
Photograph via snooOG

This is community for sport and working dog handlers to discuss training, goals, brags, and advice for dog sports, competitions, and certifications.


Welcome to r/k9sports!

This is a community for sport and working dog handlers to discuss training, goals, brags, and general advice for dog sports, competitions, and certifications. We support all competitive events and training methodologies.


We encourage adding flair on this subreddit indicating either the events that you compete in or are training to compete in. Feel free to also include any titles that you and your dog have earned!


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  • If you can't discuss it calmly, don't bring it up.

  • This sub is not an echo chamber

  • We do not support unsafe training

  • This sub is US-centric, but not US-exclusive

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Civil bite biceps targeting

Civil work training.

09:40 UTC


dock diving bumpers

where is everyone getting the softer dock diving bumpers that is not atlas outfitters? i’m using the nerf one right now but my dog likes to play tug with it when he gets back on the dock and i’m worried it’ll crack his teeth.

00:59 UTC


Fast cat newbie and time blocks

This weekend will be my first weekend partaking in any event so I could just be worried about nothing but does Fast CAT always have time blocks for running or is it just based on check in order if there isn't time blocks?

I am only asking because I am running at two different events on different days this weekend (2 on Saturday with one club and 2 on Sunday with another club). The Sunday club has already emailed out running blocks and order but Saturday's club hasn't sent anything out.

At a friend's advice I emailed the event secretary to ask but haven't hear anything back. This friend has helped me navigate a fair amount of the process to get this far but she hasn't ever done fast cat so she's unsure what's normal. I have email confirmation that I was entered in the runs and the check cleared.

19:04 UTC


Need ideas for a registered name

I’m thinking of registering my Dalmatian mix to the AKC so I can do sports with her. If I do, I know I need to list a call name and a registered name. Anyone have any ideas? My dog’s name is Freya, so I would like her registered name to be related to Norse mythology.

11:24 UTC


Running dogs in higher humidity

I live in WA but traveling to the East Coast and will be running them in 200-600 yard runs. I'm not used to high humidity, how do the dogs handle it? Are they ok with it or any extra precautions I should take?

I have a cooling jacket I usually use on them.

16:07 UTC


Help registering akc

Hello everyone! I have a pittie who I’m looking to register so I can start FastCAT trials and possibly barn hunt. 5yr old male neutered definitely not breed great, who I took in from a friend.

Not sure if I should be registering him as an All American dog through Canine Partners or if I should be doing it through PAL(or will I look like an idiot since I have no idea if he’s considered a pitbull or a staff?) he’s got what I would consider a staff shaped head but his body is long and lean like a pitbull??!

02:56 UTC


FASTCAT and CABT the same day

Wondering if doing both in the same day is okay. Or maybe doing 1 fast with 2 CABTs?

If I do both, anything specific I need to watch out for? I know warm ups and cool downs are going to be beneficial.

23:39 UTC


Connecticut friends!

Looking for any females in CT that compete with their dog(s). I have a mixed breed (doodle, often frowned upon until I explain how I acquired him) actively competing in Rally and fastCAT. We are retired from agility after a back injury sadly, but still have interest in that aspect. Would love to connect with others competing in the area!

1 Comment
23:35 UTC


Dog info

Hey friends! Kinda a weird question here, but what kinda info do you keep in your dogs "emergency folder." I'm putting something together to keep with my pups crate in case something happens to me, and so far I have:

  1. Dog food
  2. Vet
  3. Emergency contacts
  4. Rabies / vaccine info

What else do you all keep there? Thanks!

20:14 UTC


Improving Fast Cat Times

I am wondering if anyone has any experience or resources for improving Fast Cat times. If you search Fast Cat there are millions of posts about how to begin, but very little about ways to improve. How much of a dog's performance is down to genetics and prey drive, and how much comes from training and handling? In a sport where fractions of a second can make a significant difference it seems like there must be some ways to improve, but maybe the hyper-competitive part of me is overthinking it.

14:01 UTC


Italian Greyhound

How can I get my little girl to try this and see if she likes it? I'm near Boston. There might be one in RI, but she's never done it. I. I am interested in agility, too. TIA!

03:59 UTC


echo's novice trick dog video submission

16:12 UTC


Car crates

Does anyone here have a large ruffland suv version of the kennel and drive a outback with a recent model year? I’m trying to figure out if it will fit my trunk with the seats up and the hatch closed before I pull the trigger on ordering one.

03:44 UTC


Is an American Pitbull Terrier X Belgian Malinois mix? A good mix? (Bullherder)

03:18 UTC


Scent work ideas

Hey everyone. I figured this may be the best place to ask something like this. Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and my mom LOVES doing scent work with her dog (a Great Dane). Is there anything I could get her to make the trials more enjoyable? Something you wish you had when you were starting out? I’ve looked into shadow boxes for her ribbons but they’re wildly expensive for the size she’d need. Figured I’d see if anyone had any ideas. Thank you!

12:46 UTC


Hunting dog ➡️ sport dog

Has anyone ever successfully turned a hunting dog into a scentwork dog? I’ve got a beagle that I would like to switch over but don’t know if it will work. Spots to run are becoming slim and he will still need a job when the spots run out. Thank you!

00:46 UTC


jean got her first qualifying agility score!

1 Comment
18:29 UTC


some successful good boys!

Cedar is well on his way to a DCAT title by always running his little heart out. I don't think he's actually interested in the lure, but rather reuniting with his human at the end of the lane. We also entered him in a Fetch trial on a whim, where he successfully earned his novice title. No surprise there! I'm entirely convinced that this dog would chase a ball until his limbs fell off.

Loomis (affectionately referred to by many at the event today as Mr. Magnificent) is now only a few points shy of his BCAT. He will officially earn that this coming Sunday, as we have another trial in Tennessee! It's always so hit or miss with whether an Akita actually enjoys the FastCat sport. Some of them think it's dumb because it's not a real prey animal to annihilate. But as it turns out, this big goofy fella thinks chasing a plastic bag is the greatest thing on Earth. Please do not tell him it's not a bunny, it would break his spirit.

He also successfully passed his American Temperament Test today, and I can't say I'm surprised there either. He is such a wonderful example of the breed, in rock solid temperament and in looks...though we miiiight be biased on the last half. Much love and appreciation to the judges who evaluated him fairly on being aloof and uninterested in their presence.

Really looking forward to what else we can achieve with these boys. My wife and I are so lucky to be their humans.

00:04 UTC


Toy drive and puppy teeth

Hi everyone!

I have a 3 yo dog and he's 100% food driven and only care for toys as a reward for a second until he realises he prefers food and leaves the toy and asks for food instead.

I have a tiny Sheltie puppy, 5 months old, who was very interested in toys when I got him at 4 mo. He was tugging (as much as a tiny pup can do) and I was delighted. However, he doesn't tug anymore. I'm wondering if it could be because he's losing his baby teeth and he doesn't feel like having a strong "grip" of the toy with his teeth. He does run after a toy, he does chew on it, but that's all. He uses his paws to try to bring the toy to his mouth.

What do you think? Am I doing something wrong? Is it only because of his adult teeth growing or should I change the way I play?

19:20 UTC


Does anyone have any slip leads recomendations, specifcally ones that could also be used as a standard leash w/ a regular latch that can connect to an O-ring on the leash or to a typical collar?

my go-to 6 ft(i think) slip lead just broke and I am hoping to find a replacement, yet am only finding slip leads that seem like with use the stopper could get loose. TIA

17:51 UTC


Time to switch breeds?

I’m seriously thinking of switching to getting a Mali for IGP. I have had to send 2 GSDs over the rainbow at 6 and 7y/o! The back end issues are absolutely terrible and are cutting short, sport careers too fast. Any one else feel the same?

23:23 UTC


Obedience class 4 day cluster

First timer here

My dog will be a few weeks shy of her first birthday when this cluster comes up. They will 4 AKC novice beginner obedience A classes over 4 days. Would it be too much on a young dog to do all 4 that they offer?

02:57 UTC


Bite work training

I have a 5 month Belgian Malinois and I’m looking to get her into doing some occasional bite work. Any recommendations in the south Florida area?

01:57 UTC


FastCAT and safety

I was just about to sign my mixed breed dog up for a fastCAT trial for the first time - registration closes today.. and I came here wondering if he has to do CAT first (seems like no!). But that led me to a post where people are talking about the safety of different courses.

How does one know if their local courses are safe? Does anyone have any experience with western PA area courses?

Thank you!

16:48 UTC


Slatmill recs

Hello :)

Our dog trainer is suddenly moving and our dogs fell in love with the dogtrotter she had them using. It’s been a lifesaver for us and our Heath routine. We would love to bring a slatmill into our home. Presently, we’d need to keep it in the living room of our townhouse. Our lab would exist every second he could on it if possible (he’s obsessed with our trainers dog trotter), so one of the very important features to us would be a locking deck to avoid injury/misuse of him just jumping on unattended.

I’ve discovered three options but wanted recommendations based on personal experience.

  1. Go with the dog trotter. We already love it. However to get a locking deck would cost a lot of extra money and it’s already the most expensive option.

  2. Firepaw. Come from the EU, but even fully upgraded and shipped over is cheaper than the dogtrotter. This came recommended from our trainer as a cheaper option but I’ve never met someone who has actually used these.

  3. Chase Pro. Has a locking deck feature. Cheapest of all three and from Australia. Unlike the firepaw comes standard with the plastic slats instead of wood. (I’m worried of splintering with the wood.)

Carpet mills are not an option for our need. We can not do incline and need to run flat.

Does anyone have any insight on any of these mills or any other recommendations? We are looking to buy this month.

15:57 UTC


Fan for car window for dogs

Hello all!
I've been taking classes for scent work with my Aussie mix girl and in between our runs she needs to go back in the car to wait. We're in the St Louis area and it's already getting hot even in the evening!

I have a Hyundai Elantra, so I can't fit a crate in there and leave the doors or windows wide open for her. I was hoping to find a good fan to put in the window to keep her cool but I can't figure out what would be best. Does anyone have a similar situation? What do you use or recommend?

Additional consideration is that I want to start going to FastCAT with my other All American dog and due to his history, he will not crate at all and he is skittish about new things. Which means I think whatever I end up with needs to be as quiet as possible as well until he learns it won't eat him. Thank you!

15:51 UTC


Calling all bitework peeps!

Is it a thing to do a different sport with two different dogs? I know I can do whatever I want, but is that realistic? It’s such a lifestyle sport I don’t know if I could manage two different sports with two different dogs. I currently do IGP but I really want to do mondio too.

18:08 UTC


What's the difference between IDS and NADD?

06:20 UTC

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