
Photograph via snooOG

La France, les Français et même les francophones

Journée positive du 17/04/2024

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La sphère francophone sur reddit

Merci à l'équipe de r/annuaire pour la tenue impeccable de la liste !


1,727,392 Subscribers


Sporting Betting Sites (NBA /NFL)

Does anybody know a good sportsbook in France that includes player props ? Looking to bet while I'm living abroad.... Specifically interested in betting player props in NBA and NFL action. Thanks!

16:05 UTC


Hello /r/france could you explain a french film fan from Germany the popcultural impact of "Les Visiteurs" at the time of 1993?

Dear french film fans from a slightly "older generation",

I'm a fan of french film from Germany (pardon). Although probably some of my favorites are maybe not the most-liked films for french redditors because they are too mainstream and I don't want to annoy any film buffs by not listing the "true masterpieces of the french history" but - I have a very big sweet spot for them: Some of them are a part of my childhood/youth and with a couple of them I tried to learn french (but I don't want to torture you with it - unfortunately it's even worse than my english).

For example: One of my favorites are - like possibly every european - the asterix comics and films. My parents took me as a kid to the first real film "Astérix et Obélix contre César" in the cinema and I was absolutely flashed. I adore the beginning with the fantastic soundtrack, the costumes, the set building and the vibrant acting from Christian Clavier. I have a "Making of"-Book from the realisation of the movie and as a little kid I was fascinated to learn that it was a co-production between France, Italia and Germany and that, for example, the arena scenes with the lions, aligators, elephants and spiders (awww, what was I scared as a young boy at the freakin' spider scene :D ) were shot at Munich. And aside from the fantastic french cast you have also some roles played by german and italian actors like Gottfried John as Cesar and Roberto Benigni as Destructivus).

It was the film that made me a huge fan of Christian Clavier. He's in the Top3 of my favorite actors of all time and so I tried to catch up with many of his movies. In Germany he is best known as Astérix and the three "Qu’est-ce qu’on..."-Films but, as I learned, it seems to be that in France he is very popular for an other role: His performance as Jacquouille la Fripouille in "Les Visiteurs". It was a huge success in France with nearly 14 million admissions! Just for comparison: In the whole history of german cinema, there were only two domestic films that could break the milestone of over 10 million admissions ("Der Schuh des Manitu" and "Otto - Der Film"). And the "newest" of the both films is also already 23 years old. Christian Clavier alone has four films in his vita with more than 10 millon admissions and a couple of films that were very close to that milestone. A lot of french films are compatible with a broader audience even outside of France, for example just take the universal hit "Intouchables" with a worldwide boxoffice over 400 million US-Dollars (!). "Intouchables" was also a sensational success in Germany with over 9 million admissions. You see, one french film almost beat nearly every other german domestic film at the all time box office. And "Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis" was almost the most successful film of all time in France. Not the most successful french film - THE most successful film overall, only beaten by "Titanic".

Excuse me, I write too much and of course you have any right to say "Box office doesn't necessary equalize quality" and that's right. But of course, the more successful a french film is, the higher the chance that he will get an release in Germany and back in the days that was nearly the only opportunity to find out about a movie.

Now back to my question related to "Les Visiteurs": You know, in Germany the film is not unknown but never had the same breakthrough like other french comedies. One of the main reasons could be: The film looks extremely tricky to translate. Yes, on the first view one could think it's "just" a slapstick comedy but after a little research I think there's more than that. It's the clash of the old France with the new France (well, the 1993 "new" France of course). In my childhood and youth "Les Visiteurs" was relatively often broadcasted in german TV but for many of us it looked just like a silly comedy with "Some knights who drank out of the toilet". The film has a very dumb german dub with texts that often have nothing to do with the original. Even the character names were changed. Just as I watched the film a couple of years ago in french I got a better feeling of understanding for the film. Of course, I will never be able to understand or speak the french language nearly good enough to really understand the film, but with the original language the film worked so much better. Just one of the easiest examples: The legendary "C'est okay!!" is not existent in the german dub. One could think that would be the easiest part of the whole translation but they changed even that. And not for good: Instead of "C'est okay!" Jacquouille asks "Is this a dance?" (like wtf? that doesn't make any sense in the context of that scene). And because of that, the original running gag through the whole "Les Visiteurs"-Series is completely non-existent. In following scenes Jacquouille just shout "This is beautiful" instead of "C'est okay". I mean, maybe I'm getting it wrong but: I thought the whole gag is that Jacquouille is confronted with a new word for him, an anglicism that he never heard in his medieval days and that's the reason he shouts it like a child that learned a new word. And like I said, that's just one of the most obvious examples that even non french speakers recognize. I can't imagine how many puns and references flew way over our heads. You know, a prime example for a better handling would be "Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre". I read over many, many years from french people that this film is practially untranslatable. And I absolutely believe that but let me say: The translators did their very best and managed to make a dub that worked really good in german without completely changed context and character names.

One of my favorite anecdotes about "Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre": I saw on Youtube a clip with three french biathlon athletes. The three athletes were interviewed and one of the guys answered a question with the famous "C'est une bonne situation" quote from the film and all of the biathlon guys shared a laugh together. This is what I tried to point out with the box office numbers: It's more than just numbers, it's also an indicator for the popcultural impact. And when three young athletes quote an (at that time) nearly 20 years old film, what is that when not an popcultural impact?

And finally without further ado, that's the keyword to my question: Popcultural impact. For "Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre" I god an idea for the popcultural impact: Well, unfortunatetly I wasn't around in France to that time but, like the first film, my parents also took me to the second Astérix real film and I could catch up a lot of impressions from french film fans and there are also a lot of information and trivia in german for that film. But for "Les Visiteurs" I couln't find enough trivia that would be adqueate, given the huge success in France.

So, would any of you, people who were around the time of release of "Les Visiteurs" gave me any anecdotes at first hand? Was the enormous success to be expected? I mean, there are even video games for that film. According to french gaming youtubers, the games are all absolutely crap, but hey: Video games for playstation and gameboy based on a domestic blockbuster wasn't really that common in the 90's - I mean, it's not even common nowadays. Are there quotes that are used evend today from the film? Were there copycats? Movies that tried to do the same but doesn't succeed? How was the hype for the successor "Les couloirs du temps: Les Visiteurs 2"? I would be glad and thankful for any impression because that would be like the only opportunity for a german guy like me to get a better picture of the influence and hype around that film, especially around the time of the release. I mean, I even saw telephone booth cards with Jacquouilles Face or Remix-CD's of "C'est okay!" on ebay :D

And pardon to overstay the welcome but last question: What happened with the latest film "Les Visiteurs: La revolution"? This is the only part where I think that the only fault can't be just a bad german dub. Maybe I'm not getting it but I really tried to like the film but... I could'nt. The only good part was the end part, where the both landing through another time travel in N#zi-Germany and it's a shame that the funniest bit of the film is just a teaser for a next film that will unlikely ever happen because of the poor quality of "La Revolution". The film had a huge budget of 27 million US-Dollars and uses day-for-night-shots. Except for the start and end scenes most of all scenes are in closed buildings and I couldn't even summarize the story: The whole middle part was just a couple of endless discussion scenes and I never found even an attempt of jokes. I mean, you could argue as a german it's obvious that I'm not the best joke detector from birth but for that specific film, I don't believe it's that easy. I'm a simple man, I even can find entertaining out of the most critically panned Christian Clavier Films. "Mystere a Saint-Tropez" isn't a funny film at all - every joke annouces itselfs 800 miles against the wind but it's enough for me: It has Clavier and Poelvoorde, a good soundtrack and at least some charme with the slapstick homage. But "Les Visiteurs: La Revolution"? The film does nothing for me: In one scene Jacquouille squeezes a pimple, then they meet half the cast from "Qu’est-ce qu’on..." and at some point Napoleon grumbles because the lack of milk in the house. I don't even know what the plot is, where it's supposed to lead and I really don't know if I even had to chuckle once?

tl,dr: Could any of you who experienced the release of “Les Visiteurs” live at the time in 1993 tell me about the movies pocultural impact? From Merchandise and Reactions, Quotes that even used today, is the sequel seen as an equal to the first film?

Thank you very much to anyone who's read til this and I look forward to any answer.

Have a nice weekend and greetings from Germany

15:48 UTC


RMC/BFM, matinale du 26 avril. Témoignage d'un auditeur qui a changé son prénom à consonnance arabe en Grégoire à la suite de discriminations à l'embauche

15:03 UTC


Dois-je Déclarer les Revenus PayPal ?

Bonjour, je suis résident en France et je travaille sous contrat, payant des impôts. Mon frère, qui n'est pas en Europe, travaille en tant que freelance pour un client à l'étranger. Ce client envoie son paiement (1100 euros par mois) sur mon compte PayPal, que je transfère ensuite sur mon frére compte bancaire. Dois-je déclarer ces revenus PayPal et payé Des imports sur? Ou devrais-je arrêter de recevoir de l'argent pour lui? Merci!

14:19 UTC


One night stay around La Rochelle?

Hello everyone, we are travelling to france for work and we have this weekend to explore the west coast of france down to La Rochelle approximately.

Google told us to check out La Rochelle for sure but maybe you guys know something around there where we could see maybe not too touristy places for today and tomorrow forenoon?

Thank you so much in advance!

12:38 UTC


ma première copine reviens pour la Xème fois et je suis perdu

bonjour à tous,

il y a 2 jours, mon ex-copine (F17), qui fut également ma première et unique copine, m'as renvoyé un message, ce n'est pas la première fois que l'on reprend contacte pour des durées plus ou moins longues elle et moi (M17) depuis que l'on a rompu il y a presque 4 ans. Mais là c'est different, elle avais l'air perdue, avec un profond manque de confiance en elle, en me disant qu'elle n'as jamais été assez bien pour moi, que je lui manque, ext.... Elle a eu des problèmes au cours des dernières années (violence physique et morale au sein de ses relations si j'ai bien compris).

Evidemment ce que vous lirez ici n'est que mon point de vue, et donc ce que j'ai compris de nos échanges.

Donc, jeudi soir pendant que je finalisais mes derniers cours pour le lendemain quand j'ai vu sur mon téléphone un message de sa part me disant qu'elle me dérange surement après m'avoir laissé 4 appels manqué. Après lui avoir répondu et avoir légèrement discuté elle me dis qu'en gros je lui manque, qu'elle sais que c'est moi l'homme de sa vie, qu'elle cherche une partie de moi dans chaqu'une de ses relation, que c'etait une erreur de partir... cette discussion m'as énormément perturbé, d'autant plus qu'on a discuté jusqu'à presque une heure du matin et que, malgré que nous ne soyons plus ensemble depuis plusieurs années je reste très attachée a elle dû au fait qu'elle ai été ma première et seule copine. De plus je sais qu'elle était parfaitement lucide lorsque nous avons discuté puisqu'elle ne boit que rarement et pas en grande quantité et a horreur des drogues quelque soit leur nature.

Pour être tout a fais honnête avec vous je ne sais pas dutout ce que j'attend en postant ce message mais j'avais besoin d'en parlé ahah.

merci à vous d'avoir pris le temps de lire ce message, et bonne journée a tous

13:42 UTC


Question sur les Compagnons du Devoir

J’envisage de faire une reconversion vers le métier de Ferronnier d’Art en passant un CAP (voire BMA) via les Compagnons du Devoir. Le parcours que je vais faire sera celui pour les 25 ans et plus, ce qui fait que je ne ferai pas le Tour de France. Avez-vous des connaissances qui ont fait ce parcours ? Avez-vous eu des retours ? Est-ce quand on fait ce parcours, nous sommes également considéré comme « compagnon » ?

13:54 UTC


À 18 ans c’est pas à nos parents de payer nos vêtements on est d’accord ?

J’ai 18 ans dans mon cas ça fait depuis mes 16 ans que je paye moi même mes vêtements, ordinateur, jeux etc… parfois en prenant des risques

C’est un truc lambda ou c’est spécial ?

Vos parents vous payaient vos envies jusqu’à quel âge ?

12:03 UTC


Aix en Provence or Marseilles on a rainy day?

After spending a week in the Rhône Valley and Provence the weather has gotten rainy and we still have a couple of nights before our flight.

Which city would you recommend as a stop? The forecast is rainy and gloomy, so outdoor activities are bust.

Recommendations for good cafes to read books in are also welcome 😃

11:29 UTC


À quel point nos plages ont changé ? Le golfe du Lion

1 Comment
11:46 UTC


Auto entrepreneur

Bonjour, Je fais de la restauration de meubles puis je les revends sur internet cette activité marche plutôt bien et je souhaiterais me mettre en auto entrepreneur. Je n'y connais rien et je ne sais pas qui pourrait m'aider pour ce statut, je sais qu'il est simplifié mais ayant déjà bénéficié de l'accre en juillet 2020 a 2021 mais je n'ai pas utilise ce statut cause confinement ai je de nouveau le droit de l'avoir en 2024 ? J'ai appelé pôle emploi qui refuse de m'aider, et la chambre de commerce qui me demande 60€ pour m'aider... Alors tout est gratuit.. Quelqu'un pour m'aider ? Merci a vous

10:46 UTC


Samedi Écriture - Sujet Libre ou "Vous êtes une loutre"

"Vous croisez votre double à la laverie"

Bonjour À Tous ! Aujourd'hui C'est Samedi, Donc C'est Samedi Écriture ! Et comme ça sera tout le temps le cas maintenant, c'est aussi Sujet Libre ! (merci de l'indiquer au début de votre commentaire, sinon je m'y retrouverai pas)


Au choix :

  • Sujet Libre

  • "Vous êtes une loutre"

  • Sujet alternatif : Rédigez un texte en utilisant au moins 5 des mots suivants : "Selle, Bandeau, Enterrement, Scie, Minuscule, Menottes, Asile, Sourcils, Canada, Masse".

Sujets De La Semaine Prochaine :

Au choix :

  • Sujet Libre.

  • "Vous avez été contaminé avec une drogue expérimentale"

  • Sujet alternatif de la semaine prochaine: Rédigez un texte en utilisant au moins 5 des mots suivants : "Soins, Commissaire, Construire, Adam, Vraiment, Loup, Calmar, Interrupteur, Remplir, Botanique "

Sujets à venir :

Sujet du 10/02/2024 : ""
Sujet du 17/02/2024 : ""
Sujet du 24/02/2024 : ""
Sujet du 02/03/2024 : ""

A vos claviers, prêt, feu, partez !

08:33 UTC


France inter

Is it important television? Is it managed well? Are journalists good or not? Who are the listeners, young, old, decent people, bigots?

07:39 UTC


Les journées sans actualités négatives sont une bouffée d'air frais

Il y a un peu moins de post que d'habitude, mais ils ont des sujets un peu originaux en plus d'être plus positif. Plutôt convaincu par l'expérience.

07:43 UTC

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