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The hozuki clan water gun technique
Obviously team 7 is the strongest out of the Konoha 12, but who would be the second strongest team?
I’m stuck at the end of season 9 when Naruto leaves with Pervy Sage for training. I’ve checked every streaming service I can find and no one has anything past that point. Even Crunchy Roll. Where can I watch the rest?
He's probably dead 😔
Who would win?
So as we all know if you are either born with 6 paths chakra or awaken 6 paths chakra your abilities will get enhanced. So if a member of the Kaguya clan were to be born with 6 paths chakra would there Shikotsumyaku (or bone release) evolve into all killing ash bones. I think if they are born with 6 paths chakra then they would have ash all killing bones from birth, but if they had normal chakra before and then somehow some got 6 paths chakra, I could see their bone release actually evolving into the ash all killing bones. But what do you think.
Ok so lets assume Danzo gets assassinated before he can steal all those Sharingans so he can abuse the Izanagi techniques and then Hiruzen takes on and trains Shisui as a Successor...
Shisui was always mentor figure to Itachi so if he mentored someone as smart as Itachi he's got the brains, plus Itachi said Shisui was always a bit stronger and Itachi is powerhouse... he's also one of the strongest Genjutsu user and so physically fast only A the forth Raikage has the remotest of chances of being faster.
Shisui is respect by all Uchiha for his devotion to clan but also being devoted to the Village and according to Itachi shared many personality traits, including ideal and goals with Uzumaki Naruto.
So would he be a good Fifth Hokage?
So, things we know about the sarutobi clan:
-Are good with fire jutsus and carry the will of the fire
-Good with Yin-Yang jutsus(Shadow Clone, Shuriken Expansion, weapon expansion)
-Uses wind to power up weapons
-Some know hiden jutsus involving fire
-Are reliable with Fuinjutsu
-Senjutsu with monkeys
As a ninja, the things that he imediatly learns are fire jutsus, shadow clone, weapons. One of the reasons he could have survived the experiments could have been the natural alignment of Sarutobi's with Yin Yang release, and his power looks like a lot Akimichi's yin yang expansion. You also have to consider he looks a lot like a sarutobi would look like.His first enconter with Konohamaru could have been a foreshadow of this reveal.What do you guys think ?
Hello Naruto community, please accept my humble attempt at covering one of my favorite ost's.
I hope you enjoy!
Don’t get me wrong. I love our boy Naruto and the manga. I’m just very disappointed at the writer and can’t understand how it’s even considered top 3. It have by far the most plotholes and asspull I’ve ever seen. I while I did just say in parody “some wise ass will come stronger then Kishi gonna pull Kekke megatron, where someone use all the energies combined”. And then it did happened. And what is an eye anymore? People do all sorts of stuff now with eyes. Was just waiting for Naruto to fly an orb to Sasuke eye, then he could start move in time.
It’s a made up world, yes. But even in the made up world it seems to be some sort of logic so we can understand it. But Naruto didn’t.
Can you help me understand why it’s top 3? We have many very good mangas out there today, so things like plots and low asspulls should set standard to the top mangas.
Sakura Haruno
Sakura performed a complex surgery to remove all the Poison from Kankuro's body, healing him.
Sakura defeating Sasori of the Akatsuki with Chiyo.
Sakura defeats a giant centipede summon of Pain and healed several civilians during Pain invasion.
Sakura identifies white zetsu's ability to disguise as humans.
Sakura awakened byakugou, summoned katsuyu and healed all the injured in fourth shinobi war.
Sakura, with a single punch, defeated several of mini ten-tail clones.
Sakura manually pumped Naruto's heart to keep him alive after Kurama was ripped out of him in war.
Sakura helped Obito to rip open a portal to another dimension by supplying him with mammoth amounts of chakra, which he lacked.
Sakura punched Kaguya, broke her horn and helped Naruto and Sasuke to seal her.
Ino Yamanaka
Ino located Hidan and Kakuzu by possessing an eagle and spying on them.
Ino possessed and forced the golden brother and the pseudo nine-tails jinchuriki, Kinkaku to get sealed.
Ino possessed Choji and used his body to fight reanimated Asuma, also possessed zetsus and used their bodies fight Asuma and seal him away.
Ino possessed Obito, controlled the Ten-tails through him to divert the aim of a tailed beast bomb saving the shinobi alliance.
Ino possessed Obito again and immobilized the ten-tails.
Ino, in the inoshikacho formation, sensed all the mini tentail clones on the battlefield and relayed their locations to her allies via telepathy to help defeat them.
Ino telepathically connected everyone in the shinobi alliance multiple times for communications. She connected hashirama to everyone, also relayed naruto's memories and feelings to everyone.
Hinata Hyūga
Hinata stood up to Pain by herself in a desperate attempt to save Naruto's life.
Hinata, amped by Kurama's chakra, diverted an arm of ten-tails with an air palm.
Hinata unlocked 64 palms and twin lion fists and defeated a mini ten-tails clone.
completed the sasuke retrieval arc and now the gang has entered orochimaru's dungeon and I wanna know DOES SAKURA GET USEFUL LATER ON??? EVER???? I KNEW ABOUT THE FILLER EPISODES BUT GODDAMN SHES A FKN FILLER CHARACTER SHE MAKES ME WANNA SKIN MYSELF ALIVE
Could it have been liberated by getting the sharingan from sasuke's incapacitated body in the tree ? So fusing it with his Uzumaki lineage descendent from Indra
Essentially a character that gets on your nerves every time the said character appears.
So, I found this japanese fanpage discussing this question and got curious what you all would think?
Here's the link: https://animanch.com/archives/20820529.html1
So I've been doing my own research into Dojutsu because I had nothing better to do with my day and ended up encountering some discussions on this, though it was a hard find, and no one seemed to have a concrete answer.
Apparently in Storm 4 or a data-book the term Shari-Rinnegan appeared, naming Sasuke's Dojutsu this term. From what I understand the Rinne-Sharingan is both Sharingan and Rinnegan but the user can amplify the Sharingan's abilities with the Rinnegan to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi. The Shari-Rinnegan does the opposite, enhancing the Rinnegan's powers with the Sharingan, allowing for usage of the Mangekyou Abilities and doing things like amplifying Kaguya's Space-Time Portal to localized individuals and swapping them (Sasuke's swapping ability)
I was curious if anyone had any further knowledge on this as there is no Wiki page or article going over this info, only the Rinne-Sharingan.
Small Note: I couldn't decide between Discussion and Question so I just went with Question.