The subreddit for all things Karate Bugmen.
Current discussion threads:
Don't be a jerk. This also applies to hate threads/comments against other people, fansubs, etc. You may express your opinion, but do so in a respectful way.
Your submission must have Kamen Rider content in it or be a discussion on Kamen Rider. This means not posting about actors/actresses' previous or upcoming events or videos that are not Rider related.
The following types of posts are forbidden:
Remember the 9:1 rule. (9 comments before making 1 post)
Any posts made before one year are forbidden to be posted again. This does not apply to text-only posts.
This includes posting threads related to the latest episode when there already exists a pinned discussion thread.
No posting links to download/stream episodes. You can find places to download Kamen Rider episodes at the bottom of this sidebar and in discussions.
A spoiler constitutes:
Plot twists or endgame details regarding any series, regardless of air date.
There are specific rules for magazine scans that must be followed.
Any post with spoilers must be tagged as such, and any comments must tag spoilers within. Spoilers are not allowed in post titles, and your post title must indicate which series or movie is being spoiled.
This rule does not apply to discussion threads of the corresponding episode, or comments in threads which are already spoiler tagged.
Below are the list of Post Flairs you can use.
Discuss: Questions/Discussions about anything (Except for merch) in the franchise!
Media: Videos and Social Media Links! (No rehosted social media content!)
Merch: Anything about merchandise! (Toys, CD's, Shirts, Catalog leaks, Magazines)
Meme: Memes
Meme posts are only allowed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Meme posts made on these days are still subject to rule 3.
Because all of the mods are in American timezones, we recommend waiting until it is Tuesday in America before posting memes.
Exceptions will be made on holidays for holiday-related memes.
Thanks to /u/blamfablam for the Snoo! | Thanks to markolios for the Icons!
I love the center making it look like a big red nose and whip cream at the bottom looking like a mustache.
Just wondering if there a scene in any rider series that make you question the serie? For me, the first episode of Hibiki with the students singing before going to school.
So for Christmas and birthday this year I’ve promised myself that I’d buy some kamen rider related merch,preferably something smaller that I can display on my work space,I would say that it’s between these blokees figures and Converge figures.I know quite a bit about converge but barely anything about these Blokee figures,so I’m hear to ask what are they like?Im pretty sure they only do and sell stuff from newer seasons and I’ve heard they’re mystery box like things?if so that’s a massive turnoff for me unfortunately.
Anyway if anybody knows about any other sets of these that don’t just include Reiwa Era Seasons plus like a few random riders please send the link or DM me.These are cheaper than Converge figures tho so that’s a plus!Any info is appreaciated thanks!
I decided to go as an untransformed rider. Didn’t get placed in the Halloween contest, but it was fun
As a Japanese American, this 100% accurate.