A place to show off your Pokémon TCG pulls and finds.
Another pokemon tcg subreddit! But this one lets you show off your pulls and card openings (please dont be annoying). A place to show off your Pokémon TCG pulls and finds. Add a channel to the stickied post by commenting and tagging u/lyleberr. No value questions
General Subs
r/pokemon (because Pokemon is awesome)
r/pokemontcg (questions, memes, discussion, etc. Can post most things under their rules)
r/pkmntcg (focused on competitive discussion and the actual gameplay)
r/ptcgo (discussions on Pokemon TCG Online)
r/pkmntcgcollections (Show off your full collections, not just your pulls)
r/PKMNTCGDeals (coupons/promotions for various online and physical stores)
r/pkmntcgtrades (for all your card trading needs)
Specific subs
r/pokemoncardappraisal (for valuations, strict on rules)
r/pokemonmisprints (for all misprint questions)
r/IsMyPokemonCardFake (for all fake questions)
Release the Hound(doom)s!
I haven't personally collected Pokemon cards in 15-20 years. I recently decided to buy my own Scarlet ETB when shopping at a local card shop with my wife. When I pulled this card, I thought it was cool but I didn't have a big reaction. Then I looked up at my wife covering her mouth in excitement. Little did I know I was holding the top chase card of the set.
The nostalgia of opening the cards and putting them in a binder was super therapeutic and I look forward to continuing the collection.
At target. Pulled one measly regular v card. The rest were split between holo and non holo rares 😫