This is a community for pencil enthusiasts.
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One extra pack for my sunflower-loving aunt. Smells great!
Studying for my HAM radio licenses and there’s a lot of math and note-taking. Picked up some Dixon Ticonderoga Black 2HB pencils and I just don’t like how they write, the lead isn’t too dark and they don’t feel the best in my hand. I have a single Mirado Black Warrior #2 that writes pretty well. I press down really hard when I write, and I never use the erasers that come on pencils if that matters at all.
Hey all, just sharpening up some dull points this leisurely afternoon. Here's a few of my current daily drivers. (If you're an Erasable, I miss you! I left FB so I wouldn't be online so much 😂)
What is it and how much is this thing worth?
I saw the Factory Seconds for $5.00 and had to buy a box. Just getting into Pencil World and figured I would start with a random assortment. I got a mix of hex and round, none of their premium offerings. Mostly New York Public Library and comic book pencils. They all appear to be in relatively perfect shape, with very few defects. One had a ferrule smashed into the wood off center, an eraser was shorter than the rest, and some paint errors. Overall, not a bad deal for $5.00! I will be donating most of these to the school nearby, and keep maybe a dozen for myself. I will be ordering some premium pencils off the Musgrave site in the near future.
Seeing other posts on here, I see some people got a hand written thank-you note and a sample pencil or two from their orders. Mine just came in a plain white box, no sample, and no note.
My now deceased father-in-law used these in the 70’s when he was designing and building homes. Prior to meeting him and marrying his daughter I was into drafting, sketching etc. so when he passed 30 years ago, I grabbed these just because. Forgot I had them until recently. There are a total of nine and all are unsharpened. I want to use one but it feels as though I shouldn’t.
Are these special or a dime a dozen?
Anyone know?
I love it so much but don’t know where to find them.
I already had the Pentel P207 and I like it but I didn’t know that there were other colors. I’ve never seen the 3 pack of Zebra ones before and they looked nice so I figured I’d give it a shot.
Ideally if I could just take the 9852hw and have a harder lead it’d be my perfect pencil. The purpose of these is they’re stashed in multiple locations, so a separate eraser isn’t an option.
He’s going for 15 ish days and will be in Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. What kinds of pencils would you recommend I ask him to get me? Are there any like obligatory buys?
Something that's like the Sennelier of pencils :)
Laser engraved this blackwing 710 — almost got everything lined up correctly.
I don’t like my eraser caps, they throw off the weight of my pencils. Can I buy the just metal part with the eraser inside and just glue it onto my pencils that don’t have erasers?
Is that possible?
Got bored at work and crafted this bad boy with a box cutter
I found these N.1 and N.2 pencils. I don't know if it exists in other grades. Considering the existing information on Franbel, I think these pencils may date back to before the Second World War. I like their simplicity, wood and graphite, nothing else. A