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543,461 Subscribers


What happened to Shinji Mikami?

I just wondering why he's no longer involved in Resident Evil games. If someone knows why, could you please explain?

04:19 UTC


Im starting resident evil 5 tonight for the first time. I have low expectations but at the same time high

I’ve played all resident evil games except 5 & 6 cause of the negative reviews. However in my experience, both Bioshock 2 and Dark Souls 2 I skipped for a long time based on bad reviews but eventually bought/played them for cheap (RS5 was $5) and they were very enjoyable. Low cost and expectations can do wonders on your gaming experience. Similarly, I bought the original metro 2033 on sale for $5 (without any knowledge of the game) and the stealth/gun mechanics were a mess but at that price I could look past it and I loved it. Hopefully RE5 is the same

04:19 UTC


Resident Evil Revelations Playstation Raid Mode Community

Is there anyone who wants to play through it with me? I want to get all achievements of the game. This is almost impossible to do alone so i thought maybe i could find someone here. (mainly in the phases ghost ship)

If anyone can help me I will be eternally grateful PSN:lByG0D

03:04 UTC


Mass Nostalgia

I was going through all of my games and found my original release day versions of these games. I thought it was pretty cool to see next to their remakes. 😀

02:33 UTC


Anyone Else Ever Get Into the Deck Building Game?

I grew up playing this game and only ever got these two expansions, even though I think there’s 3 I’m still missing and will probably never find :( even though I always had a blast playing it, I had a hard time finding friends willing to play with so the few times I did felt pretty special

02:26 UTC


Are the RE 1/6 figure statues on eBay the real thing (original) ?

Hey ! I’ve been dying to buy the figures and found them on eBay, but after watching a YouTube video that there are fakes out there I’m kinda scared to spend so much money on something bootleg…help a girl out ? 😅

01:56 UTC


Re6 Multiplayer still kicking?

I did NOT expect to find a full lobby, and damn for a janky pvp death match mode this is fun as hell

00:52 UTC


What if you could create your own Resident Evil Protagonist in the next game. Would anyone else but me be into that? Making my own S.T.A.R.S member or RC Detective would be SOOOOOO Cool IMO. But I love games where you get to make your own characters.

Would anyone want to be able to make their own character for a Resident Evil game? Or do you think it should be an existing character?

00:24 UTC


The Confrontation Between Jake and Chris is Grossly Misunderstood and is Actually a Remarkable Scene (Longform Writeup)


One of the notable aspects of Resident Evil 6 is its more realistic approach to human psychology compared to previous entries in the franchise. Whether that was for better or for worse is an entirely different discussion, but it's possible to quarantine Resident Evil 6 and analyze it on its own terms. That's what I plan to do here while discussing one of Resident Evil 6's most controversial scenes: the confrontation between Jake and Chris.

In Resident Evil 6, Chapter 5 of Jake's campaign sees Jake and Sherry reuniting with Chris and Piers in Neo-Umbrella's undersea facility. He and Sherry learn it was Chris and Piers who rescued them while they were imprisoned there.

During their conversation, Chris acknowledges Jake's presence by stating, "I can see your father in you." As indicated by the onset of tense music, his words strike a nerve. Since Chris was unaware of the resentment Jake holds against his father, the comment was innocent. Regardless, comparing Jake to his "deadbeat dad" immediately puts him on the offense.

However, the majority of the offense Jake would have taken is overridden by his interest in Chris' experience with his father. He asks, "So you knew him?" with a hopeful, almost juvenile tone. Chris follows with a bombshell: not only did he know Wesker, he was the one who killed him.

How Jake reacts to this news has perplexed many players. He does not congratulate nor thank Chris for killing the man he resented all his life, he draws his gun on him. Piers and Sherry attempt to interfere, but Chris dissuades them from getting involved, stating the matter is between himself and Jake.

Chris then steps forward and invites Jake to shoot, stating he "has every right to." Contrary to how some have misinterpreted this line, Chris is not apologizing for killing Wesker, but acknowledging he deprived a boy of his father. This is an extraordinary display of compassion and selflessness, and it enriches Chris as a character. It shows how killing Wesker was not about a self-righteous crusade to him, but about taking the actions necessary to protect humanity as a whole, and he is willing to allow Jake to take revenge (which is initially what he assumes Jake wants) if it means he'll find peace.

Jake's anger mounts until he finally pulls the trigger, but when the smoke clears, it's revealed he intentionally missed Chris' head, his bullet merely grazing his cheek. That he purposefully missed makes it clear Jake had no intention of killing him. Ultimately, this was an outburst from an emotionally immature young man who's desperate for catharsis.

In moments like these, it's important to remember Resident Evil 6 is taking a more realistic approach to human psychology, including the murkier aspects of it. It's undeniable that human emotions are extremely complicated and frequently self-contradictory. How can Jake be angry with the man who killed the father he hated so much? Well, the thing about anger is that it's a secondary emotion, not primary. It evolved to serve as a defense mechanism against negative primary emotions, namely fear and sadness.

Here, I will list and explore the reasons why Jake reacted this way and how it reveals his mental state.

1. Jake is insecure

Throughout Jake and Sherry's campaign, Jake is shown to be snarky with the males toward whom Sherry has shown positive attention. Sometimes, such as their encounter with Leon, he even gets defensive and possessive of Sherry. This behavior starts with Chris back in Edonia, occurs again when they encounter Chris in China, occurs again with Leon in China, and then in this scene in the undersea facility.

In all of these cases, the men played a part in saving or helping Jake and Sherry during dangerous situations. While Sherry correctly interprets these instances as allies lending a helping hand, Jake interprets them as rivals outperforming him. Compound his wounded pride with his implied attraction to Sherry, and you have a recipe for a prickly young buck who's aggressive toward any male he perceives as a threat to his stature.

This unspoken aspect of Jake's character is vital in the context of the scene in question. After learning it was Chris and Piers who freed him and Sherry from imprisonment, Jake sardonically remarks, "Looks like you saved the day again." Jake was already smoldering, and Chris comparing him to Wesker only stoked the flames. Moments later, while Jake has his pistol trained on him, Chris implores him, "Just promise me you'll survive. The world depends on it." Jake immediately raises his voice, exclaiming, "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?"

Jake already knows he and Chris share a common goal, yet when Chris phrases that common goal as a command, Jake instinctively wants to defy his order and question his authority. It's the shortsighted rage of a man whose ego has been bruised–a young man frustrated he cannot usurp the authority held by an older man who has rightfully earned it.

Jake's insecurity almost certainly stems from the absence of his father while growing up. Jake is Wesker's bastard son, and as far as we can tell, Wesker was oblivious to his existence. Though we're aware of this, keep in mind that Jake is not. He grew up believing (and continues to believe) that Wesker abandoned him and his mother.

Children with absent fathers, especially boys, often experience feelings of inadequacy and blame themselves for their own abandonment. It's similar to how children instinctually blame themselves for their parents' divorce (in fact, it's commonly advised that divorcees assure their children the divorce is not their fault. That's how frequently children blame themselves for the shortcomings of their parents).

Not only has Chris outdone him thrice now, but he also did so a fourth time retroactively when he killed the man he wanted to confront first.

2. A desire to connect to his roots

As a highly social species, humans put deep psychological and cultural importance on our biological connections. For example, children raised by adopted parents often desire to meet their biological parents even though they were the ones who abandoned them. Children of abusive parents can also paradoxically maintain strong psychological attachments to their parents for a variety of complicated reasons.

No matter how greatly he despises Wesker and disavows his misdeeds, Jake retains a desire to prove himself and earn the approval he thought he lost from Wesker when he abandoned him. As stated previously, it's self-contradictory to desire an absent or abusive parent, but the human mind is hardwired to perceive parents as caretakers and, by extension, associate them with survival. Considering Jake's aforementioned insecurities, it makes sense why he is so interested in Wesker despite his outwardly apathetic attitude toward him.

3. A lack of closure

This is the most important factor that leads to Jake's outburst. Being raised by a sickly single mother, Jake endured a grievous childhood, and the absence of a father is partially to blame. He carried this chip on his shoulder into adulthood. If Jake had the opportunity to meet Wesker in person, there would have been many avenues by which he could achieve closure. He could have killed Wesker himself. He could have reconciled with him. Wesker could have given him the answers only he could give. Now, thanks to Chris, all of those doors are closed.

The part that confirms this is the following exchange:

"Tell me, were you just... following orders, or was it personal?"


This is what incites Jake to scream and finally fire his gun. Had Chris abstained from mentioning his history with Wesker, it's highly likely Jake would not have lost his temper and fired.

Jake had been amassing resentment for twenty years, and it was for nothing; his father was dead, and he wasn't even the one who got to kill him. Instead, it was Chris who had that privilege, and to add insult to injury, Chris even got to deliver personal retribution–precisely what Jake had always wanted to exact on his father. In Jake's perspective, Wesker hurt him more than he ever hurt Chris, so why was Chris the one who got to kill him? He was denied justice.

The standoff concludes when Jake pulls himself together enough to make a final statement:

"There are more important things at stake than you and me."

While the statement may have been addressed to Chris, Jake was also speaking to himself. He's reminding himself that Chris ultimately killed Wesker out of necessity, and he cannot resent him for that fact. When Wesker was threatening the entire human population, there was more to consider than personal grudges, including his own.

This is genuinely such an incredible scene that indirectly tells us so much about the headspace of the characters involved, especially Jake. Resident Evil 6 contains similar instances of interesting (and misunderstood) character growth and interactions, but it has been frequently asserted that the game does a poor job of communicating them. Even worse, some assert it's poor writing.

Well, I'm going to be controversial and say no, a lot of this game's detractors need to get better at analyzing the media they consume. The confrontation between Chris and Jake may demand more analysis than most scenes throughout the Resident Evil franchise, but understanding why it transpired the way it did is not esoteric. Game developers are going to stop providing three-dimensional characters if audiences keep lashing out when they do.

23:19 UTC


Resident Evil Village

I’ve heard that Resident Evil Village has a lot more combat than the other games and that’s exactly what i’ve been looking for in horror games. is this true?

22:39 UTC


Is there a place where I can buy and download the RE 1 remake soundtrack?

I would like to use it as background music when I am playing the board game with friends and while we're usually playing in private wi-fi isn't always an option amd I would rather not over do it on my data plan.

1 Comment
22:25 UTC


My friend got me this for my birthday today.

21:55 UTC


Scared to death by regenador re4remake

It's been so long since I played the original, I completely forgot about the regeneradors while going to grab the keycard, when I saw that thing lurking in the shadows I froze and had to take a 10min break. I'm so scared and anxious now I hear the breathing, i don't think I can do this and it is 1am. Any tips? And where can I get the thermal scope!

21:54 UTC


Eye boss + hardcore + low ammo possible?

So here's my problem : i'm playing RE2 remake in hardcore mode, and right before fighting the Eye Boss, I only have 3 shotgun bullets, no knife, 1 grenade and enough healing.

My question is : is this possible, with the gun bullets + 1 more grenade the game gives us, to kill this boss?

My best try was only missing 13 bullets (missing = not shooting in the eye). Maybe, if I don't miss anything, I could kill him ? No clue.

Thanks for the upcoming help!

21:27 UTC


Was Resident Evil 7 supposed to be an alternate timeline?**

**Before the release of the Chris Redfield DLC and RE8 which connects it back to the rest of the series.

Was that the case? That's just the impression I get playing through it

21:02 UTC


A question about how the RE2 and 3 remake tie in.

So I have 7 Resident Evil games (RE 0-6, with 2-4 being the remakes) and I want to play them in order of continuity. I do realize that RE2 takes place during RE3 and that you can play RE3, stop the game, play thru RE2, then go back and finish RE3. When is the best place in the RE3 remake to stop and play RE2 remake?

20:07 UTC


No, it's a big red door!!

There has to be something bad behind it...


Never mind, it was just there for the show... The door looked scarier closed.


If you want more, check me out at:


20:42 UTC


The resident evil 2 remake ending was pretty cool but…

When sherry is like “whoa car wonder who it is” the camera should pan to the truck and it shows Mr X driving it before it goes back to a frustrated leon and then it goes to black.

20:03 UTC


I tried to draw the RE1 head turn from memory

20:01 UTC


Are you happy with the current direction of the Resident Evil series?

19:10 UTC


People bring up the laser section of the original, yet this is way more silly if you ask me

WTF did he needed to flip like that 😭

18:53 UTC


Can't alt tab

Hi guys,

I've just noticed that i can't alt tab on Re4 remake, fmoving from the game to the desktop.

If i try to do it, the screen continue to show the game. and even in i try to do Win+D for going to desktop successfully, i can hear the menu option sound if i move the d-pad.

Anyone have the solution?

18:38 UTC


One of the best commerical in this franchise.

18:38 UTC


It's passed the 20 year Anniversary of one of my favorite games of the series...

I am praying for some news.

I don't even want a generic HD Remaster or Remake at this point.
Just give me a brand new Outbreak: File #3. Bring back Cindy, Yoko, and Kevin as potential characters add like 3 or 4 more.

What I do not understand is why in the day of online gaming, dlc, and all that bullshit... how have they not thought of EFFECTIVELY re-creating this game?!?!?
I would love to have a team of four of us, running around screaming in panic, trading weapons, using each characters strengths, solving puzzles, fighting challenging bosses that require team work, etc.

All with different endings depending on who you bring, who dies. Maybe it can be like Baulders Gate, where you have to keep everyone alive the whole game. Idk!

I get why it might have not worked back then (Despite the servers actually being pretty decent), lack of online features in general, unreliability of the internet back then, etc.

But now? Come on!

18:02 UTC


In Resident Evil 2, (both original and remake) what would Annette have done with Sherry in the sewers if she found her first in person before Claire could?

Do you think Annette would have protected Sherry by keeping her locked in Annette's safe room in the sewers until Annette herself was finished dealing with Ada and William? Or do you think Annette would have sacrificed her own daughter just to stop Ada and the mutating William? You decide.

1 Comment
17:16 UTC


Least favorite part of your favorite game in the series?

What is your least favorite part of your favorite RE game? Why? And what would you do to change it?

Mine is the last 1/3 or so of Resident Evil 7. It had built up this aura for so much of its runtime that the switch into the boat and all that felt like Capcom going "Well, we have to fill our contractual obligation of having a lab."

I think it would have been interesting if Resident Evil 7 was when something new had been discovered by the BSAA or Umbrella or whoever rather than it being another story of corporate negligence. A lot could have been the same - Evelyn could have been a little girl who got infected and taken in by the Bakers. Mia, instead of taking care of Evelyn, could have been part of an agency to investigate what was going on.

17:03 UTC


Wassup bbg (oc)

I’m doing drawing Leon a hundred times challenge. This is the fifth one

16:50 UTC

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