
Photograph via snooOG

And they said math has no real world applications

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[; e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0 ;]

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1,475,525 Subscribers


[Request] How many candies?

Help me win a gift card!

16:56 UTC


[request] how much “milk” would Tony the Tiger has to make to fill an average cereal bowl

16:20 UTC


[Request] How many 50-cent coins will it take to fill up a 19-liter bottle?

16:02 UTC


[Request] How much weight would making this car out of 18k gold add?

I am suspicious of the quoted speed, especially when I assume that the car weighs more than stock due to the gold.

15:37 UTC


[Request] A discount problem

I was thinking of some math stuff when a weird problem popped up In my head:

Say we got a customer with 35.000 dollars.

  • For buying a 10 dollar thing he gets a 3% discount
  • For every additional 10 dollars that he adds to his check he gets an additional 0.01% discount. (So 20 dollars - 3.01%, 30 dollars - 3.02% etc)
  • The max. discount he can get is a 1.000 dollars

How much money does he have to spend to get the highest discount and how that discount is gonna look in percentages? I hope that's enough data to solve this :)

15:18 UTC


[Request] How realistic was the odin weapon system.

The odin weapon system in GI joes shows how a rod dropped from space on a city completely evaporates it due to sheer amount of kinetic energy, is that a feasible weapon system IRL? Why has no one done it yet if yes.

10:12 UTC


[request] Aircon Question

Not really a maths question in a true sense but this is the only group I could think that could help me with the logic.

I live in a very hot tropical country. We have air-conditioning in all the rooms and a normal room would have a 1.5hp Aircon. Running a 3hp Aircon would obviously use more power than the 1.5hp but has a much higher BTU and cooking capacity.

Here is the question. If I had a 1.5hp in one room and the 3hp in the other (assume rooms are same size and temperature and we ran the experiment over 12 hours) and then set both units to auto cool to 26degrees would the power consumption be that much different between the two rooms.

Room 1 would take longer to get cool to correct temp before the compressor turned off but require less power in the process. Room 2 could cool quicker but use more power doing do.

Do the rooms average out over 12 hours?

06:04 UTC


[Request] How fast does the wind have to be going to affect me the same amount as a car going 60mph?

05:14 UTC


[Request] How many people in the US are two meters(6’7”) or taller?

I’m 6’7” and I’m wondering how many people are this tall in the U.S. I’ve hardly seen about 3 people taller than me in the past year. I’ve looked around and couldn’t find an answer, so could somebody help? Thanks!

02:53 UTC


[Request] entropy on seed generation ?

Ok, I don't know if you guys know about that.

But one of the ways of generating entropy for a bitcoin wallet is throwing dice.

One of the ways is throwing 4, 6 side dice and one coin for each word, and discarding any number bigger than 4362.

Other way is following the jade blockstream.

That is using 2 16 side dice and one 8 side dice.

And after that you need to use a coldwallet to calculate last word or use a computer to calculate the last word the former being safer.

My question is about the jade method as it's really hard to find a 16 side dice, can i use a 20 side dice and just throw away any results that might result on anything on the 17,18,19 and 20 ? Or this would bring some problem in distribution, making the entropy weaker ?

01:40 UTC


[REQUEST] How much force would a person even require to lift an entire mountain? There must be some number.

There is a very old hinduism story wherein Lord Krishna lifted an entire mountain to shield the villagers and his friends from a storm (created by Lord Indra). Obviously now he is a God, but if there was a human with superpowers, how much force would it take them to actually pick up and lift a mountain on his pinky? (There definitely has to be some number)

01:13 UTC


[Request] What would cost more in electricity per month; A complex light source in a video game, or a standard energy efficient light bulb?

1 Comment
00:09 UTC


[request] how quickly could you transfer water from one place to another using this method?

00:04 UTC


[Request] What are the probabilities of this TTRPG mechanic I elaborated for a campaign?

So, I'm helping with the development of mechanics for a fully homemade TTRPG system and campaign, and one of these mechanics is directly ripped off of anime: "Black Flash". When a player crits, they gain max damage on all their dice, plus double the dice count, effectively dealing, well, crazy damage.

But most importantly is what it takes to crit before and after you get the Black Flash.

Critting requires a natural 20 on the d20, so far so good. But after you crit, you gain an advantage roll AND reduced crit margin by 1. So for your next turn you roll two dice and only have to hit a natural 19 or 20 to get a second consecutive Black Flash.

Alternatively, the player can choose to enter a fully concentrated mode that makes them roll three dice at a disadvantage: if they crit any one of them, they get another Black Flash, but if they miss, they use the lowest die to hit.

Every consecutive Black Flash reduces the crit margin by 1, to no lower than 2. Meaning if you hit eighteen or more Black Flashes in a row, you could now be in a state where you're constantly rolling three dice and you only stop hitting Black Flashes if all your dice land on 1, possibly steamrolling the entire encounter like a raging war god.

However, in order for this to be balanced, I'd like to know what the probabilities are that the player will hit their second Black Flash in a row, whether it be with double dice or triple dice needing to land 19 or 20, and then their third Black Flash in a row (18~20, two or three dice) and so on.

22:53 UTC


[Request] Would a blue whale at terminal velocity have enough force to completely level a skyscraper such as the Willis building?

This is a hypothetical that has been under heavy discussion in my family over the years and is a surprisingly polarizing subject.

22:10 UTC


[Request] What is the fewest number of games a major league baseball team could win and still win its division?

As you only need to be the best in your division to host a playoff game, assume said team has a better record (or equal record with a better division record) to the other four teams in its division. Teams play 13 games against each of the other 4 teams in their division, and 162 total games in the year with no ties.

21:11 UTC


[REQUEST] Assuming the following data, how many invalid numbers would the game have to generate in a row in order to cause at least a 1-second delay when selecting Psywave?

20:33 UTC


[Self] The next perfect number after 33,550,336 is 2,305,843,008,139,952,128

The next perfect number after 33,550,336 is 2,305,843,008,139,952,128.

This number is generated from the Mersenne prime (2^{61} - 1).

To prove that (2,305,843,008,139,952,128) is a perfect number, we can use the formula for generating even perfect numbers, which is derived from Mersenne primes. An even perfect number can be expressed as:

[ n = 2^{p-1} * (2^p - 1) ]

where (2^p - 1) is a Mersenne prime.

For (2,305,843,008,139,952,128), we use the Mersenne prime (2^{61} - 1):

  1. Calculate (2^p - 1): [ 2^{61} - 1 = 2,305,843,008,139,952,127 ] This value is a Mersenne prime (it is known to be prime).

  2. Calculate (2^{p-1}): [ 2^{61-1} = 2^{60} = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 ]

  3. Multiply (2^{p-1}) by (2^p - 1): [ 2^{60} \times (2^{61} - 1) = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 \times 2,305,843,008,139,952,127 = 2,305,843,008,139,952,128 ]

To confirm that this is a perfect number, we check if the sum of its proper divisors (excluding itself) equals the number itself. Since (2^p - 1) is a Mersenne prime, its only divisors are 1 and itself, and for (2^{p-1}), the divisors are powers of 2 up to (2^{60}).

The divisors of (n) can thus be calculated from the formula (1, 2, 4, ..., 2^{60}, 2^{61} - 1, 2 \times (2^{61} - 1), ..., 2^{60} \times (2^{61} - 1)). The sum of all divisors except (n) itself will include all powers of 2 up to (2^{60}), and all multiples of (2^p - 1) by powers of 2 up to (2^{60}). This sum ultimately simplifies to (n), verifying that (n) is indeed a perfect number.

Hence, (2,305,843,008,139,952,128) is a perfect number, as it is equal to the sum of its proper divisors.

19:49 UTC


[request] Is it faster to hit the cut-off man with a fast and low throw and have him turn it, or make one of those impressive long and high throws from the outfield to home plate?

19:08 UTC


[Request] enough eggs

Is it possible to open up enough human eggs to create a portion size like we have for breakfast?

16:36 UTC


[Request] How many helium balloons would it take to lift a UPS truck?

16:07 UTC


[Request] Could someone help me solve this equation?

e^{\sin(x)} - \log_{10}(x^2 + 1) + \sqrt[3]{\tan(x)} + \frac{\cos(x)}{\sin(x) + 1} - \frac{\arcsin(\frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2 + 1}})}{\cosh(x)} = 0

(Don't ask what it is for)

15:03 UTC


[Request] How many TB to store every commercially released NTSC handheld and console game from Gameboy to PS3?

12:48 UTC


[Request] Where is the dog after 1 hour?

10:59 UTC


[Request] What percentage of Earth’s crust is made up of remains of our ancestors?

Consider 1) any living organism that ever roamed the earth or 2) humans since homo erectus - what would be the approximate composition of the Earth’s crust of the remains of these?

10:16 UTC


[Request] How many man hours are spent every day in worship?

If you were to measure how much time people spend in worship or church each day and add it all up. How many man hours would this be per day globally? And how many equivalent "life's work" would this be per day? I'd love an example as well using an infrastructure project that used the same man hours to build.

04:57 UTC


[Request] Does this formula from the music video by "Weird Al" Yankovic for the song "I Lost On Jeopardy" Mean Anything?

03:22 UTC

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