And they said math has no real world applications
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[; e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0 ;]
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Hi all. An approximately 5,000lb 2012 Chevy Silverado (truck) plowed into the front left side of my approximately 3,000lb 2021 Hyundai Sonata (sedan) (see image). I was at a stop sign, stopped, intending to turn left, when all of a sudden my car was hit by this truck. The road the truck was on has a speed limit of 45mph, but it seemed like the truck was going much faster than that since the front of my car was completely ripped off, was spun around to the right, and wound up in a ditch on the other side of the road. The truck withstood some front damage and crashed himself into an electric pole. Both vehicles were totaled. I know it might be a bit difficult to calculate but I provided as much info as possible. Thank you in advance for the help!
Chatgpt hit my with this equation, I asked it to explain it and the explanation did not help my understand it at all
2020 started on a Wednesday, and we know that every year "adds 1 day" i.e. 2021 will then start on a Thursday. A leap year "adds" 2 to the subsequent year, as the extra day is in February. Using this, we get:
2020: Wednesday (+2) 2021: (+1=3) 2022: (+1=4) 2023: (+1=5) 2024: (+2=7) 7 reached by Feb 2024! So now, 2025: Wednesday (+1) 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030: (+1+1+2+1+1=7) 2031: Wednesday (+1) 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036: (+2+1+1+1+2=8) The leap year caused jumping over, so we now have to continue till we reach the next multiple of 7, 14. 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040, 2041: (+1+1+1+2+1=14) 2042: Wednesday! 2043, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047: (+1+2+1+1+1=7) 2048: Wednesday!
As we have reached a leap year again, with cycle length 28 divisible by 4, the cycle will now repeat, (5, 6, 11, 6).
If a blackhole appeared at sea level on earth for exactly 1 second before disappearing how much of the planet would be destroyed?
Like arms and upper body leaning back flailing around while they run. How much wind would be required to not just fall on their backs?
A man in China donated 550K USD to a Chinese streamer, 316K of this was gained through over 40 copper thefts since May. How much copper is this realistically?
Assuming half the households in the world celebrate Christmas, how quickly would Santa have to move to get in and out of all of them in one 8-hour night?
How long will my battery last?
I’m using a camera that is 5v 2a (Ubiquiti g3 instant). The battery and solar panel I’m looking at getting is 5200mah battery with an 800mah panel. How long will the camera stay powered on during a clear day in East Tennessee with unobstructed sunlight starting at 10am and lasting until 7pm?
I have a camera. I’m buying a bird house with a camera for super cheap. It has the onboard battery and solar charger. I’m going to swap the camera with my current one. I may upgrade the battery and or solar panel later, but this will get me started. TIA!
In the old Might Morphin’ Power Rangers show, Rita Repulsa used to throw her magic wand from her moon base, down to Angel Grove to make her “monster grow”. Assuming the wand is roughly 6’ in length, weighs about 2.5kg, and is made from an unknown “magic alloy” that could survive entry into Earth’s atmosphere, and that Angel Grove is in Southern California, how fast would the wand have to be traveling, to make the journey in the roughly 4 secs it shows? Also what kind of impact would that have?
Hey guyss
Im facing a dilemma and wanted to see if I could use math to solve it.
I wanted to travel during new years, I havent applied for the visa yet but Im supposed to this week, and the response is supposed to come the week after.
The plane ticket is around 51,000 EGP, and the cancellation fee is around 10,000 EGP. That cancellation fee is a lot of money for me to just lose so should I buy the plane ticket now and worst case scenario pay the cancellation fee or should I apply for the visa and monitor the plane ticket price, noting that it could jump to whatever number (not necessarily gradually).
Is there a math formula to help me decide?
Thank you!
Please, find the missing number so I can get a good night sleep. 😅
(did i use too many commas? i feel like i use too many commas too much)
things like polydactyly exist that would bring it up but also Oligodactyly people. i want a average rounded to 3 decimals AT MOST, counting since birth