
Photograph via snooOG

For all things Schutzhund, dog sports, and anyone interested in training your dog.

Owners, breeders, trainers, enthusiasts and general dog-lovers, share your Schutzhund pictures, training tips, videos, questions and concerns here!

Schutzhund (German for protection dog) is a dog sport that was developed in Germany in the early 1900s to test whether German Shepherd Dogs (GSDs) exhibit the traits necessary for police-type work, rather than simply evaluating a dog's appearance. Today, many breeds other than German Shepherds can compete in Schutzhund, but it is a demanding test for any dog and few are able to pass successfully.

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Training Books

I am a trainer with no competition experience. My specialty is working/rehabilitating extreme aggression cases in pet dogs. I also focus on primitive breeds. I would love to learn more about all competitions but Schutzhund in particular has always been a top interest of mine. I’d love any recommendations for books on training theory and explanations. It would also be very interesting to read a book from the trainers perspective and their experience in training competition, as a less informative book.

07:33 UTC


Yes a l


1 Comment
11:06 UTC


Can an Australian Cattle Dog do schutzhund?

02:18 UTC


Any clubs close to Munich?

I live and train in the midwest in the states but am headed to Munich next week for work. I would love to visit a training night at a club while I'm there. Anyone know of any clubs close to Munich?

00:33 UTC


what mistakes did you make with your puppy?

my working line gsd comes tomorrow. i want to train her for schutzhund / dog sports. what mistakes did you make that i should avoid or advice do you have early on ?

14:31 UTC


do i have to use german commands to eventually compete?

maybe i’m naive and maybe i’ll change my mind … being open minded here

i’m picking up a working line gsd from some pretty awesome bloodlines mid june. this will be my first gsd and i’m very excited about schutzhund / igp, etc. I recognize i have a lot to learn since this is all new but do I need to use german commands to earn titles?

i don’t especially care for the german language (no offense, it’s preference)…

06:01 UTC


Can a sporting breed do Schutzhund?

I have a lot of interest in doing Schutzhund and bite sports in the future. Do y'all think a German shorthaired pointer or a Weimaraner would do well in the sport? Would any sporting breed be good for Schutzhund?

16:01 UTC


Building drive on the track.

Looking for suggestions on building drive on the track (I.G.P. tracking) right now I have food 3rd step then 5 steps from that 7 from that and so on to 15 steps with out food. Drive isn't horrible but looking to make it more powerful. Any tips would be helpful.

01:56 UTC


Schutzhund San Diego?

Looking for trainers, clubs, breeders in the San Diego area. I’m north county near Fallbrook. The one that’s listed on Google either doesn’t exist anymore or they haven’t updated their info in a while. Any help is appreciated.

07:29 UTC


Forward Front Questions

Hey everybody! I'm not training for competitive schutz. Rather, I just like to incorporate schutz form into my standard obedience and I have a question about forward Front sit. I like the form and want to incorporate this but have a few questions. 1) Is this the standard distance for most close up commands? (Do you ask down and stand from this distance as well?) 2) What command do you use for the forward Front sit? I've heard front, hier and come. I like the idea of using come because I like the idea of my dog sitting close on recall, but I'm afraid that if I start practicing this, I will water down my existing recall command "come". 3) Lastly, do you teach your dog a "back up" if you want them to step farther away from you after being in forward Front? Thanks so much in advance!!

15:43 UTC


Spaying / Drive

Hi guys,

My 10 mo GSD is one unlucky bitch and developed a pyometra and had to undergo an emergency spay. Luckily vet said growth plates were closed. I was going to wait until much later to spay, probably closer to 2 years.

Does spaying this early have an negative effects on drive? I know a lot of sport people who wait on spaying/neutering for full maturation.

She loves protection so far, as i'm guessing most do. OB needs a ton of work still lol! This is my first dog so just seeing what lies on the road ahead of us.


20:18 UTC


New dog

The new pup I picked up at 14 weeks old is now 8 months old and boy has he changed

For a moment I thought I got a dud, then boom! He’s feral -

No dogs perfect, his tracking needs help lol his obedience is a work in progress … I need to start training with heeling stick for better position,

But his decoy absolutely adores him, offered to buy him on spot, thinks he’s a strong good male , bites like a alligator, loves the fight

I guess we will see what happens !

14:16 UTC


Favorite Dogs

Who are everyone’s favorite dogs that are competing right now?

And who is/are your favorite studs?

02:03 UTC


Schutzhund Dog Clubs Around the World: Share Locations, Specialties, and Successes!

Hey r/schutzhund community,

We've got an exciting initiative for all of you passionate about Schutzhund training and dog sports! We're creating this sticky post to help gather information about Schutzhund dog clubs from around the world. Whether you're a seasoned Schutzhund competitor or just starting out, this is your chance to share your club's details, specialties, achievements, and more.

How to Contribute:

We want to create a comprehensive list of Schutzhund dog clubs across different countries and regions. If you're a member of a club, here's how you can contribute:

  1. Start a New Comment: Begin your comment with the name of the country and the specific region where your club is located. This will help others quickly identify clubs in their desired area.
  2. Club Details: Provide information about your club's size, training facilities, and any specialties or focuses that set your club apart. This could include details about the type of training you offer, such as IPO, obedience, tracking, protection work, or other relevant areas.
  3. Achievements and Titles: Share any notable achievements or titles earned by club members or the club itself. If your club participates in trials, championships, or events, let us know about your successes!
  4. Trials and Events: If your club hosts or participates in Schutzhund trials, seminars, workshops, or other events, share those details. It's a great way for others to learn and get involved.
  5. General Information: Feel free to include any additional general information about your club that might be helpful for interested individuals. This could be details about the training methods, training schedules, membership requirements, and more.
  6. Online Presence: Provide links to your club's website, Facebook group, Instagram, or other social media platforms. This will allow others to easily connect with your club and stay updated on your activities. Additionally, you can find more Schutzhund clubs listed on the German Shepherd Dog Club of America's Events Page, which offers a valuable resource for connecting with clubs worldwide.

Example Comment:

**Country: United States** 
**Region: California, Bay Area** 
**Club Name:** Bay Area Schutzhund Club 
**Club Size:** Medium 
**Specialties:** IPO and Obedience 
**Achievements:** Several members have earned IPO titles up to SchH3. 
**Trials and Events:** We host an annual Schutzhund trial in September. 
**General Info:** Training focuses on positive reinforcement and building strong handler-dog relationships.  
**Online Presence:** [Club Website](https://www.bayareaschutzhundclub.com) 

Remember, this thread will be updated regularly to include new contributions, so make sure to check back often and discover Schutzhund clubs from different corners of the world!

Let's make this a valuable resource for Schutzhund enthusiasts everywhere. Whether you're looking for a club to join, hoping to share your experiences, or simply curious about the global Schutzhund community, this thread is for you. Share your knowledge, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and let's continue to grow the love for this amazing dog sport together!

Note: Please make sure to follow the subreddit rules and guidelines while sharing information and links.

14:25 UTC


How to get started

I have a 4 month GSD that I'd like to work with and I'd like to get into Schutzund with her. I've been working on her basic OB with her and prey drive.

I am just curious as to how you can get into this sport and if it's possible to for anyone to do? She is my first dog I've had.

Is there any suggested reading material I can go through?

We are working with a trainer already but i'm unsure of the road map to work through.

19:28 UTC


Puppy advice!

I would love some tips on how you guys raised your working puppies! I have a 10 week old now and he’s my first sport prospect. Would just love to hear how you guys went about puppyhood. Crating or xpen most of the time? Did you let them have toys? I’m using his kibble to do short training sessions (luring) not adding any verbal commands as of yet. Also trying to get his drive up with rags. Any info is appreciated

00:49 UTC

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