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    14.10 ADC Item Build Path Predictions

    What are some of your build path predictions for Crit ADC's with the upcoming changes in 14.10?

    For Crit ADC's, I'm curious if we will see the return of BF Sword Crit Item > IE, ER, or the new Navori.

    19:56 UTC


    Stuck at "Reconnect" screen for ever game.

    Is anyone else experiencing this since Vangaurd? I miss playing, but honestly, life is better without League. Lord knows I wasn't gonna stop on my own. Is there a fix for this or is this at least a known issue that Rito is working to resolve?

    19:51 UTC


    Miss Fortune plays tutorial and learns absolutely nothing

    19:50 UTC


    whats your fav sup and why? :)

    curious what everyone likes to play and why :D

    for me its lulu right now, i love playing super aggressive with her, poking and roaming. enemies underestimate lulus dmg .. her poly one of the strongest abilities ingame in my opinion. amazing shields and keeping the carry alive. i think lulu is just a super good all around support.

    now tell me about your fav support!

    1 Comment
    19:41 UTC


    Unable to connect to game


    So I tried playing a game of Arena with a buddy...
    Game launched and everyone got into the loadingscreen except me.
    I am now stuck with a client in this weird state of both being in a game and not being in a game...
    Any thoughts/advice?

    19:40 UTC


    "I'm the worst 1% of all players (low Iron)? If you're in Iron, you belong in Iron? Riot is not trolling your account by giving you bad teams?"

    Watch this game and tell me that with a straight face. This game is after I'm already on a losing streak with my team giving me little or no map control over and over... at best we start to stabilize after we've lose all towers dragons void grubs.

    game id 4990569993


    19:29 UTC


    Arena ban phase suggestion: add a ban to the second player and after all bans are locked in - select a random one per team

    Basically title. This mode has so much randomness so why not add some more? Also, as a second pick solo player it sucks that I don't get to participate in the ban phase. The only issue with this I see is we might get double bans. But I think it would be worth it! What do you guys think?

    19:26 UTC


    Guys I need your help I can’t open League of Legends

    I was gone for quite some time now and when I got home, I called my friend in order to play some classic LoL but I couldn’t log in. I thought it was some kind of bug but no, I did everything possible I could but it wouldn’t start. Deleted it and redownloaded, priorities, administrator and nothing worked. I’m stuck and don’t know what to do. Every time I try to start the app I keep getting this weird message. Do you have any kind of suggestions?

    1 Comment
    19:19 UTC


    Coming from Honor of Kings, what should I know?

    I've played Honor of Kings for 7 years, it's basically a League rip-off on mobile. Recently I got banned so I'm trying to pick up League to *quell the thirst* if you know what I mean. I have a good understanding of roles, objectives, and even champion abilities because, 7 years of education in League rip-off, obviously.

    However, I'm really stumped by how vision work and playing with a mouse in general. How do you move your vision? When I'm fighting I forget to shift my screen to move with my character so I just end up clicking buttons blindly. How to make it move smoothly??? What are some common controls that I should know of other than QWERDF? What are some other things I should know as a previous mobile player? I'm a ADC main and play mid occasionally. Also begging to people who know HOK, do you know which champion skills are transferable? I main Gong sunli BTW.

    1 Comment
    19:16 UTC


    what do u guys think of my funny league video

    my first video after 4 years lol https://youtu.be/nW8Q7oRThCA?feature=shared i took a big break off streaming and decided to take youtube more seriously so hopefully everything goes well!

    19:08 UTC


    What are your thoughts on having Heartsteel heal hp on the proc as well

    It feels like shit buying it first if i am honest, you have no resistances whatsoever and are very vulnerable early on due to it.

    The item is expensive, maybe bump up the cost a bit, as it will be very powerful and will truly live up to its name!

    1 Comment
    18:49 UTC


    Arena Meta

    I just loaded into a game where there were 4 galios on the other teams, 3 of them with briar as a teammate and another lilia. I just want to understand why people don't want some kind of escape from tryharding ranked, like they go to a temp mode with no rank increasing and no consequences for losing just to only play the best comps, why not use this to learn champs you've never played or try a fun combo with your friend. I think it just really hit home to me that gaming is not like it used to be anymore and maybe singleplayer is the way to go from here.

    1 Comment
    18:47 UTC


    The only way to get your jungler to stop farming and get objectives

    18:37 UTC


    Increasing arena to 16 players is having the opposite of the intended effect

    According to the dev blog, 16 players was intended to increase pick diversity and make it less likely that you auto-lose by getting stuck against a team that counters you, but I think it's had the opposite effect. Strong pairings are still strong in 16, but you don't have as much of an opportunity to adapt your augments and builds to the players you're up against.

    In a game of 8 you can play for the long tail of the game. You might lose rounds early consistently, but you actually have an opportunity to itemize against your opponents throughout the course of Arena. With 16, unless you make it to the end of the game you will probably only face another team once or twice. You can't really preference your buys based on your opponents (e.g. armor against an ad-heavy lobby) because odds are most types of champions will be represented in the game of 16. I can't feel the satisfaction of buying the QSS that I know will shut down the Malz because there are 12 other champions in the game that it'll probably be inefficient against.

    You also don't get the excitement of story arc against your opponents - where you start off losing and end up clutching a victory, or get deleted by one assassin consistently until you grab your 4th damage item and pop them before they get to you.

    Anyone else feel this way about 16 player arena vs 8?

    18:33 UTC


    New international tournament / Invitations extended to T1 and Gen.G for the EWC etc.

    18:33 UTC


    Arena: Burn keyword is annoyingly inconsistent with new items

    Now that there is the item anvil lottery, the shortened description for the Hellfire Hatchet has revealed that it's effect is considered a burn. The item also says the burn stacks infinitely in the Anvil description. Hatchet does not stack infinitely, unlike what the Anvil description says.

    There is also the new Prismatic item Hamstringer that calls its effect a burn. It also says that the burn stacks "Any number of times". Important to note, Hamstringer does not refresh the duration of existing stacks of Hamburn.

    The description on these two items is very infuriating because every burn augment has three properties that seems to be ignored by the items:

    1. They all stack infinitely
    2. They refresh their own duration when being applied
    3. They refresh the duration of other burn sources when applied

    So technically Hellfire Hatchet doesn't follow any of the burn rules, and Hamstringer only follows rule 1 of the burn rules.

    In conclusion, please remove the burn keyword from these items. They do not interact with burn augments at all, and giving them the keyword gives new players the false impression that it will stack with the burn augments.

    18:31 UTC


    Some Arena changes I think would help make it more fun.

    Just my personal opinions btw you are allowed to disagree.

    1: Stat Shard round needs to be removed. It's super boring and can feel like shit when that's the round you need an extra augment or item to come online.

    2: Prismatic choices are terrible. I should NEVER get AD prismatics while playing Vladimir. Also, some of them are so much weaker than others. The prime example is Dragonheart. If you don't get Omnisoul, it's literally so unbelievably trash. Even with Omnisoul you can die before getting Elder.

    3: you should be getting more gold. Last Arena followed a good set pattern that felt like it made sense. This Arena the times when you get items or augments feel totally random and nonsensical. I think you should be getting 3k gold on buy rounds. Would make the game feel much smoother.

    4: Star Shard anvils you buy should be buffed. They are just never worth it unless you have nothing else to get.

    5: Juices should be buffed. Last Arena people use to Juice all the time in-between rounds. Now, because you are so gold starved, people barely even buy it during the LAST ROUNDS OF THE GAME. That's literally when it should be being bought them most.

    6: New augments. I've seen barley any new augments this time around. I know prismatics kinda take that role, but not really. Prismatics just feel like mythic items except you aren't guaranteed to get the one that best synergizes with you. And that's not a bad thing. But some choice A on champ A can sometimes be like 100x better than choice B on champ A. And it's not like you switch your strategy around all that much with prismatics. If you take Reality Fracture on Malzahar you are still gonna play the exact same way. Augments usually do allow for a more varied playstyle in my experience.

    Anyway, that's just what I think. Arena has always been my favourite gamemode. I think I've played like 300 games total since it's been released and I have no intention of stopping. These are just some things I would like tombe changed.

    18:19 UTC


    (Translation) CloudTemplar’s MSI Diary for Day 3: Tank matchups in top lane and their relevance in lane swaps, and why one should not underestimate TES

    Source: https://youtu.be/2wqlVQP99I8?si=AKxN1WXsJ73nlEL0


    The following is a selection of CloudTemplar’s (LCK commentator) discussion of the Day 3 matches for this MSI, namely FlyQuest vs T1 and Fnatic vs Top Esports (posted on YouTube on May 3). Please note that this post only focuses on the retrospectives of the matches for the day.

    All credits to CloudTemplar (https://www.youtube.com/@CloudTemplar_official) and the production crew of CloudTemplar's channel. All emphases are added by the translator.


    FlyQuest vs. T1

    •  CT talks about why you can’t give Senna and Kalista to T1, because these picks allow Keria to do stuff across the map -


    If I am to commend another player, as a continuation of the previous point, the meta right now features a lot of lane swaps, and as mentioned multiple times when we were discussing this in earlier videos or commentary, sword champs^(1), specialists, and other risky picks can’t really show up in top lane. So you see tanks getting a lot of love and their value rising in compositions, as a measure against lane swaps. In that sense, these tanks allow the team to prepare for potential lane swaps and round out the balance in the composition.

    1 “Sword” champs in Korean LoL lingo refer to champs that are not really tanky but have significant damage potential, as opposed to tanks. Best known example would be Fiora, perhaps.


    So generally speaking, in comparison to matches where we get top TF or “sword” v “sword” matches, we expect tanks at top lane to have much higher floor when it comes to tank v tank matchups. That is true, yes, but ironically, as an expert in tank v tank matchups myself, I can say that especially in lower levels, you see much tighter trades**^(2)** than you expect. You know, tanks aren’t tanky from level 1, after all. Furthermore, when it comes to tank v tank matchups, they often are in close quarters. Both of these champs are most likely to be melee champs. So in that close quarter combat and laning, there’s plenty of variables to be found, and you sometimes find instances where the balance of the lane collapses.

    2 “Tight” plays refer to plays where there is much less room for error.


    So in that sense, in tank v tank matchups, the skill and the weight class^(3) in laning seem to take on much greater importance. That’s the impression I get from the matches so far. Why is that? To begin with, top is a 1v1 lane, and though the topic of top carry and potential was a recurring one throughout the split, the ability that is most demanded of among the top laners right now is the ability to respond to a much broader range of variables that can come in with lane swaps. You know, sometimes you get the bot lane topside, get dove with three or more players, et cetera. Skills like defense, responding to contingencies, stability, judgment, these things became much more important.

    3 Another Korean LoL lingo that is difficult to translate (not only because it is used in different circumstances with slightly different meanings), but it would be something like a holistic view of a player’s skills, from hands (“physicals”, as Koreans call it) to game knowledge and decision-making. In this case, I think CT is referring to the player’s prowess and ability in the laning phase.


    If there was no lane swap happening, for instance, the favored skill would be to play the 1v1 lane better and get priority there. “How should I beat the other side down in 1v1? How do I respond to this 1v1 matchup, and how do I widen the gap?” But now, you have to contend with so much more in terms of likely scenarios. Furthermore, these things become even more important in tank v tank matchups. Simply put, you don’t expect the tank to play aggressively and carry the game, right?

    We’ve talked about this topic at length, but in the end, we return to the conclusion that Zeus played the matchup really well. Zeus widened the top gap, so to speak. One could describe T1’s snowballing game plan as thusly: Bot lane, the core lane of this plan, gets ahead. Top lane is left in auto-hunt mode but wins lane by itself. Mid and jungle intervene and make plays. These things feed into each other, and we saw that come into life quite well in this game. T1 showed a rather dominant performance, and in the draft phase they got all they wanted too.

    The thing that was most impressive for me, maybe because I am a trash tank player^(4), was the Ornn v Zac matchup. Zeus started off the game on a back foot, but he turned it around and busted the lane open. That was quite impressive. In soloq, I played this matchup like a hundred times, and I can say that this matchup isn’t so easy for Ornn, if you want to get into nitty-gritty comparisons. It is easier for Zac, both psychologically and in terms of matchup, if only a little. But as I said multiple times in the match, Bwipo made a significant mistake after the first kill, and T1 punished that mistake again and again, applying more and more pressure. If I am to speak candidly, Zeus showed significant difference in skill at top lane.

    4 CT uses a somewhat self-deprecatory term for this (~충, or insect).


    (Chat: I feel like Zeus would have won the matchup if it was the other way round) Yes, it isn’t about the champ per se. But you know, I mentioned this multiple times in the past: Theoretically speaking, the greatest of the value to be found in the game is to blow open the lane with a tank champ. Let’s think about this in a simple manner. You get a “sword” champ and blow open the lane, that’s great. Blowing open the lane is always good, but if you do that with a tank champ, your value skyrockets. Let’s say that you blow open the lane with a “sword” champ. You still die if you get hit. Simple. But for tanks, if you get decent growth, you don’t die so easily. Bruisers and tanks also can deal quite a lot of damage, at least until the midgame. So for the former, there’s always the risk that you can die, even if you had won so much resource, but for the tanks, you don’t die and deal decent damage.

    League is a team game, and when it comes to plays as a team, a tank that has blown open the lane has a wider range of roles that it could play. It depends on the meta, of course, but in top lane, jungle, and support, the lanes that usually play tanks, tanks in most cases are weaker in lane priority. After all, how OP would a tank who can dominate lane be? That’s why you get so many tank picks when the meta favors tanks, and that’s why if you overcome that disadvantage, you become that much stronger.

    As we go forward, we will most likely see more tanks. Ornn, Zac, Sion, whatever. In this situation, in top lane tank matchups at close quarters or in lane swaps, it will be a good opportunity for you to see players’ stability.

    • Talks about potential top tanks, Udyr, Nasus, Shen etc. -

    Fnatic vs. Top Esports


    Alright, TES v Fnatic. I personally think that Fnatic getting a match was an upset in itself. Others may disagree, but I personally think so. I want to say that winning a match is that much more difficult. Of course, it is something that can be done, but still.

    Fnatic’s match, well, Humanoid really played well. He is quite famous for performing quite well in internationals, after all. But he played even better than I expected, so I found that to be quite impressive. The topside of Fnatic built their synergy and blew the game open. That was quite a show.

    For TES, losses could feel bad, of course, but if one thinks about this positively, losses can be of benefit as well. You can’t go lossless through the entire tourney, of course, and in some cases, going lossless can be bad as well. It’s good for others to look at, of course, but generally speaking, going lossless isn’t a positive thing. In this matchup between the top teams, it is better to have the chance to build upon the losses and become stronger. For strong teams, of course. For weaker teams, winning trumps losing every time, but for strong teams, especially contenders, losing a match is not a bad thing. It’s mentally difficult, of course, and people kick up a ruckus because the expectations are so high, of course. You hear people going “TES is so washed”, “TES is weak”, whatever. But as long as you don’t get swept up in that, as long as you focus on the things you could do better and build upon the loss, that’s not a bad thing.

    The issues that we could see with TES? Well, it’s something that overlaps with Humanoid’s performance, (mistakenly types) CloudTemplar’s, oh wait, Creme's performance^(5) (snickers) and Tian’s. I do think that there was some issue in the pair’s performance in the game. I personally think that they were taken aback by the opponent. I think that is the most likely explanation. “Are they this good?” Leblanc can be picked, of course, but to play Leblanc like that?

    5 At the risk of explaining the joke, CT’s Korean short form, Keul-tem (클템), is somewhat similar to Creme (Keu-rem, 크렘).


    When it comes to Tian, I could say that Tian fell into a familiar rhythm. This can be an issue with junglers, especially the ones playing for teams that lose most of the matches and the ones playing for teams that win most of the matches. In both of these situations, you sometimes fall into a kind of a rhythm. For the former, let’s say that the team starts winning by some chance. Maybe luck, maybe other factors. But in that situation, the jungler may still play as if the team is losing. They don’t know how to snowball the game. “Oh right, our team loses most of the time. I have to be sneaky, don’t go out to the river, have to play this safe.” Something like this, for example. For junglers in teams that win most of the time, because the solo laners mostly win the lane, their movements often are filled with confidence. You know, because the team wins most of the time and the solo lanes are quicker on their feet than the opponent. I think that this was the case for Tian in Game 2, in instances where he died without doing much. “Our guys should be faster than them”, “I shouldn’t be dying like this if I go in”, and so on. Maybe because he was in a hurry, maybe because he was somewhat tilted, there were throws as well.

    Perhaps this is one of the factors why Tian is rated so lowly. Once you are stuck with a frame, it is hard to discard that. Let’s say you play 10 games really well but mess up one, “washed”, “choker”, whatever. Tian plays really well, but in these moments, it can’t be helped. Though, this is a matter that he has to overcome himself. Creme is an up-and-coming player who is still expected to grow further. I think it is really positive that he is so proactive and daring. If one gets, well, gapped, so to speak, in first and second matches, one would expect him to play a bit safer, but him jumping around as Tristana in the third match? He has a winning mentality and a sense of confidence. These things can help him develop as a player much further. Another positive thing is that TES banned Leblanc without being too proud to do so.


    One could say that TES looks weak, that they lost a match to Fnatic, their topside showed that they could collapse, and that TES is just weak. That’s not wrong per se, but the thought that came to my mind instead was, “wow, TES botlane is really, really strong.” Look, TES topside collapsing is something that you could say, “welp, that happens”, but the botlane was a constant, ripping apart the opposition three straight matches. It even seemed like they would continue to rip apart the opposition even if they play against them in the future. They had this aura. That’s the conclusion I came to. “TES is strong, especially the botlane.”

    Let’s talk about theory for a bit. You could memorize this, if you want. What is the most important lane in League? Bot, because there’s two players. What is the most important player in League? Mid, the royalty^(6), the highest paid laner, you know. Topside versus botside? Topside, because there’s three players. This is the basic. In soloq or in pro, botlane being destroyed means you will lose. Botlane’s presence is that big. If the botlane is destroyed, it is really, really hard to make up for that. How do you win if the botlane is destroyed? Destroy the topside of the enemy team, or close the gap through skillful engagements or macro. But these are already difficult tasks. You just need to think back to the soloq games to see this.

    6 Korean League lingo, where mid is the royalty, jungle is the butcher (historically the lowest class), and support is a tool.




    One may ask, why do the botlanes get destroyed so easily? Even in the pro scene, botlanes get destroyed rather easily. Why? That’s because botlane is the lane with the largest number of variables. If you think about it in terms of how complex these variables can be, I think one could say that it is the most difficult lane to play, the lane where the differences in skill will be most evident. Simply speaking, it’s a 2:2 lane, but there are so many more ways in which things could go wrong. Even the pro players and teams find it difficult to figure out the matchups in bot. Think about the top, jungle, or mid matchups. They are more intuitive, even counting for the differences in piloting. But in terms of botlane, there’s so much more to consider, and each false move could set you on a downward spiral. What’s more, it is so much more difficult to come back from a deficit once you are pushed back.

    Of course, I feel closer to Korean players and want to compliment Noah and Jun if I can. It is just that the TES bot pair played the game so well. Look, if I may be realistic, that cannot be helped in some sense as well. There’s plenty of reasons behind that. Firstly, in LEC, there’s no strong botlane pair at the level we are looking at right now. G2’s Hans sama? There were too many scenes where his performance was lacking. There is difficulty in competition within the LEC botlanes and the environment to improve is also not really there. Noah and Jun played well within that, but there is still a difference in skill level. Plus, Noah and Jun played well in LEC, they did show good performances in difficult situations in the present tournament, and they have potential to become even better. But simply put, JackeyLove and Meiko are S-rank players. They’re like an S+ pair. Crudely put, how are you supposed to win against them?

    Of course, it was difficult to imagine that they would have this much difficulty against them, but one could say that it can’t be helped, that JKL and Meiko are simply monstrous in their performance. That’s also the reason why Elk-ON pair is so highly rated right now. JKL and Meiko downed JDG with Ruler in it and played really well in that process, they are already superstars recognized for their skills. But Elk-ON showed such strong performance against them, hence the assessment that Elk-ON is the strongest botlane pair in the world that some have. What I wanted to say was, it was always going to be difficult for Noah-Jun.

    One thing that I personally found to be regrettable was, perhaps because they recognized how strong the opposition was, is that even though the draft considered the botlane bans and things, it does feel like that the draft let through some really obviously strong picks for TES. JackeyLove and Meiko are already powerful, and they get powerful tools to pummel the opponents with. It compounds the difficulty even more. Game 3, Xayah-Rakan, for instance, they are picks that you can use against teams with lower weight class. Xayah-Rakan can hold onto the game in difficult situations and have the potential to flip the match if given a chance. But against teams that play botlane well, if you don’t play really well, you just get pummeled all day long until the nexus falls, especially against teams that maximize the snowballing from the botlane.

    If we speak of the contender teams, T1, BLG, TES all play excellent botlane games. Strictly speaking, GENG isn’t as strong in that area in this comparison. The point is, if you come with half-baked strategies at botlane, the game is over for you. You see that in all three games Fnatic’s botlane had difficulties. That’s why I think that winning Game 2 was such an upset. It was a rare case of a team facing a severe challenge managing to overcome that. A one-in-a-hundred case.

    • Afterwards, CT discusses what picks one could see in the future, like Galio -
    18:14 UTC


    LOUD Route: "I'm just an import. I'm just a foreign guy who came to Brazil to play LoL, to play videos game. But they showered me with love, and told me they want me to stay in Brazil [...] So I wanted to prove that CBLOL is a strong region during my time with LLL."

    18:00 UTC


    solo carry champions for toplane

    I am an iron Toplaner that mains darius and I get to win or neutrelize lane every single game but i do not get to carry the game that often with any other champ but i do need to have another one that's able to solo carry any game because darius in my rank has very high pick/ban rates.

    Also I don't want champs like fiora and gangplank that are super hard

    17:51 UTC


    What actually happens to win-traders when they are caught?

    Promo game to masters and I got a win trader on my team. I reported them because they were known win traders and I got a feedback confirmation saying action was taken. What actually happens to their account?

    17:48 UTC


    When are we gonna stop pretending Early Roaming Support is a good strategy?

    There hasn't been a single time, I've seen a roaming support early in the game, that ended up with a won game anywhere outside of High-Elo Youtube clips, I understand After first tower, that makes more sense, and is a lot less risk for the little reward. But why do so many supports decide to leave after a 2 kill lead? It's not enough for An ADC to 2 v 1 the enemy botlane. And if they get caught out with CC, what are they supposed to do? I've lost so many ADC games due to a Bard or a Pyke Leaving lane after up to 8 minutes of being there. And wonder why the ADC is behind after they've been 2 v 1, ganked, lost tower, and can't do anything late game because they couldn't farm due to getting poked out of lane. Why do people do this?

    17:41 UTC


    I edited the mastery emotes

    I honestly wasn't very satisfied with the change that riot made so I thought about editing it so the emotes look more like the same as what we already have


    17:40 UTC


    Feedback on Arena V3

    No more visible MMR

    • EDIT: Apparently this will come in 1 week from now?
    • I liked starting with the funny ranked names like Wood 500
    • Working your way up was pretty satisfying and I think it was a good blend of casual/competitive
    • Speaking of which, I could get both my casual and my competitive friends to play with me
      • Now my more competitive friends don't want to play it as much because there's no visual indicator

    Loading screen is confusing

    • My first thought was I was just going to 2v2 this team until one of us are knocked out, then we move on
    • My second game I thought it was showing the first opponent you will face
    • Now I realize it doesn't mean anything and you can click to switch between opponents to see
    • I think the two large opponents should be removed and the smaller ones can be shown in two rows, at a slightly larger size than they are shown now

    Lack of recommended items

    • There are no recommended items for many (all?) champions
    • The first time I play with anyone they don't buy any items round 1 because they don't see anything
    • They should either add recommended items for everyone or default to their class items tab, clicking all items then scrolling all the way to the bottom to find starting items isn't intuitive

    Target dummy doesn't appear

    • You can't use the target dummy unless you and your teammate have bought something
    • Some rounds you might want to intentionally save for a higher tier item but that means you can't use the dummy that round
    • Why is it not always there, is there a reason?

    Lily pad map

    • At first I was frustrated at the map but after I played it more I'm a bit more used to it
    • I think the time that the lily pad is not there should be reduced
      • Often times you're on opposite sides and just wait there, menacingly
    • The ring showing the lily pad timer could be made more obvious
      • Right now it's green, which is aesthetically pleasing but making it slightly red would make it more obvious

    Jhin cameo

    • I think Jhin should shoot from a direction that neither teams start from
      • Currently the team that starts at the closer side to jhin has a slight disadvantage early
    • I think the bullet missile speed should be slower
    • At the start of the map it shows jihn's ult range opening up
      • On larger maps you can see the edge of his ult, I thought if I walked over there I couldn't get hit but that's not the case
      • Don't show the outer edge of his ult range, it's misleading

    General thoughts

    • Overall I think arena is fun and I enjoy the variety that new maps and items bring
    • Needs some polish, there are many things that feel buggy or are unintuitive

    What do you guys think, anything else that should be changed or fixed?

    17:34 UTC


    League crashes

    I have a very good pc. BUT my league of legends crashes all the time . When I log in When I just play I dont know why or how to fix it If I restart the machine everything is fine But how do I fix it ?

    17:22 UTC


    All of the sudden, bots in ARAM for me? (Not a generalized complaint)

    So I've read in a few threads that essentially the issue lies with "Low level accounts" and "Low MMR"

    Now I'm not great at league by any stretch of the imagination but I haven't seen bots in my games until now, I had 4 bots in the last 3.

    I pretty exclusively play ARAM, account level 92...WR probably under 50%.

    I do not play frequently, probably less than 10 games a month on average. I didn't have this issue previously.

    Did something get reset? Do I need to grind ARAM to climb out? Just trying to piece together what exactly might have happened here because this really ruined my brief playtime.

    17:08 UTC


    How to unlock nice borders and banners?

    My profile is looking a bit boring rn and I demand to know how to unlock a nice border and banner


    17:01 UTC


    Question for old players: If you could bring 5 things from the old League of Legends back to life, what would they be?


    As for me, it would definitely be the atmosphere that was felt and was simply beautiful. Today, League of Legends has moved away from its original, from a game whose atmosphere was very similar to Warcraft, to a game where we get colorful skins like those taken from anime, and the graphic style is very different. And don't get me wrong, I think that the league looks really good right now, but I personally fell in love with the old league, which was simply great in many respects.

    17:00 UTC


    Solo Q and Flex Points

    Do the Solo q and Flex points complement each other or are they independent? I have 50 Solo Q points and I don't want to play anymore, but I need 30 more for the Kog Maw skin, so I wanted to know if I play the Flex will they be added to that counter? (Pd: Im sorry for my bad english xD)

    16:54 UTC

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