Triple j brings the latest, greatest music and the stories that matter to listeners all over the world. The triple j community loves a wide variety of music; with a passion for sharing great tunes from all over Australia, as well as discovering new talent.
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collection of triple j related playlists.
28/10 - Confidence Man - 3AM (La La La)
8/11 - Wafia
1/11 - Surf Trash
25/10 - Asha Jefferies
18/10 - Middle Kids
All posts should be related to triple j, Double J or triple j Unearthed. Please use the relevant link flair for Hack, Double J and Unearthed posts. Posts that discuss specific artists, festivals, or other topics related to Australian music (but aren't about triple j) are welcomed, however, repetitive posts on these topics may be removed at moderator discretion.
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Posts and comments should not primarily aim to persuade others to vote for a particular artist or song in the Hottest 100. Artists who wish to submit their own music for awareness during Hottest 100 voting period should not use language which directly persuades others to vote for them and should also follow Reddit's guidelines for self-promotion.
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See the community polls archive for results from all previous best of year and Hottest 100 related polls.
For me.... The novelty of like a version has worn off... mediocre bands getting called up to fill a weekly segment is just meh... i dont even try and tune in live now ans all I looked for in the comments for ones like this are who's up next....
Really enjoy the inclusion of Jack Davies & Hermanos Gutiérrez!!! Tasmanian has some good events coming.
Hey triple j fam,
What Australian artist are you loving in the world of soul, rnb, reggaeton, afrobeat, jungle, house, jazz, funk, uk garage, disco, hip hop ect.?
I'm going to be playing requests for Australian artists only through the month of November for Aus Music Month and showcase the artists you love to listen to in these genres.
I'll be playing out the voice memo requests / love voicemails during triple j soul ctrl - https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/soul-ctrl
If you're keen, just fill out the google form here https://forms.gle/HRxaMpbRGAmxvsSY8
Hi, New to Laneway but do they usually have artists merch available from the merch stall or just Laneway branded merch?
Sorry my radio is super static, how did they say to win the Tyler the creator tickets next week? Thank you!!
Is it just me or the tickets are really too expensive!?
GA-1 - General Admission Standing - $313.20 GA-2 - General Admission Standing - $272.45 Premium Reserve (Limited availability) - $568.20 A Reserve Seating - Aisle - $314.60 A Reserve - $292.80 B Reserve Seating - Aisle - $231.65 B Reserve - $211.25 C Reserve Seating - Aisle - $180.70 C Reserve - $160.30 D Reserve Seating - Aisle - $129.70 D Reserve - $109.30
Why does the triple j app glitch out every weekday morning between 6am and 6.30am and not show the full list of songs played.
Does anyone know what the camping is like for this? Is it very strict or can you have a few beers in the campsite
What would be a better set Rl Grime or Chase and Status
Hope they don’t clash but if they do what you think would be a more enjoyable set. Equally as big of a fan for both
Looking for opinions on taking my kid to see Metallica next year, he will be 8. He loves heavy metal and already listens to them. I’m not fussed about swearing etc, just more looking for other parents who’ve taken their kids to gigs before and whether it’s a good experience.
Edit - thanks so much for everyone’s replies!! I’ve got us two seated tickets and will be keeping it a secret from him til next year. Ear protection, for both of us, will be worn! Can’t wait to see his little face
idk if this is the right place to ask this but i’m 16 and want to go to the sleeping with sirens melbourne side show, does it have an age limit?
Saw them play at Big Pineapple a couple of weeks ago and were frothing them!
Female punk song with lyrics about listening to bon iver
Don't know if I should be annoyed or happy about Sum 41 basically headlining on top of GT 😅
We are looking at seeing Metallica in Perth any idea of the ticket cost?.