
Photograph via snooOG

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R/Superstonk in the midst of a political civil war as Gamestop CEO tweeted out messages supporting Trump. Users begin to realize billionaire CEO is not a champion of the working class.

As a hilarious twist to the GME hivemind. I'll post some threads


Main instigator - Ryan Cohen, post election tweeted https://x.com/ryancohen/status/1854235554386227225?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1854235554386227225%7Ctwgr%5E3408ed6e4496921881a1070fdb04ecb38564afa3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fembedly.forbes.com%2Fwidgets%2Fmedia.html%3Ftype%3Dtext2Fhtmlkey%3D3ce26dc7e3454db5820ba084d28b4935schema%3Dtwitterurl%3Dhttps3A%2F%2Fx.com%2Fryancohen%2Fstatus%2F1854235554386227225image%3D

"Its cool to be a white guy again"

Following that he begun to like pro Trump posts on various social media on how it'll be a golden age of the economy and like a few common "get fucked, libs" memes

Background - R/Superstonk was a subreddit born out of the 2021 GME craze on WSB. During that time period, WSB got an influx of weirdly pro left users who sees the stock as sticking it to the capitalists. During that time AMC, Silver, Bed Bath Beyond, etc were also meme stocks. A few users got mad that focus was bring driven away from GME and WSB OGs wanted less GME spam. Thus r/superstonk was created. Superstonk got most of the new users who lean heavily leftwing, not saying its bad, but they consist of people who are new to stocks and see it as a rallying cry and a way to bring down capitalism and get rich. Dissent is banned and every week they praise Ryan Cohen as "Daddy", Jesus Christ, and a 500 iq genius.

After his support for Trump, the users after 3 years realize the billionaire is NOT leftwing

Criticism threads I found funny, there are thousands these past few days


Fuck Ryan Cohen what an obnoxious child. Can't believe I ever believed in him.

  • This user been in the sub for awhile and looking through history he had said, "RC has done more praxis than Bernie Sanders"


Pretty sure our goose is cooked. I invested with money I could afford to lose, so I'm not going anywhere. I also don't expect anything to happen. RC feels like a low key plant. Either way, there's nothing I can do now. Probably won't be buying anymore shares. 🤷‍♂️


I've been out of the loop. Last time I was here RC was cool. The fuck happened?


This guy really is a clown. I’m here for the money, but RC is no different than the other billionaires. Not sure why he was held in such great light prior to the repetitive political tweets. He’s insufferable


At this stage, does anyone feel like we’re just being played? Wtf

There are more good ones, but I'm lazy

Hopium/defenders that I find funny

Context - There is a large portion who believe he is 509 iq and this is a play. They also think the criticism are false flags from Citadel and Wall Street with their bots and to hold the line


Seems like everyone here forgot about Gamestop.

MOASS is an event that has literally never happened before. A group of individual investors as raucous as us have never happened before. This level of DD/research has never been done before. Exposing this level of market fuckery has never been done before. Activism like this has never happened before. Passion like this has never happened before:

Everything about this is un-fucking-precedented.

RC, LC, GME BOARD receives $0 salary + $0 stock option = $0 compensation, and 0 seats on the board without direct investment. A billionaire's money is on the line, with other billionaire's, and billionaires like their money. Our dilution is their dilution. Sure they have more money, but it's still dilution.

In a rigged market, rigged shit happens. I'd love MOASS, so would the board - if it weren't going to be followed by tons of lawsuits looking at RC & Co. dissecting every single meme and tweet out there as if it were market manipulation - it happened from the stuff store stock, so why would that not happen after one of the biggest moments in American Market history? Don't be blind to any possibility positive or negative; play whatever game you want how you want with whatever build; however, if you are feeling defeated now, you won't be ready for the boss fight.

Level up, bitches.


SOOOOO many bots… can y’all not see what’s happening? They employ these bots for negative sentiment to turn us again him. CAN NO ONE SEE THIS?! Yall are letting the Hedgies win


Drown out the shills with FACTS: GameStop is profitable, debt-free, cash-rich, with a strong investor base all over the world. No amount of negative comments will change reality.


Cohen works for FREE and has turned around the company along with the amazing board of directors and execs. I'm fucking PUMPED and I just bought more shares. If you believe that Cohen is a doofus, then short it...

I MIGHT edit and post more, but I think I did a fair job showing both sides

Edits - Comments I linked after the post is made


The real question is why did so many of you think he was any different than the other billionaire?

Replies to that comment -

  • I didn't, but I did see him as a threat to other billionaires.

  • Ya hanging out with Icahn lol he’s a threat to the establishment totally. How do people get duped by rich people every time.

  • I can almost guarantee he brags to his buddy’s about his fanatical group of supporters that he doesn’t give a fuck about. Anyone want another round of dilution?

  • Because every single person in here, thinks that they will someday be rich. They want to be like RC and therefore will provide a pass bc they will be just like him. Ironically, this is what the magats think about Drumpf.

  • Well, I’ve seen his interviews while he did the Chewy IPO and he seemed like a really chill and down to earth dude. Plus, end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 with all the pictures around the stores. He felt like a different dude. Not sure what changed.

  • Name another company with similar valuation whose CEO pay themselves 0$ per year

  • not all billionaires are bad. so what happens after MOASS , u become a billionaire bec of GME shares, so now u become the bad guy? i hope i become a billionaire with MOASS


I wonder if all this is his way of telling us he’s not our friend /

Chill out w the weird ‘daddy/papa/RC is my dad’ stuff

Don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose

Etc, etc

Investing is a financial investment. It shouldn’t be emotional.

  • He’s never been our friend. He has a vested interest in turning around GameStop. We have a vested interest in GameStop not going under. That’s as far as we come to being on the same side.

MOASS is bad for GameStop as a company. At the same time, the threat of MOASS is useful for ensure GameStop has everything it needs to survive.

RC, for the moment, will do his best to ensure MOASS doesn’t happen while simultaneously ensuring it will still be on the table.

Long term, I believe the best path for him is getting institutions dependent on GMEs success while slowly working to help them unwind their positions.


Maybe it's a strategy. Being a hateful misogynist bigot clearly gets you rewarded.

I dunno, it's been a shitty fucking week for me since Sunday. The last thing I need is this GME insurance policy to evaporate after spending years to build up XXXX shares. The world is upside-fucking-down.


It's time to be honest, most of America clearly loves this shit. It might not be so bad for business


I find it hilarious that ANY of you think RC ever gave a shit about you or what you thought. He's a billionaire - his only interest has been, is, and will be, to himself and his investment portfolio. We've all been useful idiots and stooges to increasing how much money he has, and at the first sign he might lose some of it he will drop GME like a bad habit.

So it makes sense that RC wants to follow in Musk's footsteps and troll the fuck out of everyone since it's worked so well for him.



Pretty Fly for a White Guy came out on 9th of November. Do with that information what you will.

14:18 UTC


Bite-Sized Small 2018 r/halo Drama over the quality human ship names (in 343i, now Halo Studios) in Halo. 13 Children: "Don't bother responding to this guy anymore. He's either trolling or just hating for the sake of hating."

12:48 UTC


OP suggests appearing offline should be a feature in r/leagueoflegends. Other users accuse OP of being socially inept.

League of Legends, a 16-year old game still receiving frequent supports and updates, is consistenly known for having a poor client. In the game, there are friends lists to play with your friends. Some social features, such as clubs, have been removed in recent years. The game annually makes billions in revenue. Riot is league's developer.

Original Post

It makes the game look bad.

My friends already stopped playing.

If Riot thinks they get to decide for you how private you get to be, then Riot deserves to lose players.

Wahh wahh im scared of my own friends and this is somehow Riot's fault

The people who don't understand how saying no over and over to the same person are socially awkward, saying no so many times is hard.

Your friends not taking the hint is exactly the social awkwardness that people

are talking about lmao

So now we're not blaming people people who want to appear offline, we go

after their friends? Cool

Maybe find friends that aren't (mentally) 12 then

and why not remove them from friends at that point? Unironically if you feel

the need to have offline mode because someone seeing you online makes you uncomfortable, you should probably remove them from friends

It's not that hard to say no

Some people want to relax sometimes (paragraph)

Is this a spot the fallacies excercise?

They literally lost me for a good 5 years because they didn't have this and I feel bad saying no to friends when they invite me.

Sounds like a personal problem

Or that riot could just be like every single other online platform with a chat function which obviously did not make a feature to cater to specifically me

You need therapy, not league

They could find you playing games on op.gg(site that tracks league games)

[It's like PTO. I need a day off]

[that's psycho]

No, i dont spare you. If you dont want to play with someone then you just saying NO. If you dont like to play with someone, delete them from the list. It's problem in your head because you dont know how to say "no".

Literally just say "I want to play on my own right now". It's really that simple.

I do this constantly and people get upset after multiple days of refusing to queue normals or flex with their silver elo friends while I'm fighting my balls off in diamond games

If your friends get upset that you want space, they’re not your friends

[Well that's their problem, not yours. (15 children)]


Saying no hurts your friends' feelings. You're being defensive.

No I just don't think it's that difficult to actually communicate with your friends instead of trying to hide from them.

Touch grass

I can actually communicate with my friends as an adult LMAO

Your view is a simplistic reddit r/relationships view. Things are often more complicated (paragraph)

This is my first SRD post, looking for feedback.

00:55 UTC


r/QuadCities In a Post about the governor promising to defend the people of Illinois during the next administration. This makes some people *very* mad

21:18 UTC

16:57 UTC


"My vote (Dem) isn’t showing up in the NCBE Voter Search. Her vote (Rep) is." Multiple users in r/NorthCarolina and r/WellThatSucks are reporting that both mail-in and in-person ballots are being either delayed or not counted for certain voters, causing many to be suspicious of the election result


There are more reports coming from across the country of ballots not being counted according to multiple subreddits. This is a developing story and additional updates may come as similar reports appear in city/state communities.

In Utah:

In circle of friends who are all in their late 40s and have voted since they were 18, none of them have ever been called or emailed. This election two friends got phone calls questioning their signature. Another tracked their ballot and it wasn't counted so he emailed the county clerk. They responded with problems with his signature and said that he needed to feel out a form to correct his ballot and have it counted. I find it very odd that in all this time no one I knew has been contacted and this year three people I know were. They all voted for the party not popular in Utah.

In Kansas:

Voted on 10/25 at our county courthouse. It hasn’t counted. Neither has it for my adult children or husband. Is this a timing thing? Or something fishy.

In Florida:

When “his” ballot showed up at my place it had someone else’s name on it. He tried calling half a dozen times and they kept saying someone would reach back out to him about it, but they never did. [...] I wonder how many other people shit like this happened to.

In Pennsylvania (Dauphin County):

There’s hard evidence that Trump suppressed votes in the election, recounts (are already happening?) might happen. - Post that OP shared gets deleted on X, Mirror of OP's screenshots

In Texas:

My roommate and I voted at the same place, I earlier than him. Found his name, didn’t find mine. That’s concerning.

I tracked my ballot up to the delivery and thought it was all set to be counted. I checked again on election day and my ballot ceased to exist, so I guess it was tossed and didn't count. When I go to check online it just says no such ballot exists, like I never sent it.



Backstory: During the 2024 US presidential election, OP attempted to cast a mail-in vote for his home state of North Carolina while being out-of-state in MN. On November 6th, he realizes his ballot was not yet received. The following day, he posts to r/WellThatSucks:

"My mail in ballot was received after the election, despite being sent 2 weeks prior to Election Day. Obviously not changing anything but really makes it feel like my rights don’t matter. For reference, 99.89% of ballots in the last election were delivered to local boards within a week, so seems I am very unlucky and USPS shat the bed."


While plenty of users are reporting the same thing in the comments of both threads, some also imply that this issue goes beyond just mail-in votes:

I voted in person the day of and mine still shows I didn't vote in SC

I returned the ballot in person to the county elections office. Never been marked as received either on BallotTrax or on the voter registry. It feels like a real "fuck you" when I log onto BallotTrax and see "your vote counts" at the top of the page where they tell me the vote was completely ignored.

My husband voted in person and it is not showing that he voted


Another user reveals: "My mom and I voted together yesterday. Mine (dem) isn’t showing up. Hers (rep) is. WTF" - The user in question then posts their own thread in the r/northcarolina subreddit.


Users become more suspicious...

I have a feeling a lot of mail in ballots weren't counted

The ones that “failed” signature verification. The ones “received” late. I believe that this was a fair and free election, but was it?

Call me crazy but my conspiracy theory is that this was done by design because more democrats vote by mail.

Yeah something fucky is happening

I mailed it. Contested. I dropped it off. Contested. This is voter suppression.


...And drama inevitably ensues:


Unless there's you and another ~195,000 just like you, it's not going to make a difference in the outcome.
- You just confirmed how stupid you really are. Thanks for the laughs.

See, Republicans had the same criticisms in the 2020 election but they were called crazy
- You're literally making both sides of the argument in the same comment thread. Feel free to continue on without me. I'm sure you'll have a long and productive discussion. After you're done, look up "cognitive dissonance".

Here we go. Lib stop the steal.

You people are insufferable

"Cope" (The same user replying to a different comment)

Its almost like everyone warned about mail in ballots, but yall didn't care about it when Biden won. Double standards. Why are you booing me, I'm right.

This thread has me rolling. Every single one of you in here saying Trump cheated were laughing in 2020 at how stupid anyone would have to be to suggest it. Oh how the tables have turned.
- You do realize that Dems have 15 million fewer votes this year. It was supposed to be record turnout to dump Trump. It’s a legitimate concern.

21:43 UTC


“HAAANK!!! DON’T POST THIS MEME HERE ANYMORE!!! HAAANK!!!!” The mods in /r/cyberpunkgame announce that joke comments made when users abbreviate Cyberpunk 2077 as ‘CP’ will result in a ban. Users embrace Walter White in defiance.


The subreddit /r/cyberpunkgame is your one-stop shop for all things related to CD Projekt Red’s (CDPR) single player dystopian game called Cyberpunk 2077, which was released December 9, 2020. The game, after several delays, had a disastrous launch, with gamers experiencing major frame drops, crashes, and getting soft locked out of further progress, the solution of which would require a new game start. Sony then removed the game from the Playstation Play Store, and also issued refunds to anyone who requested one.

The blowback was so harsh that Marcin Iwinski, co-founder of CDPR, made an apologetic statement to have all criticism directed towards him instead of the game devs.

Now, after numerous patches of bug fixes, a DLC Expansion, and several free content updates, the game is lauded as an excellent single player world to get lost into.

(Note: one last thing I would like to point out is that when users google the game, rather than typing out the entire name, they’ll type ‘CP’ or ‘CP2077’. Specifically, in the subreddit, this leads to responses being memes of Walter White yelling at Hank about the abbreviation, because in other cases, CP means Child Porn. If you’re unfamiliar with the above, Walter White and Hank Schrader are characters from the TV show Breaking Bad.)

The Mod Post

This brings us to today, where the mods of the subreddit post the following announcement:

[Title] We are implementing a new rule for ‘CP’ - we’d love your thoughts and feedback

Trigger warning: child sexual abuse material ⚠️

Lately there has been a surge of people making jokes about the ‘CP’ abbreviation of Cyberpunk. I’m sure you know what jokes. This has been an annoying problem since the game launched and the reason I use ‘77’ instead.

A few days ago someone reached out to the reddit mod team and relayed how it made them feel. They are survivor of child sexual abuse, and seeing such a traumatic experience for them being made into a shitty edgy joke was hurtful

With all that said, this is the rule:

  • Immature joking around and intentionally misreading the term ‘CP’ will result in a ban.

Many Cyberpunk communities have used the abbreviation ‘CP’ to refer to the world of Cyberpunk, and it's various games, since the '90s. Nevertheless, some individuals are using that abbreviation to make light of child pornography.

Child pornography is a devastating blight on the world and jokes about child pornography are not only vile, but also hurtful and triggering for victims of abuse.

This is your one, and only, warning

Edit: this isn’t banning the use of the abbreviation ‘CP’ only the same tired old joke

Users React

Our first user explains why ‘CP’ isn’t the appropriate abbreviation anymore:

There are many reasons that the currently recommended term is "CSAM" or "CSEM". ("Child Sexual Abuse Material" / "Child Sexual Exploitation Material"). It is not only more encompassing as a term since exploitation can happen in many forms, but it is virtually impossible to be confused as an acronym, and people can safely search the topic to educate themselves or report it as the new term is virtually never used maliciously.

I would encourage folks to use the acronyms CSAM or CSEM rather than the outdated CP to refer to child sexual exploitation.

Calling it CP is already popular on society, it will hardly ever change

We don't call of POC "Colored people" so be the change you want to see, friend.

...but I have never called myself or anyone POC ever.

I mean, no one cares about you. You are not society.

...I don't call myself "coloured people" either. And yes, individuals like me make up the rest of the world that isn't just America, thanks. So yeah, I am part of society. Global society.

I wouldn't expect you to refer to yourself as such. As you are a specific ethnicity, nationality, and have a specific cultural identity. You don't represent the whole.

In response to ‘be the change you want to be’ comment:

That only applies to the US ...

Mod: Uh oh, I’m not liking the direction this comment chain is going

Just pointing out, outside the US terms like PoC or colored people aren't used 🤷‍♂️

You're right. In Vietnam, we use "colored skin people". We tend to be more explicit with our description.

This user is confused on the Mod team’s statement:

I am confused by the difference between the title and the discussion in the comments. Do you want thoughts and feedback on the possibility to make this a rule, or has the decision been made and that'ts it? Or did the mod team decided on a rule and now want to fight people in the comments just for the sake of it?

Decision has been made from the seems of it. Apparently they posted first in discord to get feedback about it but not the main subreddit 🤷‍♂️. Personally I didn’t care for the jokes but like everything else I don’t like I just ignored it. Policing free speech is nasty to me lol. And the Hank memes are too legendary to die

Oh no your non existent right to free speech on a private forum is being violated.

that's preem logic here discuss about a rule on a place where some members aren't part of.... i thiNk they knew people wouldn't agree (quite visible from the replies under the post) and didn't took the risk of putting a rule against others opinion and went to ask to the most private prude circle...

Another user tells the mods to lighten up:

Making jokes is against the rules now? Lighten up.

Mod: Making this joke now is, yes

How could a "joke" about children being raped and assaulted could ever be funny?

Have you ever heard about dark humour, sometimes it helps to lighten the mood with some of the darkest things ever happened, as a valencian Valencia got flood last week with at least 200 deaths and some of them being people I know irl. I joke about it. It helps me to deal with it of course dark humour is not for everyone it is difficult to balance this kind of thing on the internet.

We all do it. It is a way in which we all grieve, but there is a time and a place where that is appropriate. This place isn't that place.

People lacking social awareness shouldn't make the mods to forbid any joke, I agree this is not the place.

Well they did and it's not at all a big deal. Those who are upset at the fact that they can't joke about child porn anymore have issues..

Censorship start always with something that almost everyone thinks is okay to censor. With time something you don't think should be censor is censor but you can't raise your voice against it.

This is ridiculous logic to be applied to a video game sub. I mean, honestly. It's rather dramatic.

And no freedom of speech does not apply to private platforms.

Are the mods ignorant?

This is a very ignorant rule

It disgusts me to see you have a problem with people getting banned for making jokes about such a serious and horrific topic.

It's called a dark joke, we used to have those before everyone got so sensitive

Claiming that you can't make a joke because people are "too sensitive" is just what shitty comedians and people who never matured past high school say to justify their bad behavior.

The sub is so butt hurt about an acronym that they're banning jokes about it, what else do I call that? Extremely curious what counts as an okay dark joke do you.

Did you not understand the post?

It is the lame jokes about the abbreviation being banned.

They said explicitly "immature" jokes about CP would get taken down. Which is extremely subjective since any joke about Cyberpunk's name could be taken down.

Is the Hank meme dead?

This user really wants to know:

wait but serious question: can we still use the meme of Walter White telling someone not to abbreviate cyberpunk? Its basically a warning in meme form

Mod: Do we need to, anymore?

Is this instant ban - please answer clearly. I think it’s a fair question and it’s a huge part of the community. Many people have asked and either it’s too buried to find easily or it hasn’t been answered.

Like 0.01% of this Reddit makes legitimate child p0rn jokes, but like 99% of the community knows and appreciates this meme template.

Can you edit the original maybe? This is kinda important IMO.

Mod: If you use the term maliciously, or apathetically (considering you should now be aware of the potential harm) then you will be temporarily banned, or permanently in certain cases. That would depend on your past behaviour.

Respectfully, this answer is still not clear. So playfully posting the meme is ok still? There’s huge churn in the sub, and that meme is always funny IMO

Mod: I mean why do we have to keep posting it anyway? Let’s just make some new fucking memes

You ruined your credibility with this comment.

Sorry dude.

I mean why do we keep playing Cyberpunk anyway? Let's play some new fucking games.

It's a funny joke. It really isn't that deep.

Wait will we get banned for using the WW meme? I’m so confused

If I were a magic 8 ball I’d say signs point to yes

Singular Takes



(I’m sorry)

I love it when these turbovirgin manchildren become reddit mods and let the only kind of power they’ll ever have in life get to their heads.


This sub is a fucking joke. This really tops the cake, I’m out.

Well, the joke was getting old anyway, but… a dictatorship of a minority, seriously? So now anyone can reach you with their triggers nobody seems to share and you’ll gradually ban everything from this sub, or how does it work?

Walter white has been telling us not to abbreviate it for ages, thanks for bringing it to the main light

Typical Reddit mod behavior, not surprising. I would expect them to continue to ban different words or jokes in the future, there will always be someone who is upset/offended/triggered/traumatized by any type of content.

Your one and only warning. Wow so bad ass. This guys the batman of policing jokes


Lastly, after 5 hours of the thread being active, one of the mods makes a pinned statement:

Mod: I’m tapping out for the night chooms, it’s well past my bedtime. Some other mods might drop in, otherwise we will pick up this discussion tomorrow

So you open the floor to discussion then say "I'm out" when people, you know, discuss it?

It is pathetic that you made this choice without consulting the community.

I was sexually assualted as a child and i think the jokes are funny. People really need to learn to lighten up a bit and laugh instead of being uptight dickheads

This mindset is the kind of thing that is moving people to rightwing culture. It's way over the top content filtering, if this is too much then anything can be offensive. Need to be reasonable about this sort of thing.

Full thread with new takes here

Reminder not to piss in the popcorn!

Edit: formatting

Edit 2: here is a link to an older thread which shows how comments become jokes about the abbreviation instead of focusing on the content the OP posted

21:15 UTC


Nerd Civil War in Characterrant over Comic Book Multiversal Cosmology. DC specifically. (19 Children) (2020). "Writers have now flat out said you're wrong, just take the loss, dude."

02:16 UTC


"if you play 3.5 hours a day, touch grass" Nvidia's new 100-hour monthly playtime cap for GeForce NOW divides r/GeForceNOW: is 3.3 hours of daily gaming really enough? Founders celebrate their immunity in the corner

Geforce NOW is a paid cloud gaming service by Nvidia. You pay 10 or 20 dollar a month to play the PC games that you own, on your phone, browser, or potato laptop. The Founders are special members who supported the service since beta. They get discounts, better rigs and immunity to the new monthly game time cap.

Today Nvidia announced that, starting next year, GeForce NOW will roll out a 100-hour monthly playtime allowance.

The entire subreddit is split over whether or not 100 hours of gaming time per month is enough.

"If you're playing that much, you're really playing too much, are addicted to video games, and should maybe go outside and touch grass"

"I'm a grown ass adult with a full time job and no family, i'll spend my time and however much of my time however I damn well please, thanks."

"Chuckles I'm in danger"

"3 hours a day a day is a lot of time behind a screen"

The 5% are very loud today. gets instantly downvoted. Referencing Nvidia''s "This ample limit comfortably accommodates 94% of members, who typically enjoy the service well within this timeframe."

"Trumponomics already!"

"GTFO i finish those 100h in under 2 weeks bybye gfn"

19:07 UTC


"I want them out of my fucking country." One user posts a thread asking how he could assist in the deportation of a MAGA supporter's unregistered parents. r/UnethicalProLifeTip users debate if this Tip goes too far.

Consider this part 2 of the Latino Pile-On of criticism against Hispanic/Latino community currently occurring on Reddit due to the fallout of the 2024 US Presidential election. As per my last thread, little mention of 'other' criticised groups (Women, Black people, Cubans etc) will be brought up, as it's a whole different subject with endless examples which I cannot reasonably fit in one thread.

I should also note that I am not certain if the post is 'genuine' in the sense, or a meme/bait post. However, the comments don't give the impression of people pretending.

My previous thread on the topic is here, which discusses if minorities are responsible.. This thread is about a user who has decided in this case that it explicitly is.

One of the most surprising aspects of the 2024 Presidential election was the massive shift rightwards generally. While the majority of voters for Trump were white, there has been a serious shift in certain minority groups allying themselves with Trump. One main contingent has been Latino or Hispanic voters, who generally seem to be polling anywhere from 35-50% Trump, depending on location and sex. While there have been discussions on why this may be, the generally accepted one is that Latino/Hispanic people have been in the US for long enough that they are fundamentally American. Thus, American interests (or what people believe are American interests) take precedence. If that means being against immigration despite your ancestors being immigrants, so be it.

Some users have interpreted the shift as a failure of the Democrats to cater to or mobilise voters.

Other users seem to believe it's time for those minorities who side with the bull to get the horns.

The User on r/EthicalProLifeTips posts this question to a now 9000+ comment thread.

##I have a neighbor who's a huge MAGA fan. He is Mexican-American and his two parents are here illegally and live with him. How would I go about reporting him and getting them deported? I'm in Florida.

To give context, the level of Latino support existing in spite of the fact that Trump and his party seemingly intend to carry out their mass deportation strategy of 'illegals' and potentially 'denaturalise' Latino/Hispanic people who were born in the US.

Most people have accepted the loss with as much grace as such a shock result can allow. Many seek to point blame outwards, and an increasingly Conservative voting minority block is an easy target.

Some are hesitant. Is this a step too far? Is this Gestapo-report-your-neighbour tactics? Is this fascism? How do we know everyone they'll pick up is illegal? Is it ethically right to do this just out of spite? Is it thinly-veiled racism? How do we know this will only impact 'illegal' people?

On the other side of the debate, is it time those trees who voted for the axe got the chop? Do minorities and other communities that backed him 'deserve' the potentially oncoming tide? Have we been coddling minorities for too long? Should we be celebrating injustice or horror just because the victims 'asked for it'?

---------- FOR ----------

I imagine you just contact ICE

Well as your neighbors might say, “Por que no los dos?”

Honestly where I am at right now. Fuck these people, they voted for this. They had their chances. We tried. Give them what they wanted, and may they choke on it.

Why not both?

You're being so petty but fuck it, I'm down for this level of schadenfreude right now! Spend the next two months gathering proof, then, feast on the spoils of your spite.

It’s not unethical at all. Fuck these people that voted for him. They deserve everything coming to them.

Please come back and update! Even as a Canadian, I need SOMETHING to bring me a bit of joy right now.

Real ULPT would be to break into his house, steal his passport/birth certificate so he can’t prove he’s an American citizen and report him. Bonus point if you plant fake Mexican documents.

This is the kind of twisted compliance I love. Give these fuckers exactly what they deserve and wanted

The real ULPT is to report the whole family.

If the son is a naturalized citizen he could be denaturalized and deported along with the undocumented family members he is harboring. This is what the MAGA crowd wants, I'm with you. Give them what they want.

Dont you get a reward for doing this?

---------- AGAINST ----------

How quickly yall go from caring about them to wanting to report them because you lost the game

Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. If you truly care about immigrants, don’t do something so evil and immoral.

OP Response: law and order, build the wall, facts over feelings... blah blah blah. I want them out of my fucking country

Average liberal in the wild

Deporting illegal immigrants to stick it to the MAGAs. What a way to show how much more decent and compassionate you are.

Unethical or just being a douche because “your team lost”?

Don’t be an asshole.

Bro mind your damn business

This is not the way to express your anger and frustration. Rise above and be better than those you disagree with.

This is not the way.

18:48 UTC


24 hours later the "Reddit Apocalypse of 2024" Redditors finally decided who to blame and a new welcoming community is born: r/FuckYouZoomer

Tthe reflective pause to figure out what went wrong in this election has lasted even too long, and so it is time to get down to what comes best on this site: hating your neighbor.

This is where the new loving community r/FuckYouZoomer (with a banner that would be called stocastic terrorism in some communities) comes in with some opinions that will surely get the political dialogue back on track:

You can find some of those terrible and pesky zoomers fighting back in the comments downvoted and left on read like the incels they are!

You sure showed them reddit!

The subreddit is young but it gained 3k members in a day so keep an eye on it

17:06 UTC


"Isn't the point of clickbait [like from GamingBible] to make it believable?" "Except it's not if you're familiar with GTAV's state since 2013: Story/Single Player DLC wasn't ever happening." (-7 Points & Children; Bite-Sized)

16:13 UTC


/r/conspiracy is ecstatic that "their" candidate won the US election. Some, however, wonder whether blindly supporting a billionaire elite is very conspiracy-like

Context: While the name might have you believe /r/conspiracy is about...well, conspiracies, it is primarily a political sub that strongly supports Trump. This is partly the result of the banning of Trump subs in the past, and actions by current and former conspiracy moderators to welcome those displaced users to their sub. See this 4 year old drama thread about just that: https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ksk6ur/top_moderator_of_rconspiracy_axolotl_peyotl_has/

Unsurprisingly, they are very happy Trump won. Many claim that this is a blow against propaganda, and even proofs the 2020 elections were indeed rigged as Trump and his followers claim.

Some users are not quite as excited, believing support for Trump to be the complete opposite of what a conspiracy theorist should do.

Why is the conspiracy subreddit cheering for a puppet of the elite?

It's funny that the conspiracy subreddit is pandering to the elite

Crazy what this sub has become

Congrats Russia and Israel

Elon is an actual hero

11:23 UTC


Piss on all men? r/curatedtumblr discusses whether men are drawn to Trump because Feminists abandoned them or because they are just bastards.

r/CuratedTumblr is a spin-off/offshoot of r/Tumblr created due to the bad moderation and incessant bot spam off the original Tumblr that is now far more active than the original sub. r/curatedtumblr also has a heavy emphasis on men's issues and how patriarchy beats men down from a leftists perspective in contrast to the traditionally misandrist mood of the actual Tumblr site.

If you've been living under a Rock then you should know that Trump beat Kamala Harris. Trump has been openly misogynistic and many women fear for their rights due to him stacking the House, Senate and Supreme court and some women online have started calling for an American equivalent of the 4B movement of Korean Feminists (Essentially no marriage with men, no sex with men no giving birth and no no dating men).

r/curatedtumblr has... Thoughts.

No one should ever be attacked or shamed because of the way they were born. I don't know why this is so hard for some people to grasp.

So MUCH WHINING!! Stop crying that women might ‘accidentally hurt you too’ bc they’re fucking rightfully angry & do something to show them you support women. Speak to those asshole men. Be the change that you say you want see in the world bc women are fucking tired of the ‘good’ men giving themselves that title but doing nothing to earn or kept it. It’s so fucking simple, men

I like the idea that what we need to get more people to vote for democrats is to exacerbate the problems that lead to young men voting the other way. We should definitely become the party of bullying young men into the arms of grifters and predators who will only radicalize them further, instead of ya know addressing the problems of young men feeling unwanted and misunderstood and finding solutions.

The problem is addressing those problems means applying feminist theory and too many of them just want a state mandated girlfriend. It's hard to even talk about how to address the male loneliness problem while getting shouted down by those men.


It is increasingly difficult trying to have empathy for people who never had empathy for you. Who voted against your human rights. Why is it always put on women to “be the bigger person” while men kill us, rape us, and gut our human rights? We are tired, hurt, and betrayed. The abused has no obligation to their abusers.

I'm getting kind of bored with the entire 'no, it was the circumstances that made them want to human traffic people or whatever'. The hate comes first. The type of people who turn to people like Tate and Trump were hateful LONG before the first internet feminist called them an incel. They're mostly just looking for targets they can go after where they won't face meaningful consequences and will hitch themselves to whatever horse allows them to hate freely. The percentage of people whose experiences drove them into negative behavior is minuscule compared to the number of people whose desire for negative behavior drove them to support those that validated them.

I'm not pro-misandry, but I don't think there needs to be 10 posts about how bad misandry is every day on this subreddit.

Unity maybe. But maybe not politeness. We don't need to "be understanding" in the face of hatred. We don't need to commiserate as the people who set off a bomb are bleeding beside us, confused as to what happened.

oh no, not men experiencing the consequences of their actions! they can’t do that!

08:12 UTC


Users in r/Genz react to a post about women adopting the 4b movement as a reaction to the election results. Goes about as well as you would think.

The 4b movement is a radical feminist movement that is said to have originated from South Korea in 2019. The main proponents of the movement include refusing to date men, marry a man, have sex with men, or have children. Due to the election yesterday with Trump winning, a supposed women poster posted a meme photo with the subtitle of "me and the girls protecting our peace the next 4 years with the 4b movement".

Link to thread (currently at 3.1k upvotes, 2.5k comments): https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1gl2i6f/sounds_about_right/

r/GenZ reacts as follows: (sort by controversial)

"sounds sad, but enjoy your power fantasy xD If you are willing to go to those extremes for politics, you are a bullet to be dogded."

"62% of men are single. It's yall hohos that need to settle down."

"Maybe women will finally understand what its like to live as an incel now"

"ain't no one want you in the first place bru"

"4b movement until a physically attractive men talks to her."

"It’s fine your prob mid anyway"

"Good. remember fellas, dont stick your dick in crazy. Lools like now the crazies are making that easier by voluntarily abstaining"

"You weren’t desired in the first place, men weren’t giving you dating or marriage in the first place the cope is real lol"

"I'm not interested in godless women anyways. This was a pathetic attempt to get the last laugh, and you will not be missed from the dating pool."

"“Vote for who I want and I will give you a blow job” that’s so embarrassing pls stop"

"Never thought id stumble upon some femcels"

20:55 UTC


"They all want to be part of the White club so badly". Trump wins the 2024 US Election. Reddit discusses if Latino's are to blame, and whether they deserve it if Trump comes for them.

Important Note: I have deliberately chosen to exclude (as much as possible) the drama blaming other racial groups such African American's and Cubans, as including this is a whole other subject and would exceed my allocated 40,000 characters. There may be mentions but not too much.

In case anyone somehow doesn't know, Trump won and Kamala lost.

Reddit was largely detached from this reality (as it usually is) until that reality rose from the clogged toilet and spilled onto the marble floor. Pictures of Kamala and pleadings to vote was practically unavoidable. Most of reddit went to sleep, content that Kamala would be the US president in the morning.

It did not happen.

Trump and the Republican Party, to put it mildly, won a decisive victory over the Harris campaign. While both parties saw a reduction in voters, The Democrat Party lost 15 million. Trump, despite his presumed unpopularity and natural baggage when it comes to everything globally, tended to do better with minorities than in the 2020 election.

It should be noted that all Battleground states were won by relatively wide margins, and even if every third party vote went to Harris, it would still have been a loss. It was a sweep. For the first time in 20 years, a Republican has won the popular vote. As you can see, there's no opportunity blame third party or progressive voters (which is the usual custom).

Of all the minority groups Trump did get voters from, Latino's were arguably the largest.

Now the dust has began to settle, reddit is pulling an old classic out of the 2016 bag and needs to decide the penultimate question. Are minorities to blame?

Are Latino men the new race traitors? Did they fail to turn out for their fundamental rights? Are Latinos the ones who'll deserve it when Trump's black shirts push them out? Do minorities have a self-hating complex? Are minorities inherently conservative? Is it racism in itself to assume a Latino is automatically a migrant or 'illegal'? If we scratch a liberal, does a fascist bleed? Are forward thinking voters the fair weather friends of minorities?

**r/Facepalm ---------- How? ---------- **

When a lot of their families get deported I am going to have 0 sympathy as we watch their families get torn apart.

Latino men cant imagine about a woman having the slightest power over them. Forget policies, if they vote against their own interest, as long as it’s not a woman. So stupid to have that mindset.

Some hard lessons about to be learned

The real floating island of garbage was the friends we made along the way

When latinos get green cards they turn hardcore conservatives…

Yeah, I’m not sure why people expect all minorities to be progressive liberals, most often they are the other way round.

I made it up the ladder. You can pull it up behind me

Latinos and Arabs are mostly conservative for their religion mostly.

r/GenZ ---------- Young men and Latinos will be blamed for this ----------

White women are already being blamed in other subs.

55% of men, 45% of women voted Trump. Of course women will be blamed. Business as usual.

White woman are the ultimate boogeyman of this election. We are already catching all the heat. It was expected for men to go down this path, but for other women, this feels like a betrayal.

Democrats need to do some soul searching. Rather than blame Latinos, they should ask themselves what they don’t understand about the electorate. There is an unbelievable blind spot for Democrats with Latinos.

r/LatinoPeopleTwitter ---------- Latino men literally voted trump in ----------

They want to be part of the white club so badly.

Hispanic women and other races both voted 15% more for Trump than in 2020.

I’m from a south Texas border city that has always been solidly blue as long as I’ve been voting. As of it’s leaning red. I’m so beyond confused and shocked. Something is definitely changing. There’s been a lot of whispers about having to keep an eye out for young Latino men feeling disenfranchised. Rings true to me as my brother is strongly conservative, is a Musk fanboy and voted Trump.

Close the door mentality

r/Politics ----------Young Latino Men Flipped to Trump 54%-44% Over Harris ----------

“Vote for us and we’ll put women back in the kitchen” was a very powerful message indeed.

Machismo culture is very strong within the Latino community. And people who came here legally get mad when they see people come here illegally, and get free stuff for it

Well Trump is going to deport them all and their machismo culture with them I guess.

Papers please. I hope they are comfortable proving they are legal on a daily basis, because that's what's coming. A lot of useless suffering for POCs yet there they are, making sure their safety isn't secured by a woman

People on the left and right assume Latinos are all liberal because they’re not white. Most Latino men are INCREDIBLY conservative. Very religious. Very misogynistic and they really have an issue with LGBT+ people. The GOP could court latino men so easily. They already are while actively trying to make them out to be rapists and drug dealers.

r/WhitePeopleTwitter ---------- We all lost ----------

It’s insane that the county with the largest population of Latinos voted 90% in favor of Trump! The county was historically solid blue! What the fuck happened to convince people to vote against themselves!?

See how macho they are when them and their family members get hauled away by ICE

I’ve never been more embarrassed of my fellow Latinos in my whole life. I’m not surprised with the misogyny installed in them but I would’ve thought they knew better.

God I hope they get rounded up, and god I hope they get deported, even if their born in the states. Just as trump said, „the kids can go with the parents'

r/BoomersBeingFools ---------- The Hispanic Vote Has Completely Left The Democratic Party and I want to cry ----------

Turns out Latinos aren’t your pets who will roll over on command.

Sorry latinos, when they start rounding you up i'm not gonna say shit

Latinos and black are also just not a progressive bunch. I'm Puerto Rican, and outside of my mom and siblings it's just a shit show of racists and homophobes. Had an aunt claim Harris is Hindu in her trying to make a point against her. Because Hindu is bad to her period.

Latinos by and large are very misogynistic and homophobic. Not all of course, but machismo culture runs deep. The Democratic Party has started to push women and LGBTQ issues more, Latino men abandoned the party.

I am brazilian and have family in Florida. You have no ideia how conservative latinos are at their cores. Latin America in general is super conservative.

Lots of Latinos just think they're safe if they speak English.

The history of Latin America is full of conservative despots, many who had popular support, so I have some idea of how conservative Latinos can be.

20:12 UTC


OP explains why Porn is ruining humanity on r/Misanthropy. Some people in the comments disagree with it.

16:15 UTC


(Sep 2022) CharacterRant OP thesis: Is "practically every Male superhero" fridged too like their Female equivalents? "I'm not losing argument to someone claiming that Rogue having a boyfriend is her being fridged."

Children = Number of Comments under linked comment. Count seen in old reddit.

Back Ground

According to Gail Simone in the original "Women in Refrigerators" list, here is a list of things that count as fridging:

  • Being mentally ill or disabled, even if you have always been so (Aurora)
  • Having a dark and edgy origin story (Illyana Rasputin)
  • Being aged or de-aged (Illyana Rasputin again)
  • Being experimented upon (Diamond Lil)
  • Female characters dying or male characters dying, particularly family members (Fury II, Invisible Woman, Mera, Snowbird) (Gail Simone thinks no one should be able to die in superhero comics except perhaps men who have never met a single woman in their life, not even their own mother; presumably Uncle Ben dying actually means Aunt May is being fridged)
  • Being "just plain messed up" (Rogue for some reason)
  • "Needing major therapy" (Wolfsbane)
  • Having a drug or alcohol addiction (Karen Page, Ms. Marvel I/Warbird – do note that in the latter case PTSD from being a combat vet, known female stereotype, is a factor)
  • Having abusive parents (Betty Banner)
  • Being brainwashed or turned evil in one arc (Enchantress, Lady Flash, Phoenix I, Raven, Madelyn Pryor)
  • Being temporarily depowered in one arc (Storm)
  • Being nerfed (Ms. Marvel I/Warbird, Power Girl, post-Crisis Supergirl, Wonder Woman)
  • etc.

With criteria so broad, I can affirm that practically every male superhero has been "fridged" if you take Gail Simone's criteria seriously.

I'm just going to focus on Marvel because that's what I know best, and not even bothering to count all the deaths (everyone has died at least once in superhero comics), and I'm going to write "SHEESH!" when there are more than five elements because that's what she did for Ms. Marvel I/Warbird:

Drama (1.)

23 Children. Drama over used examples & pedantry.

All my examples are just as “clear” as Gail Simone’s

  • "Get some reading skills troll."
    • "Cool, so you had the points of “explaining the ridiculously broad criteria of Gail Simone's original "Women in Refrigerators" list” and “showing how practically every male superhero is being fridged if you use those criteria, as is announced in the title of the post.” Dumbass."

74 Children. Comic Nerd Drama over what constitutes fridging & if it involves being part of a Superhero Team or Relationship.

l"Aurora's mental illness actively matters to her own story." Literally who? Aurora is most well known for being part of the Weapon X Program and Alpha Flight, not as her own character, so it’s easy to say she’s overwhelmingly a plot device for male characters.

  • "Supporting characters of superheroines being killed off, definitionally, matters to those superheroines' own story. (This is the most glaringly obvious example of an idiotic double standard on Simone's part.)" "No, not necessarily, because characters get killed off for other characters all the time, and then brought back for no reason. How is this not fridging a character and then trying to defrost them later? Yes, I would say they attempted to fridge Peter Parker a few times throughout Spider-Man’s history."
    • "Oh god you're fucking stupid does "being fridged" just means being on a team now?"


And what does this have to do with fridging? Right, nothing, you're talking nonsense as always.


Right, so how is this what happens to Aurora, considering she was never an A-tier character? Right, it isn't, you're completely off-topic talking nonsense, like always.


because it didn’t happen to aurora in the order you’re talking about, because they revamped the avengers making them not an example of what you’re talking about, and because WHO THE FUCK IS AURORA compared to THE LITERAL AVENGERS


Right, so how is this what happens to Aurora, considering she was never an A-tier character? Right, it isn't, you're completely off-topic talking nonsense, like always.


imagine Captain America was just the leader of the Avengers, or Raven was just a teammate on the Aveng ers, and none of the individual personal intrigue of those characters matters or exists. ... If they wrote a comic where Batman’s new role is solely as the guy in charge of the Justice League watchtower, then until he’s doing Batman things again he’s fridged. He’s a shell of his former self, reduced and flanderized to one-note characterization.

Flairs material (2.)

  • Local Redditor realizing that not only women suffer and it's just society not caring about men
  • How’s it feel to lose an argument to a dumb person?
14:27 UTC


Bryan Cranston endorses Kamala Harris. Has he Broken Bad? Fauxmoi, tiktokcringe & pics discussed Oct 2024. "Naw Mr White, I don't support genocide, get your head fixed"

Children = Number of Comments under linked comment. Count seen in old reddit.

Back Ground

Bryan Cranston endorses Kamala Harris for president with powerful abortion speech | The Independent

Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston has publicly endorsed Kamala Harris to be the next president of the United States, highlighting his strong pro choice beliefs as the reason behind his support for the Democrat.

The 68-year-old actor has become one of a number of famous faces to approve of Harris for president in November’s election joining the likes of Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Stevie Wonder and Bruce Springsteen in the campaign.

Meanwhile, Harris’s opponent in the election, Donald Trump, has been publicly backed by Elon Musk, Amber Rose, Kid Rock and Dennis Quaid.

Cranston was speaking at a Democratic campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona titled “Fighting for Reproductive Freedom”. During his speech, he said: “I‘m not a politician; I’m not a doctor or a lawyer, but I have played all of this on television.”

He continued: “But I am a father of a daughter, and it’s important to me for her life now and for the future and for other fathers’ daughters to be able to have within their lifetime the fundamental right of freedom of choice.”

“There should not be anyone but them deciding what happens to their own body. That’s why I’m enthusiastically supporting Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz,” added the Malcolm in the Middle star.

Cranston’s support for Harris has been met with enthusiasm online from his fans. One wrote: “THIS is what I’ve been waiting to hear. So important. Thank you, Bryan!”

A second joked: “In a world of Dennis Quaids, be a Bryan Cranston!”

A third said: “Just when I couldn’t love Bryan Cranston even more!”

Many other’s used the pun: “Breaking Good.”

Cranston’s support for Harris should not come as a surprise to many having previously given his backing to her in September at a town hall event hosted by Oprah Winfrey, appearing alongside Chris Rock and Ben Stiller.

In June 2022, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, issuing a ruling that upholds a Mississippi law banning most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, and striking down constitutional protections for abortion rights.

Abortion Drama (1A.)

7 Children.

11 Children.

Cranston Drama (1B.)

11 Children.

12 Children.

22 Children.

83 Children.

Other Politic Drama (1C.)

44 Children.

12 Children. Drama over Supposed Biased Fact Check.

10 Children. Drama over r/pics being Politicized.

9 Children.

8 Children. Drama over who's the Real Establishment. Kamala or Trump.

6 Children.

Coups are amazing when the blue side does it!


Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire to reach the greater good. To think that we’re in a day and age where a candidate, any candidate, is operating with 100 percent ethical integrity would be a fools thought. Luckily we have an intelligence community that knows how to handle these sorts of problems.

Part of me considers the possibility that the intelligence community allowed 2020 so that the American people could see what was actually lurking in the shadows all along. They are prouder than ever about their racist, bigoted, uncompromising ways. And now, after this election, we’re going to witness these people struggle to find a way in this country. They’ll lose jobs, find it difficult to get jobs, won’t be taken seriously, have to live in a world that they were so afraid of, and be ostracized in general. And rightfully so. The Un-American population will be treated exactly that way. Second rate. They’ll be lucky to get that treatment.

16:13 UTC


r/NeverBrokeABone User Doxxes themselves, disappears into the void

I will not be posting unedited screenshots for obvious reasons. But I will link to the post.

NeverBrokeABone is a subreddit where people with strong bones cyberbully people who break bones and have to be banished from the sub. It has turned into a big meme, with weak boners often being referred to as "brittle bone bitches" (BBBs). One such user posted X-rays that include their medical information (which I redacted) above a sign that reminds you not to snoop on patients. It has been 10 hours, the post is still up. People are begging OP to remove it, mods are nowhere to be found, OP has gone silent.

"You really put your whole name and medical record number and everything right out there on the internet. Weak bones, weak mind, I guess."

"This post is still up so I’m just gonna assume some random redditor abducted her. I’ll report the post. They need to teach internet safety in schools again" (Big agree holy fuck what are kids doing these days)

"It’s been 7 hours and you’ve still not deleted this post in which you doxxed yourself. Seriously?" (This comment is from 3 hours ago)

Where are the mod during all this? Unclear but definitely not helping.

Bourbon_Daddy inquires "Is a mod not able to remove this post?"

Some people reported it, but it's definitely still up.

"Yea what are the mods doing"

"Did you report it?"
"I did, just got a response that it did not break any rules, so they won't do anything."

Other users got the same results.

"I reported the post as sharing personal information (sorry op but it’s for your own good) and just got a message saying it doesn’t violate policy"

"Same here, guess they couldn't see the fucking medical info"

"OP needs to have her skull checked as well"

And finally we have the average NeverBrokeABone user

"BBB deserves being snooped upon"

15:05 UTC

01:03 UTC


"a silly mobile farming game isnt worth physically straining my hands" Idle farmers debate the ethics of cheating with auto clickers

18:57 UTC


"Is a picture of a politician inherently political?" -Relevancy Debate when a pic of Chadwick Boseman and Kamala Harris together was shared to pics on Boseman's death anniversary. (Aug 2024)

Children = Number of Comments under linked comment. Count seen in old reddit.

Drama (1.)

9 Children.

19Children. Drama Y.

Flairs material (2.)

  • The only moral abortion is my abortion.
  • Ive seen your username before at some point.. maybe some Colorado posts. Cheers.
  • Relax, just celebrating her turning black.
  • On a scale of 1-10, how disingenuous are you? I'm gonna go with 10.
14:08 UTC


(2014) "Dude, Bayonetta's designed by a woman (Mari Shimazaki). This isn't some dude's pipe dream, but a woman's idea of a sexy, powerful woman." -when r/truegaming discussed Polygon, citing Oversexualization, rating Bayonetta 2 lower (7.5) than other critics (8-9). 53 Children.

14:00 UTC


r/AskHistorians moderators post an official statement that some users interpret as comparing Donald Trump, the 2024 Republican nominee for U.S. President, to fascist dictator Adolf Hitler, while urging readers to vote for Kamala Harris. Drama ensues.

Historically, r/AskHistorians is a subreddit that focuses on "answers from knowledgeable history experts", and the forum has rules against political posts. However, an exception was allowed (?) for the AH moderators to make a joint official statement about the 2024 United States Presidential election.

Excerpt from the very long, full statement below:

"Whether history repeats or rhymes, our role is not to draw exact analogies, rather to explore the challenges and successes of humanity that have come before so we all might learn and grow together. Now is an important time to take lessons from the past so we may chart a brighter future.

AskHistorians is not a political party, and questions about modern politics are against our rules. Whatever electoral results occur, our community will continue our mission-to make history and the work of historians accessible, to those already in love with exploring the past, and for those yet to ignite the spark.

[...] In the interest of sharing our own love of history, we recognize that neutrality is not always a virtue, and that bad actors often seek to distort the past to frame their own rise to power and scapegoat others. The United States' presidential election is only a few days away, and not every member of our community here lives in the U.S., or cares about its politics, but we may be able to agree that the outcome poses drastic consequences for all of us.

As historians, our perspective bridges the historical and contemporary to see that this November, the United States electorate is voting on fascism. This November 5th, the United States can make clear a collective rejection that Isadore Greenbaum could only wait for in his moment of bravery [by voting for Kamala Harris?].

We do not know who this post will reach, or their politics, and likely many of you share our sentiments. But maybe this post escapes an echo chamber to reach an undecided voter [and persuades them to vote for Kamala Harris?], or maybe it helps you frame the stakes of the U.S. election to someone in your life.

Or maybe you or a friend/neighbor/loved one is a non-voter, and so let our argument about the stakes help you decide to make your voice heard. No matter the outcome, standing in the way of fascism will remain a global fight on the morning of November 6th, but if you are a United States voter, you can help stop its advance [by voting for Kamala Harris?].

By all means, continue to critique the U.S. political system, and to hold those with power accountable in line with your own beliefs and priorities. Within the moderator team, we certainly disagree on policy, and share a wide range of political opinions, but we are united by belief in democracy and good faith debate to sort out our differences.

Please recognize this historical moment for what it almost certainly is: an irreversible decision about the direction the country will travel in for much longer than four years.

Similar to our Trivia Tuesday threads, we invite anyone knowledgeable on the history of fascism and resistance to share their expertise in the comments from all of global history, as fascism is not limited to one nation or one election; but rather, a political and historical reality that we all must face. This week, the United States needs to be Isadore Greenbaum on the world stage, and interrupt fascism at the ballot box [by voting for Kamala Harris?].

And, just in case it wasn't clear, we do speak with one voice when we say: fuck fascism."

Needless to say, Redditors and AH readers had mixed reactions. Some questioned why the r/AskHistorians moderators didn't just directly denounce Donald Trump by naming him in the post:

"Surprised [Donald] Trump wasn't mentioned in the OP. It was a very strong statement, one which I agree with. This is why I was surprised that the final conclusion didn't unequivocally state that a vote for Trump is a vote for fascism, which is really the purpose of your post."

"Obviously, you are right, but I think they both trust the reading skills of AH subscribers, and hope that by not making it explicit, it won't scare away those centrists who erroneously believe that both sides are causing polarization, allowing them to reach the only possible conclusion 'on their own': vote against Trump [i.e. vote for Kamala Harris instead]."

To which an r/AskHistorians moderator responded:

"As a member of the mod team, I can give a bit of context for that. For a few different reasons, we did not want to post something that either explicitly endorsed or anti-endorsed (for lack of a better term) a candidate by name. I won't get into the full discussion we had about it, but as an example of one consideration, we have a number of mods who aren't U.S. citizens, and didn't feel comfortable commenting explicitly on particular candidates in a U.S. election.

As a subreddit focused on history, we felt that the best way for us to contribute was to give historical context for this moment. As the post says, we're not a political party, or political prognositcators. Historians are not fortune-tellers; we can't predict the future, or tell what will happen in any given scenario. What we can do is look at the past to help us understand what's happening in the present."

However, other Redditors pointed out that the post was "commenting explicitly" on candidates:

"It's not even remotely subtle, do you really think anyone would interpret the post differently?" [...] "Nobody right-wing reads this subreddit and isn't extremely aware of the moderators' own views on the subject. There is nobody on planet Earth who read this and didn't immediately make the connection to [Donald] Trump. [The AH moderators] quote [Donald] Trump directly. Seriously, you really think this post is too subtle?"

While other Redditors posted remarks like this one in response to these and other posters:

"I find it a matter of some curiosity that many commenters are assuming one party or another is the specific target of this post, and are rushing to their party's defense, when no specific party - and, indeed, only a historically proven evil ideology [i.e. fascism] - has been targeted. That they do so suggests more about them than it does the post. Fascism has historically visited inhuman cruelties on a massive scale upon people largely innocent of anything other than merely existing. There's no defending that."

While still other posters who aren't from the United States or native English speakers appear to be confused as to why the AH moderators didn't just use the word "fascism" directly in the post title:

"I'll be frank: as a non-native speaker, I had no idea what was meant by 'the F-word' in the title before reading the post and assumed it referred to 'f*ck' and profanities in general, many of which seem to be spouted quite a lot in the election. I really would argue for calling it what it is, and outright say 'fascism' in the title."

"That's part of the point, it's an intentional misdirection..."

"I get the misdirection. I just don‘t see why there's a need for it, I guess. If you feel the U.S. election has a fascist side to it (as I do and the mods apparently do as well), call it out. Call it from the rooftops. Don't let anyone say they didn't know. Call it 'fascism' in the title. Don't tread lightly, don't call it the 'F-word', call it what it is."

While still more Redditors did not take the announcement (endorsement?) by the AH team well:

"Labeling Donald Trump and his supporters as 'fascists' or suggesting that their actions align with historical fascist regimes is both a distortion of history and a disservice to meaningful political discourse. Fascism, as a term, has a specific historical and ideological context—marked by centralized, authoritarian government, strict economic controls, and suppression of individual freedoms. Trump's policies and the broader conservative movement diverge fundamentally from these characteristics, especially on issues of personal liberty, decentralized governance, and opposition to expansive state control..." [click link to read full comment]

To which an AH flaired user responded by, breaking with the OP, directly mentioning Trump by name:

"I'd urge you to listen to some fascist speeches throughout history, such as those given by Hitler. They'll sound eerily familiar. Here's a short clip by the Daily Show drawing some comparisons. I don't think the r/AskHistorians team is using the term lightly nor incorrectly when a politician uses that kind of rhetoric, especially not when that politician [i.e. Donald Trump] has expressed his admiration for Hitler and is on record saying that he'd like to purge the country or be a dictator for a day. At that point the politician in question is almost screaming 'Hey, I'm a fascist!'.

Fascism has a lot of different definitions, but the MAGA movement most certainly displays some common characteristics. They have a charismatic leader who glorifies violence. There's hyper-nationalism. It's an extremely combative and anti-intellectual movement. They consider socialists and communists as vermin who need to be eradicated. They romanticize local tradition and traditional values.

The symbolism and words used are also very reminiscent of historical examples of fascism. They have quite literally attacked a core democratic institution in an attempt to overthrow it. So there are plenty of elements you can point to if you want to compare the MAGA movement to fascism in a historical context.

Your characterization of Trump with regards to individual freedom and state control is also not accurate at all. I am not sure where you get the idea from that he fundamentally opposes the suppression of individual freedoms?

That is a core element of how he presents himself. Maybe you are not the target of his violence and control so you don't notice it, but plenty of minorities are. What do you think the mass deportation of 20 million people is and how do you think that will work? That's a prime example of a centralized state apparatus curtailing individual freedoms in order to 'purge the blood of the nation'.

That is fascist, no matter how you look at it. His rhetoric doesn't stop there, either. He also unfairly targets trans people. He has separated migrant families and put them in cages in accordance with his 'zero tolerance' policy. He has taken away women's rights. He has directed his fervent followers to attack a democratic institution. [Donald] Trump doesn't just say fascist things. He has also does them."

Even though another Redditor says in the comment reply below the above, to the same poster:

"I did not see any mention of [Donald] Trump in that statement."

In addition to this, an AH moderator also joins the fray by slighting the poster for "using ChatGPT":

"The problem with outsourcing your political views to ChatGPT is that it can only produce generic talking points that do not actually engage with the substance of the matter at hand. That said, since you've been kind enough to provide a list of generic talking points, I'd be happy to use them to further explain our thinking above...

[...] You are not going to lecture historians on this. We are very, very aware of the history of these regimes, and the horrific crimes committed in their names. Many of us have studied them in depth for most of our adult lives. It is precisely because of this knowledge that we feel the need to speak now, and precisely why we think we should be taken seriously.

Our post is perfectly civil, reasoned and far from simplistic. Speaking unpleasant truths is not the same thing as being incendiary; in fact, adopting this logic cripples our collective ability to deal with unhealthy political dynamics. [Put] more simply, we will not be lectured on healthy and civil political dialogue in the context of this election, where incendiary rhetoric has been overwhelmingly coming from completely the opposite side of this debate [i.e. Donald Trump?].

Put even more simply: show me just one instance from the last six months where you critiqued someone for using 'communist' as a political label in the U.S., and I'll take this concern seriously."

After which a AH flaired user questions how the AH moderator determined it was "ChatGPT":

"My goodness, how did you spot this? Training? Magic?" [Note: ChatGPT detection programs are BS.]

"Let's go with magic, it's way cooler than 'why won't people stop trying to write mediocre answers using AI when they're clearly capable of mediocrity already'."

Other Redditors also join in on dogpiling the user, and cheering the moderator "smacking him down":

"It should be noted that [redacted username] is a frequent and ardent contributor to conspiracy-laden subreddits, and a proponent to laziness, such as ChatGPT. Their intentions should be weighed in light of such."

"I'm sure the mods are aware, but since [AH moderator]'s smackdown was so good, they leave it up as a warning to others. Metaphorical heads on spikes, baby!"

"Strictly speaking, if you are using ChatGPT to write these arguments, they aren't actually your ideas, are they? Pretty weak to try and win by copying someone else's homework."

While yet another AH moderator chimes in with the following, after removing several comments:

"This is not the place to argue over the political platform of current candidates. While we do take a lighter approach to moderation in meta threads, this is not the place to hash out arguments about potential political policies."

With still other Redditors accusing the AH moderators of being "partisan", causing more drama:

"And there goes the last pretense of impartiality."

"100% agreed. It honestly blows my mind. Sometimes, people with the best intentions get consumed by ideology, and I fear that is what has happened here. I'll leave it at this: everyone has a right to support an ideology, but when you put your historian 'hat' on, you forfeit that right as long as you wear it."

"The [AH moderators] should at least get rid of the 20 year rule if they think they can judge things in real time. This flies in the face of all the reasons for the 20 year rule. It also shows the incredible lack of diversity of the mods. If half the country votes one way, and none of the mods do that, proves they have zero diversity of thought. They literally have socialists, but not republicans; it's bonkers they claim to be able to fairly judge American politics."

"Suppose then that this post was titled, 'The C Word, and the U.S. election' and detailed how communism was still alive and well…right before an election. Many would be outraged in this sub, maybe even you. People would provide arguments for why it's inappropriate, and how the current Democrat nominee is not a literal communist. I think it's dangerous to play this game. It discredits historians at large as unbiased arbiters of the truth."

"Edit: On second thought, this isn't AskRhetoricians. My apologies."

"As a history teacher do you ever teach your students about the horrors of communism? Communism has resulted in far more deaths in the last century than fascism. [I'm just asking questions.] [...] Interesting that no one answers my question. Are you all so offended by a historical fact that communism has resulted in tens of millions of deaths and continues to do so? My guess is that you teach your opinion of history, and not true history."

These, of course, were met with even more responses from several upset users disagreeing with them. There are far too many responses for me to link them all here, but this is just a small sampling. I highly recommend reading the entire original statement by r/AskHistorians, and the full thread for context.

04:09 UTC


OP shows /r/mildlyinfuriating how her husband put the entire Crockpot (cord and all) into the fridge after dinner. Users take sides for both husband and wife.

The Subreddit

/r/mildlyinfuriating is a subreddit for bothersome, or unexpected things that put a damper on your day, but it generally isn’t for something earthshakingly terrible, like your house being demolished by a hurricane (for example).

OOP’s Fridge Pic

So OOP posts a pic of their open fridge door, titled, “Asked my husband to put away supper last night.” There’s also a caption, which means they likely sent this pic to friends/family on Snapchat:

[caption:] Asked Tyler to put supper away last night. This is what I woke up to.

[image] Top shelf shows 2 larger containers being balanced by a container of eggs on the bottom. Diet Coke cans can be seen on the right side. Middle shelf has an entire Crockpot jammed on the right on top of a few other containers, and you can see the white power cord hanging downwards. To the left of the Crockpot is a colander with most likely lettuce inside of it, also jammed on top of jars and other things. Bottom shelf doesn’t have anything of note other than meat in a bag on top of a box of butter sticks.

Reactions and Sides Taken

We start with this user, who says husband did what was asked:

Instructions unclear. Job done.

Putting him on blast for your friends to see is more infuriating.


Does he also need step by step instructions on how to wipe his own ass after he shits? Just curious, since we are treating him like a baby with no life skills.

How would I know what he needs? Am I his biographer? This person must know their husband. Probably better than most people. If this is a total surprise to her, a discussion is in order. Not posting to social media. More than once…

any person with common sense would know not to put a whole damn crock pot with the socket hanging down in the fridge🤦🏾‍♀️ come on now.

You’re right, but this person undoubtedly knows her husband pretty well. They didn’t see this coming? Posting it to the internet is the bigger insult to their relationship, in my opinion.

im sure she had more faith in her husband than to do some dumb shit like this, honestly. she isn’t going to automatically assume he’s an idiot. now he just proved it to her! i feel like posting is the least of her worries now. 🥲

This user laughs at the audacity:

Lmao instructions unclear? Is he 5?

Dinner is put away in the fridge. If she wanted things put into separate containers and for him to clean the fridge she could’ve said that. Communication is key. Use your big boy words.

You're one of those people who expects your girlfriend to be your new mommy aren't you?

Nope. I do my own laundry, wash my own dishes, I eat out so she doesn’t have to cook and take out both of our trash. I lived alone for a decade before meeting my girlfriend. I don’t expect her to do anything other than to communicate like an adult rather than assuming I’m a mind reader. She knows I’m dumb and that she has to explain things. If you aren’t the same way with your person then I feel sorry for them.

Tbh you kinda just sound like a piece of shit the way you just attacked me

I literally don't believe you. Guarantee she does every one of your chores and if she asks you to help you do the same weaponized incompetence bullshit that Tyler did

[deleted response]

Deleted your comment lmao

Yeah because I realized attacking you the way you attacked me was wrong and I shouldn’t stoop to your level. Have a good day. Enjoy the single life. I know I wouldn’t put up with your shit👋

You think saying you want a girlfriend to act like a surrogate mom is the same as the insults that you posted? It's not lol. You're just extra sensitive.

I literally never said that. Now you’re just putting words in my mouth. Whatever. Blocked.

This user thinks OOP’s husband was utilizing weaponized incompetence:

Good Lord! Tell him weaponized incompetence is not attractive. He did that so you wouldn’t ask him to do it again.

Next time you do his laundry do it all wrong. Bleach the dark clothes. A nice red sock with the whites. Then just roll it all in a ball and put it in the drawer and see how he likes it.

Him putting leftovers up badly is nowhere near intentionally ruinin somebody's laundry. something is wrong with you.

"weaponized incompetence" says enough about this person, nowadays if someone doesn't do things how you want its gaslighting, weaponized incompentece, blablabla

Don't know why it's so hard for people to believe that people can just make mistakes without having any underlying intentions.

Shoving an entire appliance in a refrigerator instead of properly putting leftovers away is not an accident.

I didnt say it was an accident, I said it was a mistake. The mistake was him shoving the leftovers in the fridge like that without trying to make things fit properly. Just because he did this doesn't mean he has ulterior motives like "making sure he doesn't get asked again," there's a very real possibility he's just lazy.

So he can “be lazy” with his own stuff. When someone cooks you dinner you don’t “be lazy” as a thank you to them when they ask you to take 2 minutes to pack up the leftover food after. When you are responding to something someone else has done kindly that is a favor to you, you can choose to not be lazy at that time

This user is irritated by these types of posts:

Another day another “wife smart. Husband dumb.” Post.

Perhaps we should examine why so many of our fellow men insist on demonstrating that this trope didn't come out of nowhere.

Well this is pretty fucking dumb

Well … if the shoe fits, wear it.

Team Tyler user joins in:

Na I'm on Tyler's side. Get rid of your BS round containers and strange little fridge sections. Poor guy is being sent in to lose. Give the guy some square containers for your square fridge.

Are you referring to the fact HE chose to put an entire crock pot in the fridge instead of removing the contents and putting it in a square container?

[to Team Tyler] It's kind of telling that you automatically assumed that the wife is responsible for the organisation of the fridge, and the purchasing of tupperware.

Don't try and turn this into something sexist just to win an argument.

The person making the post is obviously the one who cares about the fridge and Tyler is obviously incompetent and not in charge of this part of the house. That's all blatant from the context of the post.

This isn't an argument, and nobody's winning or losing anything here; nothing's at stake. I'm pointing out that the assumptions you've made to reflexively defend the male partner are telling and you might want to examine that, as it'll likely shed light on why so many of our fellow men think this is fine when it obviously isn't, and why it tends to become their partner's responsibility to educate or equip them to do a simple job like a mother would.

You honestly think I'm defending this shit show? I was making an immature devil's advocate joke. Is anyone in this thread defending it? I haven't seen that. You're taking this way too seriously.

And even if i was being serious, the assumptions as pointed out before are more than likely correct based on the entire context of the image and caption and post. And it's the same assumption everyone else is making they are just framing it in the positive.

You don't need to go all Gillette for no reason

Team Wife takes the stand:

✨Weaponized incompetence✨

✨️Complete lack of communication skills, and shaming your own husband publicly✨️

I do actually agree on the shaming your husband publicly point, but this is Reddit lol. But ya gotta admit “putting away supper” should not require elaborate instruction or advanced comprehension skills to know NOT put the entire crock pot in the fridge???

Then I hope you never marry, because you're probably a fucking misery to live with. 🥰

I’m sorry the idea of Tupperware broke u 💔

Not me, my fridge is actually organized, whether me or my wife puts something in it. But you lacking communication skills, and any amount of respect to a significant other, is something that should make you think.

Shouldn’t require any communication to not. put. the. crockpot. in. the. fridge 😩

Talking with the person YOU love, dated, got to know, and then married. Or refusing to open your fucking mouth, and shaming them publicly for something that doesn't harm you in the slightest. I wonder, which is the way to go, if I want to stay in the relationship, and act like an actual adult, and not a hysterical kindergartener.

It’s just actually insane to put the entire crockpot in the fridge 💔 lmaooo

Singular Takes

Is your husband always this good with domestic activities? If so, the performance level will continue to degrade.

My advice is to contact your attorney now. Remember you get half.

A grown ass adult shouldn’t need it explained to them that this precarious ass non-stack is unacceptable.

If you open the door and nothing falls off i say he did a good job. It takes skills you know😀😀

bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch....

its away isnt it ?

Put it in not do it right.

Sorry, what's wrong with that? I think that's a valiant attempt for a male of the species!


Lastly, here’s a take about the messy fridge:

To be fair the fridge was a mess to begin with- like really bad.

Classic blame the fridge mentality.....

Know your audience and your fridge, don’t ask somebody you know isn’t gonna put something away properly to put something away, especially if you know there’s no room in the fridge to begin with.

That cord does not need to coiled up to save space. More could be jammed in. It is bigger than it looks. Or so I have heard.

Full thread with more divided takes here

Reminder not to comment or upvote/downvote in OOP’s thread!

Edit: added archived fridge pic to thread

22:23 UTC


Motorcycle subreddit revolts against mod banning user who pays for right track suit photos.

TW: sophomoric homophobia-ish tone (?)

In the world of motorcycle subreddits, there are those who are concerned with training, safety, wearing proper protective gear (ATGATT), and there is r/CalamariRaceTeam. This is a subreddit for squids, a term for motorcyclists who drive in an unsafe manner, who don’t wear gear, and who pride themselves on how great their wheelies are, and for them to share their experiences, videos, and to dunk on the dorks on r/Motorcycles for doing parking lot maneuvers for years before they’re comfortable enough to ride on the road wearing enough high-vis to blind every driver in a 2 mile radius. This sort of carefree attitude towards motorcycle safety and following the rules has led to a subreddit which is reminiscent of teenage internet users from the early 2000’s where joking that you’re gay, the use of butt plugs, and straight being used as a pejorative are the norm. It’s childish and dumb, and the users there want it to be that way.

Which brings up to today’s drama. There was a longtime user of the subreddit, and other motorcycle subreddits, who was outspoken about their love of photos of motorcyclists in tight racing leathers. So much so that he had an open offer of $5 to anyone who would send them photos of themselves wearing such gear, with untold posts of users who vouched that yes, that user was good for it and pays for the photos they said they would. The user would also post things like 😍 when posts involved photos of user in tight race suits, and it was clearly some form of kink for him. This, along with the irreverent nature of the subreddit, made that user somewhat famous in that sub. Now for reasons that I’m not sure have been made clear yet, one of the mods decided to ban this user, the squids are pissed and have been inking posts nonstop over their displeasure.

Here is one directly referencing the user who was banned.

Here is another extolling that user as an “inspiration to us all” and complaining about his ban.

Another making a comparison to Young Thug being released and complaining about the ban.

Here is a thread threatening the “certified straight” mod who banned the user in question, showing the form of “humor” referred to above.

Here is yet another asking for the reasoning behind the banning of “our lord and savior”.

Here is yet another thread asking for “their beloved weirdo back”

We’ll see if this outpouring of support will lead to the enterprising leather lover being unbanned or if the squids will wheelie off to another, more cold friendly subreddit.

16:52 UTC


"It's voices from strangers coming from your headset. That's not social anxiety" "Are you seriously trying to gatekeep social anxiety lmao?" -r/DestinyTheGame

09:46 UTC


Kitten-Sized drama - r/cats coughs up a furball over a cat with an "I voted" sticker

00:16 UTC

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