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How to share my horrible experience at this fashion school properly?

Hi everyone, this may be a long one.

i need some advice.. How does one particularly proceed with getting the word out to prospective students to save their money for a school that is falling apart - but advertising that they provide the world.

I attend a major fashion school here in Paris (supposedly top 5 in the world??) and it absolutely is nothing like it was advertised:

For background info, i will not mention the name of the school because im not entirely sure where or how i will go about sharing my experience. But i am in a fashion business masters program in the international (english) program of this school. Tuition is 15,000 and my american brain said ‘Hey! thats not bad!’ 🤦🏼‍♀️ My classmates range from french, indian, italian, chinese and south american - this is the cool part.

i will keep the list of occurrences as concise as possible to give you an idea of whats happening here.

-I originally left the Creative Directors masters as it contained classes such as Fashion History 101 and a creative project that we would develop over two years with not alot of lecture time or anything to do with working as a director of a team. It was just glorified fashion design. This is when i officially joined the fashion business program

-We were not given class course sheets until after we paid our full tuition for the year (red flag looking back)

-When i interviewed, i saw the school had a great alumni, two of which are current major fashion icons. My interviewer told me that the school does not like to discuss specific names of alumni as they think the work produced at the school speaks for itself. Now i know she probably cannot legally boast it as i found out on wikipedia that both of these professionals actually dropped out of this school. One citing ‘lack of creative freedom’… on WIKIPEDIA! lol

-In the fall semester, we had about 30 hours of classes cancelled, with maybe 10 hours recuperated

-They tell us we need to learn french to get a job, but provide one french class every two months. after tuition, none of us can afford Alliance Française. I am thankful i have a bachelors in french LOL

-We never have any public speakers. When the class delegate complained on our behalf, they managed to ‘find one’ within a few weeks. But that has been our only public speaker.

-During our week long business marathon project, we were assigned a failing brand. Im not kidding, their website got less than 10 clicks a day. And if we won with the best consulting plan to gain more clients (BTW we had to make a plan for them to earn clients like LVMH hahahahahahahah) then we would earn a free internship with them…….

-No one can find an internship for the summer. no one. i have classmates flying home to the USA, Hong Kong, India, to try to earn work experience over the summer. I know Paris can be a tough market but when you pay tuition at one of the top five schools… i rest my case

-They have a photoshoot space but dont allow students to use it, its only for them to post on social media every 6 months

-They post our official transcripts with incorrect grades, and incorrect year and program as well LOL

-No one has consistant grades. Everyone has grades from 19/20 to 7/20. Our highest performing student failed an exam this week.

-The school boasts about its partnership with BNP Paribas. When i emailed our student life director about the steps of obtaining a school loan he just never answered. But he answers my emails about my sick notes.

-Doctors notes still count as unexcused absences. And then during fashion week when you want to volunteer to work back stage, they hold your absences against you. They dont let you go

-My classmates in the Creative Director’s program have had teachers tell them that ‘the more they talk, the lower their IQ falls’ and that they need to ‘stop watching Netflix and do more work’

-Yesterday when i attended school there was no toilet paper in any of the three restrooms. Apparently this problem started on friday

-Someone got murdered literally in the street in front of our school in broad daylight on thursday. There was blood in the street. Students got interviewed by police because it was that close. I did not find out from the school, i found out from my classmates. And now im scared. There has been no added security measures or anything.

-When they asked for 5 grand for the following year back in april, i signed a form claiming that i wont attend the following year. Its been an entire month and the school is yet to reach out to me regarding anything.

-The tuition is also 15k for the following year. Even though the second semester is a mandatory unpaid internship with no classes…….

-Every week is exam week. Every week is presentation week. We listen to each other much more than our teachers.

I could go on and on and i congratulate you if you have made it this far lol. I am tired of seeing my classmates heartbroken and crying in class and i just want to get the word out in a way that is not just… google reviews. Do i make a youtube video? contact a journalist? There are other schools in the area which are the same price but work with actual brands, companies, influencers, and the same people who dropped out of our program as claimed alumni. I cant watch this school continue to advertise themselves as something theyre far from.

TLDR: I want to share my experience with a fashion school that proclaims themselves as renowned but is horribly mismanaged and is at the detriment of it’s students and faculty.

12:14 UTC


Comment se faire des potes à Paris ?

Salut tout le monde,

J’espère que vous allez tous bien.

Alors je suis étudiant étranger à Paris, et honnêtement j’ai du mal à me faire des amis à Paris, j’ai des camarades de classe mais sans plus. Je suis quelqu’un d’assez extravert, mais je veux cerner un peu plus le caractère des gens à Paris avant de me lancer dans la recherche

Est-ce que par exemple vous, parisiens, trouvez que c’est bizarre que quelqu’un vous aborde dans la rue pour parler ? Genre juste du small talk innocent ? Dans quel cadre vous trouvez vos amis ? En boite ? Au bar ?

Merci :)

00:12 UTC


Chambre de bonne

Bonsoir Honnêtement comme quelqu’un qui habite dans une chambre de bonne… S’il vous plaît Répondez moi J’ai besoin des gens qui ont la même C’est horrible « t’es vraiment fort ; je ne pourrais pas supporter ça , c’est incroyable » MAIS MOI NON PLUS ÇA FAIT 4 mois que j’habite comme ça, et ça n’a pas changé, c’est trop difficile, c’est dur, ça ne change pas j’en ai marre. Mon niveau de dépression a vrmt augmenté à cause d’où j’habite et j’en ai marre. Je vais partir dans 3 mois mais c’est horrible — des gens qui disent qu’ils comprennent waow comment c’est difficile. Mais non. C’est pas naturel, c’est pas normal. Des gens du moyen âge n’habitaient pas comme ça. Dites moi - C’EST PAS MOI C’EST QUE J’AI PAS DU CHOIX. Merci —compatissons, je suis littéralement déprimée et tout le monde agit comme si c'était normal. Je peux plus

23:33 UTC


Transport publique le 1er mai?

Salut tout le monde, j'espère que vous allez bien C'est ma première fois ici à paris, et je me demande si les lignes metro et RER seront en greve demain ou pas? Merci

19:08 UTC


Pizza marseillaise à Paris

Marseillais expatrié à Paris depuis trop longtemps, il m'est toujours impossible de trouver une pizza qui se rapproche des fameuses pizze des camions marseillais. Le plus proche, c'était Da Pietro à Mabillon mais ils ont fermé pendant le COVID.

On trouve partout des pizzas napolitaines qui ne se tiennent pas, avec une pâte trop fine, humidifiée par le fromage ou la sauce tomate.

Avez-vous des recommandations? Merci !

18:40 UTC


Location vélo (1 mois)

Salut tout le monde,

Est-ce-que vous avez des bons plans (magasin/site) pour louer de vélo pas trop cher juste pour le mois?

18:09 UTC


Looking for 30th April celebrations

Hi, in Germany there’s this thing where you dance into may from 30th April - 1st may. Ik tomorrow is a public holiday, is there anywhere that will be doing something like this tonight?

17:39 UTC


Restaurants near the Zenith/la Villette? Pre show meal.

Anyone can recommend something fun/good/cheap for pre show (Amelie Lens/Techno) at the Zenith tonight?

No diet restrictions. But one student on limited budget. So sub 20€ please. The tickets were already too €€€!

Would like to discover something new/good atmosphere/good food. Both French speakers….. no issues there.

Thanks everyone!

07:18 UTC


Bonjour j’organise ceci, si cela intéresse des gens n’hésitez pas a venir je vous attend nombreux

10:23 UTC


Hidden USB stick

At 48.901100, 2.274691 a member of a server I'm in put a USB stick containing some Windows drivers for a specific SoC (SM8250) for someone to find. He has stopped working on them and had deleted the original files, only keeping a copy of them on this USB stick.

(Long story short, it is a community in which people are trying to run Windows on ARM devices (phones, tablets). Due to the specific chipsets these devices have, it is near impossible to run Windows on them withour creating drivers from scratch. Without the drivers on this USB stick, SM8250 will likely never be supported)

I am unable to go there myself, so I'm hoping that someone else here is able to find it. If you don't trust it, you don't have to open the USB stick, I'll gladly pay for the shipping. If you do trust this post and want to open it, please make sure to copy the contents within 5 minutes, because (I guess to troll the community even more), the owner of the stick has put the files on a faulty USB stick that is rendered unreadable after it is plugged in foe more than 5 minutes.

The precise location is at the bus stop, at the bottom of the sign. There should be a small box or something where it's located inside of.

13:49 UTC


On tient le responsable des fissures sur l'A13

Ce président du conseil départemental des Hauts de Seine, 67ans, Vice-Président de la métropole du Grand Paris, a fait creuser le mur sous l'A13 pour y construire un parking pour son Musée du grand Siècle, parking destiné aux voitures des officiels et donc aussi à sa voiture.

Article du Canard Enchaîné, relayé aussi par le Figaro.


Pensez à lui au moyen de payer l'A14.

13:19 UTC


Cheapest litre of beer

Where can I find the cheapest liter of beer pression in/around Paris? I’m looking for a litre in the 8-10euro range, doesn’t matter where.

12:18 UTC


Test de chaise ergonomique sur Paris

Hello tout le monde,

Je passe bientôt en full télétravail et je voulais voir s’il existait des endroits à Paris où je peux tester une grande variété de chaises ergonomiques pour le travail/gaming ?

11:20 UTC


A votre avis c’est quoi la meilleur École Art Deco de Paris pour DNMADE graphisme?

Je suis en terminale, et j’attends les réponses de mes voeux parcoursup. Je suis curieuse de savoir votre opinion de Essa Duperre, Estienne, ENSAD, et August Renoir. Que ce soit la vie d’étudiant, les prof, les classes offertes etc…d’après vous qu’elle est la meilleure école


03:00 UTC


À la recherche d’un emploi/Looking for a job!!

Je suis étudiant et je parle couramment le français et l’anglais, je suis à la recherche d’un emploi pour un mois, tout est accepté, peinture des murs, lavage de la vaisselle, travaux de construction, littéralement n’importe quoi pour le mois de mai s’il vous plaît. Je suis un garçon et j’ai 20 ans

02:37 UTC


Would most Parisians mock or not be able to understand this Canadian French accent?

So there is a stereotype that the French, particularily Parisians, don't understand or pretend not to understand certain francophone accents and/or foreign accents. It is often said that they need subtitles to watch shows or media from Quebec.

Would you say this is a very thick Quebec accent, or the average Quebec accent, or a polished and educated/formal Quebec accent? One a scale of 1 to 10, how intelligible and how seriously would someone be taken with this accent in Paris?


23:55 UTC


Job for English speaker (Student)

Heyy, The title pretty much says it all, so what are good paying jobs for an international university student, to help with paying the bills?

I am going to be learning French, but my stay will not last longer than a year, so I'm looking something temporary with relying on my English skills. Merci🌺

22:16 UTC


New York pizza in Paris

Im an ex new Yorker living in Paris and I just can’t find any New York style pizza places😭😭 It has to exist somewhere please help if u have any recs

20:06 UTC


Il se passe quoi à La Plaine - Stade de France / Gare du Nord?

Quand il y a des perturbations sur le RER B il me semble que c’est presque toujours à cause d’un incident soit à La Plaine - Stade de France soit à Gare du Nord. Ils foutent quoi, là?

19:53 UTC


Où trouver des Fusili Linghi sur Paris ?

Bonsoir, question un peu étrange mais je recherche des fusili linghi pour mon copain, qui en raffole. Je ne suis pas de Paris donc je ne sais pas où aller, mais impossible d’en trouver dans les environs de chez moi. Merci à vous et bonne soirée.

18:51 UTC


Bouteille à la mer : Je me suis fais voler mon vélo

Bonjour tout le monde, je viens de trouver mon vélo volé en vente sur Facebook marketplace.

La seule indication que j'ai de la localisation, c'est la photo avec le post. Est-ce que vous auriez une idée d'où ça pourrait être ?


Merci de votre aide et bonne soirée


Édit : j'ai retrouvé le vélo et un serrurier vient m'aider a le déverrouiller merci beaucoup !

17:50 UTC


What did I see at the Musee de l'Armee today?

Was visiting the museum today around 11am and this was happening in the courtyard. Main entrance was closed to the public so everyone around that time had to enter from the dome side.

Website just mentioned an "official ceremony" but not what it was.

Video below that I took before a member of the police or army told everyone who had gathered to move away from the balconies.


15:47 UTC


Covoiturage Paris 19 vers Boulogne-Billancourt


J'ai depuis peu la chance de fréquenter la ligne 9 pour aller à Marcel Samba, à Boulogne-Billancourt, en partant du 19em. Je pense que je ne mérite pas encore cette ligne, si dévouée à ses utilisateurs. Peut-être mieux qu'une ligne en or, c'est plutôt la bienveillance des usagers, si peu nombreux et si généreux, qui me fait rougir à chaque arrêt, à chaque virages, alors que je viens tout juste d'arriver.

Ainsi, j'aimerai me faire violence quelques temps, pour laisser la place à ceux qui le méritent vraiment : je cherche un co-voiturage. Bien-sûr, c'est difficile à envisager pour moi, mais je sens que je dois donner pour recevoir, au delà de mon loyer bien-sûr, qui je pense devrait être plus élevé, ré-evaluer peut-être, si ce n'est doublé pour la qualité qu'il m'offre, au vue des difficultés auquelles les propriétaires font faces de nos jours. Mais chaque chose en son temps.

Alors, si un/e âme en peine ou dans cette même démarche de sacrifice, souhaiterai partager sa douleur, et ainsi m'accueillir pour co-voiturer plus ou moins au quotidien, je suis prêt à abandonner tout mon confort au profit des plus nécessiteux.

Au plaisir.

17:13 UTC


Mexican food/bakery

Hi all, I am working in Paris this week until Friday. Looking for a decent mexican/taco place. Last time I was here Cafe Chilango was open, sad to see it is now closed. Being Mexican I usually like to see what other cities in Europe consider Mexican food, it fascinates me how they blend cultures :)

Also, any recommendations for a cocktail place? Last night I went to Le Gatsby since it was close a restaurant I went to, I like the vibe but also open to an underground hip hop lounge vibe. Thank you in advance :)

16:53 UTC


Info on Touquets, a Paris bar my parents met at in the 50's

This is not to be confused with the Fouquets Hotel, or the town of Le Touquet. My mom remembers a bar in Paris named Touquets, or possible La or Le Touquet, where she met dad in the mid 1950's.

I posted about this on Tripadvisor, and a former soldier replied "Your Mom is right. I am also 88. I was stationed in Orleans, France from 1957 to 1960. We frequented a bar in Paris we called Touquets. It was a little off the Champs-Elysees. I think the street may have been Rue de Berri. Unfortunately I have no photos."

It was a small place with drinks, dancing and music. So, I know this is a longshot, but I would love to get any additional info on this place. A photo of the place, or of the logo or sign, would be great. I'd like to print something for her with any of those things on it. Any info at all would be appreciated though.

Thank you for reading.

1 Comment
14:47 UTC


Looking for Rock / Metal Bar


i'm looking for recommendations for a Rock / Metal Bar in Paris

15:46 UTC


Conditions ouverture café Pop up store?

Bonjour! Il y en a quelqu’un qui connaît les conditions pour ouvrir un café Pop up store à Paris +/- gâteaux? Merci

1 Comment
15:38 UTC


Paris topping the charts in 2023 🎉

14:32 UTC


Seeking Photographer

Hi all,

Looking for an English-speaking photographer to take some "just for fun" photos of myself around Paris. Not an influencer, just taking a solo trip and want some photos of my outfits and stuff for my own personal use. Any suggestions?


1 Comment
13:37 UTC

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