A being of light hailing from a faraway galaxy unites with Yuma, the protagonist who owns tremendous “power of imagination,” and they form the gigantic new Ultra Hero: Ultraman Arc. The story is about Arc protecting the future of the Earth and mankind from looming threats.
Yuma transforms into Ultraman Arc by inserting the Arc Cube, which contains the power of the being of light, into the mystic Arc Ariser and unleashing his power.
The Ultra Series (ウルトラシリーズ) is the collective name for all the shows produced by Tsuburaya Productions featuring Ultraman, his many brethren, and the myriad Ultra Monsters. -- Wikipedia
Current series: Ultra Chronicle D!
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I just watched Shin Ultraman and enjoyed it greatly. I know it’s a reboot like Shin Godzilla/Kamen Rider, but I’d like to watch more Ultraman stuff even if it’s not in any particular order.
What other Ultraman films or series can I watch in the UK (or US, thank you Nord)?
Any to move to the top of the list and any to avoid?
Thanks in advance.
all i can find are new ultrafight series, or incomplete playlists on youtube. i am new to ultraman
Figures used:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/DDI-482P6r2/?igsh=MWZ5ZGd3dXhycnpueQ==
What would you say are the 10-15 most quintessential episodes from the original Ultraman?
Ultraseven originated that concept I know. But I have a feeling other series had them too.
Perhaps its the fact that every Ultraman has them, and this question is mute point.
Either way I wanna know since kaiju vs kaiju is like watching Pokemon but on a more epic scale.
This is just a general question because I am noting downs for future writing stuff of my own, but I didn't a particular conclusive answer somewhere else.
I know one is losing the transformation device but that isn't always the case and some Ultraman can transform by themselves I saw. Moreso certain circumstances such losing power or connection to the light, injuries etc I haven't found anything directly on, as I haven't watched everything (though I did read Seven couldn't transform when his leg was broken)
I'm still not sure about the coloring but finaly like her head :)
Super Hipporti
My girlfriends late uncle gave her this alien Baltan pen before he passed, i was wondering where i could find a new one so the one she has can last forever. If anyone could point me in the right direction on where to buy one it would be greatly appreciated
ik this is a dumb question. Sorry
Like they are always frozen, kidnapped , incapacitated etc. 😂
Poor mebius his career got ruined because of joining ultra brothers.