
Photograph via snooOG

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Got banned from /r/196 for pointing out a mod's diet (frozen pizza) sucks

This is so funny to me, this guy only eats frozen pizzas & instant noodles. I got banned for pointing out how unhealthy it is.


Some people really hate to learn how unhealthy their habits are that they become so defensive about it. It's funny.

15:44 UTC


“Listen man, sometimes it works,” | r/BlackPeopleTwitter pushes back against someone defending beating children

14:20 UTC


Someone posts in r/Steam claiming that the developers of Flintlock are deleting all legitimate criticism of their game in the Steam forums. Redditors point out that the forum is full of gamers complaining about DEI and the main character being Black. The OP angrily replies to every comment.

Original post here. It has been removed but most of the comments are still there.


I dare you to say the reason lol.

I dare you to say the reason why your glazing a company this hard

  • [Oh boi, this escalated quickly. The funny part is that the OP escalated the hate towards him by himself.

That's a next level, to be honest.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/1e7uub1/flintlock_the_siege_of_dawn_devs_are_banning/le3rrss/)

You call it hate, i call it an average day of speaking to a leftist, really intresting specimens

"Sweet Baby Inc is hated for a very good reason"

"you can only say its good because of DEI :')" Please, you're not fooling anyone.

Yes, they still stand you r****d. No matter what issues people have with the game , they are allowed to express it, that doesnt mean my reason is the same. you freaks of nature always have to make it something its not, but thats reddit losers for you

words are words, they only have value because you give it them

Your words have intent. That's why everyone is shitting on you for saying DEI, you're just using it because you know the n-word will get you banned, but the intent is the same. Stop making excuses for your hate.

every word has intent, well done, the hive is slowly learning. everyone isnt shitting on me, its just leftoids being leftoids. No one has ever mentioned the Nword but good for you showing your true colors <3 very typical for a leftist racist

  • [No, my point was, in the event of world war 3, the left would barely be a thing as they would be decimated by the right, take us out of the question and leftists/liberals would not last/ survive like conservatives/ right-wing. Right is when you want things done, are more violent, have traditional values and are the natural males. The left would not know how to make shelter, hunt, find food, or survive. they can barely work a 9-5 or watch a full TikTok without acting as if the world is ending. Whether you like it or not, those facts.

Being left is being impressionable entitled and privileged/ fed with a silver spoon. Right is traditional values that go against current beliefs while standing for what you believe in now if you had to make a squad, you would not pick the left, That's how i know you have real experience as you actually know what the boys are like. hence why i was laughing at you because your views are nice, its nothing but idealism. you having training wont matter, will it help yes? but anything can still happen, you're not rambo, besides shooting tweet after tweet in rapid succession](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/1e7uub1/flintlock_the_siege_of_dawn_devs_are_banning/le3s3ly/)

18:37 UTC

15:45 UTC


Mods suddenly gone rogue deleted thousands of posts and attempted to ruin with porn anime subreddits r/100Kanojo and r/MadeInAbyss, in seemingly unrelated yet extremely similar events

Around 18-15 hours ago two apparently unrelated yet very similar events lead to the disappearance of multiple posts, spam of NSFW content, and other damages being caused by the hand of moderators of r/100Kanojo and r/MadeInAbyss to their respective communities.

u/ImoutoCompAlex, another moderator of the 100kanojo explains in this thread the extent of what happened in their sub.

They did more than just nuke posts though, our flair templates were deleted, our images and buttons got removed. So did our rules, description, and community guide.

Notably, other people also observed a sudden spam of NSFW posts often involving anime minors, and the entire subreddit being flagged as NSFW. Another mod, u/Holofan4life, adds more context here

a couple of months ago, someone invited a user named u /SallyNurePO to be on the mod team in order to help us out with modding duties. And for a while, things seemed to be going well. Until today.

The account of said user now results deleted, but it was discovered that they attempted the same in the past, according to another mod:

I thought he is trustworthy at that time and after that things had gone well until I learned that he had caused some problems, particularly on Kimetsu no Kaiba subreddit. After that, he had initially intended to destroy every sub, acting as a subreddit destroyer by abusing the moderator's conduct (i.e., even if another moderator removed him, he will return as moderator), so as of right now, we've reported him to Reddit admins, who will handle the rest.

Coincidentally, a very similar event happened in the same hours in Made In Abyss subreddit, making people wonder if the two attacks were related, even if the perpetrators were different. here the details, as well as a comment of the moderator u/valukar.

Something similar happened to us today, but the user in question was u / EogistBlake. I am not entirely sure they're related but he also was doing fine for a while and then mass deleted.

At the time this post is made, many posts have been restored in Made in Abyss subreddit even if some are seemingly lost forever. Restoration is proceeding more slowly in 100kanojo, where about 30 days of posts have been deleted. Both events have profoundly impacted the two communities.

12:52 UTC


Mod Bans Dinosaur Art on r/Dinosaurs, Dinosaur Fans Understandably Not Happy

NOW ON UPDATE #3 AS OF 7/21 AT 11:00 UTC!

In what seems to be the weirdest of power plays, a mod over at r/Dinosaurs has enacted a long unenforced rule about art, where the only kind to be posted is that deemed "professional", while giving no description or definition to what that label means. The mod in question does try to to divert people to another subreddit for dinosaur art that has 5% the number of people as the main sub. This situation is made all the weirder since dinosaurs, having been dead for nearly 65 million years, can only be depicted as either fossils or art, thus this rule possibly bans 50% of how they are represented.

r/DinosaurDrawings is full of artists, and you are more than welcome to post your work there. Everything from doodles to sketches to finished pieces, it all belongs there.

We had to limit r/Dinosaurs art to essentially professional art only, but recognized there was a need to post non-professional work somewhere. r/DinosaurDrawings is that somewhere! Check it out 😁👍

Yes this is somewhat subjective, I'm sorry there's no Absolute Definitive Criteria I can cite; paleoart definitely belongs here, but somewhere between "professional masterpiece" and "school-book sketch" there does exist a line. There are a lot of talented and creative people here, but there is a quality difference that we had to acknowledge once numbers grew.

The creativity is exploding over at r/DinosaurDrawings, please post all your dino art there.

While the announcement post for this was instantly locked, users made their own posts to voice their displeasure, since most of the art posted on the server was of a high quality. The original mod in question left comments in the first thread about the rule change made, with them all having nearly -200 karma at time of posting.

In response to someone calling the ban "fucking stupid":

Reminder that this sub is not the kind of place where comments like this are welcome. You can certainly express your opinions about things you don't like, but not in a way that goes against our rule of following reddiquette.

In response to others just copying the original texts and continuing to call the ban "fucking stupid".

Is this thread really going to make me have to temporarily ban a bunch of you for being jackasses?

There are so few rules here,follow them.

I gave you the reason; if you aren't emotionally intelligent enough to participate here then I urge you to not..

This new response was then also called "fucking stupid", and the thread was locked:

edit: locked so I don't have to deal with more nonsense :( why do the few have to ruin it for the many ugh

It's not new. We rose  from the dead years ago for this specific purpose.  was getting flooded with sketches of dinos, and that is not what the majority of the subreddit wants to see. If you check the rules you may see other rules you were unaware of.

The good news is: if amateur art is what you want to see, you have a whole other sub for it.

It might feel new, and that's because I saw a ton of people posting their (non-professional) art and had to remove a ton of posts manually over the last few days, enough to warrant making a post as a reminder.

I'm glad I made a post about  for two reasons: If you think it's "new" it means you are newer than that rule; there's no time like the present to get some more context on why things are the way they are.

And, to let you know that there's an entire sub for exactly what you want to be posting :)

Please trust your OG mod, this was not done lightly nor is it personal.

A more recent and level-headed thread on the matter is still open, with everyone stating that this rule makes no sense, and it is generally being seen as a typical mod power-play. Oddly enough, memes seem to be still allowed, with jokes coming in about the validity of the art used in them.

EDIT 16:00 UTC: The mod has now posted "I thought this sub was better than this. I'm going to take some time away, and so are you, to decide a path forwards. Oof", a diatribe about the community's reaction to his rule update and has now restricted the subreddit.

Waking up to a bunch of hate and harassment in a community I started 15 years ago is not something I thought would ever happen, with this subreddit anyway. It's dinosaurs what could possibly go wrong.

If the community is evolving and wants a bunch of kid's art in it then that's something we, as a community, will have to address.

If I went to r/cats and the front page was flooded with a bunch of amateur drawings of cats... I would wonder why r/CatDrawings wasn't being used to redirect those posts. It is a bit different, as I'm sure you're aware, because there are no photographs of dinosaurs. But my point stands.

If the community wants to turn this into the refrigerator door where they can put up their dinosaur drawings, I'm not sure where that leaves r/DinosaurDrawings, or this sub. My instinct tells me the actuall dinosaur content will entirely move to r/Paleontology, and r/dinosaurs will become an art critique sub.

This is not what I want, but if it seems like the sub is headed that way maybe it's time to end an era and see what comes next.

But I won't be bullied into not enforcing a rule that's been in effect for years ... in effect after a similar discussion happened years ago, at the behest of the subreddit.

Not quite sure what to do yet, but the amount of hate I just got is unacceptable. Very disappointed that a few people feel it's ok to act the way they did.



Other new details worth adding include a mod from r/PrehistoricMemes, another large paleo sub, chiming in with support of the rule being overturned, several new posts on the matter being added, and another mod chiming in by saying the rule has "been this way for years".

EDIT 20:00 UTC: Our beloved moderator is now looking for outside help from r/needamod and has completely dug his heels into being the victim in this situation.

Hi folks,

I started  15 years ago, and this is the first time I've ever had to put it in restricted mode while I figure out how to move forwards with it.

I've had some good help over the years, but I think it's gotten to the point where the bespoke small-community vibe just won't be enough to govern it any longer :(

I've tried to keep it an inclusive and lighthearted place to be, so waking up to a bunch of hate and harassment was quite a slap in the face. Several users are likely facing site-wide bans for their harassment, which is not something I ever wanted to see happen from our dino club.

After a community discussion in the past, we decided to delegate amateur art to a separate subreddit, . Recently, after an influx of posts breaking the "no amateur art" rule in effect in , I made a reminder post to reiterate that drawings belong in a separate sub, and why.

So you can imagine how well the demographic that was being targeted took this...

I'd love to get some more moderators on the team to help, it's grown too large for how I've been managing it.

The post I made before I restricted the sub, so you have the full context: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dinosaurs/s/EM1Rh2QBCa

I want what's best for the community, but I also know what will happen with rules changes and low quality content. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you'd like to join the team, and help steer  as it approaches 300,000 users who can no longer speak in a unified voice.

To this shock of absolutely no one, this has backfired as members of the mod sub and members that have kept an eye on him from r/dinosaurs have not taken to this attempt kindly. One such member, the one that originally had mentioned the rule change, has a literal art degree from Falmouth University. This is how the mod responded to them:

There are many kinds of amateur art.

Olympic athletes are amateur athletes.

It seems the harassment was coming from people posting what I would describe as "kid art" which is a kind of amateur art. Obviously, you do not fall under that umbrella.

I'm not sure if your post in specific, but if it's a dinosaur drawing it probably belongs in/.

I'm in the process of finding more moderators and we will see what we can do to make the most people in the community happy, artists included.

EDIT 11:00 UTC: In a quicker but vastly destructive update, Modasaurus Rex has now deleted all previous posts about the rule change displeasure, minus the single less eloquent and angry post about it. My personal guess is this will be used to try (and fail) to drum up sympathy for his victim complex.

It’s also worth noting that their comments to that post have now hit over -700 karma and M-Rex has become a laughing stock on several other large paleo platforms on the site. r/Paleomemes has even posted a statement about it, keeping up with the chill and friendly attitude that specific sub has had since the start. An idea for an Amature Art Wednesdays on there is even being thrown around currently.

I will continue to keep updates on this Paleo-Popcorn for as long as I can.

10:19 UTC


English voice actor for Honkai: Star Rail takes to the game's subreddit to defend sexual abuser Chris Niosi. Reddit does not like this very much.


Honkai: Star Rail is a gacha game made by Hoyoverse, the omega-popular creators of Genshin Impact and Zenless Zone Zero. Apparently not satisfied with the drama that ZZZ has already generated, it was recently announced that voice actor Chris Niosi (AKA Kirbopher) would be voicing an upcoming playable character in Star Rail. Niosi came under incredible fire a few years ago for sexual and emotional abuse against his previous partners. He was effectively ousted from the voice acting community after that, but it apparently didn't stick.

Niosi's casting strung up significant drama in the game's community, largely on Twitter. Griffin Puatu, voice of the game's popular villain Sunday, apparently saw fit to respond in Niosi's stead and defend his friend. He claims that Niosi has made significant strides in his personal growth since his accusations, and that his victims have no right to bar him from the industry forever.

Reddit has not been in much agreement with Mr. Puatu.

The Drama

"This is what I think too. He suffered the repurcussion. It had been 5 years. Give him a break."

Users are quite unhappy with the implication that how Niosi's victims feel doesn't matter

"I don't really think the victims matter either. People place a lot of trust in the victims to be fair or equitable with their judgement, but there’s…really no reason to believe they would be either."

"Guys, serious question, do you think people should be given a second chance? ... or like twitter people say, should they k*ll themselfs /dissapear because there no second chance?

"if only these clowns could actually differentiate the art from the artist lmao"

Somehow immediately pivoting into making the drama about Genshin Impact not having any dark-skinned characters

05:37 UTC


The Crowd Strikes for the climate as climate change is discussed in a thread about a man made disaster.

03:15 UTC


Was Naruto's boyfriend abusive? /r/dankruto debates

I thought this subreddit could use some fictional drama. /r/dankruto is a Naruto meme subreddit that still exists although the show ended several years ago.

Someone posted some screenshot from Boruto (the sequel to the original) and then it led to an argument over how abusive Naruto's boyfriend is over the original manga to his now wife.


Exactly, but not even one step above, Sasuke was very abusive when they were not in a relationship and she still "loved" (was obsessed with) him. Like really, Sasuke could not be more direct that she disgusted him as she still was behind his tail. [+94]

Lmao wut. How? He literally minded his own business the entire time and she was the one chasing. She was there in the bridge to kill him. [-27]

He was being chased because he was a terrorist. Him "minding his own business" was him attacking other nations, joining a known terrorist group, trying to kidnap the brother of the Raikage to hand him over to his boss to be tortured to death, already being on his way to attack Konoha, only stopping because Pain got there first, and then attacked the Kage summit and assassinated the interim Hokage. Not to mention that Sakura clearly aborted her attack, saying she couldn't do it, and therefore posed no threat to Sasuke, and he STILL tried to kill her. [+34]

Some users try to lay the blame on Sakura: https://www.reddit.com/r/dankruto/comments/1e20fyh/classic_sasuke/ld62evg/

She could've aborted. Instead, she chased him down to the ends of earth. She's fucking crazy. [+2]

Why would she? When she had Sadara, Sasuke was with her during the travels. [-1]

Why shouldn't she? According to gaiden, sasuke wasn't even at home when she conceived. She literally chased him down while she was pregnant. It's literally a line by karin in gaiden. She's the one with the body that can make a baby. Abort it if the guy doesn't want to be with you. [+3]

If Sasuke wasn't home when she was conceived how does she have Uchiha genes Clearly u r a child who lacks knowledge of human especially female psychology. For women who give birth, fetus isn't just a thing to be discarded unless it causes pain or is really unwanted. They carry it for 9 months and grow to care for it. Sakura already loved Sasuke; he got her pregnant. So Sakura carried the child knowing Sasuke's dream to rebuild his clan. What does Sasuke does? Abandon her. Given his psychology and history I am not surprised. Also why are u so worked uo about it? Did u wanted Sasuke to impregnate u? Tough Luck [-1]

You do realize test tube babies exist right ? Although it is a mere hypothesis, the above commenter simply meant that Sakura had simply ran after Sasuke after she realized she had conceived Sarada. Sakura was the one with her one-sided obsession of Sasuke while the vice-versa was never the case. He never wanted her and could've just had a one night stand to satisfy her so she would stop tailing him and leave him alone. But go on and keep blaming the victim instead. And as far as his goal to rebuild his clan is concerned, he had long given up on that and doesn't even wears the Uchiha symbol like he used to, abandoning even his identity. [+3]

Somehow Sadara is the only one? I doubt Kishi would do that. And also every character from Naruto to even Sasuke has repeatedly told us that Sasuke and Sakura hooked up and had a baby. But the hate for Sakura and glazing for Sasuke is too much on this subreddit that people can't accept the simple fact. Instead they come up with different solutions. Also how is Sasuke a victim? I thought it reqd cum from cock to birth a child. Maybe u guys r studying diff biology. He wasn't some innocent guy who is so naive that Sakura took advantage of him. He could have killed the baby and Sakura if he was such a victim. He had no qualms about killing. Edit: downvote all u want. Sasuke impregnated Sakura while both were away and his sorry ass couldn't care for his own child so he abandoned her. [-1]

You all complain that Sasuke doesn't reciprocate Sakura's feelings and yet at the same turn blame him for not caring about Sakura when he didn't want anything to do with her ? For all I care, he could've just wanted to get rid of her by fulfilling what she wished for but alas, she got pregnant and now you lot blame him for not caring when he got entangled into this typical honeytrap scenario [+5]

20:58 UTC


Did Kelsay know? Did Cody grow? Cody Ko fans can't cope.

On the main subreddit for Youtuber Cody Ko, fans debate whether his wife Kelsay must have known about his past behavior and whether it's possible he has grown and changed from the past.

This top comment kicked it off:

I think about this a lot as someone who has fucked up badly in the past (not to cody kos extent lol) but I’ve done shit i truly regret and feel terrible for and I couldn’t imagine being famous and having my skeletons aired out for millions to judge. That seems like actual fucking torture. People are so quick to shame and judge people when in reality, they have their own set of skeletons. How do you plan on forgiving yourself if you can’t forgive others for their mistakes as well, because no one is a complete saint. Im not defending Cody and I’m not saying to forgive him, maybe he’s a terrible person who doesn’t deserve a platform or maybe he’s not, but I feel like it’s not right for me to cast judgement or shame on him because I’ve dealt with my own version of that internal hell and it’s not fun.

Reply: It makes me laugh. All these perfect people judge from their castles of perfect self righteousness

Reply: What makes me laugh is the amount of people saying “you’re not perfect” in regards to statutory rape and associating with a known rapist. Is that how low the bar is?

[He was 25... A fully-developed adult male. This was 8 years ago, not decades ago. He's been friends with a rapist. He's buried/is trying to bury this story. Yeah, "people change"...


Reply: Idk, I’m 33. 25 was 8 years ago for me and I feel like a completely different person. 25 is still an incredibly stupid age for a lot of people. What he did was incredibly shitty, but people DO change in the amount of time you’re talking about. I have no clue if that’s the case for Cody but I can’t stand people acting like change is impossible just because someone was an adult at the time.

The male brain is fully developed in rational thinking by age 25. If you can't tell rape is right or wrong at that age, then you're lying to yourself. Cody raped an underaged woman. If it was your daughter you would not be providing the same charity.

Reply: It’s not quite so simple. It’s statutory rape. As many others in this subreddit have explained, there are degrees of sexual assault and of them, a 17 year old and 25 year old having sex is fairly tame. Tana herself has said she doesn’t have any trauma associated with the event. Doesn’t mean it’s not wrong but by throwing around “rape” so freely, you devalue the word and the trauma inflicted on victims in the many more severe cases.

Reply: That’s not what she said, she said she doesn’t hold trauma about the situation “IN THAT WAY”referring to being angry and wanting to ruin his life, and then proceeded to say her trauma prolly shows in other ways

Reply: Rape is rape. It does not devalue the word to define the situation that occured as rape. I'm sorry that you and the greater community is unwilling to just realize that a bad person committed a crime against an underage woman and took advantage of her naïvety and innocence...

I'm going to go limbs out and risk my glorious internet points here with this but -Cody was* a creep. Could be a high chance that he's not now. The discourse that him being silent on the allegations = he hasn't changed sounds like bollocks to me. Him being silent could be due to the legalities involved. We can see that with the podcasts he's been on with Noel. Both of them have gone over the issues with predatory / grooming behaviour and the age of consent being hazy at 17/18 issue. With the behavioural context involved in terms to Cody and his content, and the growth we've seen in terms to this content, I think there's a possibility that he understands that that was a mistake that he did...He definitely was a creep, but honestly, in 2016, less people would give a shit. Yes, that's fucked up, but that's also the reason why he was more so inclined to do that. He was a product of the environment he was in. That plays a role, more so than people will acknowledge...

Thank you, finally a decent human being with rational thinking. What he did was not great, but they don't deserve this hate either. People change and evolve, and none of us are perfect.

Reply: None of us are perfect? You sleep with a minor bro?

bitches hate nuance

Reply: I truly believe y’all are some pedos reacting out of guilt

...It’s not just about me being utterly disgusted, but you cannot, in a million years be an actual good, decent person if you have knowingly and repeatedly groomed minors. It’s fucking pedophilic even if the minor is 18 - heck, even when I was in my mid twenties when some barely legal 21 year olds approached me I was grossed out, I cannot imagine a normal guy in his mid twenties being attracted to a minor

Reply: Okay hot take- this is not pedophilia. People saying this are 100% wrong and need to stop throwing that word around so carelessly. Immoral and illegal? Sure.

Reply: Oh yeah I am now ashamed I was ever part of this community with a bunch of misogynistic, victim blaming, delusional people who’d support a pig like that -

Reply: if you are 18, you are an adult and responsible for your own actions. stop infantilizing an 18 year old and an above 18 year old - those are two adults.

Reply: You’re so full of shit and lack of wheels turning, 18 is barely a high schooler, and if you’re 25 you have no business dating people under 21, it’s weird and you know what it looks like? It looks like you can’t get people your age

Fuck cancel culture dude, the internet is so fucking stupid

Reply: So you're saying he shouldn't be cancelled?

?? you think it’s ok that kelsey knew and married him? and that they “sorted it out” ??? tf

Reply: Yes I do think it's okay! The world isn't so black and white. Forgiveness, growth, and personal change is possible within nine years.

15:51 UTC


"Isn’t that hypocritical as shit since she’s made comics about catcalling and being sexualized as a woman?" Is PizzaCake a hypocrite? How is consent defined? Are her comics worth juicing? r/bonehurtingjuice transforms into feelshurtingjuice as they argue over the cantankerous comic.

CONTEXT A meme subreddit devoted to reimagining memes and comics with an entirely different context, r/bonehurtingjuice has been a fan(?) of PizzaCake's comics owed to them being easy to tinker with to turn into a new joke or punchline, to the point where it has become self-referential. Another post appears in this same vein with little trouble, with a raunchy reference to PizzaCake, until the question of hYpoCriSy? is put forth. One user gets up in arms and the timeless debate of misogyny, consent, and fetishes rears its head on reddit again, resulting in some bite-sized drama.

What's the OF link?

Literally just Google pizza cake onlyfans. 1st picture is her and her cooter.

I don’t look at many of her comics but isn’t that hypocritical as shit since she’s made comics about catcalling and being sexualized as a woman??

In case you're actually this stupid; 1. Being sexually harassed simply for existing as a woman = bad, 2. Voluntarily selling sexual photos of yourself on your own terms = good. Notice how those are two totally different things?

Like I’ve been saying, it’s contradictory to say that being sexualized by random people is bad before making people pay to sexualize you. Even with consent that’s still basically saying “Men, women do not want to be harassed and sexualized for your sexual gratification! We only want to make you PAY for sexual gratification!” And before you say the difference is harassment, no, her OnlyFans page says fetish friendly as far as I could see.

This, kids, is why you don't drink brain damage juice.

You don’t know what a fetish is, do you? Many people are sadists, and fetish friendly would include them. Sadism, can include harassment, probably not to her, but you get my point. This, my fellow functioning-brain friends, is why you actually learn shit before talking shit.

The difference is consent, and you're doing a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid that.

The topic of consent continues to elude them

No if you look at other comments of mine in other threads I have directly challenged the consent argument. Do your research next time.

Your argument is nonsensical and doesn't adress the consent part. One is harassment (not consensual) the other is paid sex work (consensual). You're trying some strange mental gymnastics to say its hypocritical when they are in fact not the same thing. In one case she willingly does it for a paying audience, in the other she's forcibly made to do it by people that do it for their own gratification. You don't seem to understand what consent and harassment are.

And I quote! “Even with consent that’s still basically saying “Men, women do not want to be harassed and sexualized for your sexual gratification! We only want to make you PAY for sexual gratification!”" Yes, I did bring up consent and use it against their argument.

I think you hit the nail on the head but the problem is you don't get it. If I started following you around on the internet to say, "This guy doesn't think consent is real!". On your other social media platforms? On your job's social media? On your children's social media? Versus in a place where we are debating this point. This is just one small part of why consent does include different expectations in different settings. One is harassing and one is (hopefully) a good faith argument over the rights of human beings in a space that accommodates that.

And they continue to argue about "consent"

Dude it’s about consent

No I’ve definitely seen one where she’s been catcalled then gets pissed at some guy who wasn’t actually doing anything rude.

The point is she’s consenting to being sexualized on her onlyfans she is not consenting when she’s randomly catcalled when she’s walking down the street

And it’s still hypocritical to talk about over-sexualization being a problem for women before selling your nudes on the internet.

This guy claims to like sex but doesn’t want to be raped, what a hypocrite

“Grr men need to stop sexualizing women so much! However for only 19.99 a month…”

comments you can smell

Aw geez I can see you’re one of those sad people who praise a few people and the moment anyone points out any of their flaws, true or false you have to go ahead and act like that person is the villain and deserves to be decapitated. Talk about shit you can smell.

brother what flaw? what flaw are you pointing out? i dont even know who pizzacake is but youre just saying "they cant be allowed to consensually put their own naked pictures online because they think rape is bad" like do you even understand what youre typing?

Seriously, they keep coming back for more

No one tell this guy about cnc. It will probably give him an aneurysm.

Ohh you’re a hypocrite defending a hypocrite! Yeah CNC is the same as sadism, you literally made your argument about me talking about a fair point then dismissing it, but when you were proven wrong you talked about something completely different than what I was talking about. Hmm, your argument makes sense… Or does it?

anyone in this thread smoke weed

this guy does for sure

And is the BHJ comic misogynistic, or just poking fun?

BHJ post aboot PizzaCake without being misogynistic challenge: impossible.

it's not misogynistic it's about beating themselves to her onlyfans

Specifically seeking out a woman’s only fans/nudes to insult her appearance is pretty misogynistic.

it's more gross and stalker-like

It's that as well but there are explicitly misogynistic undertones about shaming her body and sex work, while also getting off to her. Like you can't act as if there isn't a gendered aspect to that considering...idk, the entirety of human history.

I hope you liked the periodic PizzaCake-adjacent drama, because chances are there will be more. There is still plenty of arguing in the OOP itself since the user just doesn't know when to quit, feel free to enjoy the popcorn. Some appropriate flair are:

13:49 UTC


Hell hath no fury like a furry scorned; r/e621 learns the site has banned posts featuring young human/humanoid characters

20:30 UTC


A bicyclist and pedestrian play chicken, everyone wins when /r/bicyclingcirclejerk users decide who's in the wrong

17:26 UTC


Is Billie Eilish the bad guy? OP tells her "wish you were gay but with no genital preferences", but /r/196 say "bury your threads" since she spreads "O sure Lies"

OP posts a comic about hating how celebs compare being a lesbian with hating penis, since it hurts her as a trans woman:


When someone asks her for an example, she gives Billie Eilish (now clear it's her in the comic) for saying "for her lesbianism is wanting to bury her face in vagina"


From here, almost every single comment by the OP is downvoted.

People pointing out further context and that Billie Eilish is bisexual:

https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1e5sew6/celebrule/ldotegc/ https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1e5sew6/celebrule/ldp1jfj/

OP dying on the hill that "lesbianism has nothing to do with liking vaginas":

https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1e5sew6/celebrule/ldoq8yq/ https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1e5sew6/celebrule/ldooslv/

"it's problematic to tell people your genital preferences"


More spicy comments:

https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1e5sew6/celebrule/ldorml3/ https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1e5sew6/celebrule/ldp0zju/ https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1e5sew6/celebrule/ldoxqbd/

(let me know if I linked something wrong, I'm doing this on mobile. Also I don't know any new Billie Eilish songs)

03:05 UTC

00:06 UTC


BackYardChickens don't like Chris Pratt enough

The post is a video from Chris Pratt with the very neutral title "You don't like Chris Pratt enough".

In the video, Chris Pratt says that "a study found that if you have chickens, you increase the risk of contracting avian bird flu. As that might be true, who knows? Probably not" . He then says that you also increase the risk of having fun by having chickens.

Various drama ensues:

One user says that Chris Pratt abandoned his cat, another answer "It's just a cat bro"

"I don't particularly like his political ideology"

"Conservatives in a nutshell" followed by "You are a very smart liberal I take it?" with a bit of OP defending Chris Pratt in between

"Why are Conservatives so allergic to science?" and a discussion about science restricting freedom

OP: "I don’t understand how every corner of reddit is so liberal they can’t even enjoy a man enjoying chickens"

OP: "the controversy is honestly shocking. I never expected it"

Enjoy the popcorn from this very quiet, very chill subreddit (usually)

10:02 UTC


MadeMeSmile users very unhappy about homecooked meals.


OP shares a picture of their freezer with prepped meals made by their wife before her trip.

Redditors understandably unhappy with this.

There is no more context.

You're one of those guys?


I’m so glad I’m not married anymore


Soooo.... you gonna tell us whether you're massively incompetent or if your wife just loves you a lot?


Maybe she’s telling you you’re a man child

What is with all the bitterness?!


Grown men struggle with basic life skills such as cooking well and properly cleaning the house. The list goes on. We burden women with so many responsibilities. Women are often expected to take on a disproportionate amount of work. Men should return the favour and share the responsibilities.


As a man it makes me feel second hand embarrassment. Can you not take care of yourself? For three days? Lol


IMO it is more sad than funny. I would never let my wife to serve me like this literally.

You're such a hero.

Not at all, just not a childish asshole...

I don't believe you.


Jesus Christ you fucks are all so sad.

His wife did something nice for him.

That's literally the whole story. Wtf is up with all the "oh poor baby can't cook" and "oh you better worship the ground she walks on" type shit? Tf is wrong with y'all?

If EVERYTHING you do for your partner is kept on a scoreboard I can't imagine your relationship is going well. On the flip side, this would have been just as sweet if it was Gordon fucking Ramsay's wife. WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER IF HE CAN COOK OR NOT?Context:OP shares a picture of their freezer with prepped meals made by their wife before her trip.Redditors understandably unhappy with this.There is no more context.You're one of those guys?.I’m so glad I’m not married anymore.Soooo.... you gonna tell us whether you're massively incompetent or if your wife just loves you a lot?.Maybe she’s telling you you’re a man child

What is with all the bitterness?!Reddit..Grown men struggle with basic life skills such as cooking well and properly cleaning the house. The list goes on. We burden women with so many responsibilities. Women are often expected to take on a disproportionate amount of work. Men should return the favour and share the responsibilities..As a man it makes me feel second hand embarrassment. Can you not take care of yourself? For three days? Lol.IMO it is more sad than funny. I would never let my wife to serve me like this literally.You're such a hero.Not at all, just not a childish asshole...I don't believe you..Jesus Christ you fucks are all so sad.His wife did something nice for him.That's literally the whole story. Wtf is up with all the "oh poor baby can't cook" and "oh you better worship the ground she walks on" type shit? Tf is wrong with y'all?If EVERYTHING you do for your partner is kept on a scoreboard I can't imagine your relationship is going well. On the flip side, this would have been just as sweet if it was Gordon fucking Ramsay's wife. WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER IF HE CAN COOK OR NOT?

01:15 UTC


/r/mildlyinfuriating argues about credit card chargebacks and police involvement over a negative $3.50 tip

21:37 UTC


Who wins in this hypothetical internet argument? The one who comments "." 200 times, or the one who replies to "." 200 times? How about if you automated it with ChatGPT code? r/amcstock tries to answer this non-hypothetical question as it plays out in front of them.

The threads are over 3 months old, no pissing in the popcorn


r/amcstock is a subreddit that's revolved around the american movie theater company, AMC. Unlike most brand subreddits, this one is about the stock ticker of the company, which for people who don't know what that entails, here's a quote of a loyal AMC supporter from the linked threads for context.

These SHILLS are hilarious, they have NOTHING ELSE but senseless posts to cling to as for me I just LOVE AMC STOCK! Nothing will EVER change this, especially some bullshit posts from HEDGECUCKS

I could spend a few paragaphs trying to explain why r/amcstock (alongside other memestocks) believe they will become infinitely rich, but that isn't required to really experience the drama that will unfold here today, so we'll just go straight to it.


A local of r/amcstock posts the second of their twice-daily post, detailing the information posted from a paid subscription service for stock market data. It was going to be another calm day if it wasn't for one particular comment

"Every day is another ATL [All Time Low of the AMC stock]"

lol doesn’t work kiddo


I broke his bot again

(99 children of replying to ".")

Unfortunately, there's not much drama in a comment chain of solely replying to ".", these will come later in the callout threads

"Holy shit this was sad to see. Get it together [OP], your in too deep man lmao"

lol nah, bugging bears is fun

OP calls out the "."

"Don’t forget the bots. They are only low-effort if you remember they aren’t to be taken seriously lol"

"I've never seen someone so oblivious to the fact they are being trolled."

Yeah; he [the "." poster] didn’t seem to catch on what I was doing


If he's a bot, then you're wasting your own time chatting with a bot that isn't even saying words to you.


If he's not a bot, then he's trolling by wasting your time by making YOU always gave to have the last word and take the time to reply.

I don't see how this is a flex.

No flex, just wasting his time

How tf do you waste a bots time? lol

Maybe his time is worth less than what it costs a bot to generate a message? Bet you haven't thought of that.

"My friend ... he's goading you into responding with full sentences with a "." or a "0". About three dozen times, no less. I am not sure this is the "W" you think it is. 😄"

Nope. He just slipped up. And I’m calling him out for everyone to see

Seems rent free almost.

I sure am rent-free in his head. Hey; remember when we roasted you here yesterday. Let’s do that again

I really don’t think you understand how any of this works. Im not even going to argue, debate, or anything of the sort since all you spew is futile nonsense. It’s actually not productive in the slightest and wastes time, energy, and overall brain cells. I hope you have a good life and people to take care of you jerkis, because you truly are the biggest idiot I’ve ever laid eyes on, let alone had to absolute displeasure of interacting with. Thank your for being the garbage you are. Amazing. Astonishing even.

lol yeah you sure did get ripped a new one here… wanna go back to your safe space and I can make you bothered there?

Jesus Christ, the retardation is ripe.

"." comes back for round 2

[DELETED OP + COMMENT], 289 children

"See, sentiment bot"


I'm not going to quote the full thing, have some highlighted responses instead

Checking to see if we can trigger 300 more out of him. Let’s countdown together.

282 - Dude ran out of gpt tokens

I’ve got them showing their desperation now lol

Every time he has to remember who he serves… me

At least he can’t make the argument that I’m wasting my time because it’s his being wasted

PLOT TWIST! ChatGPT code was definitely used to automate the responses!

"So far so good. Been able to successfully test a theory on emotional melties. 36 hours of melty distraction accomplished with a few minutes of coding"

"Lmfao, this code is chatGPT gibberish. I can provide about a dozen reasons, but the most concrete is that your "userInput" handler doesn't even keep a reference to the comment anywhere that your publishNumber could use to respond. At best would could be responding to random comments in the code that you didn't show. People pointing out that you for wasting your life must have hit a nerve yesterday. So of course, you weren't actually wasting your time doing it by hand, that would be pathetic, you just automated it in a couple of minutes. Lol. Lmao even."

What’ wrong kiddo? Nice comments. It’s funny making you upset

Aren't you tired?

Not at all. Most of my melty bugging is low effort and highly effective

Logically if you're bugging, let's say, 1000 people, aren't you doing 1000x the work?

Oh I’m not that cruel… yet

"Jesus this is the most garbage Java:edit: Script* code I’ve seen, please tell me you don’t actually try to do this for a real job? This is the epitome of garbage"

Hell no, this was just a few mins of tinkering around that has taken up 37 hours of a melty

No one needs to do coding for a career to make a melty triggered, that happens with almost anything now. I’d hate to show them what shirt I’m wearing as I’m sure they’ll get emotionally bothered by that too

Sounds triggered

You sure do melty

Keep looking pathetic as you flail, the fact you coded a script for Reddit of all thing instead of dropping the ordeal in the first place shows how stable you are.

This is JavaScript not Java lol. It's funny that the OP didn't correct you, likely because he doesn't know what it is either.

"I really hope you don't do this for a living. 🤍"

lol melties are so very easy to trigger. It’s a hobby kid

Trigger? You think the people watching you be down 90+% are mad?

I think people thinking I’m down 90% don’t understand math. And yeah, there is a large group of people who seem to be overly bothered by what individuals do with their money… so yeah, triggered is very much an appropriate word

19:45 UTC


THAT'S CRINGE: California Age of Consent, r/CodyKo discusses accountability, mod censorship, and if victims should go to the police instead of the internet over allegations of YouTuber CodyKo sleeping with a 17 year old when he was 25.

The whole sub is on fire but this thread is particularly slap fighty


Edit: The sub has gone private

Some threads on r/YouTubedrama discussing the drama:

YouTuber calling him out


Mod censorship discussion:


Older Clip corraborating story 


14:20 UTC


"In Japan, it's not unacceptably rude to comment on someone's weight. It's just reality. " More drama in r/japanlife after OP asks how they can get their Japanese acquaintances to stop commenting on their weight!

CONTEXT: A subreddit for foreign redditors living in Japan to discuss their lives in the country, r/japanlife has been a hotbed of drama for a long time now, leading to an offshoot sub, r/japanresidents, in order to (unsuccessfully) escape it. This time, a post has OP express that their Japanese fellows are being too insensitive regarding their weight, and the sub doubles down on that same insensitivity. A showdown develops as users argue if it's right for Japanese culture to denigrate obesity, or if it's just fat shaming. Note that the sub's jannies are moving fast to delete comments, so get the popcorn while it's hot!


The comments will end if you focus on your health and eliminate the reason.

Completely correct! I feel the same way about ugly people. They should cover their faces if the don't want me tell them they are ugly.

What? That’s completely different lol


Breaking news, you have control over your weight, not the other.

OK, is that the standard? Good to know. I mean, some might say there are valid medical reasons, psychological and mental health reasons to gain excessive weight but I guess they're all wrong. I'll guess I'll go around telling people they are fat and if they don't like it they should lose weight.

You're in the wrong country to be making this argument. With an obesity rate of around *3% in comparison to vastly higher percentages in Western countries, it would seem that Japan's methodology works when it comes to keeping its people at a healthy weight. Too many people in the West think of their weight as something that can't be changed, as something that's the fault of society or some illness that they have, when in reality they just don't want to eat less and do a bit of walking.

The point I'm making, which I didn't think was particularly difficult or controversial, is that you don't go around telling people they're fat. If you do, you're incredibly and unacceptably rude. I don't disagree with your other points but OP didn't ask the idiots on japanlife for fucking medical advice. People acting like they're MDs as opposed to drunk expats waiting on the euros.

People in Japan do, indeed, go around telling people that they're fat. It's normal behavior here, and it seems to work. Sometimes being too nice to people ends up harming them in the end, and the West's obsession with fat acceptance might be an example of that.

No. Rude people do. What are you actually arguing here? Japanese are rude?It's not being "too nice" to people to keep your trap shut. Shit man, you must know terrible people.

And there is follow up to one defender's question of "How?"

Common dude, no one’s that dumb..

So it's okay if it's fat people?

Jesus Christ you are that dumb aren’t you? Fat people can lose weight. If someone makes a comment on your weight, instead of crying about it, grow up and do something about it. If someone makes fun of how your face looks, they’re just assholes.

So it's cool to insult some people for physical stuff and not others. Great. I got you. Seeing as I'm so dumb, help me out. What can I call fat and ugly people? I can call them fat, just not ugly?

Don’t you just call her mum?

Wow. You totally won this argument. Good job Mr Hitchens.

I never said it was cool to insult anyone. But if someone makes a comment about something you can change and it upsets you. Then maybe it’s not the comment that upset you but the thing that you can change but choose not to. If someone makes an offensive comment about something you can’t change. They are assholes. 分かった?means "do you get it?"

Do put carts before horses a lot or just when it's convenient? And you feel okay to insult someone's mum? Yeah, I bet you're the coolest one in friend group. Try this: Don't talk about the way people look. If you do, you're the c*nt. 理解できる?難しい?means "Is it difficult to understand?"

You walked straight into that mum joke lol how could I not? If you chose to be offended by something then maybe that’s your problem? Stop blaming other people

One user thinks it is inappropriate to grab someone's "rolls"

lmao at all these comment considering people grabbing somebody else‘s fat normal. OP, just confront and if necessary, escalate at work

I have a kid student who points it out time to time. I just look at her, serious face, and ask "is that nice to say?" Her English is good, so she knows what I'm saying. Her apology is fake but I figure I do it enough, she'll stop. Maybe.

Or just lose some weight...

Genius! I hadn't thought of that!

And here comes the snark...You chose to live in Japan, so deal with it rather than trying to change the moral grounding of a kid pointing out the obvious.

You surmised from one one comment that I'm not working on it?

Fair enough. Good luck on your journey, and I truly mean that. Apologies if I came off as insensitive.

I'm not the person you've been replying to. But you've come off as ignorant.

Lol, since you are not OP, I don't care about you, your feelings, or your opinion.

Another user sympathizes and advises them to exercise and diet

I mean it sucks; I’ve been there twice. 128kg and 120kg all fat no muscle. Basically people here are going to bully you for being fat, either learn to ignore them, move countries or ideally, lose weight. At that weight you are damaging your health and putting yourself at serious risk of long term health issues that can persist after weight loss. The best solution is to start eating healthier and once you get down to something more reasonable adding some exercise into the mix. more follows

Strongly agree, best is to lose weight. Sadly, Asia will not be understanding of being “American size”, and it may come to the point where your boss feel they need to correct it based on the result of your yearly health check. Luckily japanese food is among the most healthy in the world. Just avoid the deep fried stuff. So sorry OP, you should listen. Good part is that it’s not an impossible challenge and you can 100% do it. Best of luck 👍

Preceding comment deleted by mods; "I'm not obese! I'm plus size!" It's quite sad what the media has done to vulnerable people in America concerning health and weight.

Plenty of people are indeed plus size rather than obese…

Sure, but that's the nuance of it. It got taken too far and nobody stopped it saying "well listen, there are people who are naturally bigger, and then there's obesity." So a lot of obese people started using that as an excuse.

Preceding comment deleted by mods; Obese is obese. There is no understanding it. Also other people don't care about your health problems. So lose weight or live with the consequences. Just don't try to fool yourself by calling yourself plus size. You sound very sensitive and touched about being called obese. So maybe that says a lot about what the truth is. Also your argument makes zero sense about using plus size as a defence for being called fat. It's called lying to yourself. Have a good day.

And another "sympathizes" with OP

That is an extremely dangerous level of obesity - I would focus on your health rather than worrying about comments.

He probably knows this already as most overweight people would rather be skinny if they had the choice

Then put in the hard work. Saying they'd rather be skinny if given the choice is just lazy and trying to not take responsibility for a consequence that they cause themselves.

While I agree that avoiding comments is not the solution, I have to say that obesity is much more complex than what you make it out to be. Obese people aren't just lazy. Often obesity beings while still in the womb or in childhood. And the body always memorizes its highest weight and wants to go back after weight loss. Obesity alters the brain and body chemistry. For obese people it's not enough to just do the same as naturally skinny people. It takes much more to go there. It's a chronic disease. And one that is underappreciated, under-researched and under-treated. more follows

Finally, one person thinks that HR could solve their issue, to much disagreement

Worst case scenario is they’re seen as causing drama in the workplace, no one says anything to them and they need to look for another job while the management keeps an eye out for an “acceptable” reason to let them go.

right, so better to just sit there and take it? op not reporting just ensures its going to continue. you cant not say/do something simply because you think the possibility is there for it not to work. not all companies have shitty HR. some actually take their policies seriously and will definitely act on it if its reported. better op reports it and IF the scenario you painted pans out, then op has ammo and choices.

Welcome to workplaces in Japan. Upsetting the harmony, especially as someone low on the totem pole, will quickly make you an outcast. Not all workplaces are like that, obviously, but if OP's colleagues are comfortable making fat jokes, chances are they are in one of them.

still no reason not to report. if you are in a company like that, obviously you should try to get out but its not always a possibility. not doing anything and not creating a paper trail just allows the behaviour to continue. if it bothered me, i personally would not put up with it. i would definitely do something. i'm also aware that some ppl dont have the fortitude to create noise, so there is that. but for me, nah dont let that shit stand. fortunately, ive never been in a company that doesnt have rules that clearly state what is not acceptable.

You have a profound misunderstanding of how Japan's work culture works. Reporting it is more often a worse result than not. What company have you worked for in Japan, out of interest?

no, i dont. i just happened to work for companies that take HR matters seriously. they do exist. not all companies in Japan are black/dont care about policies. yea, no chance im telling you that. but not saying does not invalidate my experiences.

I can guarantee you're in a super minority, as your comments don't reflect the culture at all. You also don't need to say the company name, you could have just described it, so no need to get so defensive. Your answer of dobbing on colleagues just doesn't work socially 9 times out of 10. The correct way to go about it is to talk to the person one on one (not in front of everyone) and explain to them you don't like them doing that and to stop. If that doesn't work and you don't want to lose the weight, well then you might want to look for work elsewhere. HR in Japan is super company orientated, even more so than the West. What do you think their aim would be if there was an employee disrupting the workplace over what would be considered as a joke?

ok your thinking is yours and you do what you want. what do you call 'colleagues' as in more than one, doing when they call op fat? thats disruption in the workplace. look, im not going to debate this with you further. but what you are asking op to do is akin to telling someone who goes to school every day and gets punched in stomach, or pushed around, to just suck it up or move schools. not the exact same thing of course, but your course of action is. i already pointed out that life is miserable for op as it is, so either report it and deal with what happens or leave the company. either way the worst case is they leave the company.more follows

Your advice would make OP's life worse. I can almost guarantee it. You don't understand Japanese culture, it's very obvious. You think like an American living in a foreign country. Unless you work for a predominantly Gaijin company, that simply doesn't work. You can live in your fantasy world, where marching up to HR and telling them that other workers are being mean to you will magically solve the problem. I'll live in reality.

It's yet another classic round of drama from r/japanlife, the hits just don't stop coming. The ultimate irony being that redditors are admonishing another redditor's weight of course. There is a lot of primo flair for your enjoyment: "You think like an American living in a foreign country", "cool story bro. be the victim, do nothing. its your life", "the West's obsession with fat acceptance might be an example of that", "What are you actually arguing here? Japanese are rude?", "it's not fully taboo to engage in incest in the U.S's southern states" or "Deal with it as you will, but that's Japan life for fat people", "You sound very sensitive and touched about being called obese", "'American size' is absolutely a thing, because Americans have gotten fat as a nation", "People in Japan do tell people that they're fat, it's normal behavior here", "Weight is something people can control. Like their haircut", "Sumo is a way of life, not just something fat people do", and "Society in Japan stop growing up at high school age".

Edit: The drama is coming from inside the thread!

07:44 UTC


On the night of the UEFA Euro 2024 Final r/FCBayernWomen gets raided for horny crimes

r/FCBayernWomen is a subreddit dedicated to discussion of the pro women's football/soccer team FC Bayern Munich. Most of the regular posts consisted of discussing which players were most attractive and sharing pictures of them in revealing clothing. On top of that, it seems to be popular enough that users residing in Germany have it suggested by Reddit's algorithm as "Popular near you." which is how I and assumedly others found out about it.

Note: most of the drama is in German. I'll be using google translate and filling in the gaps with my own knowledge of german as a non-native speaker.

#####How did this start? It seems to have been organized off reddit. Namely, someone shared a link to it in a discord server and basically said "I found this gross subreddit, let's raid them." Oh, and apparently they're a bunch of 15 year olds, or at least the original raiders are. A few other unrelated shitposters may have joined in on the fun.

#####What's even happening? Most of the raid consists of memes either reposted without context (warning: loud), as clickbait pretending to be sexual content about the team, or mocking the userbase's hygiene and alleged fatherlessness, among other things.

#####Assorted Highlights Someone driving by this dumpster fire disagrees with the raid's intent

Revenge of the Simps

It's funny how Reddit basement kids want to defend the "honor" of professional women's soccer players, even though these women, just like any other woman in your life, wouldn't even give you a look.

These soccer players deliberately upload pictures of themselves in bikinis so that losers like you become their fans and followers. Accusing the dudes in this sub of sexualizing these women against their will is ridiculous and unrealistic.

You only have to go to your profiles to see that most of you are really the clichéd Reddit autists with no sexual experience. But thank you for bringing this sub to my attention!

One of the raiders tries to explain, but is basically told "who cares?":

The problem is not the pictures, but the public arousal and evaluation of these women. Feel free to privately fap whenever you want, but don't let the whole internet get involved, especially not the people themselves. We don't even need to talk about all the role play stuff, it's absolutely creepy. And then justifying the whole thing is just disgusting.

You can be absolutely indifferent to where strangers get turned on. You are not forced to become part of this niche of the public.

Another fruitful discussion:

That's exactly wrong 👆🏻 Accusing every woman/player of posting such pictures to generate followers is pure sexism. Aren't they allowed to just upload pictures that they find beautiful like any normal social media user? And then the worst thing is that people in the subreddit get excited about it publicly and just sexualize these women...

Brother, there's a woman who uploads a bikini picture, then there are people who repost it and jerk off to it. So what? And now?

If people jerk off to it privately, that's fine. But sexualizing women like that publicly on the internet is just not acceptable. I don't understand why people defend it either? Would you be OK with some creeps on Reddit getting excited about it if it was your daughter/sister/girlfriend/wife?

Of course it's possible? Why shouldn't it be possible? I'm talking about a woman and I say she looks hot, what's your problem, boy?

TL note for this one: in German the word for grass has only one 's'.

you're trying to justify yourself even though everyone knows that this subreddid is the biggest shit and full of weirdos. you can ask any other person and i'm sure they would have the same opinion. get out of your gooning basement and touch graß

What is a gooning basement? What is graß? What's wrong with you?

Graß is a misspelling of Gras and a gooning cave is your parent's basement where you live.

The OP of that posts then gets memes made about them as well.

Buff doge: raiders

Crying cheems: [OP], who tries to justify himself and fails very badly

Another user gets mocked for looking for NSFW roleplay. The text of the linked meme translates to "[RPer] as he looks for a RP partner."

Raiders mention a chess club (Schach AG) and passerbys are confused. Second image says "I don't know what Schach AG is and at this pint I'm too afraid to ask."

One person may or may not be trolling by posting purposefully optuse shit. Meme TL:

A: I'm the dumbest person in the world!

B, quoting the user: Yea, they're women, what else is one to do but sexualize them? I don't get the point at all.

A: You are obviously dumber.

In the comments the subject of the above post give a bunch of non-sequitor responses and even the OP unsure of whether or not they're being earnest.

As of writing this, there hasn't been much of a response from the sub userbase or the singular mod.

(Edit: some formatting)

22:53 UTC


Users on r/pics are up in arms about a post regarding Trump making fun of a disabled reporter

Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/hYmcyjrNhG

Accusations of propaganda: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/8YK4sqn335

Someone thinks bots are infiltrating the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/wv84OoeZoa

Someone thinks this is in response to the assasination attempt yesterday: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/mSyxxrzrzv

Should empathy be given to Trump?: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/KJ5UEutZQE

Apparently, it’s the liberals who tried to assassinate Trump(?): https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/UHG5hiN4YQ

19:34 UTC


The apolitical billionaire messiah (CEO of GameStop) makes a "Trump 2024" tweet, thousands of comments are made on r/Superstonk as it tries to find out who's the real paid actor trying to inject politics into their movement to cause the greatest wealth transfer in history.

I can't really accurately state in a title sentence how much of an impact this had to the apes, see for yourself in this post.


r/Superstonk is a subreddit revolving around the GameStop (GME) stock, in the briefest possible explanation, the redditors (self described as apes) have a theory that as long as they keep buying and never selling the company's stock, the stock will eventually become worth billions of USD per individual stock.

Ok, you think that sounds unrealistic and sounds a lot like cryptocurrency financial armageddon? Well, that's the outlook required to understand the fanaticism and conspiratorial thinking you're about to see. Some apes think that GameStop will do a turnaround play to be valued like the equivalent to Apple, but this is already seen as a soft-schism as redditors are tired of not seeing massive gains after 3.5 years.

The CEO billionaire of GameStop, Ryan Cohen, has generally been seen as the individual working behind the scenes through the power of 4D chess in ensuring the redditors get paid. His tweets are practically quoted as scripture for the apes to follow, for instance, you'll see a lot through this post about how "ape no fight ape" is supported on an interpretation of a few tweets, such as "The hell with the left and the right. Stop dividing the people 💜"

Of course, with anyone familiar with this kind of thinking, it's far more likely he can be identified as a yellow libertarian, such as his views on covid vaccination, his view on "insurrectionists", posing with Javier Milei, president of Argentina, and now, 20 minutes after the shooting of Donald Trump, Trump 2024 🇺🇸. He has recently caused a noticeable division within the community through dilution of the stock, being accused of stopping the ape's chance of 'generational wealth'.

While there is ongoing comment wars, the moderators have invoked the "zero politics" rule and have been deleting a lot of comments, so this is a sample of what's leftover. Other schisms of the ape movement have far more politics present, such as when Vivek Ramaswamy appeared at a event focused on the "possible merger" between Bed-Bath-Beyond and GameStop event, but that's a schism story for another time.

Drama time!

"RYAN COHEN on X" (LOCKED, 60% upvote ratio with +5,251)

Some apes are sad that Papa/Daddy cohen decided to tweet politics


Why daddy, why?

Some apes are upset not by the politics, but that some "apes" are being bitches and not HODLing ["Well looks like superstonk is about to get political like it or not"] (https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1e2n9cr/ryan_cohen_on_x/ld25e0w)

We're not left or right. We're the ones below coming for the ones above.

RC is at the top & leaning to the right, so wut do? To be clear I just want MOASS and don’t care about politics (just the crime)

I have been here for 84 years and a single tweet is what is making you sell? Not selling, not going anywhere.

Some apes see this as.... clearly not politics

"I. Am. Confused."

This is so off brand for a guy that has always said company's and executives shouldn't take sides as it can alienate half your market instantly. I. Am. Also. Confused.

I don’t see this as him taking sides (-150)

Some apes see this as only a bad move because it effects the stock price, after all they just want to get paid.

"You're trying to turn a business around and need every customer you can get. WHY WHY WHY do you feel the need to post shit like this. Tesla literally lost millions of sales due to Elmo taking this approach. We don't have millions of sales to lose. Goddamnit!"

Some apes notice that this is just good old billionaire behavior

"Not a single good billionaire. Good thing I put my trust, blood, sweat and tears into this only to see our CEO in support of a fucking traitor."

Apes proceeds to have an intellectual conversion in another thread

"This is not a cult and you should be critical" (87% upvoted, +2,213)

"Thats right. Being critical does not mean you’re a shill."

I would agree. But loudly proclaiming that RC is the devil, GME is now doomed, and you're selling seems really shilly to me.

Yes, that sounds equally ignorant. But there’s nothing wrong with a little critical dialogue.

This times a 100. When we had the share offering as things were ramping a lot, this discourse we had was good and necessary. The doom and gloom and infighting however, is bad

It's almost as if the doom and gloom and infighting amongst shareholders could have all been avoided by the company's CEO not making a stupid tweet, and that's exactly what those of us who are annoyed are complaining about....🤔

"annoyed" you made a post that you wanna VOTE him out, have some shame.

Do we even know he supports Trump? There was another comment in the other thread saying essentially that this shooting just handed Trump the presidency on a silver platter and it was more of a “calling it now” than “I support this”. Others also pointed out where RC has previously stated that he frequently shitposts / memes / etc and not to read too much into anything he posts. Which would also support a “well fuck here we go” vibe moreso than a “rah rah MAGA” vibe.

You guys are crazy with your mental gymnastics

You'd have to be a complete and total dingus to take that tweet as an endorsement knowing fully well WHO RC is. 💎👏

Since he also ‘proclaimed’ he has a small weewee but we know in reality….

Yes, please continue contorting yourself into a pretzel to explain this away.

Shills these days … 🤣

"I argue it has turned pretty cultish, apes calling him Papa and praising everything he does even when it hurts them. I don't give a fuck what some billionaire does, I believe the DD and I like the stonk, that's it, the rest is fucking noise."

But he keeps fucking us over by diluting shares. It'll happen again.

How’s that fucking us over? It’s making the company impossibly strong… like a citadel

Exactly I think he should dilute 300million more shares! Imagine a $10billion warchest! How strong would that be!

A fellow ape notices that there's signs of paid actors.

"'They' are here." (85% upvoted, +1,070

I’ve been here since the beginning, I was here for the last few sub migrations. LONG had it been theorized that the majority of members here are bots/shills. They have always been here. Lurking, biding their time and they have struck with a vengeance this weekend.


NONE of it matters. The only thing that does is buy, hold, DRS, shop. This has NEVER been a left vs right movement it has ALWAYS been the bottom vs the top and this is all an effort to politicize and divide. DO. NOT. LET. THEM.

They will post, they will comment, they will reply to each other in argument. ALL OF IT is to spread discord and emotion out of ACTUAL shareholders. Ignore the shills, downvote, report, check out commenting history. It is PAINFULLY obvious and we MUST be close. Let them expose themselves and i repeat. DO NOT ENGAGE.




"If you think for a second that an assassination attempt on one political member is going to make me forget that they’re actively trying to assassinate the middle class, you really have another thing coming."

Well the CEO apparently has endorsed him, so yeah I won't forget that. That candidate wants to raise Chinese tariffs. That's where most of GameStop's products come from.

Hey bot, write me a story about apes taking over the world but title it "Planet of Monke", include plenty of references to bananas and detailed descriptions of how they climb trees.

"While I agree with you and your general sentiment, honestly I'm seeing more posts like this than I am actual shills and FUD. I think what is getting lost in the discussion is that there's sorta 2 factions of apes in the sub, those who believe the DD and like the stonk (and that's it) and then those who seem to have formed a cult-like obsession with the CEO and view any critique of him as an attack on them, on GME on everything which is just regarded"

Does it matter what the company does anymore? According to OP and other posts, nothing matters what the CEO says or what the company does. In fact, this company says the least to any shareholder. Does making a profit matter to anybody?

Following the logic, the conclusion is, it doesn't matter.

But the fact is, 45 million shares sold at 20. 75 million shares sold at 28. That capped the moass. But look how they interpret the tweets from RK. Total denial when it all played out.

RC needs to be voted out. The culture at this company is to just work hard, great, but did this tweet help sales now? No. RC is not a promoter and this Subreddit gave him the power he has. Now he's trying to divide us with his bullshit because of the threat of a hostile takeover.

ALERT: Check this users post history. Clearly against RC and trying to spread division. Apes, be vigilant and check post history of SUS users.

Yeah I am against RC. I'm voting him out. I saw enough of his actions. I am holding GME and not selling. I upvoted you for visibility.

"It isn't noise, lmfaoooooo. Are you insane? Half of our shareholders, employees and clients could cut bait. You think the sp will hold up if half of cs sells? We made 6 mil profit in 2023, you think we're green if half our customers don't come in? How can we make money if half our employees quit? The risk that this dumbass tweet has introduced makes Elon's mistepps look juvenile by comparison. The best case scenario is that if was simply a mistake and now fucking AI algos are going to use this negative sentiment to plummet us. The worst case is that he meant it, which would make you question his judgement as a leader. I think it's the former, not the latter, but it was the worst decision I've seen in this saga."

I don't agree with my bosses politics so I'm going to tell him to stop paying me.


Ehh if my boss was a fucking moron (not saying RC is at all), then I'd have a hard time working with/for them..

My boss is a flaming idiot. Pays damn well though. I'm just here to feed my family. Not really in to crying.

"If you make your financial decision over an X post you shouldn’t have access to the stock market" (65% upvoted, +663)

Everyone cries and start talking about pulling out over a post?

Okay goodbye, I bet you will be so proud watching GME goes to infinity, while you staying broke for ever. Good job

Nothing has changed and to throw away something you believed in for years because of this is just stubborn

Aswell this post could mean several things and is not a clear statement of his political position and even if it is, you have to get over it that people have different opinions

"human rights and a standing democracy are not "differing political opinions" this post means one thing and one thing only. and it's fucking disgusting."

sell it and leave, but at least be true to your morals. I'm here to make money, whether that's under red, blue, or gold. spend your GME money donating to the opposition if you feel stronger politically than commercially.

Thank you.

No idea why folks care so much about the CEO's political leaning when they know damn well they are simply here to make money.

The guy isn't an idol or a figurehead. Just a man. The hero worship shit is coming to a full-stop.

It's not about hero worship, it's about what the CEO of a publicly traded company supports, and when that's fascism, it doesn't matter if money is made it will only be for those in power

I respectfully disagree. I am not in the business of picking these horrible candidates. I'm of the belief that the system is corrupt from the ground-up. I hate the poor choice of candidates on both side of the isle. Full stop.

That's exactly why I'm here.

I mention hero-worship because I'm seeing folks talk about how their "image of Papa Cohen is ruined" when they never should have put him on a pedestal to begin with. None of these people are our friends.

The community, however, is the strongest it has been in months, and I genuinely believe that. The "Sneeze Round Two: Electric Boogaloo" has reignited the passion so many of us have to see this thing through.

I don't want some stupid fucking tweet to derail all we've worked for. I'm not leaving one way or the other. I just want people to see past the bullshit and get back to what matters.

Seeing past the bullshit is realizing that Cohen is a fascist apologist and the only route to MOASS is a Trump administration. It's gonna happen either way so I guess why not support it ayy dirt bags? Fascism as long as you profit right? And that's a question to myself because I'm invested, but questioning that day by day

"…or that your presupposition is wrong. Maybe there are reasons to support Trump that you’re not considering and your own rage is blinding you to a potentially fruitful dialogue"

oh please

Right, that would be too much thinking huh

only valid reason for RC is tax cuts for the richest of rich, and even that is a bad look for me personaly

Lower corporate tax, lower interest rates, better US economy? I know, why would a CEO want THAT!?!?

A christo-fascist dictatorship, why would a CEO of Gamestop not wan't that?

It's not serious!

"Ryan tweets about poop all the time, why is this different?" 65% upvoted, +257

"Poop isn't political"

So because a shit post is political we're not allowed to look for deeper meaning? We're supposed to take it at face value despite being a huge conflict with everything else he's posted and claims to stand for? We're supposed to believe the man who days ago was lauded as a business and finance mastermind is now going to nonchalantly alienate more than half his companies home country?

Personally I think there's more connection between Kenny and Trump. Who was the gensler During the last administration? What did they change? How are they or trump still connected to this? We should be decoding this like every other shit post, not crying about politics and crying about crying about politics.

"Mods delete this, trying to divide us with politics"

i never mentioned politics

"because he endorsed a presidential candidate alienating half his customer base"

Giant Meteor 2024

When I post this am I endorsing something that will wipe out humanity for president candidate obliterating all the GME customer base? Am I worse in this case?

Everyone needs to chill out, put down the pitchforks and wait for the clarification since his statement could be interpreted so many different ways. Either investigate to see if he did something concrete like donated to Trump's campaign or wait for him to clarify.

Honestly 4D chess move would be to do absolutely no clarification and to make GME cheaper then RC to buy cheap shares, allow shorts to load up and then issue a statement.

Edit: Guess people don't like my candidate. That is sad. There would be peace on Earth. No more wars.

that's ridiculously hyperbolic

19:23 UTC


Pilot flys off the handle as a non-pilot correctly lands the correct answer whilst guessing in r/aviation [locked]

20:05 UTC


Users at r/hilariabaldwin react to the dismissal of Alec Baldwin's 'Rust' trial.


Alec Baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial was dismissed by New Mexico Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer this Friday. Baldwin could have faced 18 months in prison if the jury had agreed he committed the felony.

The case had already been shaky after Judge Sommer declared earlier this week that his role as co-producer was not relevant to the trial. It was mostly dismissed because the prosecution failed to provide evidence to the defense that could have exonerated Baldwin. ^(Source)

Some users at r/hilariabaldwin seem to believe that he should be tried anyways in a recent post.

The drama

Users debate whether karma is real or not:

Karma isn't real. There is example after example after example of terrible people getting away with it through the end with no consequences, and in some case gaining more and more power forever. Hard to accept but it's true.

I try to believe in karma. I think Alec’s whole life is karma. Do you think he is happy? No! He is miserable. Awful grifting wife, too many children to support. He is tired, he thought he would be laying on a bed of cash getting blown all day in his retirement. Instead he has a psychotic wife who hates him and embarrasses him, very very young children who are annoying and need to be provided for, and health issues that someone of his stature in life shouldn’t be dealing with. I also think this whole ordeal is a form of karma. I never believed for one second he would go to jail and not surprised at all he is a free man. But it has been a stain on his life and he won’t shake this, just like he has never been able to shake the way he spoke to Ireland.

Yeah, but I don’t like this kind of karma. I want the karma where he is forced to walk NYC with a sandwich board around his neck that reads, “I’m the ill of society” while elementary school kids poke him with sticks and the Jr High kids throw fire crackers at his busted ass Weinstein x Florsheim loafers

Another user laments losing three days of their summer watching the trial:

Unbelievable! I lost 3 days of my summer watching this trial to this? How could NM authorities and prosecution mess up this badly? This case was dismissed as a mistrial with prejudice, yet, it doesn't mean he is not guilty. Alec Baldwin killed Halyna. PERIOD!

To be honest, this is why I didn't watch it, I had the suspicion it would go up in flames and didn't want to waste my time and energy

An outsider comments on the situation:

Ran here to see you all blowing up. 😂

Because it's so funny that a person died and he isn't held responsible for his own negligence? That's a real knee slapper...

I’m sorry, but they never had a case against him. I’m genuinely sorry you’re so shocked and upset.

Some users reflect on the state of the sub:

Since when does a community that prides itself on monitoring and policing bad behavior enjoy celebrating and encouraging blatant corruption that was presented with a bow in front of everyone’s eyes? And people here are still complaining? Yes Alec Baldwin is kind of an asshole and Hilaria is mentally ill and a grifter, so be it for this scenario- it’s irrelevant to what actually happened. Educate yourself on why this occurred.

The fact that another gun had live ammo in it changes everything. Alec is an asshole but that doesn't make him a cold-blooded killer.

Alec the actor is innocent of murder. Baldwin the producer should probably be held at least partially liable for the criminal negligence on set.

A user expressed that they will be on hiatus after the verdict:

I will not be able to handle the victory parade this family is going to throw. I'm bowing out pepinos. Fight the good fight if you're up for it. I'm not. Going to bury my head in the sand for the foreseeable future. It just gets worse and worse and evil people keep getting away with literally everything. I'm praying for Halyna and her family today. All my prayers to Andros ❤️

Me too, After today I can't poison myself with this shit any longer. I hope I can hold myself to it.

EDIT: formatting screwed the original post, I had to edit.

08:26 UTC


Members of r/ZZZ_Official are left feeling hollow after mods begin tossing fan art into the ether

A thread that summarizes it some is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/s/0je4oSmooE

It's well known that MiHoYo, the creators of Genshin Impact, makes a lot of money from gacha games. It's also known that their fanbases tend to get obsessive and more than a little horny for the characters. With the recent release of Zenless Zone Zero, MiHoYo has created a fairly young cast of characters and decided to take advantage of this in a very sublte way. When players collect enough copies of a character, they can be rewarded with literally stripped down versions of the character's game art.. Mix in a little Reddit behavior, and you can see where this is headed.

It didn't take long before mods started banning and removing fanart of characters for NSFW depictions. However, they are also banning fan art featuring official representations of these characters. In other words, MiHoYo gave some girl characters a scantily clad appearance, but if you draw that, you will be banned.

Naturally, the community has responded.


imagine banning posting of characters from a game in said games sub lmao not defending the weirdos, just pointing out how ridiculous this sounds.


And Piper has been confirmed as an adult. But that won't justify anything either. The rules say: "minor-looking character."

Therefore, the official ages don't matter.

Lmao so you cant post 70% of official art of the female characters

Mods are fucking tripping, can't post IN GAME SCREENSHOT of Nekomata ult because 'uhh this bad' like wtf you smoking dude this is IN THE FUCKING GAME I stare at her ass at every damn combat screen

This will probably spill into broader conversations about gaming because it is definitely a controversial part of the game.

21:27 UTC


Has Mozilla become an advertising company? r/browsers infighting.

CONTEXT: Mozilla Firefox is one of the oldest web browsers under active development, identifying itself with the values of free software, privacy and openness. The development of Firefox is supported by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation and its tax-paying subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.

Recently, Mozilla's reputation among the browser community has been damaged by poor management choices, such as misaimed funds, unfair layoffs and struggling to keep up with web trends. One of these "problematic" decisions is the adquisition of Anonym, a company especializing in "privacy-preserving digital advertising."

This takes us to today's post. In the context of growing pessimism about Firefox's future, Mozilla's fans and critics are divided on the matter:

I swear to Christ I don't know how some of you people function. You need worry about what SSRI you need to be taking, not web browsers.

You know what I see? A whole lot of "I think" and a whole bunch of "what if" surrounding this conversation. But what I'm not seeing is a whole lot of "here's how it actually is."

Even when it gets explained – how uBlock (which you should be using anyway) will make the default setting irrelevant, how you have to interact with an ad for anything to happen, how zero personal info gets sent – people still cross their arms and say, "Well, I don't believe it."

If you're that deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole, and you yet haven't been put into a padded room, then leave Firefox. Please, I promise you the community will be very happy without you.

I've never seen so much misinformation about a single topic. It's honestly mind-boggling.

Cry about it.

" I believe 100% the lies and statements of the company I like. I think anyone who believes what another company says is stupid. In 2 years, when my company develops new policies, I will defend it like a donkey again. Because being open-minded requires this first. Please stop discussing my company. "

With less words.

Nobody thinks Mozilla is an advertising company. Nobody wonders what if Mozilla was an advertising company.

Mozilla is, by all metrics, an advertisement company now.

They have one division devoted to ad metrics. They have another division that sells data to advertisers.

Where's the conspiracy?

Whats up with the mozilla hate? You know every other browser out there has more ads and is more callous about collecting data.

Stfu and go to crypto brave or micros$ft edge or Ad chrome. You have choices.

Stopping the big tech with big-tech-like advertising tracking tech with a promise of privacy is what big tech already does but fails miserably. If Mozilla was just another ad company, what's the difference between Brave, Chrome, and others?

Imo, a browser should be a browser, nothing more, nothing less, and they should stop it there.

Brave is a scummy company, but they've always been relatively forthright about their proprietary advertisement practices. They don't brag about being ethical. They don't have a freaking manifesto about how the web should be open and not beholden to a few big companies.

When Brave jammed AI into some of their browser, I wasn't surprised. They've been telegraphing that since their conception as a trend-chasing corporation.

When Firefox arrives late to the party and lazily injects some proprietary ChatGPT slop into their browser, I'm much more shocked because it goes against half the stuff in that manifesto.

I'll never understand the love for Brave. It's made by Peter Thiel and he made Palantir. How the fuck people eat up the marketing of a "private browser" without doing the slightest research boggles my mind. Brave is a literally a sheep in wolf's clothing and it's so damn obvious.

Where is your source to mozilla adding chatgpt and not local AI? If you don't understand what you are talking about its ok to say so you know.

Also mozilla has always and will always be fighting for open internet like the EFF. Just because fox news rotted you brain doesn't make it bad. [the thread continues...]

Yeah, that sounds pretty awesome. Let's stop it there. Now how much would you be willing to pay for a browser? I'm thinking it's probably going to be subscription based, since it requires constant maintenance / updates.

Browsers have been a part of the mainstream operating systems since the inception. If nobody built a browser, then the OS maker will do, just like Apple did with Safari.

As far as Firefox is concerned, they already monetise it through search engines deals as far as I know, that should have got them the money. Why a browser needs to collaborate with advertisers to give them their users' data in any way if their intention is to just make a good browser for their users?

The browsers of OS makers are monetized too. Microsoft does it with Edge, Google with Chrome and Apple does it too. Have a look at Safari's privacy policy. They also collect data.

"You have choices" is the exact same wording Google used when they forced Topics surveillance on their users. Except Google actually presented you with a popup telling you they did it.

"You have choices, and they are either brown-nosing Mozilla or switching to something else"?

That's tragic.

You sound like you hate Mozilla, with how little you think of them.

Your flair is a good warning. Nice bait though.

Hey, anything to keep you from holding Mozilla to any standard.

Your standards are self cannibalizong. [sic]

What are your standards?

I actually like the Mozilla manifesto.

I hate that Mozilla took action against their CPO Steve Teixeira for daring to stand up for that manifesto and against Mozilla continuously firing employees while bloating CEO salaries.

"Except Google actually presented you with a popup telling you they did it." I don't know what you're insinuating here? Nothing related to Anonym has even been added to Firefox yet.

Like don't get me wrong, I am absolutely concerned and disappointed by this acquisition of Anonym, but I feel like it's way too early to form an opinion until we actually see what happens.

"You sound like you hate Mozilla, with how little you think of them." I think it actually says how little they think of the industry right now. Literally what other options are there? Basically Chromium clone #99 (Recent Hangouts situation proves the importance of browser engine diversity), or Firefox.

That doesn't mean it's okay or acceptable for Mozilla to do whatever it wants... it just means the browser market currently sucks and there needs to be better options. Hope Ladybird works out I guess...

Have you not seen Firefox 128's new telemetry exclusively for serving ads, that's enabled by default, and was built in cooperation with Meta?

Mozilla is doing so many ethically questionable things that it's hard to keep track.

Look, ads suck and I hate seeing them as much as anyone but they are how free internet sites make money.

I would rather a reasonably ethical company like Mozilla be able to compete than we all give yet more funding to the Google Ads machine.

What makes you think Mozilla is an "ethical company"? Google was all about ethics and "doing no evil" until the advertising money started pouring in, then the ethics handbook went right out the window.

There are different corporate structures and incentives. At Google, everything is geared towards benefiting share holders, the primary goal is profit. With Firefox, it's Mozilla foundation at the end that dictates the goals. The nonprofit is geared towards privacy and and a better web, but keeping the organisation going and personal goals of executives can also play a role. This system might not be perfect, but the incentives are certainly such to develop ad solutions that do preserve privacy, are least harmful to users, and enable websites to be profitable.

I would encourage you to look up the Steve Teixeira lawsuit to see how Mozilla internally adheres to their own ethical standards. Because I have no problem with nonprofits on paper. The problem is that "non profit" doesn't mean "good", it just means "probably better".

Looking at this post and many countless others about this topic, it just saddens as a two decade Firefox user, how the current FF fanbase keeps defending every questionable decision Mozilla makes with nonsensical arguments, then they proceed to try and silence anyone who raises concerns over said weird decisions.

There are some heavy question marks in the air regarding this Anonym partnership, specially considering who the founders are and their previous background.

But we will see in the long run how this plays out anyways either we want it or not.

No one is trying to silence anyone, its just r/ browsers really hates firefox.

edit: links

15:21 UTC


Is Wikipedia too woke? Why wouldn't it allow sourcing conservative sites? A way-too-long substrack article about some wiki editor drama is posted on r/wikipedia as its author shows up.

10:45 UTC

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