
3,196,747 Subscribers


Waveshare 3.5inch LCD with kali linux on raspberry pi 5

I have been trying to use my LCD with this setup for 3days now and i do not know what to do anymore. When i run the installation script my pi wont start sd card green LED is solid green and my display displays nothing but black with a little but of light. And my fan is at 100%. I have tried many of the other posts here with no success. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

1 Comment
16:40 UTC


Raspberry Pi Imager not stopping at 100%

I'm trying to flash something to a 128gb microsd card, but wherever I try to flash it raspberry pi imager always continues writing past 10,000%, which seems completely ridiculous. Is the SD card broken, or is this an easy fix?

18:04 UTC


No internet after setting up static IP (Bookworm)

I setup a static IP on Bookworm using a guide and now I can't sudo update or even use my web browser, I have no internet at all, even though it says it's connected. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

This is the guide I followed:


17:57 UTC


How to integrate a Lora module with RPi zero 2w

I am trying to integrate an SX1278 chip-powered LoRa module on my Raspberry Pi Zero 2w. My Raspberry Pi Zero 2w is going to be the receiver and my sender is going to be an RP2040 integrated with the same Lora module breakout board. I've verified the connections twice but still, I couldn't receive data on my Raspberry Pi Zero 2w side. I am sure my RP2040 side is sending data as when I tested the receiving Lora module on another RP2040 and made it to be my receiver it worked perfectly fine. I am using the PyLora library: https://pypi.org/project/pyLoRa/ to achieve my goal. Can you guys help me with the code that you guys have used to do a similar project? For now, I at least want to test if my Raspberry Pi zero 2w side can send data and my RP2040 side can receive data or not. My Rp2040 sided code is done to do both the tasks but my Raspberry Pi zero 2w sided code that I could not figure out. Please help me achieve transmission and receiving through my Raspberry Pi Zero 2w Lora.

Here are the connections on my Raspberry Pi Zero 2w that I have done for transmission testing (right now I am testing transmission after that I'll test receiving)

for transmission :

GPIO 10 : Mosi



GPIO 8 : NSS/Enable

GPIO 26 : DIO 0 (not using gpio4 as it gives "failed edge detection error")


gnd,vcc as usual

for now help me with the transmission issue, Thanks a lot in advance as ik you guys will help me out :)

1 Comment
17:06 UTC


Steam Issues on RPI-5

I’m running the 64bit Bookworm Rasbian OS on my Rpi5B (overclocked to 2.8GHz and with Vulcan drivers installed) and downloaded Steam, Box64, and Box86 from Pi-apps. It booted no problem but wouldn’t play any games. Following as closely as I could to Leepsvideos’ past steam on rip videos I enabled the steam play compatibility “proton” software. I’ve tried all version from 6.3 and up. The game I’m trying to run is Republic Commando, and on Proton versions 8-experimental it will boot to a loading screen and a separate window for the game itself will appear, but it is all black and stops responding when you try to close it. I’m hopeful because the window comes up but I can’t figure out where to go from here.

21:37 UTC


would like some help understanding and choosing a transistor

i have searched, and have found a couple posts here that roughly help, but i'd like to ask for help anyways as i am so lost.
bear with me i'm a sparky who's trying to learn more.

i am modding an old 1954 jukebox to allow remote song selection from a raspberry pi0w by hijacking the wallbox signal line, which is a pulsed 48vac signal. the pi0w will accomplish this by operating a relay to rapidly open and close the 48vac line in a specific pattern to mimic the signals sent by the original wallboxes, i have a list of the timings, and there is some decent room for error as the signals were originally made by a rotating wiper inside the wallbox

the end goal of this project will be to make a discord music bot that is a real jukebox selecting and playing physical copies of the songs for me and my friends.

my issue is i'm trying to avoid spending anymore money on this project, and using just what i have on hand, which sadly is a bulk box of transistors, and some misc parts from an old arduino kit.

i bought some 3v relays for this project, but was dumb and didn't know that the GPIO pins on my Pi0W only supply 16ma, while the relays i have need 100ma to switch.

so i believe i can use a transistor and a resistor from the arduino kit to switch either the 3v (or 5v to account for voltage drop?) power pins to run the relay? (also the relays i have, while NOT optocoupled, do have a build in diode)

so i am trying to figure out what transistor of the 24 different types in this Hilitchi pack would work, and how to wire it, as every guide seems to be completely different.

i have been trying to learn, but this is like learning a whole new language. and i am really struggling and feel awful for wasting peoples time with what is probably a simple question. but please bear with me i am genuinely trying my best here

06:32 UTC


RPi 5 frame rate issues


I have purchased a 12.3 inch display from waveshare and am connecting it to a RPi 5 running Lineage OS (android 14).

I have added the recommended lines from the wiki in my config file. The display works for the most part, but it seems to be locked at 30 Hz or lower. When I connect the RPi to a PC monitor its content is displayed at 60 Hz, connecting my PC to the waveshare display will also show the PCs content at 60 Hz. But for some reason the RPi won‘t display at 60 Hz on the waveshare display. I have checked the custom settings on the android OS on the RPi which also include a debugging option to show the refresh rate of the display, which also says 60 Hz, but the actual refresh rate is much lower.

Things I have tried:
- different HDMI cables
- different Display, different device to waveshare monitor (both work at 60 Hz)
- enabling debugging framerate otion in android on the Pi (shows 60 Hz)

Things I have not tried:
- flashing a different OS to the RPi
- …

I am out of ideas and fairly new to this, maybe one of you guys/girls knows any solution?
Thanks in advance.

1 Comment
07:34 UTC


Need help understanding how to fix this error from Thonny

Need help

I'm trying to run this code to allow me to watch the V2 camera i have connected to the Raspberry Pi 3B+ with this code:


def start_stream(): cmd = "raspivid -t 0 -w 640 -h 480 -fps 25 -b 2000000 -o - | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec copy -an -f mpegts -metadata service_provider=RPi -metadata service_name=Stream -" subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)

if name == "main": start_stream()*

Thonny however keeps giving me this error:

>>> /bin/sh: 1: raspivid: not found ffmpeg version 4.3.6-0+deb11u1+rpt5 Copyright (c) 2000-2023 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 10 (Debian 10.2.1-6)libavutil 56. 51.100 / 56. 51.100 libavcodec 58. 91.100 / 58. 91.100 libavformat 58. 45.100 / 58. 45.100 libavdevice 58. 10.100 / 58. 10.100 libavfilter 7. 85.100 / 7. 85.100 libavresample 4. 0. 0 / 4. 0. 0 libswscale 5. 7.100 / 5. 7.100 libswresample 3. 7.100 / 3. 7.100 libpostproc 55. 7.100 / 55. 7.100 pipe:: Invalid data found when processing input

Can anybody help me understand how to fix this? Thank you.

1 Comment
08:37 UTC


fork in the address space, raspi/linux directory question

I'm trying to locate a file after installing spotipy (something that allows for creating a spotify client on a pi) and need to cd into a home directory that starts with /home/pi/fork/spotifyclient But when I go into home/pi I don't see the folder fork, even with listing hidden files. To me, fork looks like a function that creates another directory, is this right? Any info on what this is doing would be helpful, at no point in my install until now have I seen fork until now and my goal is to locate the sub folder.

02:45 UTC


How do I set Full RGB color / hdmi_pixel_encoding=2 in LibreELEC and Raspberry Pi OS

I added the hdmi_pixel_encoding to config.txt, but the image still looks very grey and washed out. How do I enable Full rgb color / hdmi_pixel_encoding=2?

I have tried this on the latest LibreELEC version and Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm

1 Comment
02:25 UTC


Raspberry Pi AI Camera peripheral shown at EmbeddedWorld in Nuremberg today

23:06 UTC


Changing fan control limits using fan connector

So i have been trying to search for a solution to change the temperatures when my cooling fan kicks in on my raspberry pi 5 but as far as I can tell with my online searching the fan control kicks in at 60 degrees and is firmware controlled.

Is there a way I can overwrite this. I want my fan to kick in at a lower temperature than 60 but I haven't found a way online to achieve this. I used to just add lines to my /boot/config.txt file on my 4s but it appears this won't work due to the fan being utilised through the onboard fan header and not GPIO pins.

Please correct me if anything here is incorrect and any assistance would be appreciated. Just haven't been able to find anything online with a clear solution to my problem.

Thanks :)

18:29 UTC


Help with QEMU simulated raspberry, and bare metal Rust

Hello there,

I've started my journey on bare metal Rust written on a Respberry (simulated with QEMU for now, I'm using the raspberry pi 2B model), and i'm still trying to make a "Hello world" program to run.

So far, I have written rust code that activates the mini UART, activates the GPIO 14/15 accordingly, and fills the send buffer of the mini UART. The main code looks like this :

let mut selector = GPFSEL1::read();
    selector &= !(7<<12);                   // clean gpio14
    selector |= 2<<12;                      // set alt5 for gpio14
    selector &= !(7<<15);                   // clean gpio15
    selector |= 2<<15;                      // set alt5 for gpio 15
    AUX_ENABLES::write(1);                   // Enable mini uart (this also enables access to its registers)
    AUX_MU_CNTL_REG::write(0);               // Disable auto flow control and disable receiver and transmitter (for now)
    AUX_MU_IER_REG::write(0);                // Disable receive and transmit interrupts
    AUX_MU_LCR_REG::write(3);                // Enable 8 bit mode
    AUX_MU_MCR_REG::write(0);                // Set RTS line to be always high
    AUX_MU_BAUD_REG::write(270);             // Set baud rate to 115200
    AUX_MU_CNTL_REG::write(3);               // Finally, enable transmitter and receiver
    loop {
        AUX_MU_IO_REG::write('c' as u32);
        // print("Hello, World !")

I've made a linker file, and explored the assembly, my code properly starts ar 0x8000:

target/armv7a-none-eabi/debug/harmony:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text:

00008000 <_start>:
    8000:       e24dd010        sub     sp, sp, #16
    8004:       eb000061        bl      8190 <_ZN717Register$LT$_$GT$4read17ha9d176502c8214e9E>
    8008:       e58d000c        str     r0, [sp, #12]
    800c:       e59d000c        ldr     r0, [sp, #12]
    8010:       e3c00a07        bic     r0, r0, #28672  @ 0x7000
    8014:       e58d000c        str     r0, [sp, #12]
    8018:       e59d000c        ldr     r0, [sp, #12]
    801c:       e3800a02        orr     r0, r0, #8192   @ 0x2000

I then copy my elf file into a flat binary. Now, I'm running a simulated raspberry on QEMU, using the following command: qemu-system-arm -M raspi2b -kernel target/binary/my_custom_kernel.img -nographic

unfortunately, nothing happens. I've tried connecting to the QEMU process with the -s option on QEMU, and with gdb and the target remote localhost:1234 command, but then the stack pointer is shown to be at 0x0000, and when I try to see the registers they do not match the register names of the BCM2837-ARM. This makes me wondering if I'm using the QEMU+GDB thinhy properly.

I've been using this datasheet, following partly this tutorial.

Now, I'm out running out of ideas on what could go wrong, and I'm asking for help here. I have no clue where to look next !

If you guys need any more details, please ask !

Thanks in advance

1 Comment
19:55 UTC


I made a dice roller for my visually impaired friend powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico. Presenting the Dicemaster 2000.

19:54 UTC


Raspberry PI4 B loadcell reading issues

I connected loadcell to hx711 amplifier and that to my RPi. When I try to run the code I get a few "False" outputs and after that I get an error "stdev requires at least two data points". I followed a tutorial on youtube by "Brian J - Engineering Videos" and there are no issues but I keep getting this error. Even that "False" is wrong, I should get some numbers and not "False".

I checked all connections multiple times and went through code in "HX711" and "statistics" libraries to the best of my understanding and couldn't find an issue. I looked on the internet as much as I could and asked ChatGPT for help but nothing works.

Here's the code:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from hx711 import HX711 GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BCM) hx =HX711(dout_pin=6, pd_sck_pin=5) while True: reading = hx.get_raw_data_mean() print (reading)

Any tips and ideas are appreciated

1 Comment
13:58 UTC


Picamera2 ModuleNotFoundError

I was recently trying to use the picamera2 library for a python project but when I try to run the program it shows the following error

    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/litrobo/Desktop/litdet/test.py", line 1, in <module>
    from picamera2 import Picamera2, Preview
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'picamera2'

I tried installing picamera2 again and it showed

sudo apt install -y python3-picamera2
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
python3-picamera2 is already the newest version (0.3.17-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

The program was run inside a virtual environment. Could this be a problem with wrongly naming the module, my program was an example program from the picamera2 library documentation.

from picamera2 import Picamera2, Preview
import time
picam2 = Picamera2()
camera_config = picam2.create_preview_configuration()
14:15 UTC


Can't apt-get update

when I try to run apt-get update It gets stuck in waiting for headers and shows the following error. My Internet connection works fine btw

Hit:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm InRelease

Get:2 http://deb.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]

Get:3 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates InRelease [55.4 kB]

Ign:4 http://archive.raspberrypi.com/debian bookworm InRelease

Ign:4 http://archive.raspberrypi.com/debian bookworm InRelease

Ign:4 http://archive.raspberrypi.com/debian bookworm InRelease

Err:4 http://archive.raspberrypi.com/debian bookworm InRelease

Connection failed [IP: 2a00:1098:88:26::1 80]

Reading package lists... Done

W: Failed to fetch http://archive.raspberrypi.com/debian/dists/bookworm/InRelease Connection failed [IP: 2a00:1098:88:26::1 80]

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

07:47 UTC


Create a custom RPi OS in 5 minutes—it emails its IP address automatically

We've made getting RPis up and running super easy. This is for people who use the RPi as a microprocessor and connect remotely from your PC.

The link below is to a tool, which will build a custom image for you that can be then be flashed. Using our tool, you can build an RPi OS image that will automatically connect to known wifi networks and email you its IP address to SSH. If no known networks are available, it falls back to an access point with a static IP. It can connect to school / enterprise wifi networks, and log in automatically using encrypted credentials. All info on how to build using this tool is provided in the documentation, and it works with the RPi v4 and v5. It’s three easy steps!

This repository uses a workflow in GitActions to build the image, and it can be downloaded after it builds as a .zip file. Then this image is flashed to an SD card. Compiling the image takes 10 - 20 mins to complete.

We're sharing it to help people get started building with the RPi!


02:58 UTC


Trouble with the Button Tutorial

Hello /r/raspberry_pi

I'm trying to learn about physical computing/electronics and circuits more generally. I started following the physical computing tutorial (https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/physical-computing/) and had great success with lighting up an LED

I'm now trying to do the Button press tutorial, but for some reason the state of the Button is always "pressed". I'm not sure what is going wrong, would anyone be able to help?

I've taken a picture of the circuit I built: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7578nukrtctc1.jpeg

  • The Raspberry Pi is a Model 3B+
  • The black wire is connected to a ground pin on the Pi and the negative rail on the breadboard
  • The brown wire connects the negative rail on the breadboard to the same row as one set of pins on the button
  • The white wire is connected to GPIO2 on the Raspberry Pi and to the same row on the breadboard as the other set of pins on the button

If my understanding is correct, this circuit shouldn't be complete until the Button is pressed, however the state of the button (accessed using gpiozero) is always "pressed"

01:15 UTC


Problem with USB web camera


could someone please give me some ideas about what canbe the problem or maybe even some solution? My problem is that I bought a new web camera (Logitech Brio 100), and I connected it to the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. It worked great when I tested it on the Webcam test website.

Unfortunately, I had to cut and solder the camera's USB cable because of my project, and the new soldered cable is soldered on 3 different spots but is shorter than the new one. The problem is that after soldering everything my camera is no longer recognized when I plug it into Pi (not recognized by website test, nor listed after the "lsusb" command).

I am sure the cable is good because the camera still works flawlessly on a PC. I am also sure that the USB ports on the Pi work, and I also measured the voltage on the camera side of the cable to be sure it is above 5V when plugged into the Pi.

My only idea is that Pi is more sensitive to flawed USB cables, which my cable probably is because of all the connections.

Thanks in advance for the suggestions!

1 Comment
22:16 UTC


Official 7" Touchscreen Issues on RPi5

I have an official Raspberry Pi 7" touchscreen that I am trying to use with a Raspberry Pi 5 - 8GB. Right after installing an OS (ArchlinuxARM or Rasperry Pi OS) the display seems to work. However, as soon as I try to set a system locale (en_US.UTF-8), the touchscreen fails to display anything after a reboot. This was not a problem with my previous 3B+ or 4B. I cannot figure out why setting the locale causes the display to not work.

I have tried variations on the video options in /boot/cmdline.txt or the dtoverlay options in /boot/config.txt but ultimately was able to isolate the issue to the act of setting a system locale.

Please let me know if any more information is requested. This seems like a strange issue and I'd like to know if anyone had success using the official 7" touchscreen with their Pi 5s.

22:40 UTC


Anyone available to pg_dump my armv7 Postgres files and send it to me?

I had a raspberry with a Postgresql instance. I have the database files backed up, however I (stupidly) don't have any dumps.

My raspberry died, and I'm trying to recover the data in an amd64 machine. It seems literally impossible. I would like not to buy another raspberry, is someone available to dump the data and send it to me? I can pay 5€ :D

23:25 UTC


2024 Apr 8 Stickied -FAQ- & -HELPDESK- thread - Boot problems? Power supply problems? Display problems? Networking problems? Need ideas? Get help with these and other questions!

###Welcome to the r/raspberry_pi Helpdesk and Frequently Asked Questions!

Link to last week's thread

Having a hard time searching for answers to your Raspberry Pi questions? Let the r/raspberry_pi community members search for answers for you!^(†) Looking for help getting started with a project? Have a question that you need answered? Was it not answered last week? Did not get a satisfying answer? A question that you've only done basic research for? Maybe something you think everyone but you knows? Ask your question in the comments on this page, operators are standing by!

This helpdesk and idea thread is here so that the front page won't be filled with these same questions day in and day out:

  1. Q: What's a Raspberry Pi? What can I do with it? How powerful is it?

A: Check out this great overview 2. Q: Does anyone have any ideas for what I can do with my Pi?
A: Sure, look right here!^(‡) 3. Q: My Pi is behaving strangely/crashing/freezing, giving low voltage warnings, ethernet/wifi stops working, USB devices don't behave correctly, what do I do?
A:. 99.999% of the time it's either a bad SD card or power problems. Use a USB power meter or measure the 5V on the GPIO pins with a multimeter while the Pi is busy (such as playing h265/x265 video) and/or get a new SD card. If the voltage is less than 5V your power supply and/or cabling is not adequate. When your Pi is doing lots of work it will draw more power. Even if your power supply claims to provide sufficient amperage, it may be mislabeled or the cable you're using to connect the power supply to the Pi may have too much resistance. You can use a USB load tester to test your power supply and cable. Some power supplies require negotiation to provide more than 500mA, which the Pi does not do. If you're plugging in USB devices try using a powered USB hub with its own power supply and plug your devices into the hub and plug the hub into the Pi. 4. Q: I'm having a hard time finding a place to purchase a Raspberry Pi for an affordable price. Where's the secret place to buy one without paying more than MSRP?
A: https://rpilocator.com/ 5. Q: I just did a fresh install with the latest Raspberry Pi OS and I keep getting errors when trying to ssh in, what could be wrong?
A: There are only 4 things that could be the problem:
1. The ssh daemon isn't running 2. You're trying to ssh to the wrong host 3. You're specifying the wrong username 4. You're typing in the wrong password 6. Q: I'm trying to install packages with pip but I keep getting error: externally-managed-environment
A: This is not a problem unique to the Raspberry Pi. The best practice is to use a Python venv, however if you're sure you know what you're doing there are two alternatives documented in this stack overflow answer: * --break-system-packages * sudo rm a specific file as detailed in the stack overflow answer 7. Q: The only way to troubleshoot my problem is using a multimeter but I don't have one. What can I do?
A: Get a basic multimeter, they are not expensive. 8. Q: My Pi won't boot, how do I fix it?
A: Step by step guide for boot problems 9. Q: I want to watch Netflix/Hulu/Amazon/Vudu/Disney+ on a Pi but the tutorial I followed didn't work, does someone have a working tutorial?
A: Use a Fire Stick/AppleTV/Roku. Pi tutorials used tricks that no longer work or are fake click bait. 10. Q: What model of Raspberry Pi do I need so I can watch YouTube in a browser?
A: No model of Raspberry Pi is capable of watching YouTube smoothly through a web browser, you need to use VLC. 11. Q: I want to know how to do a thing, not have a blog/tutorial/video/teacher/book explain how to do a thing. Can someone explain to me how to do that thing?
A: Uh... What? 12. Q: Is it possible to use a single Raspberry Pi to do multiple things? Can a Raspberry Pi run Pi-hole and something else at the same time?
A: YES. Pi-hole uses almost no resources. You can run Pi-hole at the same time on a Pi running Minecraft which is one of the biggest resource hogs. The Pi is capable of multitasking and can run more than one program and service at the same time. (Also known as "workload consolidation" by Intel people.) You're not going to damage your Pi by running too many things at once, so try running all your programs before worrying about needing more processing power or multiple Pis. 13. Q: Why is transferring things to from disks/SSDs/LAN/internet so slow?
A: If you have a Pi 4 with SSD, please check this post on the Pi forums. Otherwise it's a networking problem and/or disk & filesystem problem, please go to r/HomeNetworking or r/LinuxQuestions. 14. Q: I only have one outlet and I need to plug in several devices, what do I do?
A: They make things called power strips aka multi-tap extensions. 15. Q: The red and green LEDs are on/off/blinking or the screen is just black or blank or saying no signal, what do I do?
A: Start here 16. Q: I'm trying to run x86 software on my Raspberry Pi but it doesn't work, how do I fix it?
A: Get an x86 computer. A Raspberry Pi is ARM based, not x86. 17. Q: How can I run a script at boot/cron or why isn't the script I'm trying to run at boot/cron working?
A: Try one of these numerous solutions 18. Q: Can I use this screen that came from ____ ?
A: No 19. Q: I run my Pi headless and there's a problem with my Pi and the best way to diagnose it or fix it is to plug in a monitor & keyboard, what do I do?
A: Plug in a monitor & keyboard. 20. Q: My Pi seems to be causing interference preventing the WiFi/Bluetooth from working
A. Using USB 3 cables that are not properly shielded can cause interference and the Pi 4 can also cause interference when HDMI is used at high resolutions. 21. Q: I'm trying to use the built-in composite video output that is available on the Pi 2/3/4 headphone jack, do I need a special cable?
A. Make sure your cable is wired correctly and you are using the correct RCA plug. Composite video cables for mp3 players will not work, the common ground goes to the wrong pin. Camcorder cables will often work, but red and yellow will be swapped on the Raspberry Pi. 22. Q: I'm running my Pi with no monitor connected, how can I use VNC?
A: First, do you really need a remote GUI? Try using ssh instead. If you're sure you want to access the GUI remotely then ssh in, type vncserver -depth 24 -geometry 1920x1080 and see what port it prints such as :1, :2, etc. Now connect your client to that. 23. Q: I want to do something that has been well documented and there are numerous tutorials showing how to do it on Linux. How can I do it on a Raspberry Pi?
A: A Raspberry Pi is a full computer running Linux and doesn't use special stripped down embedded microcontroller versions of standard Linux software. Follow one of the tutorials for doing it on Linux. Also see question #1. 24. Q: I want to do something that has been well documented and there are numerous tutorials showing how to do it with an Arduino. How can I do it on a Raspberry Pi Pico?
A: Follow one of the tutorials for doing it on Arduino, a Pico can be used with the Arduino IDE. 25. Q: I'm trying to do something with Bluetooth and it's not working, how do I fix it?
A: It's well established that Bluetooth and Linux don't get along, this problem is not unique to the Raspberry Pi.

Before posting your question think about if it's really about the Raspberry Pi or not. If you were using a Raspberry Pi to display recipes, do you really think r/raspberry_pi is the place to ask for cooking help? There may be better places to ask your question, such as:

Asking in a forum more specific to your question will likely get better answers!

See the /r/raspberry_pi rules. While /r/raspberry_pi should not be considered your personal search engine, some exceptions will be made in this help thread.
‡ If the link doesn't work it's because you're using a broken buggy mobile client. Please contact the developer of your mobile client and let them know they should fix their bug. In the meantime use a web browser in desktop mode instead.

22:17 UTC


Pimoroni Pirate Audio standalone DAP - Pi Zero 2W - help plz

So I bought a Pirate Audio Headphone HAT (and yes: also a Zero 2W). I really thought I could just install some stuff and get it working but apparently you need another device to queue up music on it. I mean just WTF?

So basically I want to use the tiny ST7789 240x240 pixel LCD display on the board to browse, select, etc. I want to add and code additional buttons to make functionality easier. I have power and case solutions planned already.

I've tried all the media player OS's and I keep dead-ending.

I was thinking about using VLC or Kodi, but can't seem to get Kodi plugin working.

I figured I'd use Pi OS to use console more easily.

I was wondering how hard it is to write a VLC plugin for the interface? Or maybe someone has a better idea.

I have Pi Zero 2W @ Pirate Audio Headphone HAT.


Update: learning Python to write a simple thing.

This is gonna suck.

20:34 UTC


Using Pi's Bluetooth

Hello guys, I'm a newbie so this post might contain mistakes and not cover everything you need. It would be great if I can get some advices.

Well, I want to use my Raspberry Pi 3B to scan surrounding devices with Bluetooth enabled ( discovery mode ). Then gather relevant information like MAC, RSSI, ... and send it to a server using WiFi connection ( I plan to do this with a Python script ).

The problem is I'm not sure if I can use WiFi and Bluetooth simultaneously on Pi. From what I've read this is kinda not possible on ESP32. Also, is the built-in Bluetooth good enough for this purpose ? How about the estimated range it covers ?

So, should I use any external module ? Or should I even use Pi for this purpose at all ? If you guys have a better method to achieve this, please let me know as well.

Many thanks !

16:17 UTC


Why does my Raspberry Pi 4 have no options in raspi-config to enable the camera?

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with an official camera module. I was using this camera module before, but I'm done a clean installation from the standard rasp OS, and now I am unable to enable the camera module. What could be the issue?

16:48 UTC


I have bunch of problems with my Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W with 64 Bit Software

Hello everyone. I hope you are all fine!

I just have a problem, I am using USB-A Samsung Adapter(Also have one chromecast adapter) with my Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. Since I have a problem to run my docker files, I decided to 64 Bit software, which already can be found on Raspberry Pi Imager. However, after the installation, when I try to install docker my Raspberry Pi stops and restart itself. It works very slow. I can't install docker or even make sudo apt update itself.

I am currently using normal micro usb cable, 128 GB SD Card, Samsung phone charger as adapter.

Can you help me to figure out the problem?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Note: I installed 32 Bit software when I receive the device. I tried with 64 Bit software at least 10 times(with Raspberry Pi installer, etcher) I got errors with etcher but with pi installer I write it to my SD Card.

16:10 UTC

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