A collection of Perfectly Looped animated .gifs and html5 videos.
1. Animated .gifs only | Animated .gifs are the only kind of submission allowed (besides self posts). Websites, flash animations, videos, music, or any other submission that is not an animated .gif will be removed. Gfycats or similar HTML5 videos are also allowed if they restart automatically and do not include sound. |
2. Must loop seamlessly | The .gif must have no visible beginning and end. Something must always smoothly be carried over from one frame to the next to make the gif seamless. Some elements that can be considered a seam include but are not limit to: noticeable cuts, objects/parts that noticeably jump, a point that is just static background or one solid color, screen wipe or other transitions between unrelated shots, etc. |
3. No ping-ponging .gifs | Ping-ponging refers to when a gif plays forward, and then plays in reverse. These gifs appear to "go forever", however they are not perfect loops. A loop, by definition, never displays the same frame until the action is completed. This rule is our most strictly enforced, and in fact if a .gif even so much as appears to be a ping-pong, it will be removed. The one time ping-ponging is allowed is if part of a .gif pingpongs, while part of it loops (example). |
4. Titles must include [A] or [L] and, if applicable, NSFW or SPOILER | All submissions must contain [L] or [A] in the title to denote Live-Action or Animated loops. NSFW .gifs are allowed, but must have the term NSFW in the title. NSFL ("not suitable for life" such as gore, death, disease, etc.) posts are not allowed and violators will be banned on the first offense. Titles with possible spoilers must include SPOILER in the title. |
5. No reposts | If a .gif has been posted to this subreddit, it can not be posted here again until the original can no longer be voted on (after 6 months). You can check if your image has been posted here already by using Karma Decay, or by searching this subreddit. Searching the subreddit may not be as effective, since people do not always provide descriptive titles. Also, posts from the top 50 posts of all time are not allowed to be reposted. |
6. Use a reliable, directly-linkable host | Use a host that can handle potential traffic, does not have intrusive ads, and preferably works with RES. These hosts include but are not limited to: imgur, gfycat, others on the whitelist, etc. |
7. No "broken" .gifs | Broken gifs are ones which have purposefully been "glitched" or use artificial .jpeg artifacts to make a .gif appear like a glitched video. Please take these to /r/brokenGifs. |
8. No "cloned" .gifs | Cloning is a technique in which the subject of the .gif is duplicated. This technique can be applied to any .gif in which the subject enters and exits the frame, and therefore is not allowed. Gifs in which the subject simply enters and exits the frame are also not allowed. However, if there is interaction between cloned subjects, then that is an exception that can stay. Please take these gifs to /r/ClonedGif. |
9. Requests must be text/self posts | We want our subreddit to be a content provider. For this reason, requests must be posted as text or self post. Use a standard link post otherwise. Fulfilled requests can be posted in the comments section of the request, or as their own link. The user who fulfills a request can then post the image and claim it as OC. If the person requesting the gif wants to post it, they can, so long as they ask permission from the person who made it for them. They will not be allowed to use the OC tag, however. |
What is this?
This subreddit is a place for perfectly looped animated .gifs.
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Source: @artistoids on IG