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Jury Duty

I was summoned for jury duty next week. I tried to postpone because I am the caregiver for my two young children but my request was denied. I want to avoid legal trouble but I’m not really sure what to do here, and when I called to try to get it figured out, the representative was so condescending and unhelpful. I don’t have a village here and I need to be able to drop off and pickup my kindergarten kiddo from school. What happens if I get called in to the courthouse and need to leave? I have another non-school aged child as well and the cost and logistics of obtaining childcare is a real hardship.

20:47 UTC


Similar places like FuwaFuwa in Fresno

Hi, I need suggestions for date places in Fresno. Something similar tp FuwaFuwa.

20:42 UTC


Any recommendations for beef and broccoli lol

18:48 UTC


Hows the area by Warnors Theater?

The title pretty much. I'm looking for an affordable business to buy that'll give me a stable income with freedom due to some health issues, and I see a great deal on a business near the Warnors Theater (can't disclose which one due to an NDA) but the financials are decent so what gives on why it's so cheap?? I haven't been to Fresno since I was a kid. Is it the same as pretty much any other big city right now across the world?? Because if it's just some big-city issues I mean that's no biggie I'm from LA.. But if there's like crazy people running around trying to stab people like Venice Beach yeah no thanks..

Any thoughts on that area? I'll definitely eventually check it out for myself but I figure I can maybe get a gauge on what it's like out there in that area specifically. Is it dead in terms of foot traffic?? Lots of families?? Old people??? (Again I haven't been there since I was a kid so I have no idea) TIA!

17:50 UTC


What's your favorite "gas station restaurant" in town?

17:04 UTC


If you want a burrito after midnight, but tired of Robertitos, wat do?

07:00 UTC


Seeing the North Carolina floods and how that area is geographically in a bowl like us, can that type of catostrophic flooding ever happen here?

04:04 UTC


Little Peking Chinese restaurant

Has anyone tried the vegan/vegetarian options at little peking??? I'm trying to figure out if it's worth trying. Opinions?

02:03 UTC


Jobs hiring that require no experience?

Hello all, i’ve been employed for nearly 6 years at my current restaurant job. I’ve worked my way up to waitress and have been a waitress here for around 3 years. I want to change my job field to administration/clerical or anything in an office like setting but I have no experience and can’t land a job. I have an associates in Business Administration.

Does any one know any companies that will hire me for an entry level position with no experience? Or any tips to break into this industry? TIA.

If there’s any jobs in whatever field that have weekends off with no experience i’m all ears.

02:01 UTC


Late-night Greyhound bus rides to LA

Hi everyone! I'll be solo traveling and doing a tour through various cities of California due to concerts and I'm planning to spend a day in Fresno, but the next day I need to be in Los Angeles ASAP. The earliest bus ride to LA is by Greyhound at about 2 AM, so I would like to know if anyone has taken these late-night bus rides and how safe they are to take them alone. Is the Fresno station even open that late? Is it safe to be inside or near the station at that time?

Of course, I'm also considering the option of staying the night somewhere, but that would mean spending more money and I'm trying to not spend too much. Money-wise the best option would be to take a late-night bus but I want to know if it's safe.

23:51 UTC


Anyone know a place that will buy my used dryer?

My husband and I were just gifted a newer dryer and we'd like to sell the old one. It's n9t new by any means, but it still works and is well taken care of 🤷

22:35 UTC


Dungeons and Dragons DM/player looking for more! (DnD 3.5)

I'm a forever 3.5 DM. Me and a friend, are looking for some players to make a group with. Ideally someone who knows 3.5 and played back then as well. We haven't had much luck with in person routes or looking around local game stores. So wanted to take a long shot here.

I got a massive collection of books and materials so you wouldn't need much. I keep it as analog as possible, pencils, paper, physical books, etc, with a general focus on the game and mixing in various aspects of DnD styles. Sometimes minis, sometimes maps, sometimes just imagination and words, and so on. Drinks and weed are alright as long as it's light use, as the main focus is gaming together and not partying.

We have played with all types, and I've DMd for 20 years now, all kinds of groups. LF someone preferably 28+ who knows the game well enough to want to engage in the material and the long form campaign experience. If you or a group of you are players, message me and we can chat more and go into details and such.

Not sure if the post is allowed here but hoping we can add in 2 to 3 people.and start rolling some dice soon.

1 Comment
21:06 UTC


Can I walk into any Walmart and get a fishing license or is there a certain Walmart location I need to go to?

18:46 UTC


Starting from scratch

Hello Everyone,

I am from India. I want to settle down in america and work as a doctor. California is my dream state. But i have heard that they prefer spanish speaking doctors, what’s the level of spanish proficiency that i need which shows that I’m capable of conversing in spanish with my patients?

And how should i go about learning the language from scrath?

I have approximately 9 months alongside my studies.

Please guide.

17:53 UTC


Fresnans that swithched from Xfinity to ATT Fiber

, what are the pros and cons?

What are you all doing for broadcast services like local channels?

16:31 UTC


Has anyone experience with items stolen out of their backyard?

This is a first for me: a few days ago, I noticed an old bike sitting "hidden" under some trees in our backyard missing. It was broken/no good for riding and had been sitting there for years. My first thought was that one of the workers who had been over doing our fence and later house might have had something to do with it, but now I wonder if one of the homeless saw the door open while they were working (or after they went home for the day). We're out in the suburbs, and while things have gotten a bit 'rougher' compared to a few decades ago, we're nowhere near some parts like Tower. Hell, people leave their cars out with their windows rolled down without worry. Thinking of getting a camera and some new locks

16:23 UTC


Who has the best happy hour in Fresno?

The title says it all. What's your favorite?!

16:06 UTC


Why hasn't there been more development surrounding Madera Community College?

I understand it officially became a college in 2020, but the center has been around since 1996. I'm surpised the area surrounding it is still majority rural.

15:41 UTC


Mini cooper mechanic

Hello, I’m looking for a permanent mechanic to help me maintain my mini cooper. Often when I take her in, many people try to take advantage of me by charging me $400 for a coil exchange. (I switched it myself for $40) Looking for someone trustworthy and fair priced. I appreciate it!

1 Comment
15:15 UTC


Another "best Mexican Food" request

Hey all,

I have a business associate from out of town who wants some REAL Mexican food, but, at the same time, we want to go to a more full-service restaurant. I was thinking of Taco's Tijuana, but with the vicinity to the Fair Grounds, I am apprehensive given that the fair is going on now.

Castillo's hours are terrible, so that's out. Las Mañanitas is a bit too informal/casual (not looking for fancy, but a bar would be a plus).

FWIW, He is staying (and I live) in the NE Fresno area, so bonus if there is something worthwhile up here. How's La Kebrada at Ft. Washington?

Thanks all!

15:01 UTC

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