Work-safe wallpapers from all over!
NSFW posts are not allowed. NSFW Walls go here.
(Not that NSFW? /r/gmbwallpapers might be what you want. )
(NSFW text? /r/Offensive_Wallpapers is probably where you need to be.)
Limit of 25 images to a dump.
Images MUST be at least 1024 wide by 768 high.
There are places for mobile wallpapers. This isn't one of them. This means that your image MUST BE landscape orientated, not portrait. (Squares do not count)
Here's your warning: Break one of these, win a free ban.
General Posting Guidelines.
If your wallpaper is AI generated, please include [AI] in your title.
Have a request? Try the cleverly named /r/wallpaperrequests! A more general image request? /r/PhotoshopRequest might be what you're looking for.
Want to download an Imgur album? Imgur Downloader is a painless way to do it.
Direct image links are preferred.
People like knowing what they're getting without wasting clicks: please, put the resolution in your post title.
If you want to browse using large thumbnails, reddpics and Panoptikos and redditjs are options.
/u/Ugleh and others have a customizable wallpaper changer for your computer or android device! If you're interested, click here.
/u/rithpath has an android changer here
/u/mjbauer95 also has a wallpaper changer for win/mac/linux. Their changer resides here
These are presented without warranty.
I've taken over moderation at r/Background as it needed mods and its going to be an AI free subreddit for wallpapers and I hope y'all will join me there who don't want to be overwhelmed with the AI stuff here and at r/wallpaper
Going by the results of that poll I'm guessing a lot of people here have been looking for a sub like this and I'm also looking for people who would want to mod it with me
I understand that the mods don't think modding AI images is feasible and i respect that opinion but I disagree and i hope they're okay with me announcing this sub
I hope to see you all there :D
So I left this subreddit for about a year seeing the rise of unmoderated of A.I. posts left untagged. And now the tables have turned. For the past week and so I've been running a little test to see how posts faired out, all non-A.I. posts with crediting (although a few with some uncropping by A.I.).
And it seems in combination of that and seeing the top month posts, 70% of the A.I. posts beat the attention given to actual artworks. It feels disheartening seeing actual artworks being given less attention. Hot take but I like a few of the A.I. posts if they are of something abstract and refreshing. But then you have the other half being rehashed and garbage looking versions of popular scenery artworks from Artstation clogging up.