Anything related to indie games
Everything related to Indie Games - discussion, news, devblog updates, releases, demos, teasers, reviews.
Ways to post about games:
Create a post in our subreddit. All games welcome, at any stage of development. Make sure to post an animated gif/gfycat/webm or screenshots (imgur album) with your post so we can see what the game is about. Youtube vids also welcome.
Don't use URL shorteners!
Contact online video game magazines such as GameShampoo or RockPaperShotgun and try to get them to run a story or interview about your game.
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This month I started working on my first game in the style of Puppet Combo games or Fears to Fathom.
It should take place in some kind of a guesthouse and you will play as a son of the owner.
I don't have the story planned but I have the first floor and few textures.
I guess I'll be posting some devlogs just so you can see how things are going.
Purge 70% off the price of 2024's Best AR Exorcist Game.
Think of DOOM meets Pokémon GO. With a spice of Killer 7 and Shin Megami flavor (what!?).
Happy to answer any questions.