What is a Reversed GIF?
A reversed GIF is simply a GIF that has been played from end to start. This can result is some entertaining or funny results. What we do here is share GIFs that have been reversed for everyone else to laugh at and enjoy.
All rules will be enforced to the moderators discretion. If you have any questions or suggestions please message the moderators.
No static pictures or .webm files. However you may include the original source within the description or comments of a post.
Titles should appropriately describe the GIF The title should appropriately describe the GIF. Titles such as 'lol look at this' or 'this is funny' are not permitted.
Site for hosting .GIF files are Imgur, Gfycat, and the official reddit hosts. Any content that is not hosted on one of the listed websites will be removed.
The rules of reddit can be found here, as well as the reddiquitte. Please ensure that you are familiar with them.
Any content that is illegal or pornographic in nature will be removed. All other NSFW content is allowed, providing it is tagged.
Such as names, Facebook pages or phone numbers. This rule will be heavily enforced and may result in a permanent ban from the subreddit if broken.
Other related subreddits
/r/HighQualityGifs (OC submissions only)
Theme courtesy of /r/edurne/
Let's make some raw kernels.
I'll give you a clue: not ugly.