This is a subreddit for your Nicktoons-related memes! While the focus is mostly on 90s/2000s Nicktoons, anything goes just as long as it’s an original animated series produced by Nickelodeon.
This is a subreddit for your Nicktoons-related memes! While the focus is mostly on 90s/2000s Nicktoons, anything goes just as long as it’s an original animated series produced by Nickelodeon.
No political memes of any kind. Memes about current events are fine, but ANYTHING POLITICAL WILL BE REMOVED.
No NSFW of characters that are underage. NSFW of adult characters is allowed within reason but must be tagged.
Be civil. Abide by the Content Policy. Also, there’s a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry and hatred of any kind. Abide by the Content Policy. There’s a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry and hatred of any kind. Additionally: don't make fun of people for the Nicktoons they like. This is a place for lovers of all Nick shows.
Memes must be related to original Nicktoons. Acquired programming doesn’t count as a “Nicktoon”. Please see here for a list of acceptable shows to meme about here.
No spam. If the memes you make are redundant, gibberish, chain mail ("repost or die"), or self-promotional, it may fall under spam. If it's not a meme at all, it may fall under spam as well.
No memes about violence/death. This includes but is not limited to: death/suicide/murders, shootings, sexual assault, or other acts of violence/terrorism, even if these are Nicktoons/Nickelodeon related somehow.
No reposts. We want original content here.
No vote manipulation. Do NOT make any posts asking for upvotes, or encouraging people to upvote you for your cake day, etc. as this is a violation of intergalactic law.
NO jokes about crimes or tragedies. We are aware that Nickelodeon has several troubling things on their record, but situations involving Dan Schneider, Bill Cosby, etc. aren't things to joke about. It's disrespectful to both their victims, and other survivors who may stumble across it.
Related subreddits:
Please see the wiki for more info, otherwise feel free to send a modmail for further inquiries!
Hi everyone , you’ve all met cupcakemuffin , I’m the newest mod and this is a brief about me , I’m always open to new ideas and support work also my main objective is to make this subreddit an awesome experience for all and to develop this potential subreddit along with your support , and always have fun.
Hi everyone! I thought I'd make a post introducing myself here, I'm the new mod of this subreddit! In case you couldn't see it, I've added some rules to the subreddit in order to give it a bit more structure. I hope to keep this subreddit active, help it grow, and make it the best that it can be! Currently, I'm getting the wiki set up. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about me, the rules, or anything else. I take people's concerns very seriously and hope to keep as many people satisfied with this subreddit as possible.