
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit focused on Amazon's crowd work platform, Mechanical Turk (MTurk)

For discussion and sharing of MTurk tips and tricks, scam alerts, research studies, and all things Mechanical Turk related.

New to Mechanical Turk?

Check the /r/mturk FAQ.

  • Join us on OrangeChat

  • Join us on IRC (same as OrangeChat, different interface)

Turkers' Essentials

When submitting to /r/mturk

Check the FAQ or search the subreddit before asking a question.

Please create a 'text post' instead of a 'link post' if you're referring to a specific HIT. Avoid linking directly to HITs because a HIT becomes unable to be viewed by others after it's accepted by someone. We likely can't help you if we can't see the HIT you're talking about.

If you are a Requester (someone trying to get work done)

You are welcome to post and promote your HITs, but please post no more than once a day. Also, keep in mind that this is a community where jobs are done for money. If your survey offers no compensation, consider posting to /r/SampleSize instead of here, or talk to your sponsor and tell them you'll need to provide incentive before posting. When posting, please include the following information.

  • Requester name
  • HIT name (if applicable)
  • Requester ID (optional, but it helps)

Additionally, if asking for advice about hit design or potential hits, please include the following.

  • A description of the hit
  • What's required, how long does it take, as much info as possible so we can help you
  • Approximate completion time
    • A best guess is fine, but make sure you take into account that the people doing your hit will not be as intimately familiar with the subject matter as you are. Please use a worst-case guideline when estimating time.
  • Base ideas for pay
    • Keep in mind that wage (incentive) and effort are directly related! Minimum wage = minimum effort.

    Any survey content, qualification test content, posts or comments that promote unethical behavior, or violations of Amazon's Terms of Service for Mechanical Turk will be removed at mod discretion.


    Here you can find some general rules/guidelines to follow when posting/commenting. Keep in mind, all of these are up to moderator discretion. These rules apply to both the subreddit and the IRC. These rules are subject to change at any time, so keep an eye out and please check before posting to ensure you're following the guidelines.

    1. Be respectful. Reddiquette is real, and is expected. Make sure your comments are respectful of other turkers. Refrain from name-calling, insults, etc. This includes flaming new people for not searching the subreddit before posting. We're all adults here, I shouldn't have to tell you how to behave. This includes talking down to people, or being overly patronizing. If you don't want to be helpful and answer the question in a non-snarky way, just don't post and move on.

    2. Follow MTurk TOS. All the relevant documentation can be found here. You are expected to abide by these requirements on mturk, this sub, and the IRC. Read them. If you have a question, read them again, then ask. If in doubt, message the subreddit mods to see if it would be appropriate before posting. If we say no, see rule 7. This includes buying/selling accounts and working on other people's accounts. This is specifically disallowed on mturk (and is also likely a crime in the US), and should not be discussed here.

    3. No scamming. /r/mturk takes a hard stance against scamming, and it is grounds for a ban. It makes everyone look bad, and sours requesters to the entire platform. Don't do it, don't talk about it, simple as that. This includes discussion of scripts that the moderators decide are against mturk TOS.

    4. No survey info. If posting a particularly funny passage, question, etc. you should not be able to determine either the requester or the HIT unless you've already done it. The only exception to this rule is information found on the preview page (before accepting a HIT), or on the consent form. NOTE: This includes the URL. If you are posting a page from a survey, please crop or censor the URL.

    5. No doxxing. When posting information about a requester, you may only post information which is acceptable per rule 4. If you had to leave the preview page or consent form to get the info, you are not allowed to post it. A rule of thumb is to post as little information as possible. Try to keep it to mturk's "contact requester" links, the requester name (as seen on mturk), and the contact email given on the consent form. No personal phone numbers, no real names (unless it's the same as the requester name on mturk), no supervisor's name/number/address, none of that.

    6. No spamming. Please search the subreddit before posting. If there's already a post, please respond to that one instead of creating a whole new one, even if it's old. A general rule of thumb is one post about a topic every day, though that's up to moderator discretion.

    7. Respect moderator decisions. You may not agree with them, you may be upset about it, but moderators exist to keep things civil and make sure people are following the rules. Chances are if something was deleted, it broke a rule. The mod team attempts to be as impartial as possible, but sometimes we make mistakes. Feel free to message the subreddit mods if you want us to take a look at something again.

    8. Report posts. The mods attempt to be active, but we all have other things going on, and we can't look through every post or comment made. If you see something that breaks a rule, please report it and give a reason. That's the best way to bring things to our attention. If it's urgent, please message us or let us know in IRC.

    9. Flair your posts. While not a rule, per-se, it makes it a lot easier if you can flair your own post. That helps new people find your post when searching, and helps everyone get an idea of the content of your post right from the front page.

    10. Self Promotion. Self promotion is alright within limits. Follow the spamming rules, and try to give as much information as you can. Make sure there are no incentivized links (adfly, etc) anywhere, though you are free to include a referral link/code provided that a non-referral link is prominantly provided as well. People shouldn't HAVE to support you.

    • Donation. /r/mturk doesn't have a problem with Turkers including a paypal link or something in the footer of your post, but please don't go overboard. A simple "Like my work? Support me here:" is all that's necessary. We don't need a 3 page summary of your financial issues; people shouldn't be guilted into supporting you.
    • For Hire. In general, "for hire" posts are out of scope of mturk work. Please don't come in trying to get people to hire you to do things. This does not apply to people asking someone to do something for them, but keep in mind the previous rules. Also, any business you enter into with other users is your own risk. The /r/mturk mods take no responsibility if anyone does anything for payment through the subreddit.
  • Include preview links. If linking to a hit, please DO NOT post "panda", or auto-accept, links without also providing preview links as well. Some people may want to look at a HIT without accepting it. Alternatively, include a link to the requester page.

  • If you have any questions about the rules, please message the subreddit mods.

    Reddiquette applies here and anyone unable to follow these guidelines may be banned at moderator discretion. Our subreddit rules also apply to our IRC channel.

    Related subreddits

    Filter By Flair

    Account Issues Mod Post
    Qual/HIT Question Rejection/Block
    Discussion Req. Announcment
    Help/Advice Requester Help
    Scripts/Software Article/Blog
    Watercooler Misc

    Please remember to flair your posts it makes it easier on everyone!

    Please also note: These buttons work by hiding posts that do not match the flair you're searching for, not by searching the flair and displaying the results. You may have to go back several pages.


    87,447 Subscribers


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 22, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC



    Have spent the last year helping a destitute relative post their belongings on eBay. Came back to working for myself, and found Amazon kicked me out of mturk! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh well, it’s was mid while it lasted!

    22:40 UTC


    I hope they enjoy my shame...

    09:42 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 21, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC


    Weekly Newbie Questions Thread - Week of April 21, 2024

    Please use this thread to ask any "newbie" questions you might have. Just getting started? Wondering where to go, what to do? Wondering what a qualification is and how to get it? This is the place! Any common questions will be added to the [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/mturk/wiki/) to help everyone! Please don't downvote questions just because they've been asked a million times before, that's not what this thread is for. This is supposed to be a place where anyone should be unafraid to ask anything, thanks!

    Helpful links:

    Check the [**/r/mturk FAQ**](http://www.reddit.com/r/mturk/wiki/).

    * Join us on [OrangeChat](https://app.orangechat.io/r/mturk)


    ### Turkers' Essentials


    * [mTurk **Communities and Resource** Sites](http://www.reddit.com/r/mturk/wiki/communities)

    * [**HITsWorthTurkingFor**](/r/HITsWorthTurkingFor)

    * [mTurk **Glossary**](http://www.reddit.com/r/mturk/wiki/glossary)

    * [mTurk **Scripts**](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/search?q=mturk)

    1 Comment
    04:00 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 20, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 19, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC


    Submit Button Not Working

    I am a requester and people trying to do my HITs complain that the HIT button isn't working. I don't have control of that so I am at a loss of what to do. Here is my form:

    <!-- You must include this JavaScript file -->
    <script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
    <!-- For the full list of available Crowd HTML Elements and their input/output documentation,
          please refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/sms-ui-template-reference.html -->
    <!-- You must include crowd-form so that your task submits answers to MTurk -->
    <crowd-form answer-format="flatten-objects">
            <strong>Instructions: </strong> 
                <li>Read this google doc with instructions including two youtube videos.  Reading through the instructions should take roughly 5 to 10 mins.
            <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/13nwzdAfFXwIyljmWDmyXzDizLpIWrufhlW2XSA_Pvqw/edit?usp=sharing">Instructions Google Doc</a></li>
                <li>Click on the HIT's assigned link below. </li>
                <li>Type in the username / password in the doc. </li>
                <li>Label the keypoints in the image</li>
                <li>Once the keypoints are labeled, hit submit.</li>
                <li>Complete the HIT</li>
            <span>Obviously false or lazy submission will result in a ban.</span><br>
            <span>I can do roughly 100 in an hour.</span><br>
            <span>We plan to do tens of thousands of these images so taking the time to do it right will be worth it.</span><br>
            <span>If you are having trouble, shoot me an email loganjspears@live.com</span><br>
                    <p><strong>Link to the Website:</strong></p>
                    <!-- Your website URLs will be substituted for the "url" variable when you publish 
                           a batch with an input file containing multiple website URLs -->
                    <a href="${url}" target="_blank">${url}</a>

    And here is an email I am getting from the worker:

    The error I receive clicking the Submit button says: "There was a problem submitting this HIT

    You still have this HIT accepted, and can find it by viewing your HITs Queue. You can try submitting this HIT again. If this problem persists, please report this HIT."


    Any thoughts?

    21:14 UTC


    Demographics-non-binary on MTurk?

    I am conducting a research in which I would equally represent female, male, and non-binary population. I am wondering how many non-binary are on MTurk? Anyone know in general? An estimate?

    19:22 UTC


    Elevate Your Mturk Experience with BZTurk Version 2.0! Ready to take your Mturk game to the next level? Discover the enhanced features of BZTurk Version 2.0 and turbocharge your earnings today! Check it out now: https://www.bzturk.com/

    14:43 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 18, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 17, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    1 Comment
    04:00 UTC


    First day on mturk is this normal?

    Just reached my hit limit for my first day doing the same batch hit over and over again for 40 cents every time. Each hit only took like 3 minutes. I had heard you shouldn't expect much of anything when you start out but I ended up with 15$. The hit was very samey the whole time I was doing it so I'm curious if it was supposed to be limited or something?

    01:19 UTC


    BZTurk Version 2.0

    05:53 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 16, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC


    Tax ID number?

    H&R Block is asking for my Tax ID number on my 1099K, would I enter my SSN?

    1 Comment
    22:42 UTC


    New video Tada

    Tada (Microtasking-AI) hakkındaki bu yeni videoyu gördünüz mü?


    15:50 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 15, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 14, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC


    Weekly Newbie Questions Thread - Week of April 14, 2024

    Please use this thread to ask any "newbie" questions you might have. Just getting started? Wondering where to go, what to do? Wondering what a qualification is and how to get it? This is the place! Any common questions will be added to the [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/mturk/wiki/) to help everyone! Please don't downvote questions just because they've been asked a million times before, that's not what this thread is for. This is supposed to be a place where anyone should be unafraid to ask anything, thanks!

    Helpful links:

    Check the [**/r/mturk FAQ**](http://www.reddit.com/r/mturk/wiki/).

    * Join us on [OrangeChat](https://app.orangechat.io/r/mturk)


    ### Turkers' Essentials


    * [mTurk **Communities and Resource** Sites](http://www.reddit.com/r/mturk/wiki/communities)

    * [**HITsWorthTurkingFor**](/r/HITsWorthTurkingFor)

    * [mTurk **Glossary**](http://www.reddit.com/r/mturk/wiki/glossary)

    * [mTurk **Scripts**](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/search?q=mturk)

    1 Comment
    04:00 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 13, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC


    Johnson School BSL - Did anyone else have trouble with this portion?

    19:44 UTC


    Are any MTurk workers here getting paid with deposits to their Gift Card balance?

    I am conducting a research study with the DAIR Institute and looking for anyone who receives Mturk payments to their Amazon gift card accounts.

    This is for a paid research study, and you can remain anonymous.

    I could post a study on MTurk, but by doing so, workers would get paid with more funds to their gift card balance, and I am trying this way to help them get paid in a useful manner.

    Feel free to respond over the chat if you want to refrain from responding publicly; even if you don't want to
    participate in the project but have some questions, I am happy to chat with you.

    Alex - Turkopticon/DAIR

    Edit: Whose only option is getting paid with Gift Cards*

    16:48 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 12, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    04:00 UTC


    Not being able to uplaod .csv to create multiple HITs in requester UI

    Hello, this is my first time using mTurk. I want to create multiple HITs in MTurk using a csv file. The csv file contains a single column having links to google form surveys. I want each HIT to have a different google form from the csv.


    I am following this blog and here it says in the fourth point :

    If your project template contains variables, choose a .csv

    file to upload. In Publish Batch, choose Choose File to locate the .csv
    data file and then choose Upload.

    But, I am getting no option after clicking on Publish Batch. I am getting directed to this page. (attaching screenshot below):


    Can you please help me why is it happening?

    13:12 UTC


    /r/mturk Daily Discussion - April 11, 2024

    Please use this thread to discuss HITs, quals, daily goals, and other day to day turker topics. As usual, please don't reveal survey or qualification content and no MTurk/Reddit TOS breaking posts. Be sure to search the subreddit and/or check the sidebar for answers to common questions/topics.

    1 Comment
    04:00 UTC


    Arch Metrics??

    Has anyone done hits from this requestor? Their rating is 87%. They have over 1k HITs on my board right now. I'm wary because of their rating, but it pays 0.20, so I could do a bunch in one day.

    20:59 UTC


    I signed up for this and it seems pointless.

    I don't know how you qualify for a reasonable hit and all I can do is surveys. It seems really dumb, I haven't made much and can only do one hit that sometimes denies payment. Is this just a waste of time, or am I overlooking something. Also most of the hits don't even work. This is worse than clickworker.

    14:44 UTC


    Pretty new, was wondering..

    Does doing 1000 Hits changes things? I used to hear that number a lot but was wondering if that number has increased or if it really doesn't even matter that much.

    12:21 UTC


    MTurk help (or alternatives)

    Hello, I am a student requester that wanted to use MTurk to gather my sample. Like everyone else I was promoted to ask them to increase my credit limit, which I did. After a couple days I was then swiftly denied an increase making me unable to use MTurk (something I asked them to specifically confirm in an email). They also told me that they cant explain why and that I cant appeal this decision.

    Can anyone help me get it published? Alternativeley what are some alternatives to MTurk that you recommend?

    07:13 UTC

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