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Arthur, Marigold Knight deck help and tips!

Hello friends!

I'm building a knight tribal deck with Arthur, Marigold Knight at the helm and was hoping to get some tips and help on cutting down the decklist I currently have. The goal is pretty simple, play knights, go wide and swing at opponents with some combat tricks and extra combat enablers. Using Arthur to cheat out ETB knights and some other creatures and maintain momentum. I just get insane decision paralysis when it comes to trimming decks down so any help would be appreciated, or inclusions that I haven't considered as well!

Decklist: https://moxfield.com/decks/5mgANmko6kaxssHHyr4PJA

Thanks so much!

01:55 UTC


what draw do i run in a "counterspell-spellsinger" deck that arnt creatures?

im making a deck for [[Guile]] , as you can tell he isnt legendary, that's fine because this is for a polymorph deck: https://archidekt.com/decks/10920974/gulie_polymorph

anyway, my entire game plan is to cheat him out early, sit on a load of counterspells, and simultaneously steal my opponents spells and counter them.

that being said, other than guile, polymorphs, lands, and counterspells, I have no clue what to put in this deck.

i cant get any of the good archmages, magecraft stuff, instant/sorcery discounts etc.

so the questions are:
-For ramp, should I run rocks or discounts, or a combination of both (very few good discounts available), what proportions?
-For Ramp, its also possible to ramp with [[Malcolm, keen-eyed navigator]] but this requires I somehow attack with pirates in a deck that cant have any creatures in. so far the best options I've found are [[daring piracy]] and [[maskwood nexus]]
-How on earth do I draw? do I go for rummage/looting style cards like [[big score]] , or do I try setup engines like [[Struggle for project purity]] ?
-Again, for draw its possible to draw with my commanders through cards like [[curiosity]] since all of them are relatively evasive (Bonus Question: if [[Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh]] hits someone for 0 is it dealing combat damage?). but don't really know what to look for, so suggestions for this type of thing would be stellar.
-If you do happen to look at my decklist please let me know your thoughts on the maybeboard cards as I'm undecided on them all

Any other points, questions, suggestions, and comments are welcome, thanks.

Bonus Bonus Question: if I counter a spell with [[delay]] whilst I have Guile in play, will that card be suspended under their control or will it go to exile under Guile?

1 Comment
01:52 UTC


Need advice for a terrarium

I have an aquarium https://moxfield.com/decks/Sffzf-mo4E-mO8jSNZ4AyA I need help making a terrarium(mono green, only sentient creature allowed is the commander, ideally reptiles and amphibians, sticking with more normal looking ones before resorting to using the ones that look like monsters)

I don't know who to use as my commander, and I do need some suggestions for noncreature spells that fit the theme. Also, this deck will prioritize flavor over power.

01:51 UTC


Help fixing my Skullbriar, the Walking Grave Deck

01:41 UTC


what draw do i run in a "counterspell-spellsinger" deck that arnt creatures?

im making a deck for [[Guile]] , as you can tell he isnt legendary, that's fine because this is for a polymorph deck: https://archidekt.com/decks/10920974/gulie_polymorph

anyway, my entire game plan is to cheat him out early, sit on a load of counterspells, and simultaneously steal my opponents spells and counter them.

that being said, other than guile, polymorphs, lands, and counterspells, I have no clue what to put in this deck.

i cant get any of the good archmages, magecraft stuff, instant/sorcery discounts etc.

so the questions are:
-For ramp, should I run rocks or discounts, or a combination of both (very few good discounts available), what proportions?
-For Ramp, its also possible to ramp with [[Malcolm, keen-eyed navigator]] but this requires I somehow attack with pirates in a deck that cant have any creatures in. so far the best options I've found are [[daring piracy]] and [[maskwood nexus]]
-How on earth do I draw? do I go for rummage/looting style cards like [[big score]] , or do I try setup engines like [[Struggle for project purity]] ?
-Again, for draw its possible to draw with my commanders through cards like [[curiosity]] since all of them are relatively evasive (Bonus Question: if [[Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh]] hits someone for 0 is it dealing combat damage?). but don't really know what to look for, so suggestions for this type of thing would be stellar.
-If you do happen to look at my decklist please let me know your thoughts on the maybeboard cards as I'm undecided on them all

Any other points, questions, suggestions, and comments are welcome, thanks.

Bonus Bonus Question: if I counter a spell with [[delay]] whilst I have Guile in play, will that card be suspended under their control or will it go to exile under Guile?

01:33 UTC


Deck Building Tips / Suggestions

Hey all!

To TL;DR this post: please take a look at my current Windgrace list (as in physically owned) and let me know what cards to remove from the deck, pick up, etc. Link provided. Cards in the "considering" board are ones i plan to pick up in the future to include in the deck, though the order of priority is up in the air. More detail below.


I've been playing commander off and on since 2018, but I've always struggled when it comes to brewing my own decks. The only success I had was a few years back as I started upgrading my Osgir precon and eventually had replaced/upgraded around 80% of the deck.

When I first started playing, I picked up the Nature's Vengeance precon and only ever swapped maybe 5 cards in total. Recently I made the decision to build Windrgace for nostalgia, but actually build it this time. I looked at a few lists, then made a build of my own and started picking up cards. However, I am very much aware that I am lacking enough deck building experience to even begin to estimate whether there are better options for the cards I have included.

I was hoping some of the fine people of this subreddit would be willing and able to take a look at the deck (link above) and offer some insight into what I should be doing different or tips on how to approach deck building in the future.

01:24 UTC


I need youre most hillarious combos and creatures for my Atog Tribal deck!

What it says on the label. I always wanted to build an [[Atogatog]] atog tribal deck.

But im not looking for a classic oh the rest of my creatures are shapeshifters Tribal. I want to make this deck as unserious and memey as possible while still potenially beeing able to win.

I already have the [[Chromatog]] + [[Tefiris Protection]] but im looking for more espacially if its janky.

So ladys and gentleman please drop youre most devious combos and most stupid looking creatures so i can bless you all (and my table) with the abomination im about to brew up.

01:10 UTC


Alela, Cunning Conqueror Help

I need some help. I've really enjoyed brewing [[Alela, Cunning Conqueror]] as a tricky, lay low until the endgame type of deck. An annoying situation I've noticed that I can get into is where someone just swings at me with a large thing I have to block repeatedly which prevents me from getting enough faeries to make my anthems very effective. Aside from that, I just want to make the deck as good as possible on its $140 budget.

Decklist: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ac7PHGGARUu-gKa_Slh5eA

00:58 UTC


Does this deck need another finisher?


I'm trying to make Orzhov Anthems work for the millionth time. I keep waffling on if the deck wants a finisher like Moonshaker Cavalry, or if the ~9 anthems, Porcelain Gallery, and Akroma's Will are enough.

What do you think?

00:49 UTC


Help me cut 27 cards from Baldin Decklist

New deck idea and im overloaded with cards.

looking for anyone who is willing to shout out some glaringly unfitting cards in this deck. Trying to trim before i build. hard to do before playtesting it ever.


im open to add suggestions too, but mostly looking to start from this list and cut down. trying not to add too many salty cards. Trying to stay away from token doublers, but maybe I really should add them. idk. I just don't want the whole focus of the deck to be getting out a token doubler and going ham.

im a little lost when it comes to the direction to be honest. I think i have the general idea.. get big hand and swing. lots of fat needs trimmed and i dont know where to start. (already trimmed about 50 cards)

00:30 UTC


Dino making Rabbits


I am working on this sort of silly [[ghalta and mavren]] token deck, fueled by [[Hare Apparent]].

I have never had a go wide with tokens deck before. I know Ghalta and Mavren is not the strongest commander for this theme, but I just want it as the commander and it’s probably decent enough.

I am concerned the deck is lacking in some aspects still, like the ability to draw cards and close a game. I also still need to cut 4 cards and I’m not sure what.

Finally, lands are a placeholder. I’m obviously not going to run 36 basic forests.

Would appreciate any help!

Edit to be clear: I’m planning on using Ghalta’s second clause of its triggered ability, to make 1/1 tokens with lifelink.

00:15 UTC


Tech The Deck - You activated my Trap Card!

Have you ever had the urge to yell, "You activated my trap card!" during the game of Commander? I have, and I even built a deck around it. Check out my deck, which is built around a partner pair, best described as a tight hug. https://edhrec.com/articles/tech-the-deck-you-activated-my-trap-card

00:14 UTC


Adrix and Nev commander deck

I currently have a Adrix and Nev commander deck .

I am looking for any advice for reasonable budget updgrades for it to try and make it more consistent. Currently any time I enter it in a ranking website it's anywhere between a 6 to an 8. I often find myself doing test hands where I feel like I'm mana screwed and would like if anyone could tell me if I need to adjust my mana base. https://manabox.app/decks/NbHvipqmRuOVQmYLQ1s6PA That is the manabox link for my current decklist it originated from the deep Clue Sea precon and I have made upgrades but feel as if there is more room for improvement.

23:58 UTC


Tell me about your artifact decks


I have wanted to build an artifact deck for a while now but nothing I have looked into quite hits the spot so I though it would be good to see what kind of decks you guys are playing to hopefully give me some inspiration. Ideally the commander, overall strategy and typical wincon.

My pod is currently more on the casual side but the longer we play the power levels are starting to creep up so I will consider a range of power levels!

23:57 UTC


First Commander Deck, looking for constructive feedback

Built my first commander deck below. Trying to keep cards somewhat budget friendly. Attempting to build Aristocrat style with plenty of tokens to sacrifice. Goal would be to use life gain/drain and +1/+1 creatures that can overwhelm opponents with Teysa doubling. Also, a couple instant win combos.


23:57 UTC


Need Help with Carmen Deck!

The deck is aristocrats tokens with a counters sub theme. I have 19 cards left to cut from the deck. The main finishers are [[exsanguinate]], [[torment of hailfire]], and [[revel in riches]], so I really leaned into the treasure token generation and drain/lifegain strategy.

I have a lot of the usual suspects for aristocrats in here, so I’m starting to just get a pile of black good stuff. Please help me optimize my list! https://archidekt.com/decks/10885181/carmen_high_power

1 Comment
23:30 UTC


Which Koma is a better commander?

I recently pulled a borderless Koma, World Eater from a foundations pack, and I've tried him out in my Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Straight deck(an upgraded version of the precon) a few times now. I have Koma, Cosmos Serpent in that deck as well, and I was thinking of creating a new serpent/token deck based around one of the 2. While the deck is still in the super early stages, and both Komas would probably have similar decks built around them, I wonder which one is more viable overall.

23:28 UTC


Looking for opinions!

Main win con is to mass token FOMO with (splinter twin) (HotH) along with other cards such as (Anointed Procession) & (Parallel Lives.) Spamming creatures and tokens with auras and equipments thanks to (Solaflora) to apply affects to everything.

Back up win con is (Shifting Woodland) & (Omniscience) or mass zombie token with Exile (Unscythe, Killer of Kings)

Any and all comments or tips would be appreciated!


23:23 UTC


Im not about to ask for power level

Except I am

I've been building this [[Nekusar]] Commander deck. I hurt inside and I wish to make others feel pain as well. Hence Nekusar. I want to know if it could be optimized but not in the like put a billion dollars into it way. Right now we are sitting at about $400 and I don't want to increase the price too much.

Short of it all. Could you give me the good bad and ugly of it?


Much appreciated in advance!

23:20 UTC


I need some help building a Twelfth Doctor deck.

https://archidekt.com/decks/10909802/funny_scottish_guitar_man Some advice, please. I know black is optimal but I like green for the ramp. Any strategies I should pursue outside of demonstrate and exile triggers???

23:12 UTC


Is it a 3? A 7? Or what?

Sorry if the wrong flair is used.

I am trying to figure out what would be the rating for one of my Commander Decks.

Mtg.cardsrealm gives my deck a 7. However, commandersalt.com gives my deck a 3.

I was wanting some feedback/opinions from others were they feel this deck is on the rating scale.



23:02 UTC


What do you guys do when opponent tries to counter a spell that has the text "[this object] can't be countered."

Something like [[koma, cosmos serpent]] or [[nezahal primal tide]] or even a [[abrupt decay]]. If you cast it, and your opponent tried to counter it, how do you handle it? (Im not counting the boseiju that makes a spell uncounterable, it's too easy for an opponent to not mention they used that, which is a whole other conversation).

Me personally if its a player that claims to be really good and has all these high end cards (or even proxies) like chrome mox or gaea cradle, force of will, etc., I will argue the spell fizzles and not let them take it back. Which usually causes problems at my table.

New player, playing suboptimal, on a slightly upgraded precon, you get a pass.

Does this make me the A-hole?

Should probably mention the environment im playing in is a paid entry, playing for money.

23:00 UTC


Difference Between Two Cards

Just asking as I was looking at some cards. Can someone explain to me the difference between [[Vampiric Tutor]] and [[Imperial Seal]]? From what I can see, they are near identical:
-Tutors a Card to top of the library
-single mana cost
-gives up 2 life
Only difference is Tutor is Instant while Seal is Sorcery.
I just find it confusing because of the price point of these, $80 for the seal and $40 for the tutor, when it feels like the better card (tutor) should be the more expensive one.

23:00 UTC


My first deck upgrades ever. I think I need some help refining.

This is my first commander deck, Sauron the Dark Lord, and I have a general strategy I want to do which is themed around my graveyard and using ring tempts to help discard cards and pull new ones. I watched a few videos of a few people’s strategies and decks and chose things I thought worked well. The problem is I feel like the deck is lacking or I am having a hard time seeing the path to winning or maybe my cards don’t synergize as well I thought. My playgroup is usually pretty high power and I want to compete with that, I have found I can keep up but only to an extent and then I get wiped. Im hoping to get some feedback and even try and streamline this deck to work better. Thank you guys once again I’m super new to this but lemme know ur thoughts.


22:59 UTC


Wizard Tribal: ETBs & Pings

Hello Folks,

I have been working on a more casual wizard tribal deck that attempts to win through abusing ETB value and triggering [[Impact Tremors]] like effects by utilizing [Inalla, Archmage Ritualists]] copy ability. I want to streamline this theme as much as possible (even though the theme is inherently on the weaker side) and was looking for any cuts/additions that would help. Any advice is welcome


1 Comment
22:55 UTC


Looking for fun and silly cards for my rule 0 Ink-Treader Nephilim deck

Hey guys, looking to proxy this rule 0 Ink-Treader Nephilim deck as a sorta last one for the night deck where it's completely un-competitive and just wants to do the dumbest, funnest things you could do in a game of commander, looking for un, acorn or anything silly

This is what I've got so far if you wanted to see


22:41 UTC


Looking for medium and high power casual deck lists - is there a good place to find them?

I'm new to EDH but a long time MTG player.

I checked out EDHrec, but as far as I can tell there isn't a way to gauge the "power" of decklists there.

Other there other places to look? I'm really just trying to understand how they are constructed and get some inspiration.

Alternatively, if you have a high power casual list that you want to share, I'd love to see it!

22:38 UTC


Tell me about your, "Yeah, okay. You win. We're gonna keep playing for 2nd place, though." moments.

You know those games where you sit down, try and discuss power level, agree to no combos or free interaction or whatever your pod prefers, then someone pulls a turn 3 win or hard locks the game with [[Drannith Magistrate]] plus [[Knowledge Pool]] type stuff, or slamming an [[Armageddon]] turn 4.

Then you and the other two people say, "Yeah, we scoop. You win. We're gonna keep playing, though. What? No, you don't get to play. You already won." Maybe the person is a serial liar concerning what their deck does, or maybe they just pubstomp the ever-loving shit out of everyone as much as they can.

I just want to know how it went when y'all "kept playing for 2nd".

22:28 UTC


Turning my 1st ever Draft into a Deck

Hello, thank you for reading this post. If this is too long, a TL/DR is at the bottom.

I did my first ever Draft. We did Foundations and it was super fun. The first card I drafted was [[Garruk's Uprising]] and I started collecting a lot of [[Llanowar Elves]] , ramp spells, and big creatures.

But, then I got him, the beautiful [[Sire of Seven Deaths]]

My deck was essentially *mostly Mono Green(Ft. Blue draw spells) play big creatures to win. So, I started thinking, is there a Green commander that essentially says "Tap this for all the mana in the world" and I found [[Selvala, Heart of the Wilds]]

So, using this framework I started crafting a deck. My "budget" is to be sure none of the cards are >$10, and thankfully I own a decent amount of the =staple cards from opening product/having a commander deck. Also, I am avoiding infinites. I CAN do infinites, but my friends can also infinitely ban my deck when they watch me play solitaire with my deck.

This will be my 2nd commander deck I've ever made. I started last year and so far Magic is super fun compared to ~~(Yu-Gi-Oh, where your turn 1 is like turn 10 in MTG)~~. My first EDH deck is [[Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer]] deck, which was inspired by my Yu-Gi-Oh days of setting trap card cards and passing.

So, this deck feels like (If you played Yu-Gi-Oh you know) a "Goat Format" Monarch deck that tributes*(I know the actual deck just taps)* a lot of weaklings to make gigantic creatures that demolish the opponents field.

My "Idea" for the deck's game plan is the following (This is likely super mediocre, since I've played Magic for less than a year):

  1. Mulligan for at least 2 lands and a cheap card that says "Tap, add mana"
  2. Play my commander on turn 2.
  3. By turn 3 or 4 have a big creature out.
  4. Ball out of control with drawing, mana, and big, scary creatures.
  5. Win by combat

TL/DR: I want advice on my [[Selvala, Heart of the Wilds]] deck below. The limitation is no cards >$10(Aside from the Sire I pulled IRL) and no infinite mana combos.

Thank you so much for your advice!


22:14 UTC


Beginner help

So I wanted to get back into MTG and wanted to find and wanted to know if this deck I found online is good to start with. I wanted to find a deck that had deep sea monsters as there main thing. I'd like to know if there is any other that would be better or any other recommendations really.


22:12 UTC

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