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Nelly Borca Precon Upgrade Help

Hey All, looking at upgrading the Nelly Borca precon I just picked up on sale from MKM since I have been wanting to build a goad-centric deck for some time now, but all the posts I see regarding Nellydecks are from around release. Particularly interested if anyone had any ideas for includes that are either from MH3/OTJ, older and underutilized cards, or just any cool includes that are fun in game (doesnt need to be perfectly optimized as my playgroup is semi-casual, as long as i get to make them fight eachother i am happy).

Appreciate any help! Definitly will be cutting Feather and the cards that seem to synergize with them and not Borca.

I have NOT provided a decklist since this is just the base Borca precon and it can be found rather easily online.

12:45 UTC


$25 deck challenge

Reading the title explains the post, my pod and I are doing a deck building challenge where the total deck list must be under $25. I’m not sure which commander I want to play or how to build it, I have a few ideas but yall are more then welcome to pitch In. Everything is allowed. 1 [Fynn, the Fangbearer] Toxic, pretty self explanatory 2 [Xyris, the writhing storm] Buff spells, play a bunch of target creature get +x/+x cards until end of turn and swing for commander 3 [Bruenor Battlehammer] Voltron equipment swing for commander damage.

I’m open to any ideas for this challenge but these are what I’ve thought of so far.

12:41 UTC


Help with planeswalker's items

Hi I'm building a [[Neheb, the Eternal]] deck based on him conquering the multiverse for Bolas. As prizes I want to have items that represent the planeswalkers he battled, such as [[pyromancer's goggles]] or [[sword of the animist]]. Are there any more of these? If they are not in mono red, please include them anyways, I may change the commander.

1 Comment
12:37 UTC


Help me decide between these two versions of Ukkima & Cazur I built

The first version goes all in on the +1/+1 counter theme:

The second one is focused around unshockable/ninjutsu and turning Ukkima into a huge threat that can kill people in a single attack, either by growing him to 21 power or to 10 with infect:

I play in mid to high power casual pods, almost always with people I know well. They're cool with anything, so the infect sub-theme wouldn't be an issue in terms of social dynamics.

I really like how both versions of the deck play out in my mind and can't decide what to go with. Can you give me your opinion on which deck you think is cooler/more unique/more fun etc.?

Thanks a lot in advance!

12:34 UTC


[Article]Posting for a Friend

Arnaud Gompertz of EDHREC writes:

"Is the Forest Green or Super Green ?

Hello everyone. Today I'm happy to present an analysis of all [Green] Mythics and Rares from Greeenbur... I mean Bloomburrow, as well as a few uncommons worthy of your attention.

I hope this can be of some use to you mad brewers out there!"

Thanks Arnaud. I for one, thoroughly enjoyed your green set review for Bloomburrow on EDHREC. However, I am astonished that you would wager your own national identity as collateral for your take on [[Season of Gathering]]. Everyone who reads the article will know what I'm talking about, and I want those people to know that I totally disagree with Arnaud's prediction for Season of Gathering.

Arnaud, if you're reading this, in a few months time we shall see which of us is right, and whether or not you are still French.

1 Comment
12:29 UTC


Orvar copy deck - deckhelp needed (Cutting cards/deck review)

Hello friends! I am currently looking to build [[Orvar, the All-form]]. I have assembled a jumbled mess of a decklist with a mix of what cards i have at home and what cards i wish to buy.

Problem is im a stompy gruul enjoyer at heart and i've never built a deck like this before. I'm wondering if you could help me cut down the 11 excess cards and see if you think the deck can function. I have intentionally steered away from things like thoracle and excessive ways to tutor and win with infinites. Although the opportunity to go infinite is there.

Anything you would change? and what would you remove? Thank you in advance.

here's the decklist: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/RN_HTE8T-UWRU_ek6ZWFbQ

1 Comment
12:06 UTC


Does anyone know WHY Nadu's effect has a twice per turn limit instead of once?

The question is tormenting me. Why would wotc put in a twice per turn trigger limit? Why not once per turn like most other new stuff?

It would make it simpler to track, and would be slightly less busted than it currently is.

Is there a way to ask someone about this? Rosewater maybe? Would he know?

I can't fathom why they did that. I also can't fathom why he doesn't cost 2 more and/or why he's not a 1/2 or at least a 0/4 if you want to avoid bolts, but that's another discussion.

12:02 UTC


Need help for my janky casual Marit Lage deck


Soo I finally decided to make a janky deck where Marit Lage is the main wincon where I win simply through ramming 8 Marit Lages everywhere

For the color I would want green as they have a lot of nonbasic land fetch and great land recursion techs, and blue because of the copy stuff. So I decided to pick [[Sakashima of Thousand Faces]] because she can nullify the legend rule and enter as Marit if possible, and for the green I partnered her with [[Halana kessig ranger]] .

I initially wanted [[Xavier Sal]] for his ability to proliferate and remove counter and also stuff like [[Hexmage Vampire]] [[Mutated Cultist]] [[Aether snap]] etc, but I reckon having Sakashima on the command zone would be more consistent and reliable

The idea is to quickly fetch dark depths and thespian to summon Marit ASAP, while ramping and if possible spawning more and more Marit by either copying or proliferating. And if she is killed I can use something like shifting woodlands or simply put back dark depths and thespian to resummon her ASAP.

For the creature I don't really know what to put but I thought death touch creatures would be hilarious with halana as some sort of control tool while I'm prepping my Lages, and ofc some finishers like stampede or finale to tutor zopandrel and doubling all my lage's power

Obviously this will never be played on cEDH or some high power casual as this is just for shiz and giggles deck

Do you guys have some input before I pull the trigger to make it on paper ? Thanks

1 Comment
11:51 UTC


Exchanging control and leaving the battlefield question!

Im playing [[Yes Man, Personal Securitron]] in my [[Kenrith, the Returned King]] for its group hug effect and it lets me draw a lot of cards as I aim to win with mill or by triggering [[Triskaidekaphile]] if I can.

The question I have is: does exchanging control of Yes Man count as it leaving the battlefield? Or it has to die/bounced/phased/etc?

What I thought it did was that when you tap him and activate its effect, you draw cards, put a quest counter and then get a number of Soldiers equal to the counters and then you exchange control. Leaving behind tokens for the players that used its effect.

11:40 UTC


Card advantage and better sac outlets for Slimefoot?

I built this Slimefoot deck: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/xMmewjutQk29RjwF3wZBzw

My main goal with the deck is to make a lot of 1/1 saprolings and sacrifice them for value to ping my opponents to death, with a distant secondary strategy of going wide and swinging for lethal. There are also a few janky 3-card combos in here (e.g., [[Ashnod's Altar]] + [[Doubling Season]] + [[Slimefoot]] and similar varietals), but I don't have a way to tutor for them or anything so I only go for that if I happen to topdeck the pieces.

Although I've been really enjoying the aristocrats archetype again, I do feel the deck needs a wee bit more optimization to be at the power level I'm aiming for. So far, the main issues I'm encountering are:

  1. My hand is rarely full after turns 3-4. I need more card draw!
  2. I don't have quite enough sac outlets...

Card draw:

[[Idol of Oblivion]], [[Skullclamp]], [[Dark Prophecy]], [[Species Specialist]], [[Yawgmoth, Thran Physician]], [[Fungal Plots]], [[Psychotrope Thallid]], [[Nemata Primeval Warden]] - these are all working really well; no complaints.

[[Fecundity]] - it does really great work for me but uh...it does really great work for everyone else too... I'm considering cutting it but I'm not sure.

[[Greed]], [[Moldervine Reclamation]] - haven't gotten a ton of value out of these yet. both times I've cast one of these I've gotten farewell'd shortly thereafter. They may not be worth the higher mana costs...what do you guys think?

Does anyone have any suggestions for more cards I could add, or can make a case for cutting one I already have?

Sac outlets

I'm pretty happy with the sac outlets I already have. The best are the ones that give a useful benefit and have no additional activation cost besides the sacrifice. My favorites: [[Deathspore Thallid]], [[Phyrexian Altar]], [[Ashnod's Altar]], [[Utopia Mycon]], [[Psychotrope Thallid]]. The rest are just okay as sack outlets, but they offer other benefits, for example generating saprolings.

I'm considering [[Carrion Feeder]], [[Viscera Seer]], [[Glimmer Bairn]] - all 1 mana creatures with a free sac outlet, but the effects are not super useful. What are your thoughts on these cards? Did I miss any that would work well or have other benefits?

Other cards I'm considering cutting:

[[Fungal Bloom]] - love the flavor but it's been dead in my hand too many times

[[Night Soil]] - just plainly not as good as [[Necrogenesis]] or [[Fungal Plots]]

[[Thallid Shell-Dweller]] - on the fence about cutting this; it's nice to have an early defender, but it's also one of the only fungus guys I have that isn't also a sac outlet

[[Thelon of Havenwood]] - I have never had enough Fungi in my graveyard to make this card worth casting, and the anthem effect has not been useful to my deck plan

[[Sporolith Ancient]] - when I have a lot of other fungi / spore counter generators on the battlefield this card is amazing, but it's too much mana and I don't like the fact that it doesn't have a sac outlet too

Budget is not really an issue, and I am also very open to any constructive criticism. So any suggestions are welcome! Thank you in advance!


EDIT: Some typos and confusing wording.

11:38 UTC


Help with Obeka Deck List

Hi guys,

can you help me with my [[Obeka, Splitter of Seconds]] ? It performs pretty well, but not as consistent as I'd hope it would.

I wanted to go different Upkeep Routes with alternative wincons, so that it doesn't feel the same everytime - Create a bunch of mana and finish off with Jayas Inferno or Crackle With Power, punish card draw of my opponents or mine with Psychosis Crawler or Bowmasters, mechanized production with replicating ring etc.

What would be your suggestions to add (and/or remove)? I'm open to lose some wincons in favor of making it more wellrounded.

thanks in advance!


1 Comment
11:29 UTC


How to deal with playgroup going more competitive.

So my playgroup is going much more competetive, which is fine, but a lot of my decks are struggling. In particular I've been getting shut down by control decks, and land destruction has been much more common. On top of a couple Eldrazi decks thanks to that Ulalek Pre-con.

I like building jank decks and most of my decks just aren't up to snuff. Even the decks that I think should be ok in this environment like my [[Sliver Queen]] are getting stomped a lot of the time.

Any notable things you started doing differently with deck building when you started going more competitive? I've been upgrading my decks like crazy since we all started playing again a few months ago, but just not quite making the cut.

11:27 UTC


Anti stax help

Hi !

Quite new in magic, i am looking to build an antistax decklist to be able to play against a friend who decided to be mean 😄 He plays augustin as commander and lot of control/stax effect. He has a 3/400 $ deck.

Do you have a decklist that can run good on stax like that? Around 3/400 $ to keep the same price range.

Thanks a lot,

11:19 UTC


Avacyn Angel of Hope, needs help cutting

Hello Guys in order to Upgrade a few of my Decks to match the Power Level of my Playgroup ive been trying to Work on my Avacyn Deck. Im pretty Happy with the Changes so far but i cant seem to find the final Cuts. Ive been staring for hours and it feels like my brain just completly locked itsself out becouse i really cant seem to see the next cut. This is the decklist:


I hope someone can Help me, thanks in advance and have a nice day! :)

1 Comment
10:55 UTC


Improving the new Peace Offering pre-con.

I’ve preordered the new precon Peace Offering for my partner cause I thought she’d find it cute. Our pod plays a little higher than out-of-the-box precons so I would like to upgrade it a bit, like around 15-25 cards while still keeping the theme in check. 

I have a [[Rhystic Study]] and [[Smothering Tithe]] sitting in a binder which will both work well. Other than that I’m a bit at a loss what will make the deck better. More +1+1 counters? More card draw? Or should I focus on ways to end the game, since I don’t exactly know how Ms. Bumbleflower wants to win. 

Thank you!

10:53 UTC


Precons and powercreep

I was thinking in buy some of the Bloomburrow precons but each time more I see my new precons getting unplayable because of power creep. Does it make sense keep buying precons? I mean if at least new ones where on the same page of older ones in terms of power we all could play our favourite precons. I always thought that playing between any precons would always be a balanced game experience but... Not even close nowadays.

Just a thought that came to my mind and trying to build a solid opinion on this. What do you think about it? Maybe I'm wrong?

10:28 UTC


Find a Friend Thursday: Looking for a group or new players? - July 25, 2024

Welcome to Find a Friend Thursday!

Please use this thread to let other players know you are looking for a group or to advertise your active one to other players.

If you are having trouble finding players to play paper magic with, consider using Wizards Store Locator or joining the PlayEDH community on Discord for paper games played over webcam.

10:00 UTC


Monthy Python x MTG Secret Lair Reveal!

If there are any fans of the british group Monthy Python I got great news for you! MTG is getting two secret lairs collaborations with it!

Value wise they are not the strongest, but in terms of flavor they are incredible! Dismember as 'This but a Scratch! Reference, 2 birds of paradise as African and European Swallow scene or Dark Depths and Marit Lage as Castle of Aaarg and its monster!

You can check both of the secret lair drops here!

A perfect buy for anyone who is a fan of the movie. Do you like and will you be getting it? Or just letting all secret lairs pass by due to oversaturation of the product? Share it in the comments!

08:32 UTC


Abdel Adrian/Agent of the iron throne - Attraction deck

Hi guys, this is my idea of an attraction deck. i always liked the idea and tried a few different ways. My most recent idea is to use [[Abdel Adrian]] with [[Agent of the iron throne]] to blink my ETB attraction enablers like [[deadbeat attendant]]. The subtheme of the deck is utilize artifacts (because attractions are artifacts) with cards like [[Inspiring Statuary]]

Now there are a few problems and i need your help:

I don't want to go infinite. i don't want to make this a combo deck. so i googled all the combos and removed the pieces. but now i don't have enough creatures that are flicker enablers. so its too slow. i also have too many cards in my deck. i need your help. what would you suggest?


TL;DR Abdel Adrian non combo blink deck with attractions. Need help to improve the deck

08:25 UTC


Party strat questions


Currently trying to build a Pinkie Pie (WR) deck (rule 0 casual). It has a gimmick with party ( cleric, warrior, etc) but I don't know many cards that take advantage from this

Is there any specific wincon or strat I should look into? Or should I do it in another way?

It's a budget deck so I want simple cheap.combos


08:25 UTC


Best deck for under 1000$

Hi guys. I play magic since i was a teenager, even though i took periods off the game but the interest is always there. I recently started to play EDH commander and i really like it. Now my question is: which are the best decks for under/max 1000$? I would like to play in some local tournament (northern italy) and be competitive or at least stand my ground against other decks. I know that best edh decks are worth 2000/3000 $ but my budget is the one mentioned before. If you know very good decks worth less than that then it s even better haha. Thanks you in advance guys.

08:14 UTC


Help cutting

Out of all the commanders from Assassin's Creed cards, I really liked Arbaaz Mir so I started to brew a deck and am super close to being done. The problem I am having is that this is a brew that is a bit out of my normal type of deck building so I need a bit of help cutting the last few cards. I'm at 77 and need to get down to 66, any advice would be more than welcome and appreciated. If anyone has any ideas on swaps/additions of cards would be awesome!
Deck-list: https://archidekt.com/decks/8396255/boros_pinging

06:55 UTC


Grixis Abaddon deck

I built an [[Abaddon the despoiler]] deck around some good staples that I was gifted from a family member. I’m relatively new and this is my first deck but can make a few more changes if you experts think so. I tried my best and think I’m close to finished. Any advice here?

I have a few combos using [[chain of smog]] and some other things that work well together (I think) - [[notion thief]] and [[windfall]] or [[wheel of fate]].

I’d like to make it stronger though!


06:48 UTC


Deck Building Help

Hello all,

New to the game so looking for suggestions on a deck I just built. Based around the investigate mechanic and drawing cards to create win states. Mix between Control and combo, suggestions appreciated. Thanks!


06:31 UTC


Vren Rat Colony

Obligatory WIP decklist: https://archidekt.com/decks/8456964/rats

I was brewing a rat colony deck anyways, so [[Vren]] is the commander I’m most excited about in Bloomburrow.

You could go “oops, all removal” with this deck, but I believe that makes it too vulnerable, too commander-centric and makes Vren way too “kill on sight” even with the ward. I think [[Rat Colony]] gives the deck a good plan 1B for when your commander gets focused.

That being said, I’m stuck. I have a few more cuts to make and I don’t know what the next move is.

I think that having 25 rat colonies is correct (1 in every four cards for your [[Thrumming Stone]]) but is the ratio skewed by Vren’s ability? Could I just run 18?

You can always rely on your rat colonies for pseudo-removal as blockers, but I think 15-16 removal spells is also probably appropriate for the deck.

One notable exclusion is [[Ogre Slumlord]]. I see a ton of people running this but it’s kind of a non-bo with Vren, since her replacement effect will net you zero rats when an opponents creature dies. And since rat colonies scale so fast, giving them deathtouch isn’t enough to keep it in the deck.

Anyways, a little guidance would be much appreciated, thanks!

1 Comment
05:51 UTC


Red white and blue commander

So l am sorta of new to magic I have been playing commander on and off for a year now but I want to take it seriously and I have been using a white and red pre con and I want to add blud so dose anybody know a good red white and blue commander and where I can get the best cards. Thanks!

Side note sorry if there's any confusion

05:50 UTC


Low CMC Card to target many creatures

I want to build a [Shay Cormac] removal tribal Deck and I am looking for cards to make His Bounty ability very worth before a Boardwipe. So im looking for Low CMC ways to target as many creatures as possible. Can also be entchantments or Something similar to repeat Targets every step. Must be white or black. Any recommendationa what i should add also into the Deck? https://www.moxfield.com/decks/VkXkse-tAUm80pj9N1yzfg

05:45 UTC


Cards that change my life total to 1

I'm building a Kenrith Grouphug deck, and the main wincon will be a pet favourite of mine. Namely [[Near-Death Experience]].

Now I've got [[Angel's Grace]] and [[Angel of Grace]] in the 99 already. As well as [[Necropotence]] to drain my life total. I was thinking of running [[Rain of Gore]] in order to snipe someone for 5dmg using Kenrith's 3rd ability or hit myself to work towards that 1 life total.

I know of cards like [[Stunning Reversal]], [[Worldfire]], and the combo between [[Tree of Redemption]] and [[Godhead of Awe]].

I was looking for other ways to change my lifetotal, and specifically to 1. Anyone got any ideas?

05:36 UTC


Why do players hate mill so much?

I recently got into magic within the last year and have been experimenting with deck types to find something I jive with. I pulled Lord Xander, the Collector out of a pack and decided to make a deck with him. I have a lot of fun playing it but I usually get killed first because everyone gangs up on the mill player. What's the deal? Is it xanders multiple abilities that make me a target? I dint get it.

If you're interested in the deck list here it is. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/UNui2ySJAkOmdoiR7ozvfQ

05:30 UTC


Looking to Build a Deck I’ve Never Made Before

I’m looking to build a commander deck that’s relatively cheap and doesn’t share a theme or colors with my current decks:

  • [[Rocco, Street Chef]] RWG: An exile matters, food token, AND +1/+1 counter deck

  • [[Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut]] Colorless: beatdown deck with artifact creature subtheme

  • [[Pako]] & [[Haldan]] RGU: near cedh voltron-ish, extra turns mish mash

  • [[Saruman of Many Colors]] UWB: spell-slinger/mill everyone

  • [[Ixhel, Scion of Atraxa]] GWB: Infect/toxic theft

  • [[Magar of the Magic Strings]] RB: Big splashy rakdos “spellslinger”

My play group likes to make fun of me for always having a theft subtheme which is usually what I look for in a commander, and I like decks that “do the thing” in a unique or funny way.

Edit: Of the themes I haven’t really touched on would be blink, reanimator, tokens, aristocrats, and tribal decks. Obviously there’s more themes, but of these token, aristocrats, and tribal decks specifically I have always had an aversion to, but let me know what you think! Any and all themes are welcome even if I didn’t list em!

05:20 UTC

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