A subreddit for Minarchists everywhere.
Minarchism is a libertarian political philosophy which advocates for the State to exist solely to protect citizens from aggression, theft, breach of contract, and fraud. Minarchists generally propose that the only legitimate governmental institutions are the military, police, and courts. However, some advocates propose fire departments, prisons, the executive, and legislatures as legitimate government functions.
Minarchists argue that it is malum in se for a government to interfere in transactions between people by taxing for services not directly related to the protection of citizens.
Some minarchists argue that a state is inevitable, thus believing anarchy to be futile. Minarchists justify the necessity of the state on the grounds that private defence agencies and courts could be biased by unevenly representing the interests of higher paying clients.
Minarchists believe a laissez-faire economy is not only the best system ethically, but also pragmatically. They contend that exceedingly low tax rates as a result of minimal government institutions allows for economic benefits.
Some rules we have in /r/Minarchy
Please don't downvote comments. Especially because you disagree with a comment. No one should be shut out of a conversation because you disagree with them.
Participate and submit valuable content Please take some time to submit things that foster discussion on libertarian topics.
Report off topic spam only, not trolling, or content or comments you disagree with.
Do not report posts that you do not like. We will not remove it unless it is spam.
Keep it reasonably civil, avoid personal attacks.
Follow all general reddit rules, such as DO NOT post personal information of any user.
We have a Minarchy Discord ----> https://discord.gg/QMPjmh
Other subreddits of interest:
Important Libertarian and Minarchist Thinkers:
Ron Paul
Rand Paul
Gary Johnson
Milton Friedman
John Locke
Robert Nozick
Ayn Rand
Murray Rothbard
Friedrich Hayek
Franz Oppenheimer
Frédéric Bastiat
Good Libertarian and Minarchist Books:
The Libertarian Mind by David Boaz
The Law by Frédéric Bastiat
The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism by David Friedman
Free to Choose: A Personal Statement by Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Anarchy, State & Utopia by Robert Nozick
I have been making a meme series on the one subreddit known as SocialistRA, where I have been dissing on commies, and the series became loved, and I love that people like the series.
I hope y’all get a good laugh out of it.
So I’ve ended up finding minarchism is probably a lot closer to my world view then libertarian like LP official Chase Oliver type stuff. Yes I was an indoctrinated dem at 18. Kept walking further right as the years went by. Perot I was voting age. Yes I voted for him. Repub since. Dem controlled state. Heavily. When I voted republican it’s never actually mattered much.
As the title says. Is there even the remotest thought on how to actually fund such a thing or lead it? Pragmatist here. You need a military force. It’s the world we live in. They ain’t cheap to build and maintain. Curious on peoples views of that.
I would really like to know this, because properties exist because things are limited, right?
Since ideas are not limited, is intellectual property compatible with minarchy?
I decided to make a discord for all Minarchists and Right-Wing anarchists to be on. The MRWAWF (Minarchist and Right-Wing Anarchist World Forum) is here so ancaps, minarchists, and all those other right wing anarchist groups that I care less about can talk. Here is the link: https://discord.gg/26nMn5ZqyZ
If not, then how can you object to each county and individual seceding?
I haven't posted a short in a while...I hope to keep YouTube uploads more consistent going forward! At least no big gaps...Anyway, here's a new short I posted today: