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Last we heard from the company was the booker/owner announcing no events to come due to his girlfriend's cancer developing, and now an year later no update.
Sad to see not many people talk about the promotion, it was once THE indie company with a loyal fanbase only rivaled by hardcore fans of ECW. Hope the stars shine out for the promotion and we get a return, until then, we wait.
I cannot find any of those posts any more.
I am looking to create a WWE Newsletter out of pure love for WWE, but I am looking to gauge interest in what type of content wwe fans would read in a newsletter.
So far I am thinking about the obvious, power rankings, summaries, roundups, winners, losers etc.
Any help on this would be much appreciated.
The last regular show with its own matches and promos was the one from Berlin on March 9, 1997. After that, the show became another recap program. However, I know of a few instances when they still included some exclusive content: on March 3, 1998, there was one exclusive match, and episodes from April 26, 1998, and January 3, 1999, each had an exclusive segment. So, my question is: does anyone know of more episodes after 1997 that had exclusive content?
Daikaiju has only run like 2-3 shows so far. They had some solid cards and did some fun angles on the shows, but it wasn't anything ground breaking. Had Chikara or Kaiju Big Battel vibes to a degree.
But this match was a stand out on their first show. Not necessarily a TJPW main event level quality match, but these two didn't phone it in and delivered. Worth a watch.