The main subreddit for discussing League of Legends: Wild Rift, the mobile and console version of League of Legends!
I mostly play enchanters, but I also want to try to play mage supports for a change of pace. I find Lux and Zyra to be enjoyable, but which of them are stronger in the current meta?
I’m in Japan for two weeks but play on the North American server. Sitting in Tokyo and can’t get a ranked match and wondering if it’s because I’m trying to sign in to NA server. Anybody got a fix for this?
I’m in Japan for two weeks but play on the North American server. Sitting in Tokyo and can’t get a ranked match and wondering if it’s because I’m trying to sign in to NA server. Anybody got a fix for this?
I am posting this because I want to have some help on how to improve some of my low stats.
After long time I got epic skin from poro. Chromacrash Jinx. It is good skin in your opinion? I never played Jinx because I always thought she was boring. Worth trying and spending time?
Camille was during S1 - S3 my favourite champ for a jungle role. After some heavy Hookshot nerfs that has ended (and other ones, like the Q being automatic trigger and not manual). Still was picking her like once or twice every season, just to try her our with changes. Her jungle clear in the early is just so slow in comparison to other junglers.
Now they changed Fleet Footwork and I got the idea to try it, would the 100% attack speed which is basicly extra auto attack help with clear?
To me it's huge yes but the question is, is it so significant that playing her in jungle won't be seen as, you better still go top.
Camille has enough damage after 2 items to tear any target, unless it has some dmg reduction.
I have played just few games, but have a feeling that this is it. Anyway I don't see Camille often anyway, but I think she could rise and shine now on this role.
Yummi carried me ngl
Love when they feed the game and they don’t get punished but when I tell them to go jump off a bridge it’s chat restricted XD
Happened twice back to back games was really confused on my match history it doesn’t even show that I played the champ in that one game
In my own opinion, I really want them to add "All" chat again because it will make the game a lot more fun, and without it the game is not playable fr💀💀
Since there are so many people that complain, I'm sure there probably have been a few that have been interesting or funny to some.
What are some of the funniest comments people have said when flaming you or others in chat?
… pfff….
This patch add a nerf to Wit's End which I find unnecessary. Almost no Adc took this item because it gave no AD, the one who do are bruiser like Ire, Jax or Yi(who I think more of a Meele on-hit ADC) who has the required attack speed to make it function. On top of giving no AD it deal at most 80 magic damage at level 15, at this point everyone, even the most squishy ones has at least 50 MR reducing a significant amount from it. The heal is almost always unnoticeable as well. So I don't get why this niche item get nerfed that hard when Heimerdinger get away with a light tap.
In the most recent patch notes, besides the new champs getting nerfs that obviously had to happen- Heimerdinger, Mordekaiser, Milio etc. I’ve noticed champs who are already dominating are getting more buffs. For example, since Miss Fortune’s rework, on top of that she has had three buffs in different patch updates! Plenty of other already strong characters getting the same treatment- Like as if Pantheon needs a buff to clear jungle faster so he can focus on fucking up your laners even sooner! And don’t even get me started on Swain and Veigar. Before any buffs I have seen games where Swain easily goes 1 v 4, just what the actual fuck are they thinking with these buffs?
Plat - master peaks vs Sov - Chall.
The 3 times I got lucky and had the challengers we win.
Yeah I’m tilted and this is just a yap post.
I tried something stupid and played Mordkaiser as support in a normal PVP game. Worked pretty well. How pissed will my own team get at me if I try the same thing in competitive?
I don't understand.....why are there some top laners that complain about not getting ganked... I mean even in the role description it described that you don't get ganks and such often-
I mean it's even worse when they're so tunnel visioned that they ping the jungler who's literally in the middle of ganking other lanes or having just ganked other lanes- as much as I hate my junglers too, it's not that bad in reality and in hindsight.
Oh wait I know the correlation why they complain... It's because they're playing squishy, ranged ADC top. No wonder they think they deserve all the ganks and all the money.
(P.S this was just a way for me to sneak in a "I hate ADC top laners" type of post. The complaining was probably posted hundreds of times but just wanted to remind everyone again)
Edit: this isn't really a complain post, more of just something I see in my games and more of a way to laugh at these types of people.
The scorpion makes it a not a 1v1 anymore. Side note the turret targets the scorpion last no matter what. My only good thing about it is when you get melee vs ranged I feel safer. I do t usually go for it when I don’t have to feels unnecessarily in the game.
^(Played League for many years then stopped and started again when WR came out, GM for past few seasons)
Today I played Maokai Baron lane, one of my mains w/ 65% winrate. What does the enemy sweater king pick? Fiora of course, my worst enemy. I could ban Fiora but then I'm against Morde who is even worse to face (I play him, I should know)
It's a Fiora main. Mastery 7 top 100, Challenger, 70% win rate, the type of person that lives on the game. These type of players soak their chairs in sweat on champions like Yone, Yasuo, Akali, Zed. They love mid lane, they love self-stroking.
There is nothing to do against a Fiora of this caliber. As Maokai, she avoided bushes, can't whittle her down, I lose every trade, lose HP every minion I try to get. It's the same if I'm on Ornn, Darius, Morde, Teemo, anything.
I also play Fiora, and understand when not to engage her and baiting the parry etc., but back to Maokai: there is nothing to do against her. The lane was over at 2 minutes. Dead under tower. Enemy Xin comes behind tower, I'm dead. 0/3 at 3 minutes. I was freezing under tower. I can't avoid her passive and free poke.
There is no gank with Fiora. I had a Rammus. She outran him every time, had perfect vision, perfect awareness. I can't fight and there is nothing to build besides Frozen Heart and Thornmail that does anything to Fiora. Ignite does nothing.
What's the point? Why not main Fiora myself?
As per title. Got tilted with the game and took a break during s13. Just installed the game again tonight. What's the cliffnotes on changes since I've been away? (I see three new heroes). What's the current meta (typically a support main). There seem to be a few mechanics changes like a drop kit that appears in each lane.
im wondering if there are any ability easter eggs i don’t know about, for instance mine is with senna. if her root kills the target (minion, champ doesn’t matter) there is no delay in the root and all the surrounding units get rooted immediately. this is not described in her ability description tho, so im curious if there are more easter eggs like this.
Ww + AP + ARAM = Bark Bark