For an end to democracy and tyranny. For more information about our ideology, check out the Mises Institute:
The best libertarian memes, macros, photos, jokes, and conversations on Reddit.
Do yourself a favor and read this book:
Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Also check out the wiki!
Basic Rule Overview:
- Follow all reddit site wide rules.
- These rules are set by the admins for all of reddit and are non-negotiable. We enforce to the standards of the admins, not to our own standard.
This is an explicitly pro-liberty subreddit
- If you're posting anti-liberty memes or comments you may be shown the door
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- We get it, politics gets heated, but this sub isn't for flame wars and monkey knife fights.
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- This includes but is not limited to subreddit drama, screenshots, links to posts/comments on other subreddits, and posting about being banned from another subreddit
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Use a real descriptive title
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Don't get us banned.
- Do not post memes with a "haha people that I hate died… haha" punchline or allude to violent revolution or harming public figures in any way (tree of liberty, tar and feathering jokes, helicopter jokes, etc.). Don't do anything illegal, don't violate Reddit's content policy.
Failure to follow these rules will result in mod action based on severity and frequency. This platform is private property, and enforces private rules.
Instructions for how to appeal your ban
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