Triple j brings the latest, greatest music and the stories that matter to listeners all over the world. The triple j community loves a wide variety of music; with a passion for sharing great tunes from all over Australia, as well as discovering new talent.
Check out r/triplej on Spotify for a
collection of triple j related playlists.
4/11 - Amyl and the Sniffers - Cartoon Darkness
8/11 - Wafia
1/11 - Surf Trash
25/10 - Asha Jefferies
18/10 - Middle Kids
All posts should be related to triple j, Double J or triple j Unearthed. Please use the relevant link flair for Hack, Double J and Unearthed posts. Posts that discuss specific artists, festivals, or other topics related to Australian music (but aren't about triple j) are welcomed, however, repetitive posts on these topics may be removed at moderator discretion.
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Posts and comments should not primarily aim to persuade others to vote for a particular artist or song in the Hottest 100. Artists who wish to submit their own music for awareness during Hottest 100 voting period should not use language which directly persuades others to vote for them and should also follow Reddit's guidelines for self-promotion.
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See the community polls archive for results from all previous best of year and Hottest 100 related polls.
I understand I'm getting older, and am not in the target triple j demographic anymore, but who are they aiming at? The presenters behave like silly teenagers, giggling and twatwaffling like 13 year olds.
I love the music but the presenters leave a lot to be desired. Thoughts?
I have 2 spare LP tickets (4 Day GA) that I have been meaning to sell for some time. After months of waiting, the official Tixel resale finally went live yesterday and I was able to list the tickets, only for the resale to close again. The resale remains closed yet it states that my tickets are still listed?? Very confused. LP have stated that the official resale for the event is now through Tixel but yet no one has been able to sell their tickets on there. Anyone have any insights??
Yesterday it just said 'resale has not opened'; today it says cancelled. Is this normal? I purchased this ticket for resale unofficially and was hoping to use Tixel to legitimise it so I am a bit sus.
Looks like 2024 punters get first dibs before the ballot
Yooo who’s going to the Sydney show? I’ll be heading in on my own would love to catch up and hang with some peeps! I’m 34m, open minded, love all things punk/ska/metal/hardcore. Will be driving in from Campbelltown Flick us a message and we’ll get to know each other!
What do you think of the nominees this year?? Who do you think will win?
Bit of a random one here but woke up this morning randomly thinking about The Sound Lab show that used to be on Triple J back in the day.
Any chance anyones got archives of the show or recordings or something? Really fancy listening to some old weird music 🤣
Has any one ressieved their youth tickets yet? I'm still waiting on mine and was wondering when they usually get delivered.
I wasn’t too sure were to post this, but I’m hoping someone can help. Lately, I’ve been real nostalgic about small/local Australian punk/hardcore/emo bands from the late 2000’s and early 2010’s. I’ve managed to find quite a few stuff I had never heard of, but some stuff has been pretty hard to find.
Does anyone have download links to the following releases?
Also, does anyone have any recommendations of small/local Australian punk/hardcore/emo bands from the late 2000’s and early 2010’s? Please and thank you
I downloaded this in early 1998. Pretty sure it's an Australian indie band.
The file name is 2 - 6AM.
Soundhound and Shazam come up blank.
It seems like the production level is professional.
Really enjoy the inclusion of Jack Davies & Hermanos Gutiérrez!!! Tasmanian has some good events coming.
Hey triple j fam,
What Australian artist are you loving in the world of soul, rnb, reggaeton, afrobeat, jungle, house, jazz, funk, uk garage, disco, hip hop ect.?
I'm going to be playing requests for Australian artists only through the month of November for Aus Music Month and showcase the artists you love to listen to in these genres.
I'll be playing out the voice memo requests / love voicemails during triple j soul ctrl - https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/soul-ctrl
If you're keen, just fill out the google form here https://forms.gle/HRxaMpbRGAmxvsSY8
Hi, New to Laneway but do they usually have artists merch available from the merch stall or just Laneway branded merch?