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Hi guys. I'm looking to get a desktop for gaming (want to play helldivers, cyberpunk, baldurs gate, stuff like that) and surfing, movies, streaming etc... After a bit of research I found this https://www.chillblast.com/special-edition-pcs/chillblast-opal-amd-ryzen-5-rx-7600-1tb-ssd-rgb-mid-tower-gaming-pc-1?\_gl=1\*anqtnk\*\_up\*MQ..\*\_ga\*NDU2NjkyMjM5LjE3MzEzMjcyNjY.\*\_ga\_0000000000\*MTczMTMyNzI2NS4xLjEuMTczMTMyNzMwOC4wLjAuMA.. and would like your advice. Is it a good deal? Will it cope or need upgrading in a year or 2? Thanks for any help you can give me guys.
The price is 40,995. Is this good enough for gaming and rendering? Or should we go with ryzen 5 5600, Asrock B450, NVIDIA RTX 4060??
It's possible to make taskbar more like dock, but keep that taskbar icons area with auto width so i can remove fixed width 1120, but also keep the system tray like this now, just icon to show tray menu
"controlStyles[0].target": "Taskbar.TaskbarFrame#TaskbarFrame",
"controlStyles[0].styles[0]": "MaxWidth=1120",
"controlStyles[0].styles[1]": "HorizontalAlignment=Center",
"controlStyles[0].styles[2]": "Width=Auto",
"controlStyles[0].styles[3]": "MinWidth=1120",
"controlStyles[1].target": "Taskbar.TaskbarFrame#TaskbarFrame > Grid#RootGrid",
"controlStyles[1].styles[0]": "Padding=6,0,6,0",
"controlStyles[1].styles[1]": "Margin=0,2,0,3",
"controlStyles[1].styles[2]": "BorderThickness=1",
"controlStyles[1].styles[3]": "BorderBrush:=<SolidColorBrush Color=\"{ThemeResource SurfaceStrokeColorDefault}\" Opacity=\"0.85\" />",
"controlStyles[1].styles[4]": "CornerRadius=10",
"controlStyles[1].styles[5]": "Background:=#1e1e2e",
"controlStyles[2].target": "Rectangle#BackgroundFill",
"controlStyles[2].styles[0]": "Visibility=Collapsed",
"controlStyles[3].target": "Rectangle#BackgroundStroke",
"controlStyles[3].styles[0]": "Visibility=Collapsed",
"controlStyles[4].target": "Taskbar.AugmentedEntryPointButton#AugmentedEntryPointButton > Taskbar.TaskListButtonPanel#ExperienceToggleButtonRootPanel",
"controlStyles[4].styles[0]": "Margin=0",
"controlStyles[5].target": "Grid#SystemTrayFrameGrid",
"controlStyles[5].styles[0]": "Background:=#00000000",
"controlStyles[5].styles[1]": "CornerRadius=10",
"controlStyles[5].styles[2]": "BackgroundSizing=InnerBorderEdge",
"controlStyles[5].styles[3]": "Margin=0,2,0,3",
"controlStyles[5].styles[4]": "BorderThickness=5",
"controlStyles[6].target": "SystemTray.ChevronIconView",
"controlStyles[6].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[7].target": "SystemTray.NotifyIconView#NotifyItemIcon",
"controlStyles[7].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[8].target": "SystemTray.OmniButton",
"controlStyles[8].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[9].target": "SystemTray.CopilotIcon",
"controlStyles[9].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[10].target": "SystemTray.OmniButton#NotificationCenterButton > Grid > ContentPresenter > ItemsPresenter > StackPanel > ContentPresenter > systemtray:IconView#SystemTrayIcon > Grid",
"controlStyles[10].styles[0]": "Visibility=Collapsed",
"controlStyles[11].target": "SystemTray.IconView#SystemTrayIcon > Grid#ContainerGrid > ContentPresenter#ContentPresenter > Grid#ContentGrid > SystemTray.TextIconContent > Grid#ContainerGrid",
"controlStyles[11].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[12].target": "SystemTray.StackListView#IconStack > ItemsPresenter > StackPanel > ContentPresenter > SystemTray.IconView#SystemTrayIcon",
"controlStyles[12].styles[0]": "Padding=0",
"controlStyles[13].target": "SystemTray.Stack#ShowDesktopStack",
"controlStyles[13].styles[0]": "Visibility=Collapsed",
"controlStyles[14].target": "Taskbar.Gripper#GripperControl",
"controlStyles[14].styles[0]": "Width=Auto",
"controlStyles[14].styles[1]": "MinWidth=24",
"controlStyles[15].target": "SystemTray.SystemTrayFrame",
"controlStyles[15].styles[0]": "HorizontalAlignment=1",
"controlStyles[15].styles[1]": "Margin=1100,0,0,0",
"controlStyles[16].target": "SystemTray.NotificationAreaIcons",
"controlStyles[16].styles[0]": "Visibility=Collapsed",
"controlStyles[17].target": "SystemTray.DateTimeIconContent",
"controlStyles[17].styles[0]": "Visibility=Collapsed",
"controlStyles[18].target": "SystemTray.OmniButton",
"controlStyles[18].styles[0]": "Visibility=Collapsed",
"controlStyles[19].target": "Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBlock",
"controlStyles[19].styles[0]": "FontFamily=JetBrainsMono NFP",
"controlStyles[19].styles[1]": "Text=",
"controlStyles[19].styles[2]": "FontSize=24",
"controlStyles[20].target": "Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Border#OverflowFlyoutBackgroundBorder",
"controlStyles[20].styles[0]": "Background:=#1e1e2e"
I had my old computer stop working and best buy could not repair it so I got a 1400 dollar thing I can use on a new one as well as 330 dollars of my own as a budget. So in total I have a budget of 1700 dollars. I was hoping to get some advice on the best desktop I can buy from best buy as it's having a black friday sale at the moment. I want to know what is best for me to spend my money on.
I installed the Dracula theme, but some programs like 7zip and system windows have remained partially light. How can this issue be resolved?
yeah I think its clear what is going on here.
How to add tray icons to Zebra (GlazeWM)? Help me please 🙏😭
hey folks,
im trying to install the "Synthwave 84" Theme from niivu. So far everything looks good. However, some Programms like
or Control Center:
are glitching. Why are the borders grey and the text same color as the middle?
also why is the top bar the wrong color as well?
Anyone has an Idea?
- UltraUXThemePatcher
- StartAllBack
Windows 11 Pro 23H2
if i were to sell it now how much would it be worth?
Operating System
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Pinnacle Ridge 12nm Technology
24.0GB Dual-Channel DDR4 @ 1332MHz (20-19-19-43)
Micro-Star International Co. Ltd. A320M-A PRO MAX (MS-7C52) (AM4)
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (ZOTAC International)
1863GB Seagate ST2000DM005-2CW102 (SATA ) 31 °C
232GB Samsung SSD 860 EVO M.2 250GB (SATA (SSD))