A place to find out if you have a lost masterpiece or if it's just a garage sale treasure! Please see below for submission guidelines, sub rules, and related subreddits.
Submission Guidelines
Make sure to do a Google Image Search first to see if your work comes up.
Include as much information as you know about the work - Medium, how it came into your possession, etc. Add more information about the work in the comments if you are able to.
Make sure to link to the images directly, use imgur or another site to upload the photos if need be. Additional photos can be posted in the comments.
Subreddit Rules
Be civil and remember reddiquette.
Unhelpful responses to a post - not guesses, but memes, "that's a quarter" type responses, "THIS!", jokes, etc - will likely be removed. Repeat offenders will be banned.
When what you're looking for is found, please set it to "Solved" using the "flair" link below your title/text.
Only one post per artwork is allowed. Extra photos should be added to the comments of the original post.
Make sure to post at least one picture of the whole artwork. Try to add a picture of the back of the frame, and a close-up of the signature. Every detail helps.
Don't ask how much your piece is worth. Appraisals are not allowed here - try /r/whatsthisworth instead.
No 3D artwork is allowed here. This sub is limited to questions about 2D art - paintings, prints, drawings, etc.
Self promotion is not allowed. Don't post your own artworks.
Related Subreddits
I found this painting of the Chicago The Weiner Circle on a dumpster in Chicago tonight and I was wondering if anyone knew anything about its origins/conception? TIA
I know this is technically not a painting, but I have tried to find information about this poster and can’t find ANYTHING online. Is anyone here able to tell me a little about it?
I acquired this several years ago as I loved the subject matter. It seems to be a magazine, book or brochure image, but I haven’t been able to find where this was used. Anyone able to help me find where this was used? I contacted an artist named Ted Keller I found online and this was not his work. If anyone knows of other artists named Ted Keller I would appreciate history on this painting.
I found this painting at an Estate sale probably 4-5 years ago. Today I was listing a few items for sale on the typical sites and was feeling Google Lens happy. I took a quick photo of this beautiful piece of art. Lots of things popped up with his signature but I just want to make sure I have the right person and if it’s an original.
There should be a few photos available through this link.
I appreciate any and all feedback or guidance.
Hello r/WhatIsThisPainting, I recently had a pipe burst in my parents house. They had been holding onto some art for me and when their garage flooded the art was taken. This first picture is one my grandmother gave me. She says she purchased this original piece when she was traveling in South Korea. I don't have any amazing pictures of it and reverse google searching came up with nothing for me.
The picture is a giraffe with a long neck. Some smaller animals stand around at the base of the giraffe with a panaroma of waterfall behind it and the planet.
I know that the image quality is bad, this is a crop of the only picture I seem to have of the thing. If anyone can identify the artist or the name of the piece I would appreciate it greatly.
The in-laws won this at an auction years ago. Wondering is anyone knows what it is. I can't read the artists signature, sorry for the bad quality.
Any help identifying the signature? Looks like post impressionist painting
Hello, does anyone know the price of this painting?
Location Sweden