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Spiteful, smart or both?

Hey guys,

had this "interesting" (social) interaction in a game this weekend.


My idea of a good blow out play went south. I felt it was just spite and bad threat assesment, but maybe it was a smart deal instead?

What happened:

I played my [[Yuma, Proud Protector]] deck versus Player A [[Tovolar, Dire Overlord]], Player B [[Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle]] and Player C with a Fallout Commander (not one of the precon face commanders).

After a few turns it came to combat with Player A attacking Player B with Tovolar. Player B had no board but ramped pretty well. He just played a [[Simic Growth Chamber]].

I had open mana for [[Generous Gift]] and I thought this attack was a perfect opportunity: Before block I destroyed Player Bs Simic Growth Chamber and gave him a 3/3 blocker to get rid of Tovolar.

Yeah well... Player A responded: "Hey Player B, you could just let my commander go unblocked and use this token and my help to kill Player D [me] first. Players that destroy lands need to die first anyhow."
Player B took the deal and Player C didn't intervene (he actually won in the end).

I was a bit mad at first. Of course Player B lost an important land, but getting rid of the werewolf players commander and not letting him draw seemed like the right play to me. Am I too narrow-minded here? Still, suggesting that deal from Player A was kinda smart. He didn't lose anything in the end, even though I'm not a fan of these all or nothing deals killing someone first. After that I looked for other players.


Now the weekend is over and I got time thinking about this. I'm not mad anymore, but I still don't know how to evaluate this situation. What do you guys think?

11:10 UTC


Jeskai Tetzin Artifact strategies

Hey all,

I'm looking to brew a [[Tetzin, Gnome Champion]] deck. While I like the dual faced cards a lot, I want to restrict myself to just the best of them, and make a solid artifact strategy otherwise.

I'm a little unsure what to go for, though. My thoughts right away go to Krark-Clan Ironworks or another combo and that would feel like it could get stale quickly.

Are there suggestions for a more midrange gameplan?

1 Comment
11:07 UTC


Help! Too many frogs!

Hello! I wanted to build a frog themed blink deck. I draw inspiration from some decks on moxfiled + i did som research and I managed to craft this deck. However it has too many cards! Could you help me to cut down something??


10:24 UTC


Monday Memories: Share your playgroup experiences! - February 03, 2025

Welcome to Monday Memories!

Please use this thread to discuss your experiences from this past weekend of games; both the good and the bad. We want to hear about the amazing plays you made, your wholesome interactions with the community, or even the dramatic stories you've witnessed of a table being flipped.

Consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

10:00 UTC


Decks that let other players “Do their thing” while still having win potential.

I have a [[Queen Marchesa]] aikido deck that is my go-to with new pods. It’s a blast to play, allows for a ton of politicking and interaction, and generally scales well into most pods, since its reactive playstyle encourages other players to do their thing so I can beat them with their own board.

Are there other decks out there with a similar play pattern? Stuff that’s very politics heavy, largely passive or SLIGHTLY group-huggy on the board, and enjoys seeing the rest of the pod develop before going off and winning in an upset?

Bonus if it’s something that scales well into various pods and features a lot of interaction. I’m mainly interested in games that create fun situations (through cards like [[Mage’s Contest]] or [[Inkshield]] ).

Here’s the Queen Marchesa decklist for those who are curious.


09:52 UTC


Rograkh//Ardenn feedback

Dear r/EDH,

I'd like some feedback from the aged wizards here on my voltron list: https://moxfield.com/decks/-kehVRR2akidHjYLgHbb8A

I play once a week with my friend group. Every card/strategy is fair game, proxy friendly. I don't play [[Blood Moon]] or other stax pieces out of personal preference, though I realize it's probably strictly better to do so.

Potential adds (mostly draw): [[Wrenn's Resolve]], [[Reckless Impulse]], [[Light up the Stage]], [[Secret Rezdezvous]], [[Cut a Deal]], [[Clever Concealment]]. [[Final Fortune]], [[Deflecting Palm]].

Full disclosure, I think Final Fortune and Palm are probably more fun than good in my current list, but it would be entertaining at least. I imagine drawing them on turn 2 and just sitting on them all game.

Potential cuts: [[Disenchant]], [[Lion's Sash]], [[Stonehewer Giant]], [[Rip Apart]] + whatever you all think should be cut.

Does anything else stand out? What have I missed?

Thanks in advance for helping me refine my mighty kobold friend. I've considered having [[Wyleth, Soul of Steel]] as the commander just to fix the lack of draw in Boros, but the chance at free equips from Ardenn is so hard to give up. I'd basically be trading one problem for another.

1 Comment
09:39 UTC


Your favourite secret commander (black)


I d like to build a CASUAL deck around [[Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire]] and I m looking for a cool secret commander to search for. I dont want to use infinites or such but simply something cool and fun.

So what is your favourite secret commander I should tutor for in monoblack?

I thought of assembling Vecna or Marit Lage. Or the seven Infinity Stones (Bobbleheads). Or even something uncalled for like [[Dalek Squadron]].

I d be open for ideas!


09:31 UTC


Shroofus Sproutsire deck help


Hi, just made this saproling deck and it seems really fun. I just was wondering if there was anything I could do to make it much more powerful. Also, I really don't want this to get too expensive. Thanks!

09:19 UTC


loaded guns and temptations; I need help brainstorming this deck idea.

my Arabella deck has never lost a game and i am starting to feel bad so i want to build something new. I was thinking it would be cool to build something that synergizes with everyone else at the table making smell threats into monsters while protecting me and minimizing me as a threat while i silently prepare to snatch victory from the most successful tyrant at the table but with a chance of it all failing.

that make sense? what cards jump to mind for that kind of deck? i'd like to run 3 or 4 colors with red and green.

here's the place i'm dumping cards into while i craft https://archidekt.com/decks/11179651/hey_kiddies_the_man_with_the_chaos_is_here

09:09 UTC


Confusion over Niv-Mizzet Supreme

With the new Keelhaulers cards in Aetherdrift I'm tempted to build a deck around then with [[Niv-Mizzet Supreme]] as a commander for the discard and graveyard use. I just don't understand what exactly two colours means. Does it mean spells that cost exactly two coloured mana e.g uu, any amount of mana as long as it costs two different colours e.g ur, or does it have to be both?

09:05 UTC


Newbie deck suggestion

My son (15) is starting to play edh with his friends that are new to mtg and edh. They want to buy some precon to start with and asked me some suggestion. Based on the deck my son use, Meren Stax , what do I suggest to buy?

1 Comment
09:00 UTC


Been trying to build Lara Croft, Tomb Raider since her reveal in late 2023...

I've gone through nearly two dozen builds and figuring out what I wanted to do with the deck. Recently I've gone with a flavor deck trying to encapsulate the history of the franchise and represent it with a playable commander deck. Tomb Raider is my favorite video game series it's been an extremely difficult challenge but I feel like I'm getting there. I'm making this post to get outside input on the current state of it and also to kind of just show it off as my friends don't know anything about the series besides me liking it a lot and don't really care about all the nuances/easter eggs I've put into it.

Here's the deck

All cards should have tags for those who like using them.

1 Comment
09:00 UTC


Ultra Magnus Deck Help

Hello, I'm looking to add a few more lands to this deck to make it more consistent especially with a high CMC commander and curve, but I need to make a few cuts. Any suggestions? Maybe want to like like 2 more lands or so. Thanks!

Autobots, Roll Out! // Commander / EDH (Ultra Magnus, Tactician // Ultra Magnus, Armored Carrier) deck list mtg // Moxfield — MTG Deck Builder

08:47 UTC


[Fluff] Loving this Sublime Epiphany/Kodama of the East Tree interaction I stumbled upon.

Hi all! Didn't really know where to post this, but am thrilled at this interaction that I've discovered (note: of course, I'm surely not the first person to have discovered it, but as this is my first time using [[Kodama of the East Tree]], and my first real foray into EDH (after having about a session a year for the past 10 years on average) it's been pretty cool and exciting for me.

Backstory: designing my first 'own' EDH deck. Decided to go Simic in order to use some of the synergies and combos of my current favourite eternal-constructed deck, but not break the bank too much on manabase. Gravitated to [[Thrasios, Triton Hero]] as commander, as I wanted a commander that could immediately make use of the ramp I'd be putting down, and having partner sold the deal over [[Gretchen Titchwillow]]. After some testing with a couple others, ended up settling on Kodama as the partner.

So, one of the wincons from that eternal list that I use (the current version is eternal, but I've also played variants of it in pioneer/historic on MTGA) is [[Eternal Witness]]/[[Timeless Witness]]/[[Scholar of the Ages]] + [[Sublime Epiphany]]/[[Three Steps Ahead]], to form a lock. Counter target spell/ability, get some value, and create a creature token that will fetch the counterspell back. Mana intensive but awesome. If the situation allows, with Sublime you can even get extra value back by bouncing the creature back to hand too, so you can replay it to get a different card back.

You might see where this is going: with Kodama out, the creature token will trigger Kodama to put an equal-or-less MV permanent from your hand out, allowing for much stronger value!

In testing, one way I've been finishing games is to make a copy of [[Nyxbloom Ancient]], and bounce the Witness/Scholar to hand. The Ancient yanks out the other creature, and that other creature gets the Sublime back.

Similarly, it really changes the landscape - sometimes you might have the choice between bouncing your, say, [[Spelunking]] to hand, or an opponent's [[Arcane Signet]]. Spelunking gives you a card draw and land drop, but requires the mana sink, whereas the Signet is a very very minor inconvenience to that opponent. How much simpler is the decision when the Spelunking gets put back out for free?

But yeah, loving it. I've loved Sublime Epiphany for a long time for the sheer potential value of it, and KotET is just making me love it even more.

1 Comment
08:37 UTC


What are some good low CMC cards to copy with Niko, Light of hope?

As a blink enthusiast, I find [[Niko Light Of Hope]] quite intriguing as a blink/value commander that actually lets you close out games relatively efficiently. A quick look at edhrec has shown me plenty of 4-6 creatures with great attack triggers that would be amazing to get 4-6 times, but I haven't found very many low cmc cards that would benefit from getting copied. Are there any 2-3 CMC cards that you've found provide you with a decent amount of advantage if you copy them, or alternatively, how did you chose to fill out the lower CMC spots on your curve?

08:04 UTC


How can I repeatedly cast Saw in Half each turn with Kambal, Profiteering Mayor as my commander?

[[Saw in Half]] [[Kambal, Profiteering Mayor]]

Already have a Kambal deck, love Saw in Half - thinking of rebuilding the deck and somehow making a spellslinger deck, featuring cards like Saw in Half most prominently, but also [[Generous Gift]] [[Stroke of Midnight]] etc.

Lotta problems with this

  • Black and white doesn't seem to have any recursion affects for instants
  • Duplicating the spell is a nonbo with Kambal because he only copies one instance of token creation per turn. Ex: [[Mirari]]
  • [[Isochron Scepter]] restricts based on 2 mana value or less so it doesn't work with Saw in Half

Anyone have any ideas? For this question specifically or this deck broadly. Like what other payoffs can I have for casting instants etc.

Here's what I have so far -> https://moxfield.com/decks/fb5fDcDDN0SlyDe1BBSTww

07:42 UTC


I pulled an old border foil Force of Will with a booster tutor

I was playing my garbage unset/illegal cards only edh deck when I got this crazy luck. I played [[Aesthetic consultation]] to search for [[booster tutor]]. It exiled 60 cards out of my deck to find, it but I got there eventually. This deck’s side quest is to open a pack to give me a convenient excuse to buy cardboard. I bought a Dominaria Remastered collector booster as my tutor target. I actually said as I opened it that I really needed a [[force of will]]. The first card after the token was it, and everyone was stunned. Booster tutor is one of the most fun unset cards, but I don’t really see how it is 6 dollars haha (even with the prof video). It is definitely still worth including in a deck if you are willing to bend the rules, or if you have an illegal deck.

My Decklist if interested (inspired from Ben brode) - https://moxfield.com/decks/guzmIxpXTEOCnUJN6lKHeA

07:28 UTC


One set decks

What's everyone's thoughts on building a deck with cards exclusively from one set or release block like they used to do? I have a Doctor Who doctor tribal deck with [[The Fourteenth Doctor]] and [[Rose Noble]] built just because I could. Also have a [[Liesa, Forgotten Archangel]] deck using only Double Feature cards because they are all black and white just like her color identity.

What are your set decks? Who's your commander and why did you build it?

07:08 UTC


Wanting to streamline my Karlach + Flaming Fist deck

Hey all! I'm looking into streamlining one of my favorite commanders and pet decks. I'm running [[Karlach, Fury of Avernus]] with the [[Flaming Fist]] background. I've ran her with [[Raised by Giants]] and [[Sword Coast Sailor]] before moving her over to Boros.

I'm looking to see what needs cuts, what I should focus on, what I should add, and how much land I need (I know 32 is low, that's the first thing im going to up). I'm wanting to keep the total deck value around $200 but if something is extremely worth adding, I'll consider it.

Also, do you think I should keep Karlach in boros or is this type of deck better suited for a different commander and if I did switch her, what background do you think be a good fit? One of the ones I've used in the past or something new? I love being able to switch the backgrounds out and change the theme of the deck. Thanks to snyone who takes the time to read all this and take a look. Appreciate it!


07:07 UTC


need help with cut/additions

I build my first commander deck (ghyrson starn, kelermorph). At this moment I'm stuck on what to add/cut to make this deck more consistent, I want to make everyone else lose life no matter what they do but at the same thing make my creature don't get attack. the problem I have with this deck is that when there's a board wipe or removal on any of my stuff it hard to get back on track. my link is: kelly pinging again • (Commander / EDH deck) • Archidekt . also, if there's a card that would this deck a bit wackier I would love to know as well

06:34 UTC


Help with Hashaton


I've read most Hashaton threads over the past two weeks and meshed together what I think might work. I feel like the deck is extremely reliant on Hash and at least one looter being on the field. There isn't a lot in the deck in between a looter and big scaries. I've been playtesting solo on Moxfield and most times can start ramping around turn 5/6.

Let me know your thoughts. The goal is to win at a local brewery that bans infinite combos. I'm trying to keep this deck as close to $200 as I can while not adding any cards over $15, though would prefer sub $10.

06:28 UTC


Laccolith Titan and Ward interaction

Looking for a rules clarification, when laccolith titan attacks, is blocked, and I select a creature with ward to deal the damage to, do I need to pay the ward cost? I feel like I most likely do. But it feels so awkward and awful. If it was worded instead like “it deals its combat damage to target creature yada yada” I wouldn’t have to but such is life. Laccolith Titan

05:49 UTC


Saheli, Radiant Creator help


I've already done some upgrades to the main deck and mana base, but I know I can upgrade further. I just don't know what exactly to cut. I have an idea, but I'd like to hear everyone's opinion. The deck should be upgraded, but not too much. I'm not looking to replace one of my "Power 5".

Lands (for sure):

  • Bond Lands
  • City of Brass
  • Inventors' Fair
  • Filter Lands

Lands (maybe?):

  • Fomori Vault
  • Pathway Lands
  • HELIOS One


  • OG Duals

Non-lands (considering):

  • Adric, Mathematical Genius

  • Etherium Sculptor

  • Padeem

  • Oviya, Automech Artisan

  • Enthusiastic Mechanaut

  • Era of Innovation

  • Tune the Narrative

  • Volatile Stormdrake

  • Phyrexian Ironworks

  • The Motherlode Excavator

  • Electrosiphon

  • Rush of Inspiration

  • Stone Idol Generator

05:45 UTC


Trying to make Political Commander Deck. ALL GUIDANCE IS APPRECIATED!

So, all my commander decks as of right now have been gifted to me. 2 of them are proxies that I rarely ever use, and 2 of them are precons. The one which I use the most is the Upgrades Unleashed with Chishuro the Shattered Blade as the commander which I have upgraded a bit with 8 or so cards and I love the way it plays.

I have recently wanted to build my own deck which has lead me to budget YouTube Commander DeckTech videos. I have been looking into making a political / group hug deck and came across this video by The Commander's Quarters where they built a budget political commander deck with Kenrith, the Returned King as the commander. Here is the link to the video.

I really liked this deck and copied it into my Archidekt library. Here is the deck. I like the political idea of this deck, yet I am scared that I may not know how to exactly pilot it, and if I am approaching deck building appropriately. If you guys have any suggestions about some other decks that I should look into that would be appreciated. I am wanting to build a deck from scratch and have a good collection of 5-6 TCG stores that I can look for cards at. I already looked into the prices and everything for this deck and it lands at around $115 so far. My budget is whole deck under $150.

If any of y'all could guide me a bit more in the space of building your own deck and how one should go about it (specially a political deck like this) please help me out! I am around 1.5-2years into magic and have yet to build my own deck and I believe that it is time!

I hope that all makes sense and yall could help out however you think fit!

05:41 UTC


How the hell do I make a spell slinger deck? (Alela CC)

Only reason why I’m trying to do this is because a month ago or two my friend got me into magic by gifting me a Fae Dominion Precon they had left over. Problem that I’m having is that i’ve just been obsessed with on how to optimize this at the point where I don’t think I can.

The real problem I’m having right now is win conditions and ramp versus vs mana curve. I have a bunch of four drops and I just can’t cut any of them because I don’t know what to cut. I want to try and keep his deck on a relative budget so like $200 which means I can’t have any zero cost spells like [[Force of Will]] or [[Pact of Negation]].


I probably need more lands, but I don’t know if spending 50 bucks on three lands is worth my while versus getting some cool enchantments.

Help me out here y’all. I think I’m just overthinking this.

05:35 UTC


Commander League Card Swaps

I’ve recently started in a 12 week Commander League at my LGS. We drafted our decks yesterday. I ended up with the Planeswalker Party precon. Each week we are allowed to swap 1 land and 1 non land cards.I am relatively unfamiliar with Planeswalkers so I’m curious what sort of swaps you guys would recommend.

05:11 UTC


Energy Control decks?

With the introduction of all the new energy cards in the past year, I've found myself wondering if anyone has managed to make a control style deck work with them. As a control player, I'm really drawn to the gameplay pattern of having another resource to build and spend and plan around. I've theorycrafted a few builds, but nothing really felt like a proper "control" deck.

Has anyone managed to brew something spicy with all the new cards?

05:02 UTC


Trying to decide on commander for black based control/discard deck

I've currently been trying to iterate on this deck. The premise I'm trying to achieve is black based control that can contend at a higher power level (wins typically presented around 6). Note that I do not care about the commander at all. It's literally just there to be an infinite mana outlet and maybe get some incidental value.

This is nowhere near that power level. The power level its currently fair at typically has players that don't like control decks or tutored infinite combos (wins presented around 9-10). Nothing wrong with that, I just want to tune it up to a point where most people can have a good time with that strat. These are what I feel like my biggest issues are right now:

  • Running out of gas. I feel like I can get a couple of discards and a wipe off to slow people down, but I'm not really gaining anything out of it. I'm typically in no better a spot than they are. I need more card draw or other value generation. This is by far the biggest issue.

  • Clunky win condition. The combo pieces are largely disjoint from the rest of the deck. They don't really have a great use outside of the winning combo. The pieces that could have another use wind up being too valuable to risk running them out like that anyways, as the combo is the only feasible win condition in the deck. They just become dead cards clogging up my hand until I have a combo.

  • The potential value engines are really intensive to get going and therefore high risk. I need to tutor for a [[waste not]] or [[geth's grimoire]], cast it, then play a discard effect and have it go off against people that have cards in hand. If something goes wrong with any step, that's a lot of mana and multiple cards for nothing.

So, I've decided to take a step back and reevaluate the deck as a whole. I think that starts with fixing my running out of cards and putting it in the command zone. I don't want the deck to be dependent on the commander, but more for the commander to augment the gameplan of the 99.

Note that I will not play [[Tergrid]] as a commander. She is way too feast or famine, given that she's a 5 mana removal lightning rod that's difficult to get instant speed value out of. If she sticks around, she runs away with the game. If she doesn't, it's probably still correct to try to recast her next turn because of how broken she is. I like consistent good back and forth games more than high highs and low lows.

Considerations so far:

  • [[Braids, Nightmare Arisen]] seems like a good way to get use out of the [[Nezumi Informant]] type effects and turn it into reliable card draw.
  • [[Tinybones, Trinket Thief]] is another consistent draw engine. Lower ceiling but higher floor than Braids. Also has a win condition stapled to him, which is big.
  • [[Xantcha, Sleeper Agent]] provides access to red, bringing a ton of great discard effects, and is a "colorless" infinite mana outlet. She also starts an attrition clock with the controller decidedly at an advantage. However, massive downsides in that giving my opponents draw in a discard deck isn't great and drawing myself is very mana intensive.
  • [[Tymna the Weaver]] / X has a lot of potential. It turns my dinky utility creatures into card draw. [[Thrasios, Triton Hero]] is an infinite mana outlet with more short term value with access to blue. [[Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator]] is an evasive attacker for Tymna that gives a bit of acceleration and access to blue. [[Jeska, Thrice Reborn]] is an infinite mana outlet as well as giving access to red's excellent discard. [[Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder]] is another red option that can help offset black's lifeloss for value effects. [[Ghost of Ramirez DePietro]] is another evasive attacker for tymna while offsetting symmetrical discard.

What do you think if the commanders listed? Is there another you would suggest? Any other thoughts?

04:56 UTC


Need help polishing

Hello! I just built a Ghidorah themed Illuna deck focused on mutate and cascade. I’ve only tested it twice but it seems to get really strong once I start cascading. Is there any suggestions for how I can improve the deck? It seems pretty solid imo and I don’t really want to stray from the mutate/cascade.


Any feedback is appreciated!

04:18 UTC


Difference of Energy Decks by color

I'm wanting to know of how Energy decks run generally based on their colors. I'm aware of Jeskai and Temur being popular colors. Question I have is what's the main difference between them and other colors. Not asking for stuff like "Temur energy ramps better"

Like is Temur more aggressive with Energy? Does Jeskai have more options to use Energy Counters? Do they build up the reserves faster without relying on Proliferate? Is Dimir Energy possible?

Want to understand how Energy is used for each color.

04:17 UTC

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