat harsh nature, and there can also be disorganization along with a compounded struggle with sticking things through.

4th 10° to 13°20’ – The fourth quarter of Ashwini is in Cancer navamsa and is ruled by the Moon. Here the differentiating ego characterized by the previous pada is made more introspective, watchful, and conscious of new changes. This pada is considered the most healing and helpful portion of Ashwini. It has an eye for the needs of others and can be very attuned to how to best care for those under duress. It is the initiation of the emotional faculty that manifests itself as empathy. The heat of Ashwini is cooled slightly, and it its energy is now made more conducive for rejuvenation. Natives under the influence of this pada are effeminate in the sense of motherliness, likely interested in medicine or healing of both humans and animals, wise, liked by the opposite sex, capable of gaining immense wealth, and powerfully magnetic. The downsides are that the tendency to leave things unfinished does not go away in this pada, as the Moon is just as changeable as Mercury, and the Moon can make people secretive or manipulative. There may also be a strong interest in occultism here as well though.


Ashwini belongs to the Vaishya or merchant caste. The categorization of Ashwini as belonging to the Vaishya or merchant caste stems from its association with traits traditionally attributed to this social group within the Varna caste system of ancient India (this is different from the modern system; the ancient system was based on individual characteristics, not by family lineage). In Vedic astrology and Hindu mythology, each Nakshatra is correlated with specific qualities, occupations, and social roles. The Vaishyas are typically described as the third varna, situated between the Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers) and the Shudras (laborers and servants). Their primary occupations are associated with agriculture, trade, commerce, and cattle-rearing. Vaishyas are traditionally tasked with producing and trading goods, managing businesses, and contributing to economic prosperity. They are often depicted as the backbone of society, responsible for generating wealth and sustaining the economy. In classical sources, the Vaishya caste is described as being comprised of individuals who engage in productive activities and commercial enterprises to support themselves and their families. They are expected to adhere to their dharma, or duty, which involves ethical conduct, honesty in business dealings, and contributing to the welfare of society through philanthropy and charity. Additionally, the Puranas and other texts often highlight the importance of agriculture and trade in Vaishya livelihoods, emphasizing the role of land cultivation, animal husbandry, and mercantile activities in sustaining the economic well-being of society. Vaishyas are also depicted as patrons of learning and culture, supporting educational institutions, religious ceremonies, and artistic endeavors. The influence of Mars on this area of the ecliptic plane may also present in ties to Kshatriya (warrior) caste, though it is bound to be less pronounced.


The nakshatras each represent the different gunas at different levels of functioning. I won't get into how they are divided, but I will tell you the significance of this for Ashwini. For this asterism, there is a bit of confusion related to its guna. Practically speaking, only one guna is activated on all levels– Rajas (activity/passion/dynamism); however, it is known that Ashwini is the initial spark of creation. And as stated in the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, only Sattva (spiritual purity, balance, harmony) existed at the beginning. Ashwini's role as the beginning of creation does not negate the presence of Sattva; rather, it represents the dynamic expression of divine will and creative potential emerging from the foundational state of purity and harmony. Sattva will have influence on Ashwini by giving it the quality to perform one's duties well. Rajas, in this context, is seen as the driving force behind the manifestation of creation, fueled by the inherent qualities of Sattva. At the level of the physical body, Ashwini's association with Rajas manifests as vitality, energy, a proactive approach to life, and a thirst for sensation. Individuals born under Ashwini Nakshatra may possess high levels of physical energy and stamina, enabling them to engage in vigorous activities and pursue their desires with zeal. On the level of the mind, Ashwini's alignment with Rajas indicates a restless and active mental disposition. These individuals may be highly ambitious, creative, and innovative, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth. Their minds are often filled with ideas, plans, and aspirations, driving them to take bold initiatives and pursue their goals. At the level of the soul or spiritual consciousness, Ashwini's connection with Rajas suggests a dynamic and evolving spiritual path. While Rajas is associated with worldly desires and ambitions, it also fuels the drive for self-improvement, personal growth, and spiritual advancement. Individuals born under Ashwini Nakshatra may be drawn to spiritual practices that involve active engagement, such as yoga, meditation, or self-exploration like astrology, tarot, or other forms of occultism that humanize the ethereal.


Aswhini is considered Devagana or "godly/divine species." This classification shows this asterism's inherently divine and auspicious nature, aligning it with celestial beings and higher realms of consciousness. Individuals born under the Deva Gana Nakshatras, including Ashwini, are described as possessing a multitude of positive qualities and virtues. They are characterized by their physical attractiveness, mental sharpness, and simplicity in nature. They are known for their soft-spoken and generous demeanor, exhibiting empathy, sympathy, and understanding towards others. Despite their busy lives, they make genuine efforts to address the problems of those around them, offering valuable insights and suggestions. Their compassion extends to all beings, regardless of their social status or background. These individuals have a compassionate and kind-hearted disposition, eager to extend a helping hand to those in need. Their acts of kindness are motivated by pure intentions, devoid of any ulterior motives or expectations of reciprocation. They are morally oriented towards higher purposes, and this can lead them excel in various aspects of life. They possess wisdom and humility in equal measure, guiding their actions with thoughtfulness and integrity. Their inherent divinity shines through in their service to others, as they work tirelessly for the betterment of humanity without seeking personal gain or recognition. However, despite their noble qualities, individuals of Deva Gana may encounter challenges and hardships in the materialistic world they find themselves in. Their altruistic nature may expose them to strife and sadness, as they navigate the complexities of life. Nevertheless, their innate purity continue to inspire and uplift those around them, making them truly exceptional souls in the fabric of society. Keep in mind that you should look at the dominant Gana in your chart to gain a better understanding of how this may apply to you. The Devagana nakshatras include Ashwini, Mrigashirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Swati, Hasta, Anuradha, Shravana, and Revati. Overall, Devagana nakshatras possess qualities closely associated with the divine, such as purity, spirituality, and divine grace.


Ashwini's yoni animal is the male Horse. Horses are sensitive and passionate creatures, and these qualities find expression in Ashwini's sexual nature. The natural grace and power of horses have aligns well with the powerful virility of Ashwini natives. Additionally, the horse yoni signifies a spirited and adventurous approach to sexuality, reflecting the bold and moveable energy of Ashwini individuals. Like the spirited gallop of a horse, those influenced by this yoni may exhibit a passionate and uninhibited demeanor in their sexual expressions, embracing pleasure with enthusiasm and vigor. This combination of sensitivity, passion, and adventurous spirit makes Ashwini natives captivating and charismatic lovers, drawing others into their orbit with their magnetic allure and exuberant sexuality. Ashwini has occasionally been considered hyper-sexual. Beyond sexual nature, yonis can also be used to glean insights into the fundamental characteristics that will foster compatibility in relationships. The horse yoni depicts someone who is independent, creative, predisposed to active spiritualism, honest, attractive, forgiving, and faithful. The most compatible nakshatra pairing for Ashwini is Uttara Bhadrapada, the female horse Yoni counterpart.

Deciding Attributes

Activity – Nakshatras are categorized into three main modes of activity based on their inherent qualities: passive, active, and balanced. These classifications provide insights into the fundamental nature and functioning of each Nakshatra, influencing its manifestation. Passive Nakshatras are characterized by a receptive and introspective nature, expressing themselves internally. They tend to be more attuned to their surroundings, absorbing energy and stimuli from their environment. Individuals born under passive Nakshatras may exhibit traits such as sensitivity, intuition, idealism, and emotional depth. They often possess a natural ability to empathize with others and may excel in creative or spiritual pursuits that require reflection. On the other hand, active Nakshatras are dynamic and assertive. They are proactive and initiative-taking, inclined towards external expression of action like the naming suggests. Individuals born under active Nakshatras may display traits such as courage and a strong drive of pursuit. They are often motivated to pursue their goals with determination and may excel in leadership roles or competitive endeavors. Balanced Nakshatras exhibit a combination of both passive and active qualities, allowing them to adapt their behavior and approach according to the demands of the situation. Individuals born under balanced Nakshatras may possess a versatile nature, capable of both receptivity and initiative as circumstances require. They are adept at finding a harmonious medium between action and reflection.

Motivation: The nakshatras are characterized by four basic motivations: Artha (meaningful action), Kama (passional/desirous action), Dharma (righteous/harmonious action), and Moksha (karma-less/liberated action). Ashwini has the motivation of Dharma, which means that it is functioning to find purpose and duty in life.

Gender – Ashwini is a masculine Nakshatra. This Nakshatra projects the qualities described as masculine by the sages, such as enthusiasm, logic, and initiation. This nakshatra is also in association with male planets like the Sun and Mars, but it is also affiliated with Ketu, which is gender-neutral or third gender.

Direction – Ashwini's main directions are East, South, and Northwest. Its looking direction is level, forward, or straight (Chara), indicating that it is auspicious for activities involving continuous processes or ongoing endeavors. Forward-looking, level nakshatras are characterized by their dynamic and forward-moving energy, making them conducive for tasks that require sustained effort and progress over time, such as sowing seeds that need to be tended to so that they can grow into crops. Another example is when you lay the foundations of things, both literally and metaphorically. It is also moveable in this way, making it happiest during periods of movement. This is most important individually as it is expressed on the physical and mental plane.

Tendency – Creation (as opposed to maintenance or dissolution). You can think of the creation tendency as being more like Brahma as opposed to the other two trinity, Vishnu (maintenance) and Shiva (dissolution).

Nadi – Ashwini's nadi dosha is Aadi nadi and is related to Vaata, the air element. It is meant to signify a flow of energy from the bottom up. This nadi dosha can lead to problems with anxiety, controversy, divorce, and problems related to children.

Capacity – Ashwini is Kshipra, meaning light or swift. Swift nakshatras are suitable for activities requiring swiftness

Overall Auspicious activities – Ashwini is good for all kinds of new ventures and initiations, especially those relating to learning new things, taking medicines, exercise, construction, improving physical appearance, self-improvement on various levels, age prevention practices, activities requiring quick action or thought, horse-related activities, business in terms of commerce, travelling, repairing things, dressing up, learning astrology among other occult sciences, installing sacred altars/temples, legal activities, and planting.

Overall Inauspicious activities – The first pada can be harsh due to the overwhelming nature of Mars, so it is recommended to avoid most activities during this time. This nakshatra overall could be deemed as inauspicious due to the nature of it being at a gandanta point as well though. There are likely to be many difficulties and transformations in life with this nakshatra as a whole because of that karmic ties associated with it. As a whole, this nakshatra is not good for marriage, endings, activities requiring patience or discipline, sexual activity, intoxication, or dealing with heavy emotions.

Professions – Ashwini Nakshatra signifies a diverse array of professions, including equestrian pursuits, healing professions encompassing spiritual healers, roles associated with marriages and childbirth, motivational speakers, physical artists such as dancers, transportation-related occupations, athletes and those engaged in sports-related professions, herbalists, gardeners, early childhood educators, adventurers such as stunt performers or individuals involved in high-risk occupations, researchers, construction workers, law enforcement personnel, military soldiers and generals, mechanical engineers (as well as professionals across all engineering disciplines), and small business owners.

Ayurvedic connections – In Ayurveda, each individual is said to be born with a unique combination of the three doshas, known as their primary constitution or Prakriti. Ashwini is connected to to Vaata dosha, primarily being connected to the knees and the top portions of the feet. Knees are the body parts which provide us the capacity for walking and quick forward movement, such as with running and jumping. Horses are swift because of their powerful knees and muscular statures.Vaata carries a moveable energy as it is said to govern movement and is associated with qualities like dryness, coldness, lightness, and variability. According to ayurveda, doshas out of balance will lead to poor health and disease. When in harmony, Vaata will provide creativity and enthusiasm, flexibility and adaptability, clear and agile thinking, healthy digestion and regular elimination, sound sleep, stable energy levels throughout the day, an overall sense of well-being and vitality, a lean physique with proportionate features, graceful movements, a healthy and clear complexion, strong and flexible joints and muscles, normal and healthy body temperature and circulation. When out of balance, the effect of Vaata can lead to anxiety, nervousness, uncontrollable restlessness, insomnia and disturbed sleep, digestive issues, dry as well as rough/cracked skin, fatigue/inconsistent energy levels, joint stiffness or pain, forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating, irregular appetite, emotional instability, sensitivity to the cold or windy weather, weight loss, brittle hair and nails, excessive movement or hyper speech, confusion, fear, tremors, and weakening muscles.

Shakti— the main power of this Nakshatra is to quickly bring about radical and miraculous cures. This has been summarized by many people as the power to achieve one’s goals quickly, but I think that might be a bit of a misrepresentation. The power of Ashwini is related to healing more than accomplishing any type of goal.

1 Comment
03:02 UTC


Health astrologers! If you were to ask anything on a survey about the relationship between astro placements and real-life health issues, what would you ask?

Reposting, this time with more detail per our (great, responsive) mod's request:

Hi! I have a background in both astrology and psychology, and I'm creating a survey to assess possible correlations between health problems and tropical astrological placements, the findings from which will be posted on the main astrology subreddits. Besides the basics of ascendant, elements, and planets in each house, are there any more specific placements you would want to see asked?

Any input appreciated!


The survey is in a preliminary phase and is far from complete at the moment. The survey being conducted on Google Forms, by me, an individual, with no affiliations, but with a degree in psychology and having taken classes around ethical management of data and personal information. Also as an astrologer of four years. It's being conducted for no other reason than creating public citizen science in a field where very little science is funded. All results will be anonymous, I will be the only person who sees the answers. No one person's answers will ever be made public. What I intend to post of the results are any significant correlations found in the data between, say, sixth house stelliums and having health issues.

This survey will ask about:

  • age group

  • health status

  • health issues (broadly, not by name)

  • ascendant

  • which planet is in which house

  • elements

There is an optional section about:

  • Chiron

  • aspects between planets

I'm happy to answer any other questions people may have. Thank you for reading and for your time.

22:48 UTC


Is living on your Jupiter line a no brainer?

I'm trying to understand astrocartography better and it constantly seems to be the same information that the Jupiter line is one of the best lines to live on due to how benefic it is. What are your thoughts on this?

21:57 UTC


Are progressed charts interpreted standalone like a birth chart, or are they interpreted in a “natal x progressed” overlay?

I have been trying to understand secondary progressions and was curious about how to read them properly. I understand the 1 day = 1 year concept

18:43 UTC


Exploration of Ashwini Nakshatra Part 1

Preface: This is for sidereal Vedic astrology.

This part of the Nakshatra exploration is going to be more about the theoretical and conceptual backing to Ashwini Nakshatra from which the other signficiations are derived. In the following part, I will focus more on how the Nakshatra functions and presents in terms of predictive astrology. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


This Nakshatra first and foremost represents both the primordial essence of the universe—an epoch characterized by undifferentiated potentiality—and the initiation of the subsequent cycle of existence. In the Bhagavata Purana, the universe is described as going through cycles of creation, preservation, and dissolution, with each cycle spanning vast ages. Ashwini is the stage where dissolution after a given age concludes, clearing the canvas for a fresh image to emerge. Ashwini is the first Nakshatra of the twenty-seven and overlaps with Aries rashi, spanning from 0º to 13º20'. The word Ashwini can be translated into "born of mare," specifically delineating birth from a female horse, a horse woman, or possibly even implying a cow. Its alternative name is Asvayuj, which means to yoke or join with horses. This has to do with the ruling deities of this nakshatra, as I will discuss in more depth later on in this post. These animals are referred to expansively in the Vedas and Upanishads. In these texts, the cow traditionally symbolized light, whereas the horse was characterized by boundless energy. The Vedas attributed the abundance of horses to mental enlightenment and the vitality of life-force energy. Accordingly, Ashwini signifies the result of creative energy, representing a force propelled towards evolutionary advancement of self-knowledge. Linked with the direction of creative and rejuvenating power, Ashwini works to reveal latent potentials, a theme that becomes more apparent the more you begin to understand this nakshatra as a whole. It is important to note that this Nakshatra is related to the sign of Aries and its ruler Mars. Aries in Vedic astrology is Mesha, the ram, and its symbol broadly represents the generative and reproductive force. Ashwini and Aries are very well harmonized with each other in the sense that they are both representative of beginnings and the creative principle of the universe at its most fecund. The influence of Mars give this position the necessary drive, strength, enthusiasm, and aspiration for attaining the ultimate mission. You might also recognize the notion that Mars embodies energy and inner strength, characteristics that are shared significations between this Nakshatra and Mars. This association gains additional importance due to the fact that Aries 0º to 12º, the region where Ashwini resides, is considered Mars' Moolatrikona, further emphasizing their interconnection.


The symbol of Ashwini is the head of a celestial horse. This is significatory of both the qualities of horses, being that of eagerness, swift movement, power, vitality, and freedom dichotomized by service from capture. In Ashwini's overlapping with Aries rashi, we may also consider Aries' signification of being the head of kala purusha. Head in this context can of course mean the physical head, but it will also indicate leadership as well as authority over the rest of the bodily form through the power of the brain, which regulates all bodily functions. In similar fashion, Ashwini relates to mentality. It speaks to the mental impulses necessary to lead a larger entity. Horses can also be finnicky and harshly animalistic though, and this nakshatra carries these traits of the horse as well. It has other symbols, but none are as prominent as the horse, and most of them incorporate horse iconography of some kind. The main thing to take away from the symbolism of Ashwini is that it will always try to convey the energy and action of initiation.

Ruling Deities

The ruling deities of Ashwini Nakshatra are the Ashwini Kumars, the twin horsemen. Their names are Dashra and Nasatya. Dashra can be translated to "tenth evening" and relates to the Hindu festival of Dussehra, where triumph over evil is celebrated. Nasatya can be translated to "asvin" or "helpful" and it bears context to ayurvedic medicine. Both of these deities are heavily related to healing. The Ashwini are described as having knowledge of all herbs and medicinal practices in both the physical and astral realms. They are depicted in narratives as having supernatural healing abilities that allow them to cure any ailment or make right any problem. This extends both to physical, spiritual, and interpersonal healing, and they are often invoked to aid in marital activities (including disputes and sexual impotence) and childbirth. They are said to be able to bring back the dead.They have the power to rejuvenate the decrepit and age-worn form, energizing it with the vital essence of solar power. Crucially, the solar influence upon the Ashwini Kumaras emanates from their father, the Sun god Surya or Ravi. Sanjana, daughter of the divine architect Vishwakarma, possessed unparalleled beauty but struggled to withstand her husband Surya's scorching radiance. Faced with this challenge, she devised a plan. Crafting a replica of herself named Chhaya (shadow), Sanjana entrusted her with fulfilling her marital duties while seeking refuge. Though Chhaya resembled Sanjana in appearance, she lacked her divine essence. Unaware of the substitution, Surya accepted Chhaya as his wife, and they bore offspring, including the Ashwini Kumaras. Meanwhile, Sanjana transformed into a mare and sought solace in the forest, where she underwent rigorous penance to appease Lord Vishnu. Pleased with her devotion, Vishnu granted her request to alleviate her distress caused by Surya's brilliance. With Vishnu's intervention, Sanjana regained her original form and reunited with Surya. However, Surya, now aware of the deception, cursed Chhaya for her deceit. This curse led to the birth of Shani (Saturn). Despite the upheaval, Sanjana and Surya reconciled, continuing their divine duties. Meanwhile, the Ashwini Kumaras, born from Chhaya, ascended to become revered celestial deities renowned for their swiftness, vitality, and healing abilities. Symbolizing the dawn and the advent of light, they epitomized the virtues of speed, rejuvenation, and divine benevolence, solidifying their esteemed status in Hindu mythology.This nakshatra reflects the divine qualities of the Kumars, albeit in a milder, material form. The Ashwini Kumaras complement the role of Pushan, who presides over the final Nakshatra, Revati. Pushan nurtures the qualities accumulated by evolved souls, sustaining them until their journey's end. Upon rebirth, the Ashwini Kumaras assume responsibility, infusing fresh hope and inspiration, translating the subjective essence of souls into creative expression. This concept, often referred to as the feminine principle or the undifferentiated substance known as Moolaprakriti, underscores Ashwini's initial impetus in igniting the ego, thereby facilitating continuous progression and novelty throughout the evolution of consciousness.

Additionally, while not under direct rulership by this deity, Ashwini holds a connection to Agni, the god of fire. In Vedic tradition, Agni was revered as the foremost among the three major deities, alongside Vayu and Surya. Agni is perceived as the Sun in heaven, lightning in the atmosphere, and ordinary fire on earth. Within humans, Agni symbolizes the vital essence essential for existence. Given this universal association with energy, Ashwini assumes a great level of importance in the evolutionary process. Under its influence, the dormant potential represented by the seed submerged in the sea of immutability, signifying a state of nothingness, is awakened and made aware of its divine possibilities. Ashwini sparks the thirst for conscious existence within this seed. There is also a connection to Ganesha as the remover of obstacles being associated with beginnings and the planet associated with Ashwini–– Ketu, but this association isn't as clearly laid out as some the others discussed, so you will have to rely mostly on your intuition to understand it.

Planetary Associations

In the Vimshottari system of astrology, the celestial body linked with the Ashwini nakshatra is the shadow planet Ketu, the Southern node of the moon. Ketu, often depicted as the tail of the dragon or the body without a head, holds a distinctive position in Vedic astrology. Ketu's association with beginnings aligns with its role in initiating each cosmic phase. Within Ashwini, this emphasis on new beginnings is particularly pronounced due to its status as the first Nakshatra. Ketu's connection to the past suggests an opportunity for integrating past experiences into present interactions, continually prompting reflection and a return to origins—the very essence of beginnings. The creative essence inherent in Ashwini Nakshatra aligns with Ketu's aspect of divine will. Yet, this potent creative force can sometimes become overwhelming, making it challenging to harness or direct effectively. Herein lies the potential downfall of Ashwini… Its inclination towards embarking on near-impossible endeavors without adequate consideration of earthly limitations is powerful here. It is as if the energy here still behaves like it is relying on an undifferentiated stage where anything is possible and the divine has not yet been separated from the material. However, when successful, Ashwini earns the esteemed titles of pioneer and savior. This Nakshatra exhibits unwavering faith in the mystical and improbable, underlining its ventures with a belief in the extraordinary. Ancient Vedic seers attributed Ketu with the essence of divine wisdom, embodying an effulgence that transcends mortality. Ketu stands in contrast to Rahu, its celestial counterpart. Both Rahu and Ketu are antagonistic to the luminaries,the Sun and the Moon. Ketu's character is mystical, possessing the capability to dissolve material and sensory experiences into their fundamental qualities. It transforms them into reservoirs of divine wisdom, seamlessly integrating it all into the essence of one's consciousness. Its alignment with Ashwini signifies its ability to transmute the frailties of the physical form and the illusory trials of material existence into facets of conscience, detachment, and spiritual enlightenment. Furthermore, Ketu instills within the depths of human nature the virtues of detachment and disillusionment, encouraging an intense yearning to reunite with the primordial source from which all life emanates. Its influence propels an irresistible impulse to journey back to the origins of creation, to rediscover the supreme immortal self. In essence, Ketu gives a longing to reconnect with one's intrinsic essence, thereby facilitating evolution towards self-realization and transcendence. And this power to overcome the physical form is what encourages and inspires. Ashwini in relation to Ketu helps guide the soul to its true nature. In each subsequent Nakshatra, there's remembrance and mastery of the lessons imparted by the prior. With Ashwini being the first Nakshatra, it gives its power to allow egos to keep pushing towards spiritual truth in all of the others.

For the reasons already discussed in the preface post preceding this one (Why the Nakshatras will only make sense with sidereal calculations), this Nakshatra is also related to Mars. Mars is the Planet of energy, and energy is the driving force behind any initiation and movement. Mars shares many characteristics with Ashwini because, as I already mentioned, this portion of Aries is Mars' Moolatrikona, where it gains strength due to a reinforcement of its essential characteristics.

Ashwini shares a close affinity with the Sun as well. Notably, where Ashwini overlaps with the 10th degree of Aries, the Sun reaches its pinnacle of exaltation. Furthermore, the Sun is the Karaka for the first house, naturally ruled by Aries. Another intriguing correlation emerges when we delve into the symbolism surrounding Surya's chariot, which is drawn by seven horses. This is a motif that resonates with Ashwini's etymology, which relates to the number seven, which I find to be extremely fascinating. It kind of brings everything full circle, but I might just be nerding out a bit. Ashwini is linked with the seven channels of evolutionary manifestation. At the Ashwini stage, the channels of energy and streams of consciousness, emerging from the dissolution symbolized by the 12th sign of the zodiac, converge, ready to diverge once again onto their individual trajectories. These septenary force-channels find mention in the Vedas as the "sapta sindhu," or the seven rivers, and in the Upanishads as the "seven flames of sacrificial fire." Encapsulating the promise and potential of every aspect of life and spirit, these channels are essentially conduits for the manifestation of divine qualities, and Ashwini acts as the primary conduit through which these seven channels flow into the realm of manifestation. Seeing as the Sun is the most divine of the Grahas, this makes a lot of sense in terms of why it would reach its maximum level of exaltation within a Nakshatra aimed at propelling the manifestation of divinity. The Sun and Ketu are also very heated in polarity, so it would make sense that the Sun is comfortable in Nakshatras associated with Ketu, but that is more of a shallow observation.

13:47 UTC


Why the Nakshatras will only make sense with sidereal calculations

I have started on a Nakshatra exploration for Ashwini, and it came to my attention that there is a feature to this Nakshatra that will make it incoherent if people approach it through the philosophy of tropical Vedic astrologers like Ernst Wilhelm, Vic DiCara, etc. I am writing this as a larger preface to the post I am working on so as to inform people of the essential limitations that relying on the tropical zodiac poses for Vedic principles, such as the Nakshatras. My hope is that this preface will make it to where no one is going to jump down my throat for bringing up how Mars influences Ashwini because they want to incorporate the Nakshatras into the tropical system of calculation.

Ashwini is the 1st of the 27 nakshatras. While not technically in Aries, it overlaps with this constellation, spanning from 0º to 13º20' of the rashi. This is important to keep in mind because on a chart there will be no distinction, meaning that the point represented by Ashwini on the shared ecliptic plane represented by a horoscope is going to simultaneously be influenced by the forces of the Rashi, Nakshatra, Navamsa, and so on, with no way to fully disentangle them. Despite the absence of a direct association between the Nakshatra of Ashwini and the planet Mars itself, the shared longitudinal alignment denotes a subtle yet tangible influence of Mars upon this specific position within the chart as a whole. As long as you are relying on a shared charting system where you amalgamate differing orbital trajectories onto a unified map of a chart (representative of the shared ecliptic plane, as I stated in another post), it is going to be impossible to fully separate the different significations of chart elements with shared longitudes in the horoscope. This is also a primary reason why the Nakshatras cannot be applied to the tropical zodiac. The charting system has always functioned to combine everything into one map of the sky, so the meanings of the nakshatras are going to inherently reflect this. For example, Mrigashira nakshatra, overlapping Taurus and Gemini rashis, has significations that deal with both Venus and Mercury. And while that is by no means the main factor that determines the meaning of nakshatras, this undeniable influence serves to enrich and shape the overall significance of the nakshatras in a way that I will continue to discuss later on.

07:48 UTC


Retrograde transit question

If a planet retrogrades and spends a long time around a particular natal planet, is it likely to be more strongly felt or have more influence than if the planet quickly moved passed it at its regular speed? Example: next jupiter retrograde stations at 21 gemini and 11 gemini. If a person had a planet within a few degrees of these points, they would experience a much longer jupiter transit to that planet than usual.

03:40 UTC


Money Accumulation Technique

I believe this technique comes from Lois Rodden originally, - what do you guys think of it?

If you have any aspect connecting your 2nd house lord to your 8th house lord (or 2nd house to 8th house planets), you will be able to make money in 8th house ways and actually accumulate it (instead of having it slip through your fingers). 8th house ways are having your own business, inheritance, stock market, etc.

If you have any aspect connecting your 2nd house lord to your 11th house (or 2nd house to 11th house planets), you will be able to make money from your career and actually accumulate it (the 11th being "2" houses over from the 10th).

Does this technique work for you? It doesn't work for my charts, and I'm looking for a better one (or two).

23:42 UTC


The deeper significations of the signs as ascendants (Part 11: Sagittarius)

Preface: this interpretation relies on Vedic sidereal astrology

In Vedic astrology, the ninth Rashi Sagittarius has long been intertwined with the revelation of divine qualities in all facets of creation, both animate and inanimate. Throughout the natural course of manifestation, the life force becomes deeply enmeshed with materiality, often leading humanity astray from the laws of nature. Yet, through a series of reincarnations, individuals gradually come to apprehend life's true purpose and strive to retrace their path. Along this journey, they seize control of their destiny, forsaking aimless wandering for purposeful navigation towards the ultimate destination. Mastery over natural rhythms leads to the attainment of perfection, wherein one aligns with their innate dharma, the sacred duty for which they have been bestowed life.

Sagittarius heralds a stage of spiritual evolution wherein the individual, while retaining vestiges of their primal nature, directs their gaze skyward under the auspices of divine guidance. In mythological lore, Sagittarius is epitomized by the Centaur, a hybrid creature with a human torso astride a horse, poised to release an arrow to the sky. This arrow, wielded by the centaur, represents the quest for higher knowledge, spiritual enlightenment, and transcending earthly limitations. It symbolizes the Sagittarian's innate drive for exploration, both externally in the physical world and internally in the realm of philosophy and spirituality. This awakening, synonymous with the initiation into occult mysteries, marks a commencement for the seeker. Yet, the embrace of divine purpose does not guarantee a life of ease, as Sagittarius-born individuals are destined for a journey paved by divine discontent rather than material comfort. Following these initiations, wherein inner dynamism eclipses outward appearances of contentment, there emerges a period of significance with which milestones are met with jubilation in sustaining the natural order.

As previously asserted, the journey towards spiritual enlightenment demands an inner purification, a washing of one's feet in the blood of their heart, purging attachments. This is a truism we all must recognize. It is through traversing tempestuous trials that one ultimately attains serenity. Often, the storms of adversity and the calm of enlightenment unfold within the same lifetime, within the same astrological sign. Having absorbed the occult wisdom imparted by Scorpio, the seeker's ego now embarks upon the Path, initiating a karmic settling of scores. The 9th house, symbolizing the fruits of past actions (Punya of the Poorva Karma), manifests the repercussions of prior deeds in the present existence. With Sagittarius Lagna, the soul invokes the Lords of Karma, beseeching release from past debts—a plea met with opportunities for redemption. Liberation ensues only upon the complete settlement of karmic dues. The Sagittarius-born thus encounter a procession of unmerited rewards, unwarranted trials, and inexplicable circumstances, each serving to unshackle them from the burdens of their past. These complexities inject into their lives a sense of fullness, as they emerge as protagonists in the narratives of their autobiographies, yet remain bound by the tension of their spiritual quest. And this is a tension likened to the tautness of a bowstring, driven by the inexorable urge to heed the inner voice, commune with nature, and attain divinity.

When bestowed with the grace of the divine, the course of an individual's life is far from simple, tranquil, or untroubled. Rather, under the divine influence, internal metamorphoses commence, often rendering adaptation to external circumstances extremely challenging. While God's love draws the individual closer, the ascent is fraught with obstacles. Through Sagittarius courses the divine grace, promising metamorphosis for those upon whom it descends. It is a transformation that gives to them great significance for their existence, yet never promises an existence devoid of hardship or adversity.

In Sanskrit, Sagittarius is known as Dhanvin (the archer), Chapam (the bow), and Sharasanam (the arrow shooter), with Dhanvin also serving as an epithet for Arjun. The significance of this Rashi lies in its correlation with Arjun, the renowned archer revered in Indian scriptures as a symbol of humanity's aspiration towards divinity, amidst the perplexities and allurements of the material realm. Arjun shares a unique bond with Lord Krishna, who assumes the roles of family member, friend, and spiritual mentor. Sagittarius, therefore, is a stage of evolution or consciousness wherein the Inner Voice guiding of Logos commences its tutelage of the human spirit in its quest for its divine heritage of immortality. The Sagittarius individual eagerly embraces divine guidance, striving to triumph in the pursuit of enlightenment and perfection, inherent to their birthright. At this juncture, the Monad endeavors to merge with the Logos, prompting an inner conflict between material enticements and spiritual enlightenment, which the individual must resolve independently. Sagittarius encapsulates this fervent desire to transcend material constraints in the pursuit of spiritual realization. Consequently, such individuals grapple with myriad forces, with their inner consciousness attuning to the inner observer, while their outer awareness remains veiled and ensnared by worldly turmoil.

Make this sound more archaic and professionally written. Archaic does not mean adding a bunch of fluff though. Keep it straightforward:

The ninth sign of the zodiac representing Dharma of the Cosmic Universal man-Kala Purush-has been mysteriously and inextricably related to that basic nature of manifestation which enablesunfoldment of the diving quality, the pure essenceof things, in every form of creation, animate and inanimate. In the natural process of manifestation, life-force gets immersed in matter to such an extent that in man it often exhibits a will ofitsowntransgressingalllawsofnature.Butgraduallyafteraseries of reincarnations the individual understandsthe purpose oflife and begins endeavouring to follow the path of return. On this path, he takes his life in his hands. He no longer drifts, but swims to the goal. When he is able to copy nature, he attains perfection. In that conformity with nature, he performs his dharma, the purpose for which he is born.

ChatGPT The ninth celestial sign, emblematic of the Cosmic Universal man-Kala Purush, has long been enigmatically intertwined with the fundamental essence of manifestation, facilitating the revelation of divine qualities in all facets of creation, both animate and inanimate. Throughout the natural course of manifestation, the vital life force becomes deeply enmeshed with materiality, often leading humanity astray from the laws of nature. Yet, through a series of reincarnations, individuals gradually come to apprehend life's true purpose and strive to retrace their path. Along this journey, they seize control of their destiny, forsaking aimless wandering for purposeful navigation towards the ultimate destination. Mastery over natural rhythms leads to the attainment of perfection, wherein one aligns with their innate dharma, the sacred duty for which they have been bestowed life.

Good, how this (try not to leave anything out):

The stage of evolution at which the individual turns his gaze heavenward though the animal in him still remains alive while its action is being controlled and guided by divine purpose, that stage of evolution is representedby Sagittarius. Mythologically, Sagittarius is a Centaur, a horse with a human upper body shooting an arrow; symbolically, it is the arrow pointing heavenward. Dawn of this divine urge which unfolds the great expansion of consciousness considered as Initiation in occult mysteries is really a new beginning for the individual. Mention of such Initiations has been made in the Eleusian Mysteries, Chaldean scriptures andEgyptian ceremonies.EventheBuddhistshadinitiations intheInner mysteries of life. At these Initiations, life assumesa new meaning, and the man begins a new life. But to expect that such individuals would be bestowed with life of comfort, pleasure, wealth and affluence may be erroneous. The Sagittarius-born individuals would never have a life of ease.Divine discontent howsoever laudable is not synonymous with comfortable living. After these Initiations which make the life of the individual very dynamic inwardly though outwardly it may appear as divine discontent, there is a period of great significance to the individual: hejoins the Adept Brotherhood. He becomesa member of the Great Occult Hierarchy. At that time there is a great rejoicing in Nature. The fairies begin dancing, the birds sing a new symphony and the deep blue sky radiates a new power of strength for the orphan humanity. No wonder the sagesrevere the persons born under this constellation !

ChatGPT Sagittarius heralds a pivotal stage of evolution wherein the individual, while retaining vestiges of their primal nature, directs their gaze skyward under the auspices of divine guidance. In mythological lore, Sagittarius is epitomized by the Centaur, a hybrid creature with a human torso astride a horse, poised to release an arrow heavenward—a potent symbol of aspiration towards the celestial realms. This awakening, synonymous with the initiation into occult mysteries, marks a profound commencement for the seeker. References to such initiatory rites abound in ancient traditions, including the Eleusinian Mysteries, Chaldean scriptures, and Egyptian rituals, with even Buddhism espousing inner initiations. Yet, the embrace of divine purpose does not guarantee a life of ease, as Sagittarius-born individuals are destined for a journey marked by divine discontent rather than material comfort. Following these initiations, wherein inner dynamism eclipses outward appearances of contentment, there emerges a period of profound significance: entry into the Adept Brotherhood and membership within the exalted ranks of the Great Occult Hierarchy. Such milestones are met with jubilation in the natural order, with fairies frolicking, birds serenading, and the heavens imbued with newfound vigor—a testament to the reverence accorded to those born under this celestial constellation by sages of yore.

Now this:

As mentioned before, one’s feet must be washed in the blood of their heart before they are to reach spiritual enlightenment, free from attachment. This is a truism we all must acknowledge. One must passthrough the stormy weather before attaining tranquillity. Sagittariusisthattranquillity which follows thetropical monsoon.Usually the storm and the tranquillity both take place during the same sign, in the samelife. Scorpio hasalready imparted the occult knowledge to the divine child and now the ego has decided to tread the Path. Now the past karma begins operating; the individual begins paying off his past debts. Whatever has been in store for the individual, the good or the bad, now begins appearing before him. That indeed is the function of the 9th house, signifying Punya of the Poorva Karma, the actions done in the past, the meritorious deeds of the past. It means that the past deeds would find their fruitions in the present life. When Sagittarius becomesthe ascendant, it signifies that the soul of the man has decided to invoke the Lords of the Karma to free him from the past debts. And when the Lord has responded to the prayer, opportunities for clearing the debtsaregranted. The shackles of karma would now ceaseand the individual would gain liberation. This can however happen only when the past debts have been completely paid. Unmerited reward, undeservedtribulations aswell asunexplained opportunities and misfortunes often come one after another in the life of the Sagittarius born. They come to free him from the shackles of his past. Such circumstances often complicate the life of the Sagittarius people in such a way that they feel as ifthey have had a full life; they will be heroes oftheir autobiographies, but the urge to follow the Inner Voice, to follow Nature or to attain Divinity would have made the life of such individuals tense like the chord of the bow.

ChatGPT As previously asserted, the journey towards spiritual enlightenment demands a profound inner purification, akin to washing one's feet in the blood of their heart, purging attachments along the way—an immutable truth we must all recognize. It is through traversing tempestuous trials that one ultimately attains serenity, akin to the tranquil aftermath of a tropical monsoon—a metaphor embodied by Sagittarius. Often, the storms of adversity and the calm of enlightenment unfold within the same lifetime, within the same astrological sign. Having absorbed the occult wisdom imparted by Scorpio, the seeker's ego now embarks upon the Path, initiating a karmic settling of scores. The 9th house, symbolizing the fruits of past actions (Punya of the Poorva Karma), manifests the repercussions of prior deeds in the present existence. With Sagittarius rising, the soul invokes the Lords of Karma, beseeching release from past debts—a plea met with opportunities for redemption. Liberation ensues only upon the complete settlement of karmic dues. The Sagittarius-born thus encounter a procession of unmerited rewards, unwarranted trials, and inexplicable circumstances, each serving to unshackle them from the burdens of their past. These complexities imbue their lives with a sense of fullness, as they emerge as protagonists in the narratives of their autobiographies, yet remain bound by the tension of their spiritual quest—a tension likened to the tautness of a bowstring, driven by the inexorable urge to heed the Inner Voice, commune with Nature, and attain Divinity.

Now this:

When God's grace descendsupon the individual, his life doesnot remain simple, peaceful and smooth. In fact, under the divine impact internal changes begin taking place which often make adjustments with the external circumstances very difficult. When God loves, He draws the individual nearer; but this uphill journey is full of difficulties. Through Sagittarius flows the Divine Grace, and naturally to those on whom it descends,a radical transformation begins taking place which makes every event of their life meaningful, but in no case, it signifies an easy life.

ChatGPT When bestowed with the grace of the Divine, the course of an individual's life is far from simple, tranquil, or untroubled. Rather, under the divine influence, internal metamorphoses commence, often rendering adaptation to external circumstances profoundly challenging. While God's love draws the individual closer, the ascent is fraught with obstacles. Through Sagittarius courses the Divine Grace, heralding a profound metamorphosis for those upon whom it descends—a transformation that imbues every facet of existence with significance, yet never promises an existence devoid of hardship or adversity.

Now this:

The Sanskrit namesof Sagittarius are Dhanvin (an archer), Chapam (a bow) and Sharasanam (an arrow shooter). Dhanvin is also an epithet of Arjun. The true significance of this zodiac lies in its resemblance to Arjun, the archer, who has been considered in Indian scriptures an embodiment of humanity endeavouring to raise itself to Divinity, but still feeling the confusion and temptations of the material world. Arjun stands in special relationship with Lord Krishna, who has been his family relation, friend and guide. Sagittarius in a way symbolises that stage of evolution or that state of consciousnesswhen the Inner Voice, the Inner Ruler Immortal, the Logos, has begun guiding and inspiring the human individual fighting for his divine inheritance. The Sagittarius individual has been eager to listen to the divine guidance with a view to struggling successfully in his fight to attain light and perfection which is his birthright. At this stage the Monad is trying to become or merge into Logos. The conflict between material temptations and spiritual enlightenment at this stage must be resolved by the individual himself. And Sagittarius is essentially this desire to succeed in the realm of spirit despite material limitations. Evidently, in such an individual there would be interaction of innumerable forces; his inner consciousness has begun recognising the Inner Ruler Immortal, has begun listening to His dictates but the outer consciousnessis still clouded and caught in the turmoil.

ChatGPT In Sanskrit, Sagittarius is known as Dhanvin (the archer), Chapam (the bow), and Sharasanam (the arrow shooter), with Dhanvin also serving as an epithet for Arjun. The profound significance of this zodiacal sign lies in its correlation with Arjun, the renowned archer revered in Indian scriptures as a symbol of humanity's aspiration towards Divinity, amidst the perplexities and allurements of the material realm. Arjun shares a unique bond with Lord Krishna, who assumes the roles of family member, friend, and spiritual mentor. Sagittarius, therefore, epitomizes a stage of evolution or consciousness wherein the Inner Voice—the immortal guide, the Logos—commences its tutelage of the human spirit in its quest for divine heritage. The Sagittarius individual eagerly embraces divine guidance, striving to triumph in the pursuit of enlightenment and perfection, inherent to their birthright. At this juncture, the Monad endeavors to merge with the Logos, prompting an inner conflict between material enticements and spiritual enlightenment, which the individual must resolve independently. Sagittarius encapsulates this fervent desire to transcend material constraints in the pursuit of spiritual realization. Consequently, such individuals grapple with myriad forces, with their inner consciousness attuning to the Inner Ruler Immortal, while their outer awareness remains veiled and ensnared by worldly turmoil.

Now this:

Truly, in the long journey of the soul, there comes a stage when one is bewildered and is totally confused as to which path to follow. Arjun did not lack knowledge, he was well versed in all the scriptures andethics.Hehadsufficient strengthtofollow whateverpathhedecided to tread. But the conflict was supreme in him as to which path to tread. While standing on the ground he looked for the star; while still on the material plane, the arrow of divine discontent was eagerly waiting on the bow to shoot out. That has been the situation of Arjun. Similarly, the Sagittarius ascendantsdo not lack knowledge or skill about spirituality. But they are tom between materialism and spiritualism. This conflict is often very acute, so intense that they are misunderstood. The Sagittarius people are well versed in ethical knowledge, they can very well moralise and lecture on morality, spirituality and on religious matters but what they lack is courage to follow the arduous path of occultism. More than courage it is the determination to decide once for all--that is what they lack. For that they need their Lord Krishna. Without the enlightenment and guidance from their Lord they may be seen indulging in unethical practices and in antisocial activities. The main characteristic of Sagittarius in the present age is not necessarily living a moral life, but the acceptance of that way asthe right goal of life.

Indeed, in the soul's extensive journey, there arrives a juncture where bewilderment reigns supreme, and one grapples with hopeless confusion regarding the path ahead. Arjun, despite his vast knowledge and ethical acumen, found himself in a quandary—adept on all fronts yet torn between divergent paths. Should he really kill his family and friends? Grounded in the material realm, yet poised for spiritual ascent, he epitomized the struggle between duty and divine yearning. Similarly, those born under the sign of Sagittarius are not without spiritual knowledge or prowess. However, they find themselves embroiled in a relentless tug-of-war between materialism and spiritual aspiration, and this is conflict often so intense as to breed misunderstanding. While Sagittarians excel in ethical discourse and possess a deep understanding of spirituality, they falter when it comes to mustering the courage and determination to traverse the arduous path of occultism. What they lack, more than courage, is the resolute resolve to make a definitive choice; they must make a decision by themselves. Without divine illumination given to them, Sagittarius-born individuals may unwittingly stray into unethical conduct and antisocial pursuits. Thus, the hallmark of Sagittarius in this era lies not solely in leading a morally upright existence, but in the unwavering commitment to perceive such a path as the ultimate goal of life.

Sagittarius’s symbol of the Centaur, a mythological figure associated with the struggle between civilization and barbarism, can come to aptly represent the character of those born under Sagittarius. Among them, one may encounter individuals driven by both passionate desire and those endowed with wisdom and proficiency in the healing arts, often assuming roles as educators. Internally, they embody a dual polarity not unlike their opposing sign Gemini. The lower half of the centaur, symbolizing primal instincts and sexual fervor, such as that of a horse, contrasts with the human aspect above, denoting purposefulness, wisdom, and erudition. A harmoniously balanced Sagittarius-born individual will fit into the ideal human archetype. However, ensnared in psychological complexities, they risk devolving into distortions of character, becoming societal nuisances capable of undermining the very fabric of their community. While aspiring toward goodness, spirituality, and perfection, they remain susceptible to lingering animalistic impulses. Despite their noble aspirations, they may struggle to acknowledge personal flaws such as pettiness or pompousness, their desire for self-improvement sometimes eclipsing introspection and self-awareness.

Sagittarius signifies a pivotal shift in the soul's odyssey—a moment when the Prodigal Son, awakened to the loss of his celestial abode, the divine sanctuary of all souls, finds himself adrift in a sea of bewilderment. Struggling to attain inner serenity, he metaphorically launches his arrow of aspiration toward peace and tranquility of spirit. Yet, amidst this existential journey, a sense of isolation descends upon him. Disillusioned by worldly attachments, betrayed by companions, abandoned by kin, and unfulfilled by material wealth and carnal indulgence despite how easily it may come to him, he stands solitary, compelled to tread the path unaccompanied through a period marked by spiritual guardianship. He becomes a sacrifice—an evolved soul forced to uplift those less evolved. Though yearning to reunite with his spiritual father, he remains ensconced in earthly entanglements, gazing skyward while tethered to terrestrial concerns. Nevertheless, a newfound sense of purpose pervades his being as he discerns the ultimate objective of his voyage to Earth. This is what inevitably ends up leading to the forecoming trials housed in Capricorn and Aquarius. Can you go beyond materialism? How much do you really seek to be liberated when it means being a sacrifice bereft of tangible enjoyment?

Enlightenment graces the Sagittarius ascendants, yet expecting a careless life of comfort, ease, and opulence for them proves unrealistic. God's grace manifests by compelling the individual towards the center of existence, that being the nothingness of it all. Prior to this divine descent, the human ego is propelled by centrifugal instincts, embroiled in material pursuits. However, upon beholding divine splendor and recognizing its celestial abode, the ego retreats, embarking upon the Path of Return, the Nvritti Marg, shown by a shift in aspirations. Elevated ideals, spiritual yearning, godly attributes, disciplined pursuits (eventually evolving into austerity), and a radical transformation of thought characterize this stage of development. Along this path, individuals fulfill familial and societal obligations while steadily progressing towards their spiritual sanctuary.

The transition from primal instinct to emerging humanity within Sagittarians signifies a remarkable expansion of consciousness. In mundane affairs, this evolution manifests as religiosity, initially centered on societal and familial bonds, then progressing to spiritual observances and religious rites. While some may find solace in external religious practices, mature souls embark on initiatory journeys of occult processes catalyzing consciousness expansion, ultimately leading to inclusion within the adept spiritualists. Regardless of individual variations, Sagittarians universally experience significant consciousness expansion at each stage of growth. Notably, Sagittarius, the southernmost constellation of the Zodiac, occupies a celestial region teeming with celestial wonders. Bright areas of the Milky Way intersect with darker patches within the constellation, while its core lies in the direction of our galactic system, approximately 30,000 light years from the Sun. Just as the constellation embodies contrasting celestial phenomena, so too do Sagittarian individuals navigate a life of both luminosity and shadow, propelled by the Sattvic influence emanating from their innermost core. Ancient sages depict Sagittarius as masculine, fiery, philosophical, philanthropic, and of golden hue, affiliated with the Kshatriya caste and symbolizing the eastern direction—the locus of new beginnings. This symbolism shows Sagittarians' inherent potential for spiritual and occult advancement, as they harness energies conducive to progress on the metaphysical path. However, formidable obstacles litter the path of these individuals, exemplified by Sagittarius's proximity to Scorpio and Capricorn, presided over by Mars and Saturn respectively. Mars fuels spiritual vigor and fortitude for uphill journeys, while Saturn subjects Sagittarians to rigorous tests at every turn. Each day presents trials, tests, and opportunities for benevolent expression, as Sagittarians navigate the arduous landscape of spiritual evolution with resilience and compassion.

The life journey of Sagittarius ascendants is fraught with struggle, as evidenced by the nature of their ascendant lord, Jupiter—the supreme benefic planet. Despite its auspicious status, Jupiter's ownership of the Kendras (Angles) bestows mixed blessings, with few houses offering untainted benefits except the 9th and 11th. In the 1st and 4th houses, Jupiter's beneficence is tempered, while in the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 10th houses, it encounters adversity due to its placement in enemy territory. Even in the 5th house, associated with progeny, Jupiter's influence may be unfavorable. Positioned in the 6th, Jupiter intensifies adversaries, while in the 8th, despite its exaltation, it may bring hardship to both mother and self. The 12th house similarly fails to offer worldly benefits, and even in the 11th, Jupiter resides in an enemy's sign. Thus, unless individuals fervently engage in religious and social endeavors—activities associated with the 9th house—they encounter significant obstacles to their growth. Sagittarians must navigate their path with utmost care, striving for righteousness (as Sagittarius symbolizes the 9th house of the Cosmic Universal man-Kala Purusha), while relinquishing attachment to outcomes. By sowing seeds of virtuous actions, they pave the way for future fruition, even if they themselves may not witness the results in this incarnation.

For Sagittarius ascendants, fulfillment lies not in personal pleasures, but in fulfilling their myriad personal, familial, and societal obligations—a destiny ingrained within their cosmic blueprint. Jupiter, their ascendant lord, shares significant relationships with Mars, governing the 5th and 12th houses, and the Sun, ruling over the 9th house—houses traditionally deemed most auspicious. These alignments underscore the importance of aligning one's personality with present endeavors, past conditioning, and social engagements. Armed with courage and aspiration for divine unity or universal brotherhood, Sagittarians must emulate philosophers, endeavoring to temper their baser instincts with wisdom and understanding. Conversely, Saturn, Venus, and the Moon—rulers of the 2nd/3rd, 6th/11th, and 8th houses respectively—suggest that emotionalism, pleasure, and familial support may elude Sagittarians. Laden with responsibilities and obligations, they must shoulder life's burdens without respite or assistance. Successful navigation of these challenges hinges upon harmonizing Jupiter, governing the self and emotions, with Mercury, overseeing partnerships and profession. This harmony requires a balance between intellect (embodied by golden-hued Jupiter) and the universal principle of sympathy (personified by green-hued Mercury), ensuring joyous existence for spiritually evolved Sagittarians, while the prevalence of self-centered materialism creates sorrow.

1 Comment
22:02 UTC


The power of Cancer- Alternative Interpretation

This text is slightly humorous and reeks of inflated first house complex so feel free to humble me.

Cancer, the crab that died trying. Sensitive, weak, inferior etc. etc. Cancer has so much power and assertiveness so let’s talk about it.

Let’s talk summer. Cancer leads summer. It is in its purest sense a leader (Cardinal) Like Aries, Libra and Capricorn, Cancer marks the beginning of a season. This alone points to so much power.

Let’s look through the Cancer rising lens for a paragraph. Ascendants are so much more than a mask, it is the anchor for the type of life Cancers lead. And these lives are so powerful. Each angle, is in a cardinal sign. Cancer rising charts are set out to lead. Cancer on the first, Libra on the fourth, Capricorn on the 7th, and Aries on the 10th.

Aries on the 10th is an insanely underrated topic. The most visible is mars ruled. This points to the opposite of someone weak, this points to motivation, direction, leadership. The flimsy crab don’t think so? Would a flimsy crab strut the streets like I do?

Going back to the cardinal angles. There is not only leadership in the public, but in the self, in the family and romantic relationships. This suggests Cancer risings taking huge responsibility over their own lives. The sideways crab, where??

Finally, the natural progression for Cancer is into Leo. It’s literally progressing from one luminary into another. No other zodiac does this. It shows the power that Cancer has, to go from reflecting the light to becoming the light. Leo can’t relate.

I personally think the crab analogy is all people think of when it comes to Cancer. but when you actually sit down and look at the qualities, it’s role in the solar system, it’s natural progression and the house system. we truly see the power.

14:02 UTC


How many of you are familiar with the Vedic nakshatras?

I want to know what people think about the nakshatras—what they understand and what they want to learn. While not commonly used in predictive astrology, nakshatras are a complex area of study in Vedic astrology. I'm thinking of explaining some select nakshatras, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. I don't want to write 10 pages worth of information on a nakshatra if it is just going to confuse people, and I don’t want people to use any information I would share to create stereotypes to judge others. I’ve already seen nakshatras wrongly applied to the tropical zodiac, so I know there is potential for misuse.

I would like to know people's opinions and examples of their thoughts on nakshatras.

09:59 UTC


The deeper significations do the signs as ascendants (Part 10: Cancer)

Preface: this is for Vedic astrology and so refers to sidereal Cancer, not tropical cancer.

Cancer is a symbolic gateway to the realm of manifestation, where the primal cosmic vibration, Pranava, underwent differentiation into four fundamental entities, corresponding to the multifaceted aspects of Brahma: Vaisvanara, Hiranyagarbha, Prajna, and Ishvara. This process shows how the unified essence of Pranava is fragmented into distinct forms, each embodying a unique aspect of divine consciousness. Furthermore, Cancer is believed to encapsulate the essence of Parabrahman, the supreme reality, through its manifestation of the fourfold nature of existence: Sthula (physical), Sukshma (subtle), Bija (causal), and Sakshi (the silent witness). These facets represent the underlying substratum of reality, encompassing both the tangible and intangible dimensions of existence. Cancer is also associated with the four states of consciousness, elucidating the journey of the soul through various levels of awareness: Jagrath (wakeful), Sushupati (dreamful sleep), Turiya (deep sleep), and Nirvana (deep meditation). Each state unveils a distinct aspect of the soul's journey, from the mundane realm of everyday wakefulness to the depths of meditative absorption. These attributes are suggestive of the fact that Cancer has a wide range of operation and operates in the subjective as well as the objective realm of manifestation. The profundity of Hindu scriptures necessitates meticulous study and meditation to unveil the significance of their myriad symbols. Yet, it is understood that the cosmic manifestation, as delineated in these scriptures, encompasses both outer and inner realities, existing across dimensions with varying states of consciousness corresponding to diverse levels of manifestation. Cancer symbolizes the juncture where consciousness and matter were liberated from Pranava's unity within the Trinity. It explicates the interaction of time and space on the involutionary path of the soul and therefore can be confusing to pin down.

Cancer rules the natural fourth house in the zodiac. And despite what most traditional Western* astrologers will try to tell you, the significance of Cancer ruling the 4th house is very important, both to the essential meaning of this house and the sign itself. The number four holds a connection with the genesis of differentiation, acting as the stage of material cosmic creation. In Hindu mythology, Brahma epitomizes this stage of manifestation, depicted with four heads, a deeply important symbolic representation. Within the human constitution, the lower quaternary— encompassing the physical body, etheric double, astral body, and lower mental body— is transient, dissipating after each incarnation. Conversely, the higher triad, comprising the causal body, intuitive body, and spiritual body, serves as an enduring vessel of the human monad. Cancer signifies the moment of differentiation wherein the higher triad begets the lower quaternary. Brahma's four heads symbolize this quaternary, while also assuming multifaceted roles, such as overseeing the Cardinal directions and housing the four Vedas, among other functions. Each tier of manifestation harbors its distinct state of consciousness along with its presiding deity. And in the context of Vedic astrology, this symbolism holds many implications for understanding the significance of Cancer ruling the fourth house. The fourth house in Vedic astrology is not only about the physical home and family ties but also about one's karmic roots and emotional foundations. It delves into ancestral lineage and the imprints of time passed. It is the foundation of our inner world of emotions and subconscious mind. Often referred to as the bhava of the heart in Vedic astrology, the 4th house symbolizes the core of one's being and the sanctuary of the soul. As the ruler of the natural fourth house with which it gains its connection, Cancer holds sway over this inner sanctum, influencing how individuals perceive and experience their emotional landscape. Cancer's nurturing and sensitive qualities enliven the fourth house with a deep sense of security, comfort, and well-being, represented by the Moon. Just as the fourth house signifies the dwelling place of the soul within, Cancer's association with Brahma's four heads and the differentiation process speaks to the intricate layers of the subconscious mind. It suggests that, within the inner sanctum of the fourth house lie the seeds of karmic influence, ancestral memories, and emotional patterns carried over from past lives. In this way, both Cancer and the 4th house demonstrate the cosmic storehouse of our karmic heritage. It is the seed of our beginnings that later blossoms into the tree of our culminated experience.

Delving even deeper into the significations of Cancer, we see that it is representative of the Hindu concept of the Hiranyagarbha, often translated as the "golden womb" or "golden egg." Described in scriptures such as the Rigveda and the Upanishads, Hiranyagarbha symbolizes the primordial cosmic matrix from which the universe emanates. According to the Rigveda, Hiranyagarbha emerges from the cosmic waters, representing the potentiality of creation encapsulated within a golden egg. This cosmic egg contains the seeds of existence, embodying the latent energy that precedes manifestation. The Chandogya Upanishad further elaborates on Hiranyagarbha, depicting it as the source of all life and consciousness, from which the cosmos unfolds in its myriad forms. Thus, Hiranyagarbha represents the ultimate origin and substratum of the universe, symbolizing the infinite potentiality that gives rise to creation. In Vedic astrology, the association between Cancer and Hiranyagarbha lies in their shared symbolism of primordial creation and cosmic potentiality. Just as Hiranyagarbha represents the cosmic womb from which the universe emerges, Cancer is the gateway to manifestation of the creative principle. Both concepts signify the beginning nurture of creation, embodying the fertile essence from which all life arises and the subjective principle is concretized.

The core defining characteristics of Cancer, which illuminate its intrinsic nature, have been aptly portrayed as "saumya" (gentle), feminine, moveable, and watery, endowed with nocturnal strength and an affinity for aquatic habitats such as ponds or sandbanks. A cursory examination of these attributes demonstrates how the nuanced consciousness, increasingly entwined across various levels of manifestation, be it exoteric, esoteric, causal, or the Sakshi level, finds meaning in these descriptors. Water, often heralded as the essence of life manifesting in diverse forms, serves as a fitting emblem for Cancer. It is colorless, odorless, and seemingly without form, yet it nourishes and sustains all living entities. It is not uncommon for individuals under the Cancer ascendant to retreat from the mainstream of life, metaphorically excavating holes into the realm of materiality, thus grounding themselves in earthly pursuits. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for other people to come to them. When Cancer is the Ascendant, the individual will function like a mighty ocean; diverse kinds of people will present to them their woes and sorrows, problems and confusion, and the Cancer native will enlighten and sustain them, assuaging their sorrows. Like water, Cancer is moveable, adaptable, and elusive. The societal milieu and environmental context in which an individual resides play an important role in shaping their fundamental nature. In different circumstances, they will be different people. And while this is true to a degree for all people, for Cancer-born individuals specifically, the context in which they are found will affect them deeply, reflecting the karmas of nurture. The feminine principle in nature (you can think of it like Yin, which is also a Sanskrit word), often synonymous with Prakriti, embodies the receptive aspect of creation, serving as the conduit for Purusha. Individuals born under the sign of Cancer are often similar to this principle, assuming the role of a vessel through which circumstances shape their being as mentioned before. They exhibit a propensity to yield to external forces, allowing events to mold their destiny without attempting to assert their own influence. This inclination, however, does not imply a lack of preferences, emotions, or willpower though; rather, their sensitivity is such that their innermost thoughts and feelings are transparently reflected in their demeanor and actions. Their gentle but sometimes tough temperament gives to them a uniquely graceful and commanding aura, and for that, they are often glorified yet victimized by society, seen both as the conniving seductress and the doting mother.

The ruler of Cancer, the Moon, perpetually expands when bathed in the radiance of the Sun's reflection, yet wanes in its absence, creating an intimate link between Cancer and the Sun. This proximity is evident in the positioning of Leo, the domicile of the Sun, adjacent to Cancer, lending a distinctive quality to this lunar-ruled sign. Cancer possesses the capacity to reflect the sublime glory of the divine, embodying the noblest form of spiritual manifestation and willingly sacrificing personal ego at the altar of the higher triad. However, Cancer remains fully individuated, possessing a keen awareness of its actions. Spiritually, those born under Cancer transform into occultists rather than mere psychics; in politics, they emerge as kingmakers rather than monarchs; in sports, they assume the role of coach over player; and as educators, they serve as guides rather than authoritarian figures. The potential for expansion and growth within Cancer ascendants is vast. They may exhibit tendencies toward materialism or inertia (tamas/ignorance), yet possess the capacity to delve into the essence of existence for spirituality. Nevertheless, the inherent traits of crab-like tenacity, egotism, or self-awareness persist, occasionally manifesting as over-occupation in mundane affairs. Hence, the ancient seers aptly categorized Cancer as either a Brahmin or a Sudra, showing that there can be myriad contradictions observed within Cancer ascendants, ranging from stark individualism to the unparalleled generosity of selfless service—from apparent folly to profound understanding.

Cancer experiences Jupiter's exaltation and Mars's debilitation. The Moon's dominion over human emotions grants Cancer ascendants a natural predisposition towards emotional tranquility, often remaining unruffled even amid life's most challenging crises. Their serenity is most pronounced when personal desires yield to a focus on the universal life force symbolized by the Sun. Jupiter, the divine counselor, holds heightened sway within Cancer, guiding aspirants towards their spiritual destination. Cancer individuals excel as educators, aided by the sign's supportive influence, which extends to facilitating deeper levels of meditation. Even those unversed in formal meditative practices may find themselves drawn to introspection, contemplation, and deep thought. Emotional fervor, aggressive pursuits, and the quest for personal glory pose risks for Cancer individuals. Despite Mars's debilitation in this sign, it serves as a yoga-karaka due to its rulership over the 5th and 10th houses. Consequently, Cancer ascendants thrive when they transcend personal concerns and courageously engage in activities related to the earth, such as agriculture, transportation, warfare, medicine, and mechanical engineering. Their detached demeanor positions them as adept advisors, leaders, scientists, inventors, and even artists.

For Cancer individuals, Saturn, the planet of constriction, presents significant challenges. The inclination towards thoughts of suicide can arise naturally due to Saturn's influence, especially as it governs the 7th and 8th houses, predisposing individuals towards self-annihilation. On a physical level, this may manifest as a life marked by misery, sorrow, poor health, anemia, depressive episodes, and a bleak outlook. However, for those advanced souls traversing the path of withdrawal, Saturn can inspire a life of renunciation, dedication, and altruistic endeavors for universal welfare. The trials faced by Cancer ascendants often extend to their marital life. They may not find common marital happiness, not due to sexual incompetence, but rather psychological complexities. Despite their dynamic mental nature, Cancer individuals may struggle with commitment, leading to dissatisfaction in monogamous relationships. While fidelity may not be at risk, a deep-seated dissatisfaction with the mundane aspects of married life can drive them away from marital bonds, leading to divorce, attempts to escape, or the creation of unbearable psychological complexities that undermine marital love. Cancer ascendants often postpone or enter into marriage later in life due to their ambivalence towards assuming the responsibilities of married life. Despite longing for affection and companionship, they harbor undefined fears regarding marriage. They may appear respectable and desire marriage until it becomes a reality, at which point they may seek to extricate themselves from it. They may engage in clandestine affairs while pining for the stability of marriage but feeling suffocated once within it. While they may excel as lovers, they often struggle as married partners, growing resentful of the perceived constraints imposed by stable relationships. Partners of Cancer individuals in such marriages may warrant careful psychological analysis due to the complexities involved.

Cancer individuals are drawn to material wealth and worldly success, but often find such achievements unfulfilling. They oscillate between pursuit and renunciation, which can be emotionally draining without a commitment to letting go of worldly attachments. They have a unique relationship with Venusian individuals, often gravitating towards those deeply entrenched in worldly pursuits. This may lead them to associate with individuals engaged in morally questionable behaviors, even if they themselves are spiritually evolved. They may feel a sense of duty to help such individuals, whether through medical treatment or spiritual guidance, driven by compassion and a strong sense of responsibility.

Cancer individuals are inherently adaptable, thriving amidst both opulent luxury and dire adversity, each situation unveiling new facets of their personality. Trials and tribulations serve to dismantle their selfish egos and peel away the outer layers of their inner life. Regardless of circumstances, Cancer individuals yearn for the unattainable, perpetually dissatisfied with their current state and constantly striving for advancement. This is not in the way Virgo does by seeking and being discontented with a state of imperfection; rather, it is simply a growing discomfort with simply being alive. The journey of the Cancer Lagna resembles that of a caterpillar entering a chrysalis to transform into a butterfly. They must undergo various stages of evolution before reaching maturity. This process fuels their introspection, prompting them to document their experiences and aspirations, often seeking self-validation but struggling to find solace. When directed outwardly, Cancer ascendants can catalyze significant social change, quietly and persistently advocating for a new societal order, but when directed inwardly, they can spiral into utter hopelessness, not for others but for themselves, as they feel so detached and victimized by the world around them.

Jupiter, governing the 9th and 10th houses from Cancer, offers vast opportunities for expansion to Cancer ascendants. With Mars in a favorable position (as the ruler of the 10th house and exalted in Capricorn), individuals can continually evolve and ascend to great heights of success. However, maintaining balance is crucial to prevent potential downfall. As politicians, they must remain vigilant about their party's position; as scientists, they must remain dedicated to their research; and as spiritual teachers, they must seek higher initiations. While materialism may offer discipline for them, they are prone to experiencing great highs followed by significant lows. Success as occultists is within their grasp, but without it, they can suffer greatly. This can lead to spiritual advancement though, so it is somewhat of a confounding predicament.

I am really not as spiritually inclined as you might think, so for me, it is hard not to feel bad for Cancer and Libra ascendants due to the unique level of vulnerability they are presented with in terms of suffering from their romantic partners. It also kind of hurts more to know that these are the only two Rashis ruled by distinctly feminine planets, suggesting that the feminine principle — both procreative and sustaining— is inherently subject to abuse.

03:26 UTC


Deeper significations of the signs as ascendants (Part 9: Pisces)

At its essence, Pisces represents the end of our journey, the final stage of spiritual evolution on the material plane. It serves as a time of reflection, integration, acceptance, and dissolution, where the soul gathers the wisdom and experiences accumulated throughout its journey. Here, in the depths of Pisces, the ego and dualistic perception begins to unravel. This unraveling marks the transcendence of dichotomies that govern our material existence shown by Gemini. There is a dissolution of boundaries between self and other, masculine and feminine, subject and object, good and bad, pain and pleasure; it is in Pisces that opposites converge into a unified whole. It is a phase of spiritual surrender, where the individual relinquishes attachment to material desires and identities, preparing to either transcend through liberation (Moksha) or begin a new cycle. One reaches realization of unity with the cosmos and must decide whether to be reunited with it, contained in its fullness, or reborn out of Karmic necessity.

If approached out of a noble pursuit of enlightenment in divine wisdom rather than selfish motivations, the study of astrology, among the most venerable sciences, would not evoke undue concern regarding the prohibition of forecasts for determined outcomes. Instead, individuals would earnestly strive to refine their own character, embracing fortitude to align with the law of Karma amidst challenging circumstances. The divine plan unfolds through evolution, and understanding this path, whether on an individual or collective scale, transcends mere superstition. Superstition, in essence, arises from an incomplete consideration of causation, manifesting as prejudice. Regrettably, the modern era is marked by pervasive prejudice, exacerbated by the rise of philosophies such as communism and capitalism, which denigrate occultism and theism, impeding the advancement of religious principles. The endeavors of those under the influence of Aquarian energies aim to pave the way for the forthcoming Messiah. Lord Vishnu, as proclaimed by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, pledges to incarnate whenever righteousness wanes, to rekindle its flame. In this divine role of the restorer of balance, Lord Vishnu assumes his Piscean aspect within the zodiac. Reflecting on the significance of this celestial sign becomes imperative as humanity stands on the cusp of a new era, with the influence of a fresh cycle only recently transgressing over the world.

The ancient seers bestowed upon this sign various appellations, including Meenam, Anthya, Mathsya, Prithuroma, and Jhasha, all of which come to be synonymous with the word "fish." To unveil the depth of this Rashi’s symbolism, one must delve deeply into Vedic cosmology. In Hindu scriptures, the symbolism of the fish finds elucidation in the Hari Purana and other revered texts. In the Hari Purana, Vishnu, the second aspect of the Logos responsible for preserving the manifested world, is depicted as assuming various Avataras (divine incarnations) to guide humanity's evolution. Notably, in the Matsyavatar, Lord Vishnu manifests in the form of a fish with a human head, a divine incarnation undertaken to retrieve the Vedas lost during the deluge, Pralaya. According to Hindu scriptures, Matsya Avatar manifested during the Satya Yuga (the first age in Hindu cosmology), in response to a catastrophic flood that threatened to destroy all life forms (deluge). The story goes that the demon Hayagriva stole the Vedas from Brahma and hid them underwater. To retrieve the Vedas and protect the world's knowledge, Lord Vishnu transformed into Matsya Avatar. As a fish, Matsya guided the king Manu's boat through the deluge. He also fought against the demon Hayagriva and ultimately recovered the Vedas, ensuring the continuity of knowledge and civilization. The Matsya Avatar symbolizes protection, preservation, and the restoration of order. It represents the divine's intervention in times of crisis to safeguard righteousness and uphold cosmic balance. Matsya Avatar's story serves as a reminder of the importance of knowledge, virtue, and divine protection in overcoming adversity and preserving the sanctity of life. It was this divine figure who imparted essential knowledge to humanity, teaching them the arts of construction, agriculture, and the importance of worshiping the unknown deity through temple construction and regular rituals.

This portrayal shows the ancient Brahmanic association of their Messiah, Vishnu, with both the symbol of the fish and the cataclysmic deluge. Parallels exist in Babylonian as well as other cultural mythologies, such as where the deity Dag-On, the Man-Fish, assumes a role of the prophet and is revered as a symbol of salvation, or the story of Noah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, where righteousness is restored by the destruction of the world through a great flood, and Jesus carried the symbolism of the fish. Throughout antiquity, the motif of the fish was frequently intertwined with the concept of the Messiah. This prominence of the fish in Messiah symbolism reflects its enduring significance across diverse cultures. The auspicious nature attributed to the fish symbol is evidently rooted in antiquity, transcending the confines of exoteric religions. It symbolizes an inner wisdom-religion that imparts truths of occultism directly and without obfuscation, embodying the timeless teachings of sacred texts like the Vedas. But just like the messiah is often portrayed, they are met with a trial. They must prove they are beyond material temptations by suffering their condemnation. Otherwise, they will fall to the luster of material grandeur out of their weakness for mercury, ultimately condemning them to begin a new cycle as they fail to pass their final test.

Pisces in Vedic cosmology is attributed as the feet of Kala Purusha, but it is also known as Prithuroma. Prithu, the son of Vena, himself descended from Agni, the fire deity, emerged as the inaugural monarch from whom the earth derived its name, Prithvi. According to the Vishnu Purana, when Vena, tainted by malevolence, forbade worship and sacrifice, righteous sages chastised him, leading to his demise. Subsequently, an era of lawlessness and chaos ensued due to the absence of a ruler. The sages, symbolically invoking the potential for virtuous action inherent in Vena, rubbed his right arm, from which emerged the illustrious Prithu, radiant like Agni, symbolizing the inner fire that animates all living beings and is present throughout the universe. Pisces is depicted as the hair on the body of this fire-like king, symbolizing the expression of divine creative power sustaining the entire cosmos. This notion aligns with the depiction of Pisces as the feet of Kala Purusha, signifying the indispensable role of sustenance in the cosmic order. Indeed, the sustenance of the entire manifestation hinges upon its feet; without it, movement and evolution would falter. Even in Vedic predictive astrology, Pisces-born individuals are often burdened with numerous responsibilities, tasked with supporting individuals and organizations. Notably, the transition from the last degree of Pisces to the first degree of Aries (gandanta degrees— the most momentous gandanta, at that) symbolizes the role of Pisces ascendants in nurturing new beginnings, putting an end to one cycle through dissolution in the preparation for beginning another.

Prof. B. V. Raman, in his seminal work "Hindu Predictive Astrology," describes Pisces as the feet of Kala Purusha, associating it with sacred shrines, altars, pagodas, rivers, tanks, fountains, and the vast expanse of oceans. Pisces, as the 12th bhava signifies divine knowledge, worship, liberation (Moksha), and the state beyond death, among other attributes. According to Prof. Raman, those born under Pisces are characterized by restlessness, a penchant for historical and mythological discourse, and a commitment to righteousness, avoiding transgression of moral laws. These observations align closely with the wisdom passed down by ancient seers across various contexts. Indeed, even a lay astrologer would attest to the religious, God-fearing, and traditional nature of Pisces individuals, who may not always find contentment in mundane existence. The latter characteristic may seem enigmatic at first glance. However, through deeper exploration and a thorough examination of the myriad perspectives on the nature and significance of this sign, such complexities can be elucidated in their true light. By applying basic astrological principles, one discerns that Pisces resides fifth from Scorpio, which symbolizes the seat of Serpent Fire, representing the latent power within humans known as Kundalini Shakti. It is only through the awakening of this dormant power that individuals can ultimately merge their individual consciousness with the universal consciousness, ascending to the status of Mahatmas, Adepts, and Perfected Beings. These Adepts have ascended to Nirvanic heights, where the individual spark merges seamlessly with the universal Flame, and the individual drop becomes one with the ocean. In this state, the Adept is akin to a fish submerged in water, seamlessly integrated into the vast expanse of the ocean, the natural solvent for material impurities, while still maintaining their distinct identity. Achieving perfect equilibrium and harmony, they transcend the duality of opposites, symbolized by the two fishes bound to each other's tails, signifying the cessation of polarization within them.

When Mahatmas attain such exalted states, their activities and demeanor diverge markedly from conventional norms. They possess a balanced, tranquil mind like the serene waters of a still lake, reflecting higher realms without distortion. This state finds resonance in Cancer, the fifth sign from Pisces, symbolizing tranquility and reflection. Hence, Pisces-born individuals tend to exhibit philosophical inclinations, superstition, reverence for the divine, and a deep-seated concern for humanity's vast potential. They often speak of mythological greatness and seek to awaken the latent powers dormant within humankind. In the lives of such individuals, one observes a departure from typical psychological responses; they possess a strong will, endeavoring to foster peace and harmony on their own terms.

The seventh sign from Pisces corresponds to Virgo, symbolizing sacrifice, tolerance, and altruism. Pisces-born individuals inherently possess this predisposition in their life endeavors. The seventh house, representing partnerships, polarization of the individual, and the arena of action, underscores that Pisces ascendants, despite their material circumstances influenced by various planetary configurations, are inherently inclined towards altruism. Their lives are often characterized by acts of sacrifice. In a manner reminiscent of Lord Vishnu, who relinquished his celestial freedom to aid the world and safeguard the wisdom of the Vedas, Pisces ascendants are willing to forgo personal pleasures and comforts to preserve individuals, principles, traditions, or organizations. Frequently, Pisces-born individuals exhibit hearts of gold, yet endure immense suffering seemingly undeservedly.

Pisces natives are inherently driven to free humanity. The tenth sign from Pisces ascendant is Sagittarius, which compels individuals to initiate changes within themselves and their environment. Symbolically, the horse within man—the base instincts or animalistic tendencies—must undergo transformation under the influence of Sagittarius, leading towards spiritual elevation and the pursuit of higher ideals, symbolized by the upward trajectory of an arrow shot upward. This illustrates the daily challenges faced by Pisces ascendants as they strive to transcend mediocrity and ascend beyond conventional norms. They possess an innate ambition and an insatiable drive for improvement, often encountering obstacles in their quest for transformation. Inner peace is achieved through embracing the struggles and trials of life. When turmoil is accepted as an inherent aspect of existence, true peace descends upon the individual. This acceptance and endurance of trials represent the tapas (the spiritual discipline) of Pisces ascendants.

All of that said, there is still a darker side to Pisces. See, Pisces isn’t just the Messiah. It is also the ostensible anti-Christ. In Pisces, there is no separation between good and evil. Each individual who is Pisces-born will reach their objectives through whatever means possible, and for many that is through pure, universal love and compassion, in line with classical morality. While for others, there can be an attempt to uproot all previous establishments and put an end to the hum-drum of material life, inciting the chaos that freedom can inevitably threaten. In their quest to transcend the limitations of illusory confines, Pisces-born natives may engage in behaviors that seem unconventional or even highly taboo to society as a way to demonstrate disregard to the made-up rules placed upon them, all in an attempt to “wake up” society, which does not often go as planned. This is why some associated aspects of Pisces include acts like cannibalism or murder, which symbolize the devouring and destruction of the material ego to force the assimilation into the spiritual. Furthermore, Pisces is associated with the destruction of societal structures and institutions, which is a bit contradictory given the previous indications of them wanting to uphold institutions for the better. This is not an endorsement of chaos or anarchy but rather a reflection of Piscean energy's tendency to challenge and disrupt established norms and conventions. Pisceans may feel compelled to dismantle societal constructs that perpetuate illusion and separation, seeking to awaken humanity to the underlying unity of all existence— to the absurdity of society’s rules. Pisces serves as a reminder of the complexity and depth of the human experience. While Pisceans may challenge societal norms and engage in unconventional behaviors, their underlying intention is one of spiritual awakening and liberation. It is through confronting the shadows within ourselves and society that we are able to transcend dualistic perception and realize our true nature as spiritual beings.

Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces, endowed with the capacity to enhance the Bhava it governs or inhabits. However, at this stage of cosmic evolution, Jupiter is seen as being much more harsh. He remains forgiving and nurturing, but it is at a point where this becomes harmful. In its role as the ascendant lord, Jupiter encourages the growth and prosperity of the individual in the earthly realm, but this can bode danger. Jupiter possesses the inherent ability to unveil the spiritual essence within individuals, and spiritually often gives rise to frustration when the ego confronts material limitations. For Pisces ascendants, the domains of the 12th and 11th houses are governed by Saturn, emblematic of the staunch materialist. Consequently, any material rewards bestowed upon Pisces ascendants may fail to elicit significant appreciation. Thus, despite their aspirations for a fulfilling life, Pisces ascendants often find themselves grappling with a sense of restlessness. It is worth noting that Jupiter, as a benefic lord of a cardinal house, may not fully realize its potential to bestow benefic influences. The frustration can grow to a point where it breaks the individual, growing them into a monster— where the lack of boundaries between self and other become sadistic ie “you’re me, so I can do whatever I want to you.”

Mercury holds a unique relationship with Pisces, governing its 4th and 7th houses. This connection underscores the vital association between the higher and lower aspects of the mind, or, put differently, the physical and spiritual intellect. Harmony between these faculties is paramount for Pisces individuals to lead a balanced life. Without such equilibrium, there is a risk of succumbing to neuroticism, cynicism, and emotional imbalance. Pisceans face their greatest trials from women, worldly pleasures, and intoxicants. When the ego becomes ensnared by the allure of worldly progress and indulgence, life becomes fraught with complications. Venus, the ruler of worldly delights, not only opposes Jupiter, the ascendant lord for Pisces, but also governs the 3rd and 8th houses from the ascendant, which are traditionally deemed inauspicious. Consequently, expecting support from Venus proves futile and often leads to frustration. In light of these factors, it is logical to conclude that Pisces is an inherently auspicious sign, acknowledged as such by ancient religions. This sign symbolizes the divine assistance rendered to the material world's existence. In their daily lives, Pisces-born individuals facilitate the growth and multiplication of others, often at their own expense. Material rewards hold little satisfaction for them, as their true fulfillment lies in serving humanity and realizing their spiritual purpose. By harmonizing their minds and transforming logical intellect into intuitive wisdom, they gain insights into the true purpose of their existence. These souls are destined to guide humanity towards the realization of its latent divine potential. Their happiness and balance are found in working towards noble ideals and the advancement of human progress, while indulgence in sensual pleasures and worldly pursuits proves detrimental to their well-being.

02:27 UTC


The deeper significations of the signs as ascendants (Part 8: Gemini)

Preface: I had less pre-written material for Gemini, so it took me a while to finish my research on this sign. It can be very complicated to understand with many different narratives and stories, especially as it intertwines with Greek mythology as opposed to Vedic, but I’ve tried to stick to only a couple to explain the significance of this Rashi.

Make sure you’re using sidereal Gemini rather than tropical for these significations.

Within the framework of Vedic cosmology, Gemini speaks to the polarity of creation through spirit and matter. The “great breath,” a metaphor for the primordial life force, encapsulates the essence of dual creation. This breath, alike to the rhythmic inhalation and exhalation of the cosmos, embodies the duality of existence. It speaks to the intersection of masculine and feminine creative principles. The breath of fire shows the masculine principle as dynamic and assertive, represented by Brahma-Viraj, and portrayed through the symbol of the mace. Conversely, the breath of mother symbolizes the nurturing and receptive feminine principle, Vak-Viraj, signifying withdrawal and introspection, symbolized by the harp. In Vedic astrology, Gemini’s symbol is shown to be a pair of human figures; one figure holds a harp, symbolizing the celestial harmony and the etheric realm (represented by Akasha’s connection to sound), while the other wields a mace, emblematic of earthly authority and the material plane (sometimes they are shown as a couple sitting in a boat).

In Sanskrit, Gemini is designated by several terms, notably Mithuna and Dwanda. The term Mithuna translates to "uniting couple" or "pair," while Dwanda denotes "duality" or "twinship." These names encapsulate Gemini's essence as a sign of duality and polarity, representing the interaction between opposing forces within the cosmos. I have never understood why Gemini is represented as siblings or literal twins in Western astrology though, so you might have to educate me on the differences in representation of origin. Because while the imagery of twins highlights the duality and multiplicity inherent in Gemini, it does not fully capture the depth of its symbolism in Vedic astrology as sexual union between male and female. In Vedic, Gemini is seen as the spiritual marriage of opposites after the illusory separation from unity. It is the sexual act that is only possible through material creation and the distinction between self and other, male and female. For this reasons, Gemino in Vedic is not only an emblem of polarity but also a monument to the inherent balance and creative potential found within the dance of creation. It is that which leads to the fertilization of cosmic potential in the primordial womb, leading to the stage of Cancer.

The Hindu Puranas provide a clearer elucidation of this hidden significance. According to the Shiva Purana, during a specific phase of cosmogenesis subsequent to the installation of the trinity, Brahma, the architect of the physical universe, fashioned time, space, and certain Sadaka Purushas, or Archangels, tasked with executing the divine mandate. However, this endeavor failed to catalyze the proliferation of the world. Consequently, Brahma bifurcated into male and female aspects, whose union engendered Swaymbhu Manu, the self-created Purusha, and SathaRapa, the macroprosopus, depicted as a hundred-faced female. And it was then in this separation that the entire human saga was given life. This narrative bears semblance to the tale of Adam and Eve, where Eve is fashioned from Adam's rib, leading to the genesis of the human race. The stage of duality, embodied by Adam and Eve (Swaymbhu Manu and Satha Rupa for Vedic scholars), epitomizes the meaning of Gemini. It is where the two aspects of creation, masculine represented by the mace and feminine by the harp, are bifurcated in creation and united in the consummative act of procreation.

As the shoulders of Kala Purusha, Gemini represents the gateway between the head and the torso, connecting the realms of intellect and action. The shoulders are crucial for mobility and flexibility, allowing the individual to adapt to their environment and engage in various activities. Similarly, Gemini embodies versatility, communication, and intellectual prowess, serving as a bridge between thought and expression. Furthermore, Gemini's placement on Kala Purusha's shoulders signifies its role in facilitating the interaction between subjective and objective realities. Just as the shoulders provide support and stability for the body, Gemini facilitates the integration of diverse experiences and perspectives, enabling individuals to navigate the complexities of life with agility and adaptability. In the context of astrology, Gemini's influence on Kala Purusha's shoulders highlights the importance of effective communication, intellectual curiosity, and versatility in shaping one's experiences and interactions with the world. It emphasizes the need for flexibility and openness to new ideas, as well as the ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Gemini, associated with the natural third house, goes beyond mere duality to represent a trinity of the three Gunas of material existence: rajas (activity), tamas (inertia), and sattva (balance). This trinity shows Gemini's role in shaping the distinct natures of human experience. At its core, Gemini embodies the workings of the mind and the mahat principle, which gives rise to dualistic perceptions and perspectives. Esoterically, Gemini delves into the interaction between objectivity and subjectivity. This suggests that Gemini's influence extends beyond surface-level duality to encompass the dynamics between the external world and inner consciousness. In predictive astrology, Gemini is likened to quicksilver, a metaphor for its elusive and changeable nature. Like quicksilver, Gemini individuals can be difficult to pin down, as their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors often fluctuate in response to various influences. Despite this, Gemini possesses a sparkling brilliance and intuitive insight, hinting at its potential for intellectual agility and adaptability. However, Gemini's expressions tend to lean towards materialism, despite its inherent mystic potential. This suggests that while Gemini individuals may possess a depth of understanding and insight, they primarily focus on worldly pursuits and intellectual endeavors. Conflict and instability are important characteristics of the sign. Contentment, satisfaction, stability, and tranquility are not to be found in Gemini. Depression, suicidal tendencies, excitement, experience, and a great thirst for indulgence may arise. These could very well be related to the discovery of the meaning and purpose of life. Gemini is very active on the subjective plane but nonetheless seeks to objectify everything. It wants to point out what is good-bad, beautiful-ugly, right-wrong, etc. Gemini is a masculine sign, airy in nature and containing the mixture of movable and fixed qualities which define a common sign. Gemini is most effective at higher subjective realms, always eager to act and achieve but not terribly effective in yielding concrete results. No planet is exalted or debilitated in Gemini.

The Gemini ascendant embodies a self-centered disposition, yet this characteristic can, at times, be harnessed to facilitate the soul's evolution. Gemini has been ascribed the names Yama and Yuga. Yama, traditionally associated with Death, also served as the mentor of Swetaketu, imparting to him the enigmatic wisdom concerning life and death. Death, as elucidated, represents the unknown, the boundless, the cessation of earthly sorrows, and the catalyst for renunciation. In seeking spiritual guidance from Yama, the lord of death, Swetaketu aptly selected the best of mentors. In parallel to this, the journey of Gemini serves as the most fitting guide for spiritual enlightenment. Until the essence of life is unveiled, the Gemini individual will grapple with death in its myriad manifestations. However, once the veil of mystery is lifted, Yama fulfills his purpose. Hence, it is not uncommon to find individuals with a Gemini ascendant immersed in pensive contemplation, pondering life's experiences in search of meaning. Instances of depression, suicidal inclinations, and an insatiable thirst for indulgence and novelty may arise in such individuals, yet these are invariably linked to the quest for existential purpose. Although such occurrences may lead to complexities, discordances, and psychological afflictions, they serve a purpose: to instruct the Gemini disciple in the mysteries of life and death. Regardless of circumstances, individuals born under this Rashi exhibit restlessness, perpetually yearning for something intangible— seeking answers to question still ill-defined to them. Their hearts dwell elsewhere, ever in pursuit of a fleeting illusion or mirage, causing perpetual instability akin to mriga marickhika. Whether captivated by the allure of bygone glories or the pull of future promises, their imaginations are ensnared by conflicting loyalties, ideologies, demands, memories, and aspirations. While not exclusively tethered to sensory realms, they are perpetually torn amid conflicting allegiances, rendering life's pursuits less engaging and thereby less fulfilling. Their emotional depth may be misconstrued as fickleness, as they seek variety and stimulation. Such individuals may explore spiritual avenues in pursuit of material objectives, or vice versa, often exhibiting a fascination for spiritual healing and Tantric practices yet a misunderstanding of the deeper, hidden metaphysical themes. Ultimately, they struggle to see the world beyond the words given to them.

Gemini shows remarkable activity on the subjective plane, a characteristic recognized by ancient seers who bestowed upon it the epithet "Yuga." While "duration" may inadequately capture the essence of "Yuga," it does unveil another facet of the sign. "Duration" signifies the unfolding of myriad life aspects while itself remaining immutable. In the life of a Gemini ascendant, diverse dimensions may manifest, yet the individual remains seemingly unaffected, as if momentous events transpired unnoticed. Though outwardly stoic, profound impressions are etched upon the psyche. The life narrative of such individuals is primarily inscribed on the subjective realm rather than the objective one. Gemini is attributed with strength during the night, when the external world slumbers while the psyche thrives. Conversely, it is deemed "blind" at mid-day, the zenith of life's tumult or the metaphorical battleground of Kurukshetra. Hence, Gemini individuals exhibit greater activity in the realms of thoughts and emotions rather than physical actions in the objective domain.

The challenges and potential pitfalls faced by Gemini ascendants become evident when examining the influence of various planetary influences upon the different areas of their lives. Mercury and Jupiter, as lords of angular houses, wield considerable power for Gemini ascendants. Their beneficent influence is vital for harmonizing the polarized Gemini personality, which may otherwise incline towards indulgence in physical and sensual pursuits. Integration of the mercurial mind with Jupiterian wisdom eliminates discontentment and fosters tranquility. Jupiter's dominion over the 7th house, symbolizing the psychological counterpart, and the 10th house, representing the culmination of physical efforts, exerts significant sway over individuals with a weak personality structure and an unstable psyche, as indicated by Mercury's rulership of the 4th house. The imperative for ethics, higher knowledge, and religious pursuits governed by Jupiter is particularly pronounced for Gemini, given the worldly influences of Venus (ruler of the 12th house) and the Moon (ruler of the 2nd house), which may engender excessive sensual desires, worldly ambitions, and a penchant for ease, potentially leading to moral decay, indolence, inefficiency, and hedonism. The Sun, as ruler of the 3rd house, and Mars, as ruler of the 6th and 11th houses, suggest that the courageous initiatives of Gemini individuals can greatly facilitate their evolution and overcome obstacles to soul growth and magnificence posed by sloth and selfishness. The true refinement of Gemini faculties occurs through diligent effort and personal initiative; otherwise, the Male Principle may languish, impeding evolutionary progress. Saturn, as lord of the 8th and 9th houses, is intricately linked with accumulated and allotted karma. Saturn represents karmic constraints, and past transgressions often haunt Gemini ascendants, making success elusive and hard-won. To achieve remarkable heights, such individuals require unique planetary configurations; otherwise, their lives may remain mediocre, as Gemini lacks planets in exaltation or debilitation.

00:29 UTC


Do you ever see housing related events/topics show up as 2nd house instead of 4th house?

00:05 UTC


What's your opinion on psyche theories/typologies when it comes to their association with astrological concepts? To what extent, these can be used as neuro-linguistic models for understanding and consciously directing our house energies as desired direction?

"at desired task" (sorry for my grammar).

Examples of Psyche Models:-
Instinctual Variants, Enneagram, Jungian types, Socionics, MBTI etc.

Example of a Nuero Linguistic Model designed to apply Enneagram theory on astrological concept.

14:16 UTC


Does degree of fortune increase while relocation to new places represent increase in luck factor?

Suppose if I am born in particular place where my fortune degree is 4 and If I relocate to new place where my fortune degree has changed to 29 ,so it means increase in luck in new place?

03:16 UTC


Is astrology deterministic?

I’m trying to learn about astrology beyond the basics. I can’t understand if astrology is all deterministic, or if there is room for compatibilism too.

Is there an astrology for dummies guide on this specific topic?

19:41 UTC


Uranus-Neptune Conjunction, millenials, internet

As a millenial consulting astrologer, I look at a lot of charts of millennials- lot of people born under neptune conj uranus in cap, so 1993-1996. Of course this conj is strongly associated with the birth of the internet, and often its situation in a young adult's chart to show their relationship/utilization of the internet and sort of how they situate themselves within this unique generational theme. I think this is a pretty common general understanding. I don't let this 'meaning' become fixed in my mind or my practice, and I don't claim to fully understand it, but its practical implications in the charts of individuals are always surprising me!

And now with the neptune saturn pisces conjunction in the works, It feels like destiny for this generation to wrest the power of -wide-web away from corporate, capitalistic, anti-human interests and reform it to serve humanity in a better way.

Two questions for conversation:

-How do you see the the neptune/uranus capricorn conj affecting millenials in their personal lives, by placement/aspect/transit?

-What are your thoughts on saturn/neptune in pisces approaching conjunction in relation to the destiny or work of people born under the uranus-neptune conjunction?

-Please please any and all thoughts on this topic I'd love to hear!

15:37 UTC


Exaltations and debilitation of houses? Compared to Aries rising, does Pisces rising people struggle more in handling specific house affairs due to weak compatibility between zodiac traits and natural house significations?

12:07 UTC


Science/Theory books on Astrology ?

Hello community, as the title suggests, I am interested in books on The Theory &/or Science of Astrology and how it works.

Thank you !

08:07 UTC


Combustion in natal astrology

Hello all!

I am still not very comfortable with how to interpret combustion in natal astrology. I give an example.

I know a person whose Mercury is 1.5 degrees away from Sun, both being in Leo. Now this Mercury would be considered as highly combust. But this person has an extraordinarily sharp memory and good communication skills. The Mercury is behaving as if it were in chariot rather than being combust, and this confuses me. What does combustion mean then if this Mercury is manifesting itself so excellently?

I have seen similar examples in other charts.

Thanks if you could shed some light on this for me.

07:06 UTC


Nodes in Solar Arcs

Hello all!

Could anyone give a clue on how to interpret Moon's Nodes in solar arcs?

When I look at my mother's chart, I see that a lot of major events take place, like birth of her children or death of her husband, when there are exact solar arcs to the Nodes (mostly it is SA Sun=Node). In her case, it seems that Nodes tell important events, but how to use them in predictive astrology? If I had seen solar arcs of this person for predictions, I would not have thought that these arcs would produce such effect. What do the Nodes signify in general?

07:00 UTC


Does bonification of the Sun affect combust/under the beams planets?

A planet is weakened by being 15 degrees, and especially 9 degrees from the Sun. Would that planet's condition and significations improve if the Sun was bonified, for example through a benefic closely aspecting it while squaring it from the right?

06:20 UTC


Neptune transits opposing natal planets, how big of an orb?

I have a question I’m hoping I can get clarity on regarding Neptune (I know, the irony)

How big of an orb would you “feel” a Neptune transit? I’ve read somewhere between 1-3 degrees but curious if anyone can share their insight, from personal experience or otherwise.

For example, I have natal mars in my 10th house at 23 degrees virgo and within the last few years, I’ve had Neptune opposing my Mars. This was exact back in 2022 I believe, now neptune is sitting at 28 but I swear I still feel its influence.

For more context my mars is positively aspected with an exact trine to my asc and trine my moon/north node.

Still, I feel immense confusion about direction, especially in career.

I’m curious, how big of on orb do you feel Neptune oppositions? Can anyone share their experiences with a Neptune oppositions?

Thank you

01:36 UTC

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