
Photograph via snooOG

For discussion about all things skincare: products, techniques, trends, and more.


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  1. Be respectful and kind. Rude comments will receive warnings. Racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist or other similar language will also receive warnings, while slurs will result in a ban.

  2. Post topics that encourage discussion. If your post does not encourage discussion, it will be removed. For example, instead of asking "how to I get rid of this pimple?" try "what's your go to tactic for dealing with sudden breakouts?" This makes for a more inclusive discussion. For more information about Rule #2, please see this post

  3. Do not ask for or give medical advice or diagnoses. We are not medical professionals, and you need to see your doctor for serious skin concerns.

  4. No bashing other people's routines or product choices--the cardinal rule of skincare is YMMV. If you suspect that a particular product may be causing issues for someone, please politely suggest that they reconsider, rather than berating them.

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Sunday - No Such Thing As A Stupid Question
This is our weekly thread to allow our subs to ask their simple questions and help troubleshoot anything they are concerned about within their routine.

Monday - Makeup and More
All other beauty related content can be posted and discussed here from makeup to haircare

Wednesday - No/Low Buy Discussion
This is where we talk about keeping things minimal, resisting impulse buys, and making conscientious skincare purchases.

Friday - Friday Free Chat
Our weekly thread for free chat about anything and everything. Get to know other subbies, share some accomplishments, vent some frustrations and just have fun and engage.

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What is the last product that you purchased due to this sub and what did you think of it? - SCACJ Edition

I've posted similar discussions on a few other beauty adjacent subs and thought it would be fun + interesting to have an skincare specific thread too :)

18:09 UTC


Friday Free Chat!

Welcome to our weekly free chat thread!

Work stressing you out? Cat being especially cute? Exciting plans for the weekend?

This is the place to talk about it. Come relax, enjoy each other’s company, and talk about something other than skincare for a change.

Please remember to follow subreddit rules and practice good Reddiquette.

If you have any feedback on what you would like to see in this sub, shoot it through to Mod Mail.

07:23 UTC


cystic acne has been HORRIBLE

hi, im an 18 year old female. havent struggled with acne much until this year. ive been getting white heads and cystic acne especially in my chin and between my eyebrows, sometimes extremely painful.

i use a gentle cleanser, niacinamide 10% and zinc 1%, and moisturizer morning and night, then salicylic acid 2% at night every other night. ive noticed improvement especially with the white heads but the painful cystic acne doesn't seem to stop

does anyone have any recommendations on fixing this issue?

06:20 UTC


Switching cerave and cetaphil to vanicream and aveeno

I did something really bad. I stopped my routine in the summer. Before that I used cerave foaming face wash and cetaphil moisturizer and did a lot of experimenting for dark spots with faded topicals, the ordinary( azelaic acid, ethalyated ascorbic acid) and inky list vitamin c with EGF. The topicals faded worked at some point. However I also started LRP cicaplast baume b5 and switched to cerave cream for dry skin from the lotion. I would put both on. Anywho, I stopped it all for a period of time in the summer and got a whole slough of open and closed comedones. A girl from Sephora shelled me build a good routine by adding niacinamide and hylauronic acid with stick with the foaming cleanser and cetaphil lotion. She also recommended Causalie Beightening serum for the dark marks that would appear when the open and closed comedowns go away. I realize now that the actives have been compromising my skin barrier hence why the dark spots would go away but my skin still wasn't really glass skin. So now I am think about focusing on fixing my skin barrier and never going back to actives. I learned cerave and cetaphil aren't helping the closed commodores right now or ever so I wanna Switch to vanicream face wash and aveeno oat soothing cream. Then eventually switching to the vanicream jar for sensitive skin in the winter. I feel like this will solve my problems. I just wanted to hear a second opinion on this. Also is vani cream and aveeno better than LRP alternatives(tolerating cleanser and double moisturizer)? And lastly for sunscreen is Elta MD a good choice for dry skin with compromised barrier? Is the caudalie brightening serum worth keeping?

1 Comment
03:39 UTC


Products for red, itchy, dry sensitive skin

Hi so I’m looking for some advice about skin products for my sensitive skin.

Basically my skin gets red, itchy and is dry - I think it’s because when I was younger I had like 3 hot showers a day for really long periods of time and now I’m paying the price.

So I think because of this there are minimal natural oils on my skin and after doing some research I believe my stratum corneum may be damaged and I need to increase Sebum production .

I've started drinking more water and eating more veg and fruit than I did before - I exercise 5 days a week (in general, don’t know if this helps with my skin) but also means i have to shower each time which means I’m washing away the oils on my skin.

So if you could provide some advice about certain skin products that may help in my situation that’ll be great. Preferably a product that contains natural ingredients would be the best. I’ve heard about aloe Vera based ones and Weleda skin food but not sure about the strong fragrance in the latter albeit I haven’t tried either yet.

For reference I tried e45 for 5 days in the past but unfortunately I didn’t see an improvement.


17:40 UTC


Best serums for a damaged skin barrier?

My skin barrier is feeling really fragile after over-exfoliating. What are the best serums to help with recovery? I’ve read here that barrier repair serums are great—any good guides or product lists to follow? Thanks :)

12:14 UTC


Friday Free Chat!

Welcome to our weekly free chat thread!

Work stressing you out? Cat being especially cute? Exciting plans for the weekend?

This is the place to talk about it. Come relax, enjoy each other’s company, and talk about something other than skincare for a change.

Please remember to follow subreddit rules and practice good Reddiquette.

If you have any feedback on what you would like to see in this sub, shoot it through to Mod Mail.

07:23 UTC


Can heat change eyelash serum?

Hey so usually I put my eyelash serum on after I take a shower in the gym. But I always leave my gym bag in my car with the serum. Someone told me I shouldn’t do that because the heat in the car will change the formula. Is this true?

18:06 UTC


Friday Free Chat!

Welcome to our weekly free chat thread!

Work stressing you out? Cat being especially cute? Exciting plans for the weekend?

This is the place to talk about it. Come relax, enjoy each other’s company, and talk about something other than skincare for a change.

Please remember to follow subreddit rules and practice good Reddiquette.

If you have any feedback on what you would like to see in this sub, shoot it through to Mod Mail.

07:23 UTC


Green terms you LOVE !

I just read a post on here about green washing terms that people loathe that included stuff like "All natural" or the use of "green leaves" or "skin perfecter" but wanted to know what non-bs works?

When I see chemical free I immediately disregard the product.

But What terms do you guys love? I personally am a sucker for when something markets in a niche way.. if I see something about the lipid contents, or stabilization process, etc, I buy it. But aside from production, what marketing terms do you guys like?

04:20 UTC


Friday Free Chat!

Welcome to our weekly free chat thread!

Work stressing you out? Cat being especially cute? Exciting plans for the weekend?

This is the place to talk about it. Come relax, enjoy each other’s company, and talk about something other than skincare for a change.

Please remember to follow subreddit rules and practice good Reddiquette.

If you have any feedback on what you would like to see in this sub, shoot it through to Mod Mail.

07:23 UTC


My face has aged so much in the past 2 years

How do you deal with your face changing?

I’m 29 and had a young face, always got mistaken for college student. I took makeup less selfies and was ok with what I saw in the mirror. But now, the lines under my eyes has gotten worse. I feel like my oval face somehow got longer and face is dropping. I feel like my face shape has changed. I don’t look like myself. I’ve compared it to pics of the last few years. I hate every selfie I take and every photo someone else takes, it wasn’t like that before. I’m confused and sad about what I see in the mirror.

I’m meeting someone I haven’t seen in a year and I’m so anxious.

I’m also upset that I’ve been using Tretinoin for over 7 months now and this is still happening. It’s supposed to be “anti aging”. My acne has improved but my skin still looks terrible on top of everything else. I’ve never had clear skin despite taking good care of it.

I don’t know what to do

05:17 UTC


Friday Free Chat!

Welcome to our weekly free chat thread!

Work stressing you out? Cat being especially cute? Exciting plans for the weekend?

This is the place to talk about it. Come relax, enjoy each other’s company, and talk about something other than skincare for a change.

Please remember to follow subreddit rules and practice good Reddiquette.

If you have any feedback on what you would like to see in this sub, shoot it through to Mod Mail.

07:23 UTC


Jolie showerhead?

Have you used this product? Is the Jolie filtered shower head worth it and why?


02:48 UTC


Suggestions for Face Mist

Have been using Beauty Elixir by Caudalie for few months now, love how refreshing it feels and energises the skin. But someone told me it has a lot of ingredients that you are not supposed to use on your face like even essence. Any advice?

12:52 UTC


Face joga - does it work?

Hi every one! Does anyone have experinence with face yoga? If you have been practicing it, what are the results?

10:04 UTC


What are the most cosmetically elegant products you've tried?

Link to the original post

In the original, there were several votes for Clinique's Take the Day Off cleansing balm and Canmake Mermaid Skin sunscreen.

I'd definitely agree with those!

For me, I got hooked on luxury Korean products over the last year and they have blown my mind with how cosmetically elegant they are.

However, I tried my first Paula's Choice product recently and I'm super impressed with the formula and how it dries perfectly (despite being applied over several very siliconey products).

06:28 UTC


Friday Free Chat!

Welcome to our weekly free chat thread!

Work stressing you out? Cat being especially cute? Exciting plans for the weekend?

This is the place to talk about it. Come relax, enjoy each other’s company, and talk about something other than skincare for a change.

Please remember to follow subreddit rules and practice good Reddiquette.

If you have any feedback on what you would like to see in this sub, shoot it through to Mod Mail.

07:23 UTC


My skin is a disaster with

Hello I’m 25 and I’m pregnant ! I had like a glass skin in February then I started getting little aches that what time turned to cyst acne huge and painful not even make up can cover them.

Dermatology gave me benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin and it was amazing it was working ! But I got pregnant the same month using them so I had to stop for the baby !!

Now my problem is not acne anymore it’s the black marks that is left after the acne and I’m not exaggerating my cheeks is just black spots even my jaw !! I look sooooooooooo ugly and I can’t even go out without make up or even sit in the house with my husband without it because it makes me so insecure :(

Any advises that is pregnant safe ??

01:17 UTC


Go to at home gadgets

I have my go to places for facials, lasers etc but the prices can add up! I started getting into at home gadgets like LED face masks, Nuface, IPL hair remover etc but I wanted to know if there are any other gadgets that you swear by that I should get!

23:23 UTC


New-to-you ingredients

Did you come across any new or unusual ingredients recently that you haven't used before?

Shea butter is everywhere but cupuaca butter seems less common. I bought a couple of moisturiser samples with it in recently and for me it's more moisturising than creams with shea butter so it was a great discovery :)

09:12 UTC


How to get rid of indented scars?

I have some indented scars on my face (from acne) how can I get rid of these scars?

03:03 UTC


Friday Free Chat!

Welcome to our weekly free chat thread!

Work stressing you out? Cat being especially cute? Exciting plans for the weekend?

This is the place to talk about it. Come relax, enjoy each other’s company, and talk about something other than skincare for a change.

Please remember to follow subreddit rules and practice good Reddiquette.

If you have any feedback on what you would like to see in this sub, shoot it through to Mod Mail.

07:23 UTC


What shampoo can I use while using ketoconazole 2%?

Hi im a 24 female, i went to an urgent care last week because i've had a red and itchy scalp. They diagnosed me with tinea capitis because i had a rash on the sole of my foot as well and prescribed me griseofulvin. For that week, i was using 1% ketoconazole every day and blow drying my hair right after. This week i had an appointment with a new nurse practitioner and he told me to get off the oral antifungal and prescribed me the 2% ketoconazole shampoo to use twice a week. I guess he thought it was not tinea because he looked at my scalp and said it was red but there were no spots of hair loss? im not sure but im nervous getting off the griseofulvin is not the right move but i have no idea. I work 12 hour shifts 4 days a week and will probably need to keep my hair clean after work but am only supposed to use the ket 2x a week. Can i use head and shoulders for the rest of the week or should i just refrain from washing besides my twice a week ketoconazole?

any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

23:36 UTC


Great product, awful packaging?

It could be the look, inconvenience or a downright fail to work.

For me, La Roche-Posay Lipikar AP+M 400ml. The tube was fine but the 400ml is better priced and I use a lot so it made sense.

Until it couldn't dispense the last 1/4-1/5.

I should have guessed that would happen because it is so thick but I had faith!

I now have a grudge against it and switched to a Vaseline body lotion and a thin layer of shea butter.

I suspect in the winter, when the shea doesn't melt so well, that I'll just suck up my grudge and go back to the LRP tube.

1 Comment
16:14 UTC


Good ideas for persistent bumps on hairline/temples

Hello! I’ve had these PERSISTENT bumps on my temples and hairline for literally 1.5 years now. Literally NOTHING I try helps. I’ve done Benz peroxide 5.5% for a few months, nothing. Salicylic acid for a few months…nothing. Sulfur. You name it, I’ve given it time and tried it. I even tried Nizoral anti fungal for about a week and they didn’t respond at all to that. Has anyone else had something similar?

16:31 UTC


Friday Free Chat!

Welcome to our weekly free chat thread!

Work stressing you out? Cat being especially cute? Exciting plans for the weekend?

This is the place to talk about it. Come relax, enjoy each other’s company, and talk about something other than skincare for a change.

Please remember to follow subreddit rules and practice good Reddiquette.

If you have any feedback on what you would like to see in this sub, shoot it through to Mod Mail.

07:23 UTC


How do you heal a damaged barrier?

Here's the previous post from the sub history:


Lots of votes for Vanicream and LRP - are these still go-to products or are there other things you've used?

19:01 UTC


6 Months Down, 6 Months To Go, Top 6 Favourites So Far & Top 6 In Your Wish List? - Skincare Edition

So I typically post this half way through the year on one of the make-up subs that I often frequent on reddit but this time I thought it would be interesting to do a skincare specific version on here too.

They're usually super fun to look back on & good way to have a mid year check-in for potential best end of year discoveries :)

Please share your Top 6 skincare favourites of the year so far and what are the Top 6 skincare products at the top of your wish list!

11:27 UTC


Friday Free Chat!

Welcome to our weekly free chat thread!

Work stressing you out? Cat being especially cute? Exciting plans for the weekend?

This is the place to talk about it. Come relax, enjoy each other’s company, and talk about something other than skincare for a change.

Please remember to follow subreddit rules and practice good Reddiquette.

If you have any feedback on what you would like to see in this sub, shoot it through to Mod Mail.

07:23 UTC

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