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Merging 2 precons

Hi all

My partner really enjoys the cmd16 precon stalwart unity (group hug) so I have purchased peace offerings from bloomburrow for her as a gift

She also pulled a anime ominoesesnce and rhystic study recently which she is desperate to use

I was thinking of merging the 2 decks as well and slaming in the 2 new cards but I'm pretty shit at deck building and don't play group hug so I'm at a loss was wondering if someone has thought about it and or is up to do a quick dirty merge or at least some advice as I'm now minus a large amount of brain cells trying to do so my self



10:51 UTC


First timer seeks help for a fun artifact deck

Hi everyone, I’m a returning mtg player (dropped in 2011), and I’d like to try Commander for the first time, it looks so funny, but also hard to build a good deck being singleton. My budget is around 30€ for now, but the lower the better, without too many sacrifices of course, and I want to build an artifact deck with good upgrade potential, for improving it overtime, but still fun to play in the cheap version. As far of type of deck, I’m more for control and combo ones, but idk how it translates in Commander. A part for these infos, these are the commanders I like as far as I’ve seen (but feel free to add other potential alternatives):

[[Urza, Lord High Artificer]] [[Breya, Etherium Shaper]] [[Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain]] [[Emry, Lurker of the Loch]] [[Gandalf the White]]

I’d go for Urza, being him my favorite mtg lore character, but idk how much viable and consistent a deck with him could be, I basically only understand its power (this mono U one is my favorite version) and know that its price dropped like crazy, good but also ”does it mean it sucks?”. Notable card I already own that might fit the deck are [[Brainstorm]] , [[Counterpell]] (should be playable in commander, isn’t it?), [[Isochron Scepter]] , [[Wurmcoil Engine]] , [[Steel Hellkite]] , [[Ancestral Vision]] , [[Thought Dissector]] , [[Feldon’s Cane]] , [[Urza’s Incubator]] , [[Skill Borrower]] , and [[Tezzeret the Seeker]] (the one that came with the duel deck, with every other artifacts/spells that came with it).

I think I’ve said everything that came in my mind, feel free to ask for more infos you can use, and thanks in advance for the help 🙏

09:56 UTC


Making my first EDH deck soon and im looking for card sugestions

I want to make a deck based entirely arround prototype portal and isochron scepter And that untap all nonlands card. Are there any cards you recommend to help make sure the cards stick. My biggest worry is il exhile iso, portal gets nuked and now i cant have fun with my printer. Ill likely add demon con and the oracle just to end the game if it does get nuked. My main combo would be after having fun with free spells i would use infinate explores with ruin crab and bounce lands to delete everyones decks. I know i want to spam tutors but need to save some for the portal

Ive seen alot about magic but havent really played it besides stomping my family and friends who dont play any card games with starter decks. So i know what i want to do, just not how to go about it. Any elp is elpfull

09:28 UTC


Do you get attached to your games?

I've heard two kinds of philosophies in terms of what people prefer:

  • Long rollercoaster games where all players get to do a bunch of stuff and be in a strong position.
  • A few quick ones where each player "gets their own game" so to say. No real back and forth, the winner wins and then you shuffle up and move on to another game where someone else gets to shine.

Both seem to have their own merit. In theory both philosophies let all players participate and do a thing.

Some people get emotionally invested in a game and if the game is very short they feel like it was a waste of time. Non-games are non-issues because the game takes so long that there's time for everyone to catch up.

Others don't get that attached to a game but like to have a few quick ones so that if anyone is having a non-game they don't have to wait around and instead get to try again.

Which / what camp do you belong to?

09:22 UTC


EDH noob battle report

Not a magic noob, but new to edh. Played at an LGS yesterday and joined a random pod of 3 people. Super nice interaction very friendly, explained cards and interaction to me, good level of politics I had a fantastic time.

I was playing this [[Omnath, Locus of Mana]] list. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/90NIDbpG2E-6ieN6-tGruA

First game, one player pulls out [[Marchesa]] counters, the second one plays a graveyard reanimation deck. Can't remember the commander, but notable cards were [[Kalitas, Traitor of Geth]], [[The Scarab God]], and that UG legendary create that gives you extra mana (sorry, can't recall name). The third player I honestly can't remember what he was on he got mana screwed, and then fell behind because I cast [[Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger]] and he got rid of it, on his next turn, meaning that he suffered the tap penalty but nobody else did.

First round I just didn't pull anything. Got stuck with 5 lands and pulled [[Selvala]], but no tools at all. Eventually, the graveyard player won by creating a huge amount of zombies and draining everyone at the table. GG

Second round people switched down the power level somewhat. One player was on an aristocrats deck where the partner commander's where one is a black planeswalker and the second one is the red zero cost goblin, the other player bowed out due to time and the third player was helming a dragon that gave goad. This round went pretty quickly, because I got going fairly quickly, with two mana doublers and one [[Llanowar Elf]]. That round went very differently. For an old modern and standard player it's weird to generate 24 mana a turn, which allows you to play everything. I had a [[Eladamri, Korvecdal]] out, which meant that I could play creatures straight from the library. Eventually I won with a big overrun.

Fun deck to play. Will do again. Will be upgrading away all the hydras, whoch don't add value at all, and adding ramp, green stax pieces and more protection.

09:07 UTC


Tuesday Rulesday: Ask your rules questions here! - July 23, 2024

Welcome to Tuesday Rulesday!

Please use this thread to ask and discuss your rules questions. Also make sure to use the upvote button to thank those who take the time to give correct answers. If you need immediate assistance, please head over to the IRC live judge chat or the rules question channel in the EDH discord server.

Remember that rules questions aren't allowed on /r/EDH outside of this weekly post, so if you have a rules question and aren't getting a response here you can head to the two links above, or to /r/mtgrules.

09:00 UTC


Evaluating my Atraxa, Grand Unifier Deck: From Flicker to Spicy ?

Hi everyone,

I've been brewing on this deck for quiet a while. It began as a Bant flicker list, initially with [Roon, of the hidden realms], then with [Kodama of the east Tree] and [Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker] as the commander. While i enjoyed generating a lot of value, I found that these Lists lacked a solid win condition. Often, I'd be either ganged up on or my opponents would scoop after a while.

Here is the list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/GnUOd8mHhk2sWXJGiFXkyw

THat's the old Kodama list https://www.moxfield.com/decks/XjwekHmKnkul8crbeFNzdQ

Adding black to the mix gave me access to multiple win conditions through big creatures. I alos trimmed down on some value cards, becaus Atraxa provides all the value I need. Flickering her creates an insane amount of value...

Given Atraxa's power, i decided to mix things up a bit and addes some un and unexpected cards like [Show and Tell] and [Hypergenesis].

What do you think of this deck ? Does it seem fun to play against, or does it feel like just another Atraxa blink list ?

I'm open to any recommendations or feedback!


08:45 UTC


Need help finding an EDH creator! Bald guy who does budget brews

I know I'm subscribed to him and I know I've seen his videos but youtube is dogass and I can't search for it at all. He was a bald guy with facial hair that did deck guides/builds that were relatively budget, he was also really funny. Most of his videos were budget/cheap, the two I remember seeing were for House and the Necrobloom

07:50 UTC


Mana base for landfall deck

I recently built my first landfall deck and am struggling with the mana base. The commander is [[Obuun]]. Any kind of fetch land seems really valuable to double landfall triggers, then I also want a few indestructible lands and lands that can potentially have double strike or similar for the animated lands. I have a [[Field of the Dead]] in there, so limiting basics with the same name seems important.

Issue is, I've run out of basics to fetch/ramp on two occasions already, so it seems like I want to at least add a few basics to the list. I currently run 9 basics. Should I swap in a few extra basics? How many (if any) and which lands should I cut to make room?


Help is much appreciated!

07:41 UTC


Shilgengar, sire of famine deck could use review

Hello everyone,

I just built my second commander deck, with Shilgengar at the helm. The main theme is having angels put into the graveyard by any means(dying in combat, milling, spells etc) and bringing them back with Shilgengar, possibly removing the finality counters from them.


Here's the decklist Could use a few more sets of eyes to review, comment and critique, give advice to make changes before I order the deck.

Thanks for giving a fellow mtg player a time of your day. Have a great one.

07:38 UTC


Is Inducing Misplay Fair Game?

Playing a game the other day with friends.

Player A is playing Food and Fellowship Precon and is clearly out in front. They have the Monarch, both Commanders, [[Sanguine Bond]] and [[Gwaihir, Greatest of the Eagles]] to generate bodies every turn. They are a very experienced player. We have played together many times.

I'm playing [[Clavileno, First of the Blessed]]. Myself and the other two players are clearly a step behind.

On my board, among other things, I have a 4/3 Flying/Trampling Vampire token and [[Drana, Liberator of Malakir]]. I come up with a plan. If I attack Player A with both creatures they may mistakenly block the token with Gwaihir. After Drana deals First Strike damage, the +1/+1 counter will mean that they trade.

Notably, I know that this is a bad attack. If blocked correctly I lose the token and don't take the monarch. I'm counting on Player A not seeing the onboard trick.

I move to combat and declare my attacks. As I do, I point to Drana and say to Player A, 'You know how this one works right?'. They confirm quickly and declare blocks in the way I anticipated. I then announce the combat damage trigger puts a counter on to the token... and they ask for a takeback. They then declare blocks in such a way that I basically threw away the token for nothing, like I feared,

I gave the takeback, get blown out by the risky attack. and Player A went on to win the game.

I guess my question for the community is: is this fair game? Definitely not going to kick up a stink about it, but just wondering if similar situations had cropped up in your playgroups and how you handle them.

07:34 UTC


Revised First Deck


Recently made a post about a pirate deck im making. Changed it up based on the feedback and im wondering if this deck would be decent competatively. This is my first deck ive made so please let me know if you have any changes or ideas.

07:13 UTC


How do I make a weak deck?

Stupid question but I grew up with my dad being an amazing deck builder, borderline cedh if he accidentally got carried away for a minute or two, and some of that rubbed off on me. I don't enjoy winning before the game starts, and like a long, constant fight, where everyone is participating, having a turn on the throne and having fun, recently, I joined a friends playgroup, and was not prepared for what was about to come. The strongest deck in the group before I joined, was a mass reanimation deck, that heavily relied on a few cards. Turns out, they didn't like a bajuka bog I had in my hand, and flipped out. Now, the top 5 decks in that playgroup are all mine, and I feel bad about it. The entire group got swamped by my at the time weakest deck, which was a precon I got for a birthday, wyleth, soul of steel, that I upgraded a bit, with the most expensive card I added being sword of the animist, when it dropped in price, down to maybe 3-4 dollars. I did get lucky, but I can't make a deck they don't have to play arch enemy against, and still lose, without making it garbage. I only habe know late of the underrated and strong cards, and don't want to make a deck building class, as that feels like rubbing it in their faces. Anyone now some fairly weak, but not garbage or just not fun to play as commanders I could build around? Ideally with a fairly cheap budget, as I don't want to waste a ton of money on something I don't enjoy or play often, maybe something I could build for 20-40 dollars.Not asking for an entire list, just a commander with maybe some cards it pairs well with, to get the idea of the deck across

06:48 UTC


How do I make a weak deck?

Stupid question but I grew up with my dad being an amazing deck builder, borderline cedh if he accidentally got carried away for a minute or two, and some of that rubbed off on me. I don't enjoy winning before the game starts, and like a long, constant fight, where everyone is participating, having a turn on the throne and having fun, recently, I joined a friends playgroup, and was not prepared for what was about to come. The strongest deck in the group before I joined, was a mass reanimation deck, that heavily relied on a few cards. Turns out, they didn't like a bajuka bog I had in my hand, and flipped out. Now, the top 5 decks in that playgroup are all mine, and I feel bad about it. The entire group got swamped by my at the time weakest deck, which was a precon I got for a birthday, wyleth, soul of steel, that I upgraded a bit, with the most expensive card I added being sword of the animist, when it dropped in price, down to maybe 3-4 dollars. I did get lucky, but I can't make a deck they don't have to play arch enemy against, and still lose, without making it garbage. I only habe know late of the underrated and strong cards, and don't want to make a deck building class, as that feels like rubbing it in their faces. Anyone now some fairly weak, but not garbage or just not fun to play as commanders I could build around? Ideally with a fairly cheap budget, as I don't want to waste a ton of money on something I don't enjoy or play often, maybe something I could build for 20-40 dollars.Not asking for an entire list, just a commander with maybe some cards it pairs well with, to get the idea of the deck across

06:48 UTC


First time deck building advice! Jodah for idiots.


Hey there,

I am relatively new to magic, and this is my first attempt at making a deck for a casual/casual-competitive table.

I wanted something fun with a straightforward, yet unique play style. So this is legendary tribal, but avoiding overly complicated rules interactions for my own sake. I know there are better synergies out there, but I don't want to bog down the table by being new still.

That said, I am really looking for commentary on ratios and stuff.

Edit: proxies for sure

06:42 UTC


Legolas & Gimli, Counter of Kills deck help

I have begun to brew a deck for two cards I believe should have had partner. Legolas and Gimli Counter of kills. I’ve already ruled it fine with my play group

I've constructed a list that I like but I feel like is missing something

The Idea is to use Gimli to do big damage with legas supporting as a second attacker and blocker. Throw some equipments out, a bit og fighttihng, goad, and noncreature damage/removal to ping my oponents and buff my creatures.

Please tell me the cards you think this deck is missing, I wanna make it super exciting and live up to this legendary pair!


06:18 UTC


Control players are degenerates (a not so quick brag about a lucky win)

Commander: Niv Mizzet, Parun

The 99 don't matter, it's based on cEDH decklists with no original ideas. Now to the story.

I'm a newish player and the power of the deck is what wins games more than any skill on my part, though I am not entirely incompetent. I paid to win with it (budgeted, it's missing a few grand in land/artifact base as well as counters) and I'm okay with that.
The deck is built to play in multi player pods, not 1v1 but there was a 1v1 competition at the lgs, so I took out a dozen cards and swapped them with a pain package. Cards that increased or caused non combat damage and double trigger effects.
It made it so I wasn't relying solely on the Curiosity effect and Niv didn't have to be on the board to stand a chance at winning, but he couldn't stay in the cz the whole game.
We both should have mulled (hindsight amiright) but neither thought it was a must mull starting hand and it began.
Opponent wasn't moving at mach speed but was moving faster than I was. [[Rhystic Study]] and heavy counterspell package putting in overtime on my side, flicker and exile effects on his end doin' the damn thing. He forced Niv onto the field without protection by nickel and diming me and immediately put him back in the cz.
I got shit lucky and drew [[Jeweled Lotus]] and [[Cyclonic Rift]] thanks to Rhystic and draw step and I overloaded Cyclonic to buy time. I got Niv to stick and had [[Harmonic Prodigy]] on the board.
Opponent got back to the business at hand by getting a 5/5 that I couldn't afford to block but was holding back the creatures that Niv could block because they had those sweet etb's to flicker.
Second to last turn I put an enchantment (don't remember, it was a borrowed card) that gave a +1 to non combat damage, so now if Niv triggers I draw 2 and apply 1 damage 4 times. I knew I was cooked and passed the turn.
Opponent took his turn, did the damages and passed. We both knew he had me on his next turn.
Final turn, I told my Opponent I knew I had lost but wanted to push the boundaries to check something before passing. Opponent had 22 life, I casted [[Gamble]] to trigger Niv, then countered myself 4 times for a total of 5 triggers for 10 cards and 20 damage. This was not an original idea, I watched a cEDH game where a player did that to storm off for life gain or something like that.
I want everyone to know that I didn't think to attack with that stupid ass dragon because I usually have to drop him, the Curiosity effect and start the combo in 1 turn because he gets blasted off the field before my next turn. Always.
My Opponent told me that attacking with Niv wins because he couldn't block flying and I won.
Obviously not exact or turn by turn but that's the gist.
And finally, all respect to my opponent, who was the better player and had we started with more optimal cards, would have molly whopped me. It was a great game and a great learning experience. I appreciate it.

TLDR: Opponent had me dead to rights but for his honesty and a silly as stunt I saw on youtube.

06:18 UTC


Infinite Combo that involves you infinitely cast a five color spell?

I played domain in standard, and its rotating out soon with the next rotation, since its losing most of its mana base (which is kind of what makes it good). The deck revolves around having all 5 basic land types in play to make your spells cheaper, and to play big expensive threats late game.

I really enjoyed this deck, so I am building a version of it as a commander deck, with (Jenson Carthalion, Druid Exile), and am looking for a combo that somehow lets me cast any five color spell an infinite number of times (specifically cast, not copy), to trigger Jenson Carthalion infinite times, getting infinite 4/4 angels

current decklist- https://www.moxfield.com/decks/UoJDwG4sGEKPp1jFrPaEUw

05:54 UTC


Thoughts on my phylath deck?

This is one of my favorite decks I've ever made. I've been running it for two years now and it's gone through many phases. What do yall think of its current? The goal is to make as many plants as I can and use land recursion with sac lands to kick off multiple landfall effects. Romaing throne to boost phylath and avenger even more.

Cradle of the sun is there so I can fill me field and use bristly bill to increase my counter amount by a lot.

I've considered adding back all will be one for the counter damage.


05:50 UTC


Gonti, Canny Acquisitor (or theft decks in general) drawing way too much attention

I've always kinda like the idea of building a theft deck, so I picked up a Grand Larceny pre-con a couple months ago. I upgraded it a bit and imo, it's not a very strong deck, which is fine since I wanted a deck that could play well with precons/upgraded precons.

But the deck does draw a lot of attention, like way more than it should because a player will look over and see that I have 5 of their cards facedown and they'll decide that they want to take me out first or just keep swinging my direction even if I'm not really doing anything. And since my board is usually a few unblockable 1/1s and a couple of random creatures, I'll die pretty quickly to that. Should I be running more cards to disincentivize attacking me like [[Propaganda]]? Or maybe I just need to do a better job at convincing people I'm not the threat lol.

decklist for those that are interested

05:41 UTC


Decks that don't belong. Too strong for casual pods, too slow or uninteractive for CEDH.

As a long-time Magic player, my deckbuilding has evolved over the years, leading me to encounter a unique issue. Many of my decks fall into a weird power-level limbo where they aren't accepted at tables with other Commander players. They're unfun to play against if people don't run interaction, are sometimes accused of being "cEDH" by those who don't know better, and are way too weak for anything close to an actual cEDH-viable deck. This weird middle ground has made it challenging to find a home for them.

Some examples are:

  • Chulane Cheerios, combos off with 0-2 cmc creatures and wins off of combat damage or Thoracle.

  • Emry Lantern Control, cuts off opponent's access to tools by controlling the top of their decks.

  • Masumaro Power-Matters, ridiculous card draw into one-shotting opponents with commander damage.

  • Roon commander lockout, [[Roon]] + [[Stifle]] combo on steroids to lockout enemy commanders. This one is intentionally toxic and only used to troll friends with, but representative of the kind of weird interactions I like to capitalise on.

  • Angus Turbofog, pillowfort and stall until alt-wincons hit. Glacial Chasm is basically an insta-win since people just don't seem to run land spot removal.

The common themes are that if left alone, these decks will hit a turning point and go from 0 to 100 for the win, or they are stalling decks. They're all really gimmicky, so the common weakness is that if you just interact with them a bit, the house of cards comes falling down.

I think the reason they are considered an issue is that they either fall into the control or combo categories of decks, where in the (unnuanced) Control > Combo > Midrange > Aggro > Control cycle, they beat out midrange decks, which most casual Commander decks are.

I wish I could find a pod that runs strong, tuned, and preferably unorthodox decks, but very few people at any LGS I've been to or online seem to enjoy playing the game in a similar way, and I'm not exactly sure why. One could argue most of these break the "default" Rule 0, but I always make sure to explain how my decks function and what they aim to do. It's never a "gotcha", but they still get very strong negative reactions.

I do wonder if there is a way I can create decks that can both accommodate my desire to design and play unorthodox control and combo decks in such a way that they don't run away with the game and feel "unfair".

05:32 UTC


How can I improve this deck?


This is a Modern Horizons III Precon. I'm not too familiar with these types of land focused decks. I'm wanting to focus on nonbasic lands but not really have it be solely simic ramp as expected with decks of this identity. I want to keep the basic lands due to [[Winter Moon]] Blood Moon and other nonbasic land hate. Is there any wincons I can include among other suggestions. I'm not wanting to get expensive cards like Gaea's Cradle, and at my new LGS, no proxies are allowed for keeping things fair gameplay wise.

1 Comment
05:05 UTC


After 10 months I finally won a game.

Since last september, I have not won a game of commander at my lgs until tonight.

4 player pod, voltron, voltron, no idea, and fight midrange

Voltron 1 gets 2 swords out and becomes a problem real quick.
Voltron 2 has blockers but is having a hard time getting set up as voltron 1 is laying into them.
No Idea is mana screwed and has 2 creatures out, trying not to get targetted.
Fight has blockers but no real threat out.

Voltron 1 now has a commander at +21/X and is laying into voltron 2.
No idea goes draw, pass. "Before you exit main 1, [[goblin diplomat]] swing out." Swings at voltron 1, No longer has blockers.
Voltron 1 KO's No Idea, and creates 18 1/1 insects.
Next turn [[massacre wurm]] voltron 1 dies.
Voltron 2 tries to recover from wurm.
[[Maarika]] and fight spells blow up rest of board state. Swing for lethal.

It has been 10 months of losing to combo and infinites and finally I wont a game. 7/10 would play again.

04:23 UTC


Is Finneas or Byrke the right Selesnya rabbit commander?

Since Bloomburrow was announced I knew I wanted to build a deck with a rabbit commander. Although Baylen is the best of the rabbit commanders, I've always liked the Selesnya tokens strategy. I built a deck using Finneas as a commander:


I feel that the deck lacks focus as it needs to balance token and counter generation. This suggests me Byrke might be a better commander, as it can focus on counter generation.

I would like to hear thoughts, or if the Finneas deck can be focused into token generation without turning it into a Baylen deck.

03:58 UTC


Anyone building a mostly Bloomburrow-only Commander deck? What does everyone have?

So, one of the things my wife and I like to do, is create a Commander deck, or two, that is mostly from the set, or using a lot of the cards at least. For Bloomburrow, especially the art and the flavor, we're going to be building some decks based only on the Bloomburrow cards.

I wanted to know if anyone else has been looking into that? Or close to it? And who they're going to use as their commander? Even if it's all for the flavor over power.

I'm deff a squirrel guy and I have a lot of choices for commanders, but I think running the "Eater of Worlds" cat deck with a bunch of small little animals in it is one of the ones I'm FOR SURE building.

What about everyone else?

03:49 UTC


Ojer Axonil - Help

Link to the decklist below and struggling with final cuts (currently 112 cards).


Primary goal and win con is group slug. Bring out Ojer Axonil. Buff and protect him to follow up with deal big damage to the table with several pingers via creatures and enchantments.

Secondary win-con of spell-slinger/storm for an element of surprising the table with big damage in a single turn.

I'm still relatively new to deck-building. Might be trying to do too many things in this deck, which is why I'm struggling with cuts.

Should I cut some card advantage? Red is lacking so tried to prioritize several cards that gave treasures, buffed Ojer Axonil, or pinged while also providing draw/card advantage.

Enough ramp/mana sources to facilitate the secondary win con for big storm turns?

Do I have enough protection to reliably keep Ojer Axonil on the field? Tried to accomplish this with equipments and redirect/counter spells.

Any thoughts and help would be appreciated!

03:33 UTC


Stuck with my toughness matters deck

Hey all! I have quite a few EDH decks and love it as a format. Although they’re less dynamic, I love having mono colored decks! I’ve been fooling around with my [[ E. Honda, Sumo Champion ]] deck for a bit now, and it’s just underperforming. I know it’s a limited commander, but I love that it does something different. My biggest problem is that he’s SO expensive and there aren’t tons of protective options to keep him and his ability on board. If anyone has any feedback on my list let me know what to swap out 🫡


03:19 UTC


Thoughts on bunny/token deck?

I really like [[Finneas, Ace Archer]] but I’m not sure how to go about building him. I wanted to lean into the bunny theme but I don’t think there are that many, and not that many good enough to build the deck around. I guess going token focus would be good too in selesnya and just add in some fun bunnies. What are some must includes in this beside the obvious like [[doubling season]]. And also stuff that won’t break the bank.

03:08 UTC


"Broken in casual" this means nothing.

This is a rant. Don't expect anything else. I am a cedh player, and I have been for years. So, my opinion is an outsider looking in, so please bear with me as i complain like a child.

The other day, someone said [[leyline of anticipation]] is broken in casual. Probably, no deep thought was behind it, I'm assuming they were just adding to the conversion, nothing against what they said. However, this idea though actually hurts a lot. What is casual, edh?

Hear me out where you would play this card? It's not cedh viable, so from our point of view, we call this a fair card. Probably lack luster at best. In casual though, it's different right. Then, we should get a conversation because where in casual does it belong.

Casual magic is a blanket term for basically anything that non cedh players think is fair to them. Or from a cedh players point of view. Anything that isn't cedh viable. I see it often casual player miss interpate strong magic or high-powered magic for cedh. There's nothing objective about it. It's an honesty idiotic to try to put logic and reasoning behind. It's an idology founded by biased points of view.

It's like comparing a competitive streat fighters' opinion on the different fighters to you and friends sitting on the couch's opinions.

What is strong in casual magic. Isn't the goal of casual magic to the play fair, and everyone has a good time. Oh wait, no rule zero is the least followed thing in edh. Maybe with a group of friends. Lol, try pulling rule 0 conversions at locals where no one knows each other. In the end, though, players are going to play strong cards that they want to play. What others think is their problem.

The context went somewhere. As I said, it's a rank. Argue in the chat as you see fit. I'll play along. I just edh was more objective and had more appropriate terminology for clear communication.

02:55 UTC


How do you calculate the odds of something in your deck building?

I've heard the term of a hyper-something calculator, but I'm not sure if that's what I'm looking for

I'm just thinking of putting [[Essence Channeler]] into my lifegain deck and I'm curious how often I can expect to trigger the lifeloss myself from my three pain lands, fetch, shock, One Ring, Defiler, and War Room. Of course it doesn't really matter because it's still just an Ajani's Pridemate with upside, but I'm curious!

And more importantly I'd like to put another tool in my magic belt

Also if anyone knows of any neat ways I can use my life as a resource in green/white, I'd love to hear em! (and by this I mean pay life for benefit)

02:45 UTC

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